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Annoying comments you hear all the time

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I've been told on multiple occasions that I'm too skinny. Not only that I'm too skinny but that I shouldn't ever try to build muscle because it will be impossible. 


Kind of disheartening and sometimes the comments really get to me.

all the more reason to push hard, "bulk up" and shove those comment right back in those ignorant peoples faces!

Level 0 Human, Monk

Lose 75 lbs

Startin Fresh

"Nothing is ever easy." Zeddicus Zull Zorander

"Do or Do Not, There is no try" Yoda

"Weak people face life obstacles with an excuse in their hand, strong peple carry a hammer."

Estemated 1RM

Bench: 195lbs

Squat: 245lbs

Deadlift: 295lbs

Total weight: 735lbs

Goal Weight 1000lbs



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Not all the time, last night was the first occasion I have heard it, but I know I have seen it in here before. 


Last night in the parking lot of my building after I get back from a 30 minute 6k run. Feeling fit as a horse, like I was born to run that fast...


"Your working to hard, you better slow down" comes from 6 floors above me.


"Never hard enough" I yell back.


"Seriously I am worried, you are just wasting away".


*walked away*


I'm down to about 12%BF from somewhere up around 40, so comparatively I am a much much smaller person, but I am still broad, strong, and can fill out a Tshirt nicely. It was really dis-concerning for me, I am often worried about body dis-morphia, and if I am getting too thin.  From what I have read it is a big issue for those who loose big volumes of weight.


I run frequently for therapy, it clears my mind... Running is like turning it on and off again for the soul. Sometimes I have a hard time getting enough fuel in to keep up with the machine so it is a worry...


I went upstairs right away and pulled out the measuring tape and note book to make sure nothing had gone outside of the boundaries, and everything was pretty much the same as the last time I checked.


That dude really took away my post run happiness, ruined my night with his attempt at a compliment.

Currently lost in Fitness.

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It annoys me when people look shocked when I say I strength train. It's like they expect me to be massive and shehulk-ish. I'm the opposite. Fairly delicate, but toned.


To be honest I don't even think I'm doing it right. I'm definitely getting stronger, I've at least doubled my physical strength since starting to exercise... but I actually ended up losing more weight. I thought I'd gain, since I didn't think I could burn much more fat away. Right now I'm 117lbs. When I started I was 128lbs.


I think all I really need to do for my muscles to 'show' a bit more is eat more...and continue upping the difficulty on my body-weight routine. But I'm having trouble doing that.

Primal Chai
Race: Human | Class: Adventurer
[Level: 0 | STR 0 | DEX 0 | STA 0 | CON 0 | WIS 0 | CHA 0 ]


"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."  - Christopher Hitchens

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It annoys me when people look shocked when I say I strength train. It's like they expect me to be massive and shehulk-ish. I'm the opposite. Fairly delicate, but toned.


To be honest I don't even think I'm doing it right. I'm definitely getting stronger, I've at least doubled my physical strength since starting to exercise... but I actually ended up losing more weight. I thought I'd gain, since I didn't think I could burn much more fat away. Right now I'm 117lbs. When I started I was 128lbs.


I think all I really need to do for my muscles to 'show' a bit more is eat more...and continue upping the difficulty on my body-weight routine. But I'm having trouble doing that.

I get that reaction a lot too. It makes me a little crazy. Or worse, when I tell them that I lift they tell me it isn't safe or good for me to lift heavy weights. Or that I'm going to get bulky... Am I bulky yet? Nope, so what exactly makes you think that the bulk is just going to magically appear?

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


Current Challenge

Battle Log

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I get that reaction a lot too. It makes me a little crazy. Or worse, when I tell them that I lift they tell me it isn't safe or good for me to lift heavy weights. Or that I'm going to get bulky... Am I bulky yet? Nope, so what exactly makes you think that the bulk is just going to magically appear?


The hilarious thing about that, is there are still a lot of women that think they will get huge lifting over 5 lbs. And yet, there are guys like myself, who eat a ton and lift every damn weight in the gym and wonder why we can't get bigger. Boggles the mind lol

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Since i started the first challenge....

  • Diet never work, that's why i don't do one...
  • You are not funny (when i refuse  junk food)
  • You still look disgusting
  • Today you look better, let's see how long you keep it
  • You always dress like shit, ohhh you didn't wear that...
  • Your old anyway...

Makes it hard sometimes :numbness: , but well i will still go on ...

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.â€


“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.†“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.†“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.â€There are plenty of people in this world who know what they have to do to get what they want. The few that succeed are those who develop a character of constant and deliberate action.


“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.â€

You only have one life in this body so make the most of it by creating something that adds value to those around you.


Bruce Lee

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Since i started the first challenge....

  • Diet never work, that's why i don't do one...
  • You are not funny (when i refuse  junk food)
  • You still look disgusting
  • Today you look better, let's see how long you keep it
  • You always dress like shit, ohhh you didn't wear that...
  • Your old anyway...

Makes it hard sometimes :numbness: , but well i will still go on ...


You need new friends.

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You need new friends.

:D, that  was "family" :P but thanks for the comment  !

It still warms up mu heart !

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.â€


“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.†“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.†“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.â€There are plenty of people in this world who know what they have to do to get what they want. The few that succeed are those who develop a character of constant and deliberate action.


“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.â€

You only have one life in this body so make the most of it by creating something that adds value to those around you.


Bruce Lee

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Ah ah ah !!!

Ok  !


“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.â€


“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.†“If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.†“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.â€There are plenty of people in this world who know what they have to do to get what they want. The few that succeed are those who develop a character of constant and deliberate action.


“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.â€

You only have one life in this body so make the most of it by creating something that adds value to those around you.


Bruce Lee

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Since i started the first challenge....

  • Diet never work, that's why i don't do one...
  • You are not funny (when i refuse  junk food)
  • You still look disgusting
  • Today you look better, let's see how long you keep it
  • You always dress like shit, ohhh you didn't wear that...
  • Your old anyway...

Makes it hard sometimes :numbness: , but well i will still go on ...



You need new friends.



:D, that  was "family" :tongue: but thanks for the comment  !

It still warms up mu heart !


new family AND new friends- who because NEITHER are supporting you!!!

You need new family. :tongue:



Thank god we have NF here for you!!! We'll be your adopt-a-family!!! :D




You're amazing- awesome and can TOTALLY do it!

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My mom is constantly telling me I'll get diabetes because she has it.  Even when I was in really good shape she told me there was no point because I was going to get diabetes anyway.  And then when I got lazy and busy and stopped dieting and exercising, she told me I'd better get back in shape so I don't get diabetes.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good

Secret Identity: Kristy

Level 4 Adventurer

STR 5.5 | DEX 5.25 | STA 5.5 | CON 8.75 | WIS 7 | CHA 2.5


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Not all the time, last night was the first occasion I have heard it, but I know I have seen it in here before. 


Last night in the parking lot of my building after I get back from a 30 minute 6k run. Feeling fit as a horse, like I was born to run that fast...


"Your working to hard, you better slow down" comes from 6 floors above me.


"Never hard enough" I yell back.


"Seriously I am worried, you are just wasting away".


*walked away*


I'm down to about 12%BF from somewhere up around 40, so comparatively I am a much much smaller person, but I am still broad, strong, and can fill out a Tshirt nicely. It was really dis-concerning for me, I am often worried about body dis-morphia, and if I am getting too thin.  From what I have read it is a big issue for those who loose big volumes of weight.


I run frequently for therapy, it clears my mind... Running is like turning it on and off again for the soul. Sometimes I have a hard time getting enough fuel in to keep up with the machine so it is a worry...


I went upstairs right away and pulled out the measuring tape and note book to make sure nothing had gone outside of the boundaries, and everything was pretty much the same as the last time I checked.


That dude really took away my post run happiness, ruined my night with his attempt at a compliment.



This is a real bummer dude.  I'm sorry.  I get what you mean about running being therapy, it's my therapy too.  Boo to that guy for ruining your runner's high.



I think people sometimes don't know how to react to people getting thinner and fitter.  I told my current co-workers a story about how two former co-workers at the radio station used to make comments about how I'm "too skinny."  The radio station has a lot of computers and servers, and in order to keep them cool and not break anything, the thermostat is always low regardless how hot/cold it is outside.  I kept a small space heater at my desk.  And they would say things like "Maybe if you would just eat more and stop being so skinny you wouldn't be so cold."

My current co-workers told me this was obviously a compliment because they were saying I was skinny!  Yay!  You're skinny!

Except they were saying I needed to EAT MORE as though me being "skinny" was a bad thing that needed to be fixed.



I don't know if it's "Why are you fit and thin?!  That's no fair!  I'm going to make you feel bad about it!" or what.  But being fit isn't something we should be ashamed of or made to feel embarassed about.  I have noticed it's a real thing that happens to people, I've seen it happen to my friends when they start working out or getting fit too.  People tease them for going to the gym... what?!

Boo haters, even unintentional ones.

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It is a very common thing "You're getting too skinny" "When are you going to stop losing weight." "You need eat something."

Frankly people just don't understand. They don't understand your goals and the steps you are taking to achieve them. They make assumptions. They assume it is so hard to change that the only way we possibly could is by doing so destructively. They assume you have to starve yourself to lose weight. They assume that exercise is a chore to nether be looked forward to or enjoyed. Conversely it is also assumed that it takes no work to maintain, so if you are seen to be working the assumption is you're somehow rubbing it in their faces, or trying for some unattainable goal.

*shrug* I just smile and make some placating remark and remind myself they have no idea what they're talking about.

"By trying to please everyone he had pleased no one, and lost his ass in the bargain." - Aesop 2,500 years ago.
Level 4 Half Ogre Ranger
STR 6|DEX 4|STA 13|CON 11|WIS 5|CHA 8
Zombies, Run! Profile

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Reading this makes me sad and angry. Apparently there isn't only "fat shaming", but also "fit shaming"... WTF is people's problem with others improving themselves? Do they feel inadequate or something?



Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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 Do they feel inadequate or something?



in my experience




Level 10.4 Wood-Elf, Ranger - specializing in demon fighting

"doing the impossible since 2012 :D" - Librarian of Doom

facebook battle log level 50 WOOT   Backstory CNF2014  current (not challenge - doing a battle log this time)



* This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice in it and be glad. God, The Bible. * Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda
* There are three options in this life; be good, get good, or give up. -- House * Never take counsel of your fears. Stonewall Jackson. 

* level 50 isn't gonna just POOF happen - alienjenn, NF IRC chatroom


* I'm not about to give up - Because I heard you say - There's gonna be brighter days… I won't stop, I'll keep my head up - No, I'm not here to stay ...  - 

 I just might bend but I won't break - As long as I can see your face - When life won't play along - And right keeps going wrong - And I can't seem to find my way - I know where I am found - So I won't let it drag me down - Oh, I'll keep dancing anyway - Mercy Me - Move



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Not quite fitness related, but I just headed off on exchange, from Australia to Ireland.


Just about everyone I know has suggested I should sleep with "a hot Irish guy" while I'm here.

Because it's not like I'm here to learn Irish, or to attend a university, or to see the amazing countryside, or just to have a new experience.

Most of those people did make other suggestions as well, it just got really, really old.

This also includes my mother, who has been giving me unsolicited "get a boyfriend" advice, and then insisting that she doesn't think I need a boyfriend to be happy.  I just ... have no clue what's going on.


Not to mention the friend I have who is wonderful, nerdy, and we have great conversations, but who makes the suggestion a bit too often that getting laid would help me relax.
He is joking.  He is not serious in any way.  But I am painfully introverted, and dislike discussing my private life like that, and he hasn't gotten the message yet.

Previous challenges:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

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^^ as above


People resent being reminded that others have the dedication and drive to improve themselves, instead of spending every free moment watching TV.


My rant:

We're apparently all supposed to be some least-possibly offensive stereotype. Just fit enough to survive, but not too fit. Just intelligent enough to finish college, but not too intelligent. Heaven forbid our fitness or intelligence might offend somebody.

Just a guy on a journey - Battle Log



If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done - Bruce Lee


Be honest with yourself and ethically pursue your happiness - Laz


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Reading this makes me sad and angry. Apparently there isn't only "fat shaming", but also "fit shaming"... WTF is people's problem with others improving themselves? Do they feel inadequate or something?


That's what's happening to me. Got all the fat comments and jokes all my life. Now all I hear is fit shaming. Good thing I didn't know that before I started losing weight. Well, I guess I am old enough now to see through this and not care any longer. It just sucks that some people can't be happy for me. I work hard for it, I enjoy it and never felt better. That's my answer to all the stupid comments.


Clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!


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My rant:

We're apparently all supposed to be some least-possibly offensive stereotype. Just fit enough to survive, but not too fit. Just intelligent enough to finish college, but not too intelligent. Heaven forbid our fitness or intelligence might offend somebody.


Yess... It's only allowed in Hollywood, or wishing to look like that - but don't you dare actually try to look good... And yes, it's the same with intelligence: if you actually know what you're talking about, you're arrogant, pedantic, or whatever else they can come up with.


Apparently you're just not allowed to be above average, or *gasp* good at something...

Lever 3 Survivor - STR:5/DEX:2,75/STA:6/CON:3,5/WIS:3/CHA:1

Challenges: 1 | 2


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." — Robert Heinlein





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I just want someone to understand that I don't completely believe in myself at this point, and saying I can't do it doesn't help...

When people say stuff like that I just get angry. I'm usually not a negative person but when it helps fuel my training I use it. I can't now, but I will, and when I do it's going to be f$&king awesome.

Race: Dwarf Class: Ranger Level: 3

STR: 9 | DEX: 7 | STA: 9 | CON: 6 | WIS: 9 | CHA: 8

Current-5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

When you can't run, you crawl, and when you can't crawl - when you can't do that... You find someone to carry you


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