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    • Thanks Sal! ❤️ Hair is looking good,  well I’m growing it out so that’s always awkward but more presentable now for sure. I’m so delighted about physio, it’s inspired me to do a bunch more stretches with the leg weights this afternoon! Positive feedback FTW.
    • Also, a quick note on server maintenance. We missed the window this week, so we will be moving to our new hosting provider on Tuesday, October 22.    To move the forums, we have to back-up 14 years worth of awesome Rebel wins and move it over to the new server. We expect this to take about a day and a half coordinate between the teams and do the work (do you know how many flex photos we've had over the years??). This means we will take the forums into a maintenance mode on Monday (first day of challenge, boooo!) so we don't lose any posts/data during the transition and hopefully have everything back up and running Tuesday with the whole rest of the week to work out any kinks.   So feel free get your challenges started now and I'll keep you updated on status.
    • Welcome to the 8th challenge of 2024 Rebels! This is the second to last Challenge this year!   What an adventure we had last challenge, rebels! You broke through the chaos of awakening the Gate of S'ab Otaj and cleansed yourself at the Well of Kla'arity. Don't you feel so Kla'ar-headed right now? Our band of adventures has decided to venture out to see how we can continue to improve the lands of Rebellia as well as ourselves.  We are on our way to a farm where we heard we could hold hundred of baby puppies and babie kittens until our hearts overflowed, but on our way we noticed a shimmering valley in the distance with a cloud of majestic swirling energies that look like... oh wait, no, that's smoke. And that shimmering is a raging fire. We should probably help.   We come across a village surrounded by the massive flames, but somehow magically untouched. We finally make our way to a cute lodge that has snow covered rooftops, which is odd for this time of year... oh wait, no, that's ash. Welcome to The Firelight Farm Lodge!   We asked the manager at the lodge, Reginald Flametamer, how the village has been spared from the raging fire. He said - "Oh this fire? It's been going for centuries. A powerful mage named Uslynne Grynde was trying to manage her magi lessons, the defense of the realm, a bustling craft potions side hustle, three cats, seven rock elementals all under the age of 1000, and was trying to binge scry seven seasons of Astral Trek: The Next Generation. One day she just combusted. We call the flame the Burnout. But luckily we had a few Wise Ones that showed us out to set magical protection wards on the boundaries of our land to keep the Burnout from our fields. If you plan to stay here,  you should learn how to do this yourselves!"   IRL break-in here! I fully encourage you to read Steve's latest Newsletter. Burnout comes for us all. And in today's society, I feel it is only getting more frequent. But there are defenses (magical wards?) that can help - mostly in how each of us controls our time and attention. And better controlling our time and attention starts with setting healthy boundaries for ourselves on how we respond to external needs (and sometimes internal).   While you are building out your challenge this week, your bonus objective is to  Explore some of the boundaries in your life where you think your defenses might be weak (maybe use the list you made last challenge of the things in your life that cause a bit of chaos to creep in) Identify a protection ward that could help you strengthen your boundaries. Is this saying no to a friend who demands too much of your time? Is this freeing yourself from a project that no longer fills your cup? Is this loosening your expectations on yourself for a perfectly clean home or a perfect yard? Write down a plan that would make you 1% less burnt out. You don't have to execute it, though you could if you want. But at least write it down.   Feel free to share your thoughts here in in your challenge thread!   So grab a stool at the bar and order your drinks while we plan out our next days, hero! 
    • Trying to have more of a theme and narrative with this challenge. Also, using points earned (Argold) as my sluch fund buget. Basing things loosely off the world(s) and events of Super Supportive (the best thing ever written) Black italics are my attempts at writing. Blue is blatent plagerism.   Posting this on my phone. Might fix formatting on a computer later.   Moon Thegund (aka my apartment) has long been a neglected backwater of the Triplanets with a history of Chaos outbreaks. Most of the Moon’s population resided in protected enclaves, but there had been efforts at expansion, with some scattered farms and research facilities. For the last several years, the background levels of Chaos have been steadily increasing, forcing a retreat back into the enclaves, but now, a full Chaos storm has erupted, taking down the System on that moon. The corruption was spreading and if left unchecked, even the enclaves would fall. When Knight Alis-art’h, Quaternary of the Triplanets, heard about the situation, she felt like it was a gift from the Mother Herself! The original plan was for her to be at home right now, doing all the things a nurturing mother should do with a healthy set of newborn wizard triplets. Nursing them, racing to their cribs at their every cry, coddling their tiny authority senses to be sure they were developing properly. Diapers. Thank goodness this corruption mishap had occurred just a week before she was scheduled to give birth! She’d waddled herself straight into the Grand Senate’s emergency session and volunteered for duty. With enthusiasm that at least a few senators seemed to have mistaken for hostility…but the point was that she was off the hook. It was just so hard when they were in that frightening needy stage. They couldn’t even talk to her yet, and she was always scared she might accidentally smoosh them with her authority in a fit of postpartum confusion. She was sure that at least one of the spouses in the household adored newborns. It was best to leave the triplets to them. Alis would take a vacation from work and fall in love with the little creatures when they were old enough to toddle around and make comprehensible sounds. Three, she thought, gliding out of her suite and entering the travel dome’s dining room. I’d like to get to know them when they’re around three.   Fight the Chaos +50 Argold/day possible Alis-art’h power is singularly suited for purging corruption. To the untrained eye it might look like she’s simply lifting up huge swaths of the landscape and slamming it back down again, but that was just shacking the Chaos free for disposal. Like beating an old rug. A long process on a moon this size, and the Chaos would push back, fighting to reclaim cleared ground. There are currently 3 islands of order in the Chaos, the task is to preserve and grow them. The islands are The Sink, The Reading Chair and  The Desk at Work. Push it back! +5 The barest of minimums. The chaos has spread back onto cleared lands and the strength to truly defeat it is missing. Push the chaos back into the messy lands. Defeat the encroachment! +10 More strength is at hand, actually clean the new messes instead of just moving them. Expand the islands! +50  Maintain the lands that are purged of chaos, and grow their boarders, if only a single step. Eventually, the Chaos Storm will be defeated, the islands of order will grow together, and the people of Moon Thegund will be safe.   Wordchians (all actions can be done twice per day) +10 Argold/day possible It is a common practice of the peoples of the Triplanets to set aside time at the start and end of the day to use word chains. In the morning, to prepare for the day ahead, and in the evening to restore balance. Say a chain +1 Light a candle +1 Be still and know +1 Time for study +2   Survey the lands +6 Argold/day possible One cannot defeat an outbreak of corruption if one does not know the lay of the land and the progress of the battlefield. Alis-art’h firmly believes that it is best to survey it with her own eyes. A brief foray +1 Walk around the block Walk the perimeter +5  Walk in the park roughly 1.5 miles.   Exercise the Grivecks+2 Argold/day possible Naturally, a person as important to the Triplanets as Alis-art’h couldn’t be allowed to wonder off into a Chaos Storm on her own; even the powerful must sleep. So, she had taken a small, carefully chosen retinue with her. The mandatory Healer, a nice, quiet Rabbit to look after more domestic concerns, and two Griveck Warriors for personal protection. To human eyes, Grivecks look like large, hairless panthers with their knees turned round the wrong way. His Excellency, Sasha Generalissimo Meow von Pussycat, 42nd Earl of White Haven, Defender of the Realm and Keeper of the Faith, was joined by his less grandiose, but no less fierce companion, ShyAnn.   Grivecks are renowned across the Universe for their savagery and prowess in battle. They looked at eating food hunted and butchered by someone else much the same as humans would view eating regurgitated food like a baby bird. Unfortunately, the Chaos has rendered Moon Thegund devoid of prey, and what creatures remain are too corrupted for even Grivecks to survive eating. As such, their hunting needs must be satisfied through more artificial means. Yes, I did just write to paragraphs to make a goal of playing with my cats.   The Care and Feeding of the Quaternary +14 Argold/day possible It isn’t like the Quaternary, the 4th highest ranked Knight of the Triplanets, bearer of immense power and authority, needs someone to mother hen her; perish the thought! It’s just that, well, with such matters of import to attend to, sometimes the piddly details get overlooked, and PJs become the uniform of the day. That’s when the Quiet Rabbit steps in and makes sure she’s cared for. Home made +5 Eat at table +1 Without distractions +1 Have a salad +1 Protein shake with fish oil +1 Tangy Tangerine +1 AM oral health +1 PM oral health +1 Make Bed +1 Clean Mask +1 Deep Clean CPAP +5 (once a week)   Language Study +5 Argold/day possible  With the System down, the automatic tanslations that most people rely on simply aren't available. If Alis wants to communicate with her Avowed, she's going to have to go about it the old fashioned way and actually learn their language.  Morning +1 Evening +1 10+ lessons in a day +3     Sharpening skills Unlimited, ideally at least +6 Argold/day possible Engagement +1 Completion +5   Auriad practice  +5 Argold/day possible A little +1 A bit +3 A lot +5
    • Thank you! I'm proud of myself for getting there. I'm excited to resume my pattern of going at least once a week, and I think I am capable of upgrading to twice a week as a reasonable goal for this next challenge.   Thank you! They are my favorite leggings. I miss taking gym pics with my friend. Solo gym selfies isn't quite my style. I would like to add that the other pic I took was also cute, because I blinked. XD
    • Intake- lots   I kinda binged today 🤦‍♀️ starting tomorrow I am doing the slim fast diet. I will pick some up after dropping my kids off. I've had success twice on it before. 7 years ago and 3 years ago I believe.    I know it's not the healthiest thing to have but I really do enjoy the taste of it and I never feel like snacking.   Workout did not happen, paced 22k steps when I was only supposed to do 15k. So not a good day. Hipefully will be better tomorrow.    Hubby still isn't home, hopefully tomorrow. Had MIL over for supper, I made beef stir fry and it was so good.   We played card games with the kids and just us. She left and I got the kids in bed. Watched tv and in bed myself! Nighty night 🌙 😴 
    • I got my ballot today! Suddenly reconsidering my vote for president... No one told me Lucy was an option! Plus, it's not like I'm in one of the 7 states where my vote actually matters.   Also @Laghail, guess what I got! Not starting them yet, I'm rereading Super Supportive. On the one hand, it isn't as good on a second immediate read. Dropped all the way from "best thing ever!" to only "really, really good". On the other hand really fun seeing how some stuff gets passing mention early on, and doesn't pay off for 100 chapters. Amazing level of planning went into this and it's fun to pick up some of those finer details.        Cats survived the vet, and after giving them supper, they seem inclined to forgive me. Oddly, ShyAnn is hissing at Sasha some. Normally they get along really well, but I think she's just stressed from the day.   I'm feeling super burned out; not sure how well I'm going to do on points today. 
    • You look really cute! Also those leggings are fantastic.    
    • I approve of you!      Big hugs. Complicated family is complicated.     Loooove this!! From the picture you shared, there's no tone ring, which would have looked like your banjo pot is pressing outward in front like a mum carrying high in early second trimester. All that really means is your neighbors can't hear your practice sessions while you're a beginner, which was a win for me when I realized my banjo was the same.      Right?? When it's time to change your strings, holler and we can chat through it. Luckily strings last a long time for us newbies, especially if you're playing without picks. I only bring up string changing re: 5th string because there's a tiny rubber hose on your 5th string right by the peg that prevents the 5th string from scratching the finish on the neck just there. Of course I instantly lost that protector the first time I changed the strings myself, and of course it's impossible to replace. No harm done but I was annoyed with myself.     Eli!!!!! That 30 day tutorial is where I started too! Only took me 60ish days to get through his 30 day course, so, guess you could say I'm pretty cool.... Please read the rest of this with the understanding that I am, in Banjo terms, a 7-year old child explaining the mysteries of the universe to someone barely younger than me lol!   But yeah, Eli is so soothing and does such a great job, right? I just felt reassured and empowered by him to enjoy my banjo at my own pace. He's going to have you progressively learn a short list of songs, then practice accompanying recordings of him playing the melody and you doing some simple accompaniment. One of the last things he'll do is throw one more song at you that uses techniques you've already learned from earlier songs, and then sorta teach you how to teach yourself a song. Cannot recommend him high enough and I'm so happy you're enjoying his series.   Dumb question, did you find Eli's PDF songbook okay? I felt stupid when it took me a few days to realize there was a PDF and I didn't need to keep rewinding and replaying the vids in order to practice. Oh, and when you get to Cumberland Gap B part on day 20 (day 40 for me bitches!) he'll tell you that the pinky-stretchy bit is the hardest part of the course and don't stress if you don't get it during the 30 days - that's so real. Apparently you're slightly reshaping the ligament in your left pinky as you work on that piece, and working slow and steady there is best. After I finished the course, I wanted more and I found a local teacher, and teacher Bob really liked the instruction I'd gotten from Eli. Teacher Bob affirmed that stretching your pinky for that skill should be a process over days/weeks because some workaholics want to master that move in a day and they end up tearing their pinky ligament! Teacher Bob says work on that skill for like 2-3 mins at the beginning and end of every session and go slow.    My teacher (the dork with the double instruments) ended up being $30/lesson and just the right mix of mentoring and instruction for my preferences. Zero shade if you finish the YouTube course and then keep learning by yourself, there's a ton of people that just enjoy the banjo's associations with self-paced learning and uncomplicated self-expression.   Oh, picks. You don't need them to play, despite Eli teaching you the 3-finger Earl Scruggs style that uses them. Finger picks for 3-finger style only costs $6 for two sets, and you can fuck around with different materials, but looks like even the best picks in the world with freaky cobalt alloys only run like $40. But you're just gunna be quieter without picks, and if you get to a place where you're playing faster, you might want picks to give you more flexibility and precision. BUT, as teacher Bob keeps reminding me, this is folk music, not classical music. Anything you wanna do, if it makes you happy, just keep doing it. There's this whole style that doesn't use picks, just use the forefinger to strum down on a string, the thumb to string up, and then the other fingers on the right hand to strum. That style is called claw-hammer because the shape your hand takes.   Zero obligation, but if you have a spare minute, watch a little of this linked video of Steve Martin (yes, that Steve Martin) playing claw-hammer on a  NPR Tiny Desk Concert. The video does a great job showing you his right hand technique and the kinda crazy soundscape he makes with the claw-hammer style.  Compare that with Noam Pikelny playing with picks using 3-finger style in this vid, and just notice what this mutant of a Slenderman-looking motherfucker can do in terms of precision with that style applied to the jazz/bluegrass he specializes in.    I've been talking with teacher bob about directions in banjo, sorta what kind of musician I wanna be when I grow up. He doesn't play RPG's but the way he explained it sounded a lot like an RPG-class evolution guide, with the moral of the story being to explore what I like and respect the time it takes to grow into myself as a player.        The internet says resonator banjos (the kind with the back on) are supposed to be loud enough to play lead, but tend to be too loud to easily fit into a trad session; sorta like someone mic'd a single one drum in a drum circle, and then tried to have a normal back-n-forth in the circle. Something about the resonator banjo being incepted to play rhythm for Dixieland jazz sets and dance halls circa 1877-1910, while the 4-string banjo went back across the Atlantic and the quieter flat picked tenor banjo embedded itself in Celtic trad.  In any case, I trust your experience with folk sets StS, sounds like you've had quite the time with them!     It's soooo pretty!!!!
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