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    • #16 Grungy   Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes don't see as well, and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.  But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real, you can't be ugly except to people who don't understand.  -- The Velveteen Rabbit    
    • Popping in just to say "OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE SO COOL, YOU GOT TO GO SURFING AND YOU DID THE THING!!!" Sounds similarly painful as my attempt to snowboard except you persevered and I gave up. 😅  (I plan to return to say more, but game night time)
    • Tuesday evening I got home and chilled before the board meeting. I might remind myself that time to sit still is a thing.   The meeting got done early. Bonus of doing a zoom meeting - I was able to take notes on the computer at the same time and did not have to write them up afterwards. They are not as cohesive as usual, but I doubt anyone was reading them for literary quality. I got quite a few things taken care of afterwards. That included getting out some fun roving to spin sometime soon.   On the Bodies are Weird topic: I could not fall asleep even though there was no caffeine in  my system and I took 6mg of melatonin at 8:30pm. Dumbledore did come home with groceries at 10:30 at night and make noise in the kitchen. That just gave me something to pay attention to while not falling asleep. My hip suddenly got better. I sat zen for 30 minutes at lunchtime with no twinges. At least not from the hip. Other muscles got tight towards the end. WTF? I still have no idea what I did to piss it off. Not so weird - I got my covid and flu shots today and am tired. I am going to go home and take it easy.
    • So I've heard good things about this game and especially how it approaches/portrays mental health issues, given that the main character suffers from psychosis. Been on my wishlist for a while, then I got it and it just moved to my backlog. Apparently a sequel was released this spring, so now both of them are on Game Pass, which deffy has on her Xbox. Decided to give it a go.   Wow.   I'm not the type to enjoy games heavy on the walking, puzzle and cinematic stuff (you'd love this btw @TimovieMan) and nor am I much into the overplayed viking theme, but this drew me in. There's excellent pacing between those aspects and combat, which is mechanically simple enough, but at the same time challenging enough and beautifully choreographed. Same with the puzzles, they're just challenging and infrequent enough. If you don't just run around trying to finish the game but sometimes just walk to give your mind and heart some space to process things, it's quite the experience. I've completed it and already downloaded the sequel.   If you can't already tell, I'm having a great time. As for the other life stuff, I'll just send you over Def's thread to avoid repeating
    • *happy fanfare* I locked in, buckled down, and got the paper revision sent off to co-authors!!! Then jumped on my bike and rode home. Have a couple hours to chill and eat some dinner before I have to be at show choir.   Had a good visit with friend, too, haven’t had a chance to catch up with her in a LONG time! We used to work out together at the campus gym, but she wisely jumped ship to another privately owned gym that’s apparently way less crowded. I should consider it (well, not the same gym, but one closer to my place).  
    • I do not keep up with movies so hadn't heard of this, but the picture is beautiful, and your description makes me want to see it. 
    • It's how my parents always handled money. It's how I've always handled it too. But I'm at a point in my life where I don't need to live paycheck to paycheck. Things aren't so tight, but money is still leaking through my fingers, and far too often with nothing to show for it. So, lets gamify part of my spending and see how it goes!    
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