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My story (I know, original title ;-P )

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Hi, everybody! My name is D_Chelyst, and I'm happy to have joined the Nerd Fitness community! Here's my not-very-exciting story...

One summer ago, I finished up my Master's with a course on including kinesthetic activities and games in the classroom. As a part of the course, we needed to figure out our resting heart rate, etc. I discovered that while I might be thin (5'5", 118 lbs.), I wasn't in any sort of real shape (i.e. resting heart rate sucked!). So I decided to do something about it. I remembered that I loved this one fitness video that came out when I was in high school, so I tracked it down and started exercising every weekend to it. The video is kinda long, about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I didn't change my diet because I didn't think I needed to, and I was happy slowly building up muscle and less happy feeling soooo sore the next few days after working out.

Fast forward to the end of that year, when my sister decided that she was going to train for the yearly WSA 5k and run in honor of her son (he is the cutest nephew in the world!). I decided that I wanted to run along with her, so I started to train in secret. Mind you, I HATE running, but my motivation won out. Sometime in March or April, I overstretched my Achilles tendon after a run and that just plain sucked. I couldn't/didn't want to keep running until that stopped hurting. During one of the times I visited my sister, she told me about Nerd Fitness and how they talked about video games and fitness. Sold! Video games and reading books were my forms of entertainment when I was growing up, so this site was (is!) awesome.

I did run the 5k, had a horrible finishing time (47 minutes?), but I was glad I finished it at all :) And I kept reading more and more NF articles, which lead me to my summer goals:

*learn how to run properly (i.e. stop heel striking!) -- bought some Vibrams + kicking off the shoes sometimes when I decide to run

*after learning how to run properly, to run 2 laps around the building out back without stopping (about .4 mile)

*eat more veggies/meat/fruits and less junk food/cookies; also consume enough calories to compensate for the soreness and bulk up a little

*beginner body weight workout 3x a week

Thanks for making it this far in my story! Also, if anyone has an experience with insulin resistance (not diabetes) and the Paleo diet/strength training, I would appreciate any info. My husband was just diagnosed with insulin resistance, and I was thinking that he might get better with the Paleo diet and strength training.


Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Welcome!! :)

Sounds like you have a lot more motivation than I do haha.

Good luck with working on your goals!

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Welcome! & I have to say I agree with Kibcy on the motivation bit. I don't run from danger...it's not that I'm brave, it's just that I hate running! Keep us informed of your progress & if you'd be so kind, keep me informed on how those Vibrams work out for you. I'm contemplating buying some because the combat boots I've worn over the last 20 years ain't been too kind on the feet. All of them had Vibram soles though! lol

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Hey, Mac McPherson,

The Vibrams (Classic style size 39 in black) would work better if they were just a wee bit larger. I was smack-dab between sizes, and the guy in the shoe department told me that the shoes "stretch" out, so I should make sure they were snug. Well, that hasn't happened yet, and I should have gone for the bigger size because I would have saved myself a lot of foot pain. Some people's feet shrink by half a size after going barefoot/wearing Vibrams for a year or more. Unfortunately, I'm usually barefoot around the house, so I'm not sure if my feet will change. I did hear that I could stretch the Vibrams out a bit with some heat...something about a hair dryer or a toaster or simply walking on hot asphalt....still working on that...

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Hey, Mac McPherson,

The Vibrams (Classic style size 39 in black) would work better if they were just a wee bit larger. I was smack-dab between sizes, and the guy in the shoe department told me that the shoes "stretch" out, so I should make sure they were snug. Well, that hasn't happened yet, and I should have gone for the bigger size because I would have saved myself a lot of foot pain. Some people's feet shrink by half a size after going barefoot/wearing Vibrams for a year or more. Unfortunately, I'm usually barefoot around the house, so I'm not sure if my feet will change. I did hear that I could stretch the Vibrams out a bit with some heat...something about a hair dryer or a toaster or simply walking on hot asphalt....still working on that...

Hey that's good to know when I go look into them :)

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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*learn how to run properly (i.e. stop heel striking!) -- bought some Vibrams + kicking off the shoes sometimes when I decide to run

*after learning how to run properly, to run 2 laps around the building out back without stopping (about .4 mile)

*eat more veggies/meat/fruits and less junk food/cookies; also consume enough calories to compensate for the soreness and bulk up a little

*beginner body weight workout 3x a week

Some nice goals there. For the 2 laps around the building you might want to check out Couch 2 5k like I mentioned in my thread. I'd definitely recommend it. It slowly builds up the amount you're running each week. It'll help you get those 2 laps, even if you decide you don't want to complete it - I guess around week 5/6 you'd be able to do your two laps non-stop with ease.

I'd say for me half the battle in running was mental once I realised I could do it then it was a bit of a breakthrough.

Paleo should definitely help your husband with improving his insulin sensitivity. Don't know if you know Mark's Daily Apple? Link is about diabetes/insulin resistance more stuff on his site and in the forum (He's primal not paleo though - pretty similar but subtle differences). There'll be loads of stuff on the net about Paleo and insulin resistance.

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Awesome goals! You definitely sound like you have the motivation to tackle them!

I used to think that I hated running, and every time I tried I ended up with hurting feet and knees. But a few months ago I bought some Merrel Pace Gloves (which have the Vibram's sole) and read about how heel striking is bad for you, and now I love going for a jog. Mind you, it really is just a dainty slow job, because I try to pay attention not to heel-strike, but at my pace I can go for about a mile now, when in Feb I couldn't run 90 seconds, haha! I walk around barefoot for most of the day, too, so I guess minimalist/barefoot running was just in my future. =)

Since you've been on here for a while now, how's it going? =)

Oh, and also: hi, fellow teacher!

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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Some nice goals there. For the 2 laps around the building you might want to check out Couch 2 5k like I mentioned in my thread.

My sister had talked about or used that program when she trained for the 5k, but when I went looking for it, I didn't find anything as helpful as this schedule. Thank you, Baloo! I've been itching to do something on my rest days that's more productive than sitting in front of the computer, so maybe I'll toss the running in between workouts. :)

Cait, I'm paying attention to my not-heel striking as well. I do much better with the Vibrams than in my sneakers, but I'm still not where I want to be. I've been running from the playground to my house (.1 mi?), and it makes my calves hurt most days. I think I'm overthinking it! I had really good form a few times in late June, but I dunno what happened. :(

As far as how it's going, I'm assuming you mean my goals? I'm definitely eating more veggies, and I can pass by cookies and brownies and not feel like I need to eat them NOW. I do eat some sweets (homemade ice cream, a small pack of cookies from P.R., drink a lemonade, etc.) once in a while, but it's not constant like I used to eat. I no longer have chocolate at every meal...no withdrawal from it either! It was definitely time for me to go the Paleo-ish route. :) Let's see...what else....I've been consistent with the body weight exercises, and I'm seeing some muscle gains, so that's good. I'm having a hard time eating enough...I'm about ready to break down and start some calorie counting, but I have a dumb phone and I'm not sure what people use through the internet. Haven't asked anyone either. Suggestions, fellow rebels?

P.S. what do you teach, Cait?

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Don't know if you know Mark's Daily Apple?

Just read the article. Thanks again, Baloo, it was very informative. Now if I could only get my husband to read it....I keep encouraging him to do research on his own to get himself better, but he's resistant. He has made some better food choices and is starting to workout a little, but I feel he'll need to ramp things up if he wants to see any real change. Alas, his motivation isn't there, and I can't give it to him, extrinsically or otherwise. I've noticed that the more I push, the more he walks away from it too...*sigh* :ambivalence: But I'm confident that something will work out. He needs to hit his IHHE moment, I think.

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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but I have a dumb phone and I'm not sure what people use through the internet. Haven't asked anyone either. Suggestions, fellow rebels?

I've tried a few tools to track my progress and personally MyFitnessPal works best. The biggest reason I like it is because it has a big food database that actually includes South African products, that and I can use it on my BlackBerry. The others I've seen and couple I tried are: Cronometer, Dailyburn, Fitocracy and a very good site to check the nutritional info of food is Wolfram Alpha.

Cait, I'm paying attention to my not-heel striking as well.

THANK YOU D_chelyst and Caitriona! I've just started running again, but I expected my knees to start acting up again. I used to think it was from old rugby injuries, but I have seen the light! You two are meant to be teachers :D

Human Ranger


STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 2 | CON: 3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 3

6 Week Challenge

"I'm not gonna build a wall, I'm gonna lay this brick as perfectly as it can be laid - you do that every day and soon you have a wall." -Will Smith

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D_chelyst, do you run on asphalt or on a more trail-y surface? I like my Merrells a million times better (and have better form) when I'm on gravel/sand/dirt. It's also more fun, because you get to really grip the ground. =)

I taught undergrad German and Comp 101 during my MAs in TESOL (second-language English teaching) and English lit. I'm originally from Germany (moved here 6 years ago for school, ended up getting married, buying a house, and adopting two cats and a puppy, haha) and am currently working on getting a greencard, meaning I can't work... but I can WORK OUT! =D

And d00slip is spot on about myfitnesspal. It's what I use, and it's helped me to lose 20 pounds in the past 3 months or so. They have the best product database I've seen online, and they're tracking tools are easy and fun to use. They're community is not as fun as NF... a lot of people like putting others down if they don't agree with their approach. But other than that, try it out!

d00slip, you're welcome! I was totally the same way! I thought I just wasn't built to run. Then a friend recommended the book Born To Run, saying it was a really fun read regardless of whether you're a runner. And I agree! Check out the Amazon reviews if you're into that kind of stuff!

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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Thanks Cait, I'm definitely buying that with my next paycheck! It looks really interesting :)

Human Ranger


STR: 2 | DEX: 3 | STA: 2 | CON: 3 | WIS: 2 | CHA: 3

6 Week Challenge

"I'm not gonna build a wall, I'm gonna lay this brick as perfectly as it can be laid - you do that every day and soon you have a wall." -Will Smith

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I love Born to Run!!! It is an awesome read! The story-telling is superb, and it has some neat little running tips sprinkled throughout.

d00slip -- if you haven't investigated barefoot running, or at least the technique for forefoot/midfoot striking, I would strongly suggest checking it out. Boo to heel-striking! I'm sure BarefootDawsy could also give you info on the matter. I think he's the resident barefoot running expert? And thanks for the MyFitnessPal link. I had heard about it, but I was a little timid...if it worked for you and Cait, I'm willing to give it a shot. :)

Cait -- I run on asphalt and sometimes the cement sidewalk. There is grass to run on around here, but there's also dog poo....so I keep to the street. We weren't allowed to go barefoot outside of the house when we were growing up, so it's a miracle that as an adult I've gone as far as running in my socks on the street! I told my mom I had done that, and she didn't exactly approve. :highly_amused:

Und ich spreche ein bischen Deutsch....nur ein bischen. Ich lehre Musik-Klasse. And that's probably as far as I'll get trying to remember my years of German class in high school. :P

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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There is grass to run on around here, but there's also dog poo....so I keep to the street.

Haha, I hear ya. I run on the side of a bike trail a lot, and I just watch out for dog poop. Most people on that trail seem to be pretty good about picking up after their dogs. But I can see how you wouldn't even want to put your bare feet where dog poop has recently been, heh.

And that's probably as far as I'll get trying to remember my years of German class in high school. :P

Dein deutsch ist ziemlich gut! =D But I'm not gonna torture you with more German, heh. I miss teaching! (But lesson planning? Not so much, heh.)

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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Oh, and d00slip,

Thanks Cait, I'm definitely buying that with my next paycheck! It looks really interesting :)

YAY!! I love spreading the word on things I really enjoyed! I read it almost half a year before I actually started running, but it was definitely the very first little seed in my mind that I can do it.

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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Welp, the summer is nearly done, and school begins next week. I figured it's time that I post an update on my summer goals.

*learn how to run properly - didn't work as diligently on this goal as I should have, but I'm getting more consistent with forefoot striking. When I run, it's usually just a sprint or two uphill or from the playground to the stop sign by my house after a workout (like .1 mi)

*run 2 laps around the building out back without stopping (about .4 mile) - yeah....not sure I can do that, but I haven't honestly tried. I got tied up with goal number 4.

*eat more veggies/meat/fruits and less junk food/cookies; also consume enough calories to compensate for the soreness and bulk up a little - some days/weeks are better than others. My hubby keeps eating crap, and sometimes I succumb to the donuts/cookies/ice cream he brings home. On the plus side, I have gone from 118 lb up to a pretty consistent 123 lb. 5 lbs of mostly muscle ain't nothin' to snub my nose at :)

*beginner body weight workout 3x a week - my best and proudest achievement of this summer. I have two types of workouts, one for inside the house and one for the playground. Here's where I started and where I'm currently at, in no particular order:

Beginner Body Weight Workout on June 25, 2012

Body Weight Squats, not going down to parallel yet -- 3 sets of 10

Wall and incline push-ups off of couch arm -- 3 sets of 10

Lunges (3 types – forward, backward, forward+backward) – 3 sets of 10

Bent over rowing, 6 lbs -- 3 sets of 10

Plank -- 3 sets of 15 seconds minimum

Jumping Jacks -- 3 sets of 15

Back exercises from a workout video-- all 5 exercises, with the last exercise being only 5 reps instead of 10

Playground extras started on June 30, 2012

Negatives -- 1 set of 5, 1 set of 3

Inverted body rows at a very light angle -- 2 sets of 10

Beginner Body Weight Workout on August 25, 2012

Body Weight Squats below parallel -- 3 sets of 15

Full push-ups -- 3 sets of 7

Lunges (3 types) -- 2 sets of 12, 1 set of 6 f&b

Bent over rowing, 15 lbs. -- 3 sets of 11

Plank-Hollow body with knees bent -- 3 sets of 55 seconds minimum

Jumping Jacks -- 3 sets of 30

Back exercises from a workout video -- all 5 exercises of 10 reps each

Hammer curls for forearm, 10 lb. -- 3 sets of 10

Finger roll up to wrist extension, 10 lb -- 3 sets of 10

Overhead Press, 15 lbs. -- 3 sets of 10

Playground extras

Negatives --3 sets of 5

Inverted Body Rows (2 inclines, heavy/light angles) -- 3 sets of 6/4

Hanging reverse curls -- 3 sets of 10 but they're still really hard to do

So that's my update :redface:. I'm pleased with my last goal because my progress has been so fast, as compared to when I started working out to an exercise tape last summer. I had no clue what I was doing last summer, but thanks to Steve's blog, now I know how to eat and how often to work out to get the results I want. :victorious:

Thanks for reading this!

Current inspiration for my journey: Prov. 14:23

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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