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Tattoo Addiction

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Figure I can get this off my chest here so the normal people don't have to keep hearing about it = D


I feel like every spring/summer my brain goes, "YOU SHOULD GET A TATTOO!" And Lord knows, I want to. And dye my hair. And get another piercing. I have a small problem with body modification...haha!

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

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It's just something about the season change. I feel winter is the worst time every to get any work done. All cold and junk. I can't enjoy my body in those conditions -_-

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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I really start feeling the desire in fall or winter, for some reason. I think it's because I'm more cooped up and have fewer things to look at, so I start looking at all the bare places and thinking a tattoo would look nice there one day. I have yet to get my first, due to lack of funds, but I have grand plans for when I have a proper job. That, along with a nicer TV for video games, will likely be my big spending splurges.

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I do the same. I really don't have the funds for another so I tease myself with the hair and piercings. Smaller costs. More tattoos are just on the list of "Shit I Want"!

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

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I've always wanted a tattoo but then I think, what if I need to make myself scarce, that tattoo could be my undoing!


Seriously though, I will get one when I get married. It will be under my wedding ring just in case something happens to that ring :loyal: .

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I tend to get 1 per year, though I will probably have to curb that while I'm in school. :( I'm up to 4 now, and I always have ideas for what to do next. I probably have 4-5 tattoos in the queue to get done.

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I'm getting more tomorrow, starting to complete my left sleeve. I get some work done every year. I LOVE tattoos


Jealous, jealous, jealous. I've been wanting to get a quarter or half sleeve but haven't been able to think of a piece big enough yet. Well I kinda have just gotta get up the muster to do it. And a less flabby arm.

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

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Haha, you have plenty of time to catch up though! That's really awesome though. I also hear rumblings how men don't like women with a lot of tattoos so it's nice that she has a good decent amount and has you!

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

Tsundere Tsunami - Personal Blog

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My wife's got more tattoos than I do (3 to my 1) and we're each getting a new one in May. I want to get at least one more so that the ratio of tats I like to tats I regret tip in my favor.


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Figure I can get this off my chest here so the normal people don't have to keep hearing about it = D


I feel like every spring/summer my brain goes, "YOU SHOULD GET A TATTOO!" And Lord knows, I want to. And dye my hair. And get another piercing. I have a small problem with body modification...haha!

I am not a tattoo person, but all of my friends who have tattoos advocate that you should never get a tattoo that won't have personal significance for you in the long term. If you want to get another tattoo, that's fine, but know why you are getting it. Many people who get some tattoo solely because it looks cool end up resenting it down the road many years later in life. Just food for thought.

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Mine don't really have any real significance, they're just decoration.   They seem to come from holidays though, I sooo nearly got my third one done in Florida.


I got both mine in my early 20s and both abroad (Canada) and have been craving a third since (that's about 15 years!).    I know where I want to put a new one, just now sure what I want design wise, although I've had loads of ideas, it changes all the time.  


I said to friend that I'd get it done as a treat if I hit my goal weight!   We'll see!!!



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I still don't have any and my wife has 3 and is jonesing for more.  I'm epileptic and have been on meds for it all my life.  I was never positive hwo I would react.  When I got to be off meds for 5 years at one point, I tried donating blood and right when they were nearly done w/the process, I started feeling "off" and got close to having a seizure, but managed to hold it off.  I know the amount of blood loss is pretty minimal compared to blood donation, but it's still a legitimate fear.


My kids names in Futhark (aka Hobbit runes) over my heart is in consideration for first tattoo tho :)

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I am not a tattoo person, but all of my friends who have tattoos advocate that you should never get a tattoo that won't have personal significance for you in the long term. If you want to get another tattoo, that's fine, but know why you are getting it. Many people who get some tattoo solely because it looks cool end up resenting it down the road many years later in life. Just food for thought.

I can definitely see both sides to this argument, I think tattoos should be of personal significance to you, but at the same time, I can understand the idea of tattoos as art and adornment. Regardless I think if you get something you like, as opposed to wanting other people to think you look cool (I'm looking at all you white college girls with chinese characters on your low backs!!!!! :numbness: ), you'll end up happy over time, and your tattoo might even grow/change in significance.


I have two small tattoos, and I really want more. I've set some life (and money) goals for when I get my next tattoos, but I have no doubt there will be more in my future. A friend warned me before I got my first one that tattoos can be extremely addictive, and she was totally right! However, I find I want them with life changes instead of seasonal changes.

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I have two tattoos but one of them is a full sleeve. I like them big. I have two in mind, but my economic situation isn't conducive to my 'go big, or go home' attitude when it comes to tattoos. The two that I have were done 4 years apart so, it's not like I don't have patience. It's just frustrating knowing exactly what you want, and waiting. 

"How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."

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I am looking forward to my next tattoo. I have 2 currently, both are lifted directly from old William Morris wallpaper patterns. As a graphic designer/fiber artist his work is really inspirational. I also have the chinese symbol for tao worked in with the chrysanthemum (I know I know, Chinese symbols tacky! But tao is something that I have been reading food years) I am planning my next one and will draw this one all myself, but in the arts and crafts style. A sunflower and a chickadee.

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It's soooooooooooo annoying. It doesn't help that normally when I get stressed, I really want to go to the parlor. The last one I got was because I was upset (yes, it still has a meaning and had been planned out for well over a year I just never got it). Since I've been pretty worked up lately, I'm more prone to find some kind of reason to see my artist. I swear, the main thing I hear from everyone that wants tattoos is that they always have ideas, but never the money. Story of our lives!


I can say, all my tattoos minus one has a purpose behind them. I do need to get one covered up so that'll probably be next up on my list.


B_ex, even though I can see it all from the picture, your sleeve looks badass

Level 1 Adventurer/Ranger, pseudo-ninja and Sailor Scout Rebel
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"The past is seldom as we would have it. The future yet to be known. Embrace the present and strike all else from concern." - Spartacus

Rebel Ranger Debut

Sailor Tsundere's Battle Logs

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I've tossed around the idea of getting a tattoo myself, but all of my brothers have advised against. Each one has a tattoo, and they all saw that it's extremely addicting. I'm also terribly indecisive, so I'd hate to get one, and then a few months later feel like I made the wrong decision. 


I've thought about getting a small one whenever I complete a major milestone in my life, for example, I've always wanted to travel, so after I return from traveling, I may get something related to that. Or start off with a plain one, but have it added on too after each milestone (colored in, extras added, etc). 


Since I'm indecisive, I'd like my tattoos to mean something, but there's been one idea, purely decorational, that I've been tossing around. The tattoo would look like the skin had opened, and rather than blood and muscle underneath (which would be kind of revolting), there would be lines of gears, cogs, and pipes. Because steampunk cyborg ftw. 

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I have two policies on tattoos.

1 It must be my original art work.

2. I have to wait a year before I can commit to it.

I got my first one in December after many years of waiting and I couldn't be happier. I definitely can feel the " itch" for more add it were. but I'm a milestone kind if person so it will have wait for now. I'm on no rush. I have a great artist I love and he is younger so I don't expect he will be going anywhere anytime soon. I'll definitely be going back to him for future work when the time comes.

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I have three, and I'd like more.  I'm waiting for a couple of milestones - weight loss and book publishing are the two big ones (writer here, working on my craft and hoping to get published).  Possibly children, if it comes to that.

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I got my first tattoo a little bigger than I had originally planned because I thought it was going to be my only one.... Haha 7 tattoos later.....


All my tattoos have a story and are all original art; I refuse to get flash.  I make myself sit on my ideas for at least a year and I don't regret a single one.  Next up is the half sleeve that I have been planning for years and is a present to myself for my 30th bday.  


I have definitely felt the urge to get more ink just for the sake of more ink, but I just imagine my mother saying "I told you so!" and I can step back and know the difference between something "cool" and something meaningful.

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I have two policies on tattoos.

1 It must be my original art work.

2. I have to wait a year before I can commit to it.

Agreed! Although, both my tattoos were decided upon and aquired within 48hrs of making the decision. However, both my tattoos were things that I knew I wanted and I was just waiting for the right moment to get them. Because of this , no regrets.



I am looking forward to my next tattoo. I have 2 currently, both are lifted directly from old William Morris wallpaper patterns. As a graphic designer/fiber artist his work is really inspirational. I also have the chinese symbol for tao worked in with the chrysanthemum (I know I know, Chinese symbols tacky! But tao is something that I have been reading food years) I am planning my next one and will draw this one all myself, but in the arts and crafts style. A sunflower and a chickadee.

Ok, I know I said earlier that people shouldn't get Chinese tattoos, but the real thing I think is your shouldn't get a tattoo in another language if you don't have a reason. If you have a connection to the word or culture that's totally legit! I just hate when girls are like "oh look its says water in chinese," but neither water or chinese have any significance in their lives.... that's dumb.



Dangit guys! Now I really want another tattoo! Maybe when I land a full time job and move I'll get one with my first paycheck. Any suggestions for good shops in Seattle?

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