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Hi, Nerd Fitness!

I'm Crownless and I'm a gal from the tippy top of Mississippi. I'm a writer and a cartoonist and all my life, that's made me pretty inactive. This April, I quit eating McDonalds, which is something I thought I'd never be able to do. It sounds a little silly, but the clown was a big part of my life.

As of tonight (or this morning, depending on where you are) I've gone three days without drinking soda.

I found NF while hopping through various links after I found out about Paleo. I adore the way this site is written. It's encouraging and entertaining and it makes me excited to get into shape. My main goal is to feel BETTER both physically and emotionally.

My current diet is pretty lousy. Fast food, frozen dinners (if you can call pizza a dinner) and very little real food. Since I started the soda thing, I've been cutting back and trying to dip my toes into Paleo. I also found the Beginner Body Weight Circuit Workout and am very excited to try it! I think I need it. I tried to do a push-up and my weenie little artist's arms just couldn't do it.

I'm happy to be here, if you'll have me!

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Welcome! Don't worry about the push-up, it is not an easy exercise when we start working out. There's nothing wrong with starting with wall push-ups or knee push-ups if you can do them.

Good luck with the paleo diet, it may be a little overwhelming at first, but it's worth it :)

Nuala, level 13 Robot mistress of pain, Assassin Guild leader


First journey: The Rise and fall of an Assassin

#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Second journey: Crawling back


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I can cook pretty good for a beginner! I can make omelettes (with various lunchmeats thrown in) and stirfry and a few other things. I've been warming up to raw veggies and I cooked some curry chicken the other night (with some cheater help from a little canned tomato soup). I'd like to explore different kinds of meats. I'm pretty sheltered when something besides chicken and roast beef is thrown in. I was never a steak fan growing up and I'm not sure the stuff I got at Sonic and McDonalds counted as real meat.

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Welcome to the Rebellion, glad to have you aboard. Congrats on the first steps into fitness. We have a new challenge starting up in the new year, I reccommend you look around the challenge boards and see what interests you. Wanting to feel better is a good motivation, I recommend you get some specific goals to quantify that. We talk a lot hear about SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Trackable) goals here on the boards. An idea might be to set ultimate fitness goals for yourself, and then set some SMART intermediate goals to break it down into bite size chunks so you can track your progress.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome and glad you meandered on in. Did you draw your avatar? It's great. I had to start with wall pushups when I started the BBW, so you're in good company. Dipping your toes in to a new diet is good. Even if all you do at first is trade real food for junk you'll be miles ahead. Maybe a crockpot or one of those little kitchen grills would be helpful.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Through my teens and early twenties I had always kept myself relatively fit playing football and rugby with a bit of weight training thrown in every now and then for good measure. Over the last 10 years I’d gradually let myself go and stopped all forms of sport as is generally the case work and ‘the pub’ took over. It got to the point at the end of last year when I saw some pictures of myself sat in a restaurant at a friends’ birthday with a huge plate of Chinese in front of me and I couldn’t believe how bad it had got. Later in the year my fiancé gave birth to our son Harry and I realised if I wanted to be able to run around in the park with my son in a few years time I had to do something about it.

I thought about it for a while, made failed attempts at a couple of local gyms and then did nothing again for a couple of months. One evening we had friends over for dinner, during the conversation I had said that I was unhappy about my weight, health etc. Michael told me he was thinking of starting a new type of fitness/exercise Company using what he had learnt from serving as a royal marine and that we could help each other out. I would be the guinea pig for him to test equipment, plan sessions, measure athletic ability, plan nutrition diets etc. and I would lose weight and get fit.

It started on a very cold and foggy evening mid February 2011 at Hornchurch park in Essex. Every 200 yards of running or 5 minutes exercise I’d have to stop a few seconds to catch my breath. It continued like this, one hour sessions 3 times a week for about a month. I started to eat healthier food and smaller portions. We still had a take away treat every couple of weeks with a glass or two of wine.

After that first month I stared to realise I didn’t need to take as many breaks and my breathing was getting better also my clothes were getting bigger. About 2 months ago I had to go shopping for new clothes as the size 38” waist jeans I was wearing on Valentines Day were falling off me. I bought two new pairs of size 32” waist jeans which I’m very happy to say I now have to wear a belt with.

My blood pressure has dropped from 144/95 to 127/85.

I’m getting married abroad soon, and am really looking forward to showing off a bit on the beach. I know my fiancé likes my new shape also as she has said a couple of times it’s like having a new boyfriend all over again.

Next year Michael and I are taking part in the ToughGuy competition which is 10k across farmland, through forests, rivers, a nasty looking mud pit with barbed wire finishing with an army assault course.

If anyone is interested in giving commando training ago i suggest you check it out at www.marinesprograms.com

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind welcome!

I agree with you about the SMART goals! I think my first goal would be to be able to complete one circuit of the beginner's bodyweight workout without feeling like I'm about to fall over. Then two. Then all three.

I'd also like to go 30 full days without soda. The sun is setting on number 4 for me.

And yes, I did draw my avatar! I love to draw all kinds of things-- people, animals, monsters, animal people, sometimes robots.

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The BBW circuit goal sounds good. What is going to happen on day 31 without soda? As for different kinds of snacks, there are some options. Keep water at your computer so you can drink that. Chew a really good sugar free gum so your mouth is busy but you're not adding calories. Or have some good fresh veggies that you like but are pretty low calorie.

Good Luck!

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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After day 31, I hope to go to the bookstore and treat myself. Then another 31!

I've been doing the water thing for a while now in preparation for the swap over! I don't let this cup get empty.

How about raw broccoli? I'm pretty fond of it, I've discovered, but I ran out a couple nights ago 8( I need to go back to the store.

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