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I'm closing in on 4 years in the forum now, having done my NF Introduction back right before leaving The North. I've finally been able to catch-up on updating my original training log, Third World Warrior: The Eight-Year Training Log (after some technical difficulties deleting like 2 years of logs) and I'll be using the Daily Battle Logs to both track my training and consolidate my challenges. I have been all over the place most of my life, hence many challenges with Rangers, but my issue is that I feed my training ADD and just ride the tides, making hay when the sun's out. Because of this I've gained proficiency in many things, but I'm having trouble tracking if I'm actually getting better in any of them. Hence, a long-term log.


I've always been a fan of public training logs (for myself). I was never worried about how my competition was training, I was always focused on what I was doing. However because of this I tend to buy my own BS. A long term training log tracks progress, and allows others to call me out whenever I'm becoming too full of myself. (Perhaps having an Epic Quest might be of use as well, to keep the goal the goal.) I've always been very stubborn and secretive, even to my coaches. This can also cover training while I use 4-week challenges to work on life.

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[Challenge history and commentary]


Fist of the North Star (Level 1 Club) [Nov 2013] - My fist NF challenge. I was still stationed at The Wall, and was following 5/3/1 with a few runs and rucks, and BJJ. Had to PCS mid-challenge to Bragg, which messed everything up.


My NF Guild Tour

Earth: Climb The Mountain (Rangers) [Jan 2014] Got back to training and jump-starting my cardio and leg strength endurance by following the Afghanistan Pre-Deployment Training Program by Rob Shaul. Wanted durable legs for Airborne ops, and Bragg had an excellent performance facility. I completed the program for the most part, and it was a good experience overall.

Water: Ãguas de Marco (Scouts) [Feb 2014] Got back on 5/3/1 and signed-up for the Tobacco Road Half-Marathon (because we would get Monday off),  and ramped-up the mileage on my weekend long runs. Also participated in the CrossFit Open for the first time, but I didn't complete all the WODs. Pretty successful challenge. Found that Woodway treadmills are awesome.

Fire: Alab ng Puso (Assassins) [Apr 2014] After a 3-week filthy bulk (I was assigned to a night shift for some secret training outside the unit, and I ate donuts, Snickers bars, and freeze-dried camping meals every day) I was the heaviest I'd ever been, and depression happened to be settling in. (Correlation with shitty eating? Maybe.) I quested to cut, train for Memorial Day Murph, learn to backflip, and watch my personal hygiene. I was able to drop 10 lbs., learn to backflip, and logged my best Murph time. Did the Ninja Challenge after, which was pretty fun and very Assassiny.

Wind: Touch of the Storm (Warriors) [Jun 2014] Got back into 5/3/1 and incorporated some Oly lifting drills. Failed an APFT run, and finally gathered up enough nerve to join the local BJJ gym. Totaled 800+. I believe this was when we did a night jump into Florida, which allowed me to rest for a week before pulling this off.

Void: No Mind (Druids) [Jul 2014] Slowed down to decompress and address stuff I'd been neglecting. Went on vacation to California, where I did my CF Level 1 and a Spartan Sprint. It was pretty good. Wasn't that active; depressive streak was still there--that one seemed particularly long.


Monking Around

The Legend of the Mad Monk (Prologue) [Sep 2014] Concentrated on BJJ to get my first competition in. Back on 5/3/1 and incorporated CrossFit for conditioning (as I had just recently drank the Kool Aid). Also did a GORUCK Light for the heck of it. Got my first BJJ medals. #JiuJitsuIsLife

The Legend of the Mad Monk: Awakening [Nov 2014] Got back into striking and working on my straddle planche, while maintaining 5/3/1. Pretty straightforward with the challenge; a little less vocal about the fact that I was training for an APFT (using Rob Shaul's plan) to get a great score (I did) to spite the unit I was going to be ETSing out of, and that I was cramming studying for the CSCS Exam while being assigned to the shittiest details by said unit. I was also able to cut around 18 total pounds since March and drop down to a high 8% BF.


The Legend of the Mad Monk: Transition [Jan 2015] Passed my CSCS exam 4 days before leaving Bragg, then bought some kettlebells and started Dan John's 10'000 Swing Challenge 6 days after I left. Shopped and put together a power cage in the apartment for 5/3/1, while trying to learn Spanish, because I'm now in Dorne.


The Legend of the Mad Monk: Retreat [Feb 2015] Officially a civilian, and it was really messing with my head. This what when I started figuring out that I may just not be a self-starter after all. Being unemployed, however, allowed me to get all my best ever lifts, aside from the Bench Press, when I did the 1 lift a day schedule on 5/3/1 for the first time. Also did a grappling tournament to see if I still had it (I did). Took a break from Challenges after this. Started website, found my current BJJ gym, and bombed a few job interviews (20+) before eventually getting an offer at TITLE Boxing Club.


The Legend of the Mad Monk: Return (To The 36 Chambers) [Jul 2015] Started working, and got into Simple & Sinister and eventually StrongFirst. I'd been following Pavel's work since around 2006 and liked how his organization applied the principles of PTTP and TNW (which I was very fond of), so I decided to get back in touch with an old SFG acquaintance and look into it. Evidently, I am still on this train. Also started with Grad School.


The Legend of the Mad Monk: Plane Of Enlightenment [Sep 2015] This was when it was really dawning on me that my executive functioning is needing a lot of work. Scheduling conflicts and procrastinating on blog posts, I'd consider this my first real lifestyle challenge, and I did not do well. On the other hand, training was pretty straightforward, just following Rite of Passage, Easy Strength, and the SFG Prep, while showing up to CrossFit and BJJ. Took another break from Challenges, until the following year.

The Mad Monk Machete Rangers The F- Up (Rangers) [Jan 2016] This was one of my more successful challenges. Decided to train for a CrossFit competition, and competitions that I take seriously seem to really give me direction. I was still a bit distracted with SFG training, but overall the CrossFitting went well. Later completed the SFG, participated in the CF Open, and kept going to and competing in BJJ.

Machete Swings (Monks) [May 2016] Decided to do 300 Swings and cut weight to train for SFG 2. Funny, because my whole premise was focus, and I totally was not focusing. Pulled my back. Failed quest. (Still got my Level 2, and got my BF to around 6%.)

Machete Lives The Grunt Life (Monks) [Jun 2016] Some intermittent attempts to get back on 5/3/1. Got into handgun shooting. Started rucking in Florida; gross. Pretty quiet challenge, this one.

Machete Multi-classes (again) (Rangers) [Aug 2016] Trained for a GORUCK Tough, worked on getting my sleep under control, and doing my schoolwork on time. All pretty much failed attempts. Quiet challenge as well.

Machete Gets Inverted (Assassins) [Sept 2016] I believe I achieved my shoulder tap goal. I realize now that I had been neglecting to close-out my past few challenges. Running and reading? Hah.

A Man For All Seasons (Rangers) [Oct 2016] Another lifestyle and executive function challenge. Follow the program was the order of the day, but I had too many programs to follow. Got into GymnasticBodies, and my enthusiasm for that new thing probably caused my decreased desire to adhere to the CFE program. Realized I have trouble with meal prep days, and that I can't ride two horses with one ass.

24 (Rangers) [Nov 2016] This was just me not learning from the previous challenge, continuing to hammer a square peg into a round hole. My CF membership expired, and I had to improvise with the remaining workouts.

Getting Laid: Machete Lays The Foundation (Assassins) [Jan 2017] I paid the price for fucking around with my Marathon training, but at least I freed up time to concentrate on GB and still show up to BJJ. Failed on Charisma improvement and cleaning the apartment.

Machete Reborn (Monks) [Feb 2017] Had to move apartments, so that threw a rather large wrench in my plans. GB enthusiasm was still high; everything else was a bust. I did, however, get started on an Epic Quest idea.

Machete Crawls Towards The Goal (Monks) [Mar 2017] Me trying to ride two horses (GB and kettlebells) with one ass again. I got my 48kg Beast TGU and really moved up on some GB elements, but failed my schoolwork and Mind Tools goals.

From Simple to Sinister (Monks) [Apr 2017] Attempting to graduate--a stressful time to choose to increase my Swings (while still stubbornly multi-tasking), probably because I became really enthusiastic about my Beast Getups. Needless to say, I injured myself and failed the challenge altogether.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


An ongoing and constantly-evolving challenge for me to get my shit together one step at a time starting with the most important things. It's good to follow a system:

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology (Monks)
Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 2 (Monks)
Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 3 (Monks)

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 4 (Monks)

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 5 (Assassins)

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 6 (Assassins)

Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, Part 7 (Assassins)


Intermission: Machete Goes Down With The Ship (Monks)

Machete Returns: Dispatches from the Wasteland (Monks)

Machete: Part-time Minuteman and BOS Knight (Monks)


Machete Civilizes the Wasteland (Hierarchy of Needs: Physiology, part 8) (Monks)

Machete Civilizes the Wasteland 2 (Monks)


The Realities of Being an Adult: Thriving in Chaos


Machete Refocuses on Targets focuses on shrinking goals and establishing routines.

Machete Reloads From Last Saved Game; 3 things to do a day, as a continuation of the previous challenge.

Machete and the Forced Evolutionary Virus; an attempt to follow SF Total Tension Complex and drink some greens every day.

Machete Getting It Together is the first challenge done in the new house. It attempts to get a checklist of stuff I need to get done in the house.

Machete: Somehow I Manage broke my short-term goals down into 3 categories that I needed to accomplish within the time period.

Machete Holds The Fort is the challenge of no challenge--no real goals, just don't get worse.

Machete: Just Get Up and Swing was one thing, daily. And I did almost the complete opposite.

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1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Dang, makes me want to look back over my past challenges. You really have been through a lot. It's impressive.


I'm thinking an annual recap, like closing-out challenges (which I had been neglecting apparently), would be a good idea. I tell people that usually training without logging, particularly if you train yourself, is pretty much training on hopes and dreams. You have to actually assess progress, otherwise you're just working out. (There's nothing wrong with this either.) I tend to learn a lot out of this. If anything, it can be material for a blog post.

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4 minutes ago, Machete said:

I'm thinking an annual recap, like closing-out challenges (which I had been neglecting apparently), would be a good idea. I tell people that usually training without logging, particularly if you train yourself, is pretty much training on hopes and dreams. You have to actually assess progress, otherwise you're just working out. (There's nothing wrong with this either.) I tend to learn a lot out of this. If anything, it can be material for a blog post.


Lord, I need to do better about this. I'm finding it harder and harder to document what I'm doing when I'm using GB's site since it just naturally does the progressions for you. I should start at the very least writing it down somewhere.

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35 minutes ago, Rooks said:


Lord, I need to do better about this. I'm finding it harder and harder to document what I'm doing when I'm using GB's site since it just naturally does the progressions for you. I should start at the very least writing it down somewhere.


It does, I had trouble finding what I did the last year, because I kept logging "GB" on my notebook. However, they do have a workout history tab in the site, which tracks exactly what workout you logged on what day, so as long as you're hitting those smiley faces, you can probably find out.

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Waiting on CT Scan results for the shoulder. Totally did not train during the hurricane. Groin is being a bother during Pistols and Twisting Squats, so I abandoned those. Instead went for some Cossacks and Inside Squats, Hip Thrusts in some weird Smith Machine contraption (apparently not as sexy if you're not a yoga pants-wearing Instagram model), and Leg Presses.



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Okay, I always feel bad quoting on Battle Logs, but...


On 9/15/2017 at 0:32 PM, Machete said:

Groin is being a bother during Pistols and Twisting Squats, so I abandoned those. Instead went for some Cossacks and Inside Squats, Hip Thrusts in some weird Smith Machine contraption (apparently not as sexy if you're not a yoga pants-wearing Instagram model), and Leg Presses


I think you a missing an opportunity here. Bring back the yoga pants for men.


4 minutes ago, Machete said:



This is my all time, favorite gif. 

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18 hours ago, Sylvaa said:

Okay, I always feel bad quoting on Battle Logs, but...



I think you a missing an opportunity here. Bring back the yoga pants for men.


This is my all time, favorite gif. 


 I guess yoga pants and eye contact will be the order of the day.


I might have to increase my humping frequency though.

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20 hours ago, Machete said:

I guess yoga pants and eye contact will be the order of the day.


Not just eye contact, but like aggressive eye contact, like where you make contact and then you just stare at them, while the cadence of the humping hip thrusting remains constant.

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On 9/16/2017 at 8:33 PM, Machete said:




3 hours ago, Kishi said:


Not just eye contact, but like aggressive eye contact, like where you make contact and then you just stare at them, while the cadence of the humping hip thrusting remains constant.



  • Haha 3

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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15 hours ago, WhiteGhost said:

Oh no!  Glad it isn't any worse though.  Hope you heal up quickly


Thank you, sir.


14 hours ago, Rooks said:

Cause if he ain't going to post it here I will.  Well done sir. 




Beat me to it. This pic definitely pointed out that I'm missing internal hip rotation though, particularly in the right. More stuff to work on. I can skip Middle Split work for now.

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Waving the load on my Hip Thrusts with heavy 5s on Monday, Light 20s on Wednesday, and Medium 10s on Friday. Also adding in some Frog Pumps and Rounded Back Extensions for good measure.


Also I have exactly 4 weeks until my ortho re-eval, so I'm going to try to get in 2 left-arm strength training sessions a week; cross-education to keep my strength.



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Hip thrusts are going well, though I think I bruised my pelvis somewhere. Heavy Mondays, light Wednesdays, medium Fridays. Added some single-arm work last week instead of high-rep Hip Extensions. Dumbell pressing is extremely awkward, and my left Press seems weak. I still have my OACU though.



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So I'm either sick or suffering from seasonal allergies, but I feel like butt. I haven't done anything since last week. My shoulder is feeling better and I'm due for a re-eval next week, but my groin seems to be feeling worse. Might be the lack of movement.

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13 hours ago, Kishi said:

Well, sometimes bodies just do that. It sucks, but, there it is. At least the shoulder's doing better, and hopefully you'll have good news on the re-eval. I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Feeling quite better. Some coughing, but otherwise okay so I decided to hit some Clean & Jerk with the gym's comp 'bells today, and those were rather nasty.

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