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    • 35 min walk   Finally getting back to it. Got my new inserts it made a big difference, so hope to start getting off my butt!    I have my carpal tunnel surgery this Tues. My wrist and now my elbow killing me. Fingers crossed it helps relieves it!
    • I love this! Solidarity on not wanting to wash your hair when it's cold. That's a hard pass for me, too. 
    • New high score yesterday! 83/100! 264 Argold in the bank! I'm going to painting this morning, and was thinking I would grab lunch from a drive thru on the way home, but I don't want to waste my precious, precious Argold like that! Instead, I'm thinking for my first reward I want to buy a ridiculously over priced scale book!.   I've decided to set the bar really, really low for home cooked. "Initial preparation involved stove and/or oven".  I'm not (yet) set up for eating at a table. Need to clear more chaos to make that happen, but that is on the goal list for this weekend. It'll also support taking a meal without distractions.   Challenge details in spoiler to save on scrolling.  
    • I don’t care for cilantro either!! it tastes mildly soapy.  
    • Happily, black tea bags showed up in the break room this week, making this an easy experiment. I got typical-for-caffeinated-me results: more overall alertness. This does mean an energy boost (win), but it also means I tend to be less.... calm. More vigilant, more easily agitated/anxious. Don't need none o' that. Prior self-knowledge was confirmed: I prefer a mostly decaf existence.   I think this has promise. Especially after reading this article, which contains this bit: There's also later mention of ground (versus whole) chia seeds increasing macro- and micro-nutrient uptake.   The three studies referenced are here, here, and waaaay over there. The first 2 are kind of small...  I'm not declaring the studies as fact, but their findings fit my experience: since the Orgain contained ground chia, it's possible the rest of my nutrients were more effective, with bonus omega-3 ALA available to me, plus the normal chia-seed energy boost. Looking forward to experimenting, here.   Still figuring out the eating schedule. 3:45am breakfasts feel awkward and forced, even if I'm hungry. I think focusing on a quality, filling supper the "night" before (afternoon, really) might be the next tweak.   What a weird schedule. This whole situation is providing lots of ways to practice discipline and self-mastery, I'm finding. I'm not into martial arts, but I'm reminded of them. The personal growth potential is exciting.
    • They've been in the library since Molly wanted me to do some spring cleaning. I keep forgetting they're there.
    • "Secondly, I should choose habits with some immediate payoff, in order to start rebuilding my belief in the connection between effort and reward."   I feel this one!    I love the rhino footstool. It definitely needs to be a conversation piece in your abode. May I recommend a papassan chair if you can't find a good recliner. 
    • If you had said cilantro instead of avocado, we would be twins.    Love your challenge! Looking forward to following along and seeing what new take each week brings.
    • Mayhap this winter bring thee warmth of hearth and haste in thy endeavors. May thy goals be vanquished like foes in battle, and thy heart be filled with joy and contentment.    The winter arc does indeed sound cool! I need to reword my above sentiment for you after learning what the winter arc is... So here it is!   May this winter's chill steel thy resolve, as thou puttest comfort aside and bendest thy head to the anvil of ambition.    Let me know if you'd like more variations! Have a great challenge Shadow   
    • I'm back to single living for a while since the snowbirds migrated south until Christmas.  That means I have to do ALL THE THINGS myself.  Apparently my response to this first real extended period of living alone in a long time is a weird behavior backslide.  I spent so much time and energy being the adult for 2 adults (and one dog that I really hope is being treated well 💔) that I just don't want to adult for myself.    So the goal is to not live like a grubby teenager amid my own collected filth of laziness.  But also, just to add a layer, I started a correspondence course but petered out.  If I finish successfully, work will reimburse me a good chunk of the cost. Obviously that should get some attention too.   It does not help that my family gave me a Switch for my birthday and I'm well into exploring Hyrule.  So there must be rules.  Bummer   The requirements are fairly simple.   Be productive for 20 minutes each day, with one free day per week.  Here comes the fine print:  I can count tomorrow's 20 as fulfilled today only if it is preplanned that way.  There is no retroactive application if I happen to do an hour of work one day and am lazy the next few.  Some activities do not contribute to the tally such as, meal preparing and clean up, or making the bed, taking out the trash for pick up, etc.  it can be either related to house upkeep or studying, but not elective things such as making this costume that is taking so much more time than I expected!  There may be additional rules if I notice detrimental patterns in my behavior.   Other activities to track are some standards; ie fitness, calorie tracking   And some possible new ones if I'm not reacting poorly to being an adult; alcohol free/ alcohol intentional days (this is for my own awareness that my relationship with alcohol is greatly improved these days,) budget tracking weekly, using my planner more effectively.    Do I reward myself at the end or is the satisfaction of living in a presentable house reward enough?  TBD   There will be a tracking table in the near future, but not today. 
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