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    • If we were neighbors, I would invite you over for pasta, wine, and quiet. <4 
    • Elastigirl uses her stretchy super powers and strength to roll her body into a giant  ball, then Mr ,Incredible throws her right at Godzilla's face. With a mighty smack, Godzilla is dealt a huge blow.   I unlocked the strength bonus today   Hitting him hard- I'm going to choose a big strength goal here- decide goal Monday after workout Squat 60 lbs(30 in each hand) for 3 x 4   100% of goal 200 points 80% of goal 180   200 points earned
    • Love this description.  I know exactly what you mean and think I'm going through something similar.   Hope rest is the answer for you and that you are able to get some. 
    • Just trying to not freak out.  I really wish I knew wtf was going on with the job.  That's why I haven't been posting really this challenge - I feel like 90% of it is trying to pay attention to literally anything except the anxiety that's running through me.
    • The three of us pass now along a high and narrow branch.   Though our hands cannot be joined, I see your braid before me I hear her steps behind me.   I am like a river in its bed. The path you make for me  Will keep me on my way.   Let us go now and thrust the stones of fruit we already digested into the nostrils of that guy over there.
    • Immortal Autumn By Archibald MacLeish     I speak this poem now with grave and level voice    In praise of autumn, of the far-horn-winding fall.   I praise the flower-barren fields, the clouds, the tall    Unanswering branches where the wind makes sullen noise.   I praise the fall: it is the human season.                                                                   Now No more the foreign sun does meddle at our earth,    Enforce the green and bring the fallow land to birth,    Nor winter yet weigh all with silence the pine bough,   But now in autumn with the black and outcast crows    Share we the spacious world: the whispering year is gone:    There is more room to live now: the once secret dawn    Comes late by daylight and the dark unguarded goes.   Between the mutinous brave burning of the leaves    And winter’s covering of our hearts with his deep snow    We are alone: there are no evening birds: we know    The naked moon: the tame stars circle at our eaves.   It is the human season. On this sterile air Do words outcarry breath: the sound goes on and on.    I hear a dead man’s cry from autumn long since gone.   I cry to you beyond upon this bitter air.
    • Currently reading The Mortal Blade.  The writing could be better, but the plot is enough to hold my interest for now.  I don't know why, but it's like fingernails on a chalkboard every time I read the word "quieten".  It's apparently a word, but feels like it shouldn't be.
    • I batch cooked some fried rice with added stir fried chicken. The recipe is nice and I'll use it again but it needs more sauce. I'll double the quantity next time.    
    • Congrats on hitting your nutrient goals!  Meal prep is such a game changer, isn't it?
    • Poem: “For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing,” by John O’Donohue When the rhythm of the heart becomes hectic, Time takes on the strain until it breaks; Then all the unattended stress falls in On the mind like an endless, increasing weight. The light in the mind becomes dim. Things you could take in your stride before Now become laborsome events of will. Weariness invades your spirit. Gravity begins falling inside you, Dragging down every bone. The tide you never valued has gone out. And you are marooned on unsure ground. Something within you has closed down; And you cannot push yourself back to life. You have been forced to enter empty time. The desire that drove you has relinquished. There is nothing else to do now but rest And patiently learn to receive the self You have forsaken in the race of days. At first your thinking will darken And sadness take over like listless weather. The flow of unwept tears will frighten you. You have traveled too fast over false ground; Now your soul has come to take you back. Take refuge in your senses, open up To all the small miracles you rushed through. Become inclined to watch the way of rain When it falls slow and free. Imitate the habit of twilight, Taking time to open the well of color That fostered the brightness of day. Draw alongside the silence of stone Until its calmness can claim you. Be excessively gentle with yourself. Stay clear of those vexed in spirit. Learn to linger around someone of ease Who feels they have all the time in the world. Gradually, you will return to yourself, Having learned a new respect for your heart And the joy that dwells far within slow time.
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