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So, how important is this?  Does it make sense to throw some around the body stuff into my mobility routine?  I've never considered it.

I don't actually know. I know that I feel more athletically capable when I do multiple planes of movement, I'm more able to twist and turn, run and jump and so on. I don't know that I can guarantee a performance improvement though. People like Ido Portal or Katy Bowman would argue that it's the most important thing. There is some truth in their arguments that in order to be a functioning human you need to be able to bend and twist in all direction more than you need to squat 1,000 lbs. I don't know where the trade off from one or the other happens.  For me, If I do some bending and twisting and deep (unloaded) squatting every day I seem to get hurt less often and recover from workouts and/or injuries more quickly. If I had the time, I would definitely make yoga a daily practice, as it stands I have limited hours in the day and have prioritized lifting first.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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I don't actually know. I know that I feel more athletically capable when I do multiple planes of movement, I'm more able to twist and turn, run and jump and so on. I don't know that I can guarantee a performance improvement though. People like Ido Portal or Katy Bowman would argue that it's the most important thing. There is some truth in their arguments that in order to be a functioning human you need to be able to bend and twist in all direction more than you need to squat 1,000 lbs. I don't know where the trade off from one or the other happens.  For me, If I do some bending and twisting and deep (unloaded) squatting every day I seem to get hurt less often and recover from workouts and/or injuries more quickly. If I had the time, I would definitely make yoga a daily practice, as it stands I have limited hours in the day and have prioritized lifting first.


Thanks, I don't know if I'll add this in, but I kind of liked the hip-around the head-hip thing for shoulder mobility.


3/2/15 Monday

Kettlebell Express Class.

I was a little apprehensive about this class, but I enjoyed it and found it worthwhile.  Once again it was a class full of fit 30 something females, me and another dude.  I feel very awkward in a room full of women in yoga pants, where am I supposed to keep my eyes?  We did the same type exercises as in the intro class, but in rapid succession.  The rest periods were either non-existant or 10s long.  I did about the same amount of exercises that I would do in an hour on my own, however I went down a bell size to keep my forearms from feeling too crunchy.  I didn't measure it, but I would say my heart rate stayed up in the zone for the full 30 minutes, (closer to 40 including the stretchy stuff).  New Agey, hippy crap was kept to a minimum except for some quotes from Tao during a short water break.  Oh, he also made a Tardis joke at the beginning of class.


One thing I noticed, my tendency to move is a lot slower than other people's - I do everything as a grind.  I wish I could go to Chiba City and have some fast twitch muscle tissue grafted in.


Four years ago I became obese and I started working out again.  I have been losing 10 pounds a year consistently.  Until now.  Since New Years I've put on 10 pounds of fat.  Mostly from quitting training, but also because I have started eating compulsively.  This is new for me.  Since I can no longer eat mindfully, I'm going to instill external controls.  I'm going to follow the No S diet - No Snacks, No Sweets (I'm going to ignore the No Seconds aspect for now).

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Thanks, I don't know if I'll add this in, but I kind of liked the hip-around the head-hip thing for shoulder mobility.


3/2/15 Monday

Kettlebell Express Class.

I was a little apprehensive about this class, but I enjoyed it and found it worthwhile.  Once again it was a class full of fit 30 something females, me and another dude.  I feel very awkward in a room full of women in yoga pants, where am I supposed to keep my eyes?  We did the same type exercises as in the intro class, but in rapid succession.  The rest periods were either non-existant or 10s long.  I did about the same amount of exercises that I would do in an hour on my own, however I went down a bell size to keep my forearms from feeling too crunchy.  I didn't measure it, but I would say my heart rate stayed up in the zone for the full 30 minutes, (closer to 40 including the stretchy stuff).  New Agey, hippy crap was kept to a minimum except for some quotes from Tao during a short water break.  Oh, he also made a Tardis joke at the beginning of class.


One thing I noticed, my tendency to move is a lot slower than other people's - I do everything as a grind.  I wish I could go to Chiba City and have some fast twitch muscle tissue grafted in.


Four years ago I became obese and I started working out again.  I have been losing 10 pounds a year consistently.  Until now.  Since New Years I've put on 10 pounds of fat.  Mostly from quitting training, but also because I have started eating compulsively.  This is new for me.  Since I can no longer eat mindfully, I'm going to instill external controls.  I'm going to follow the No S diet - No Snacks, No Sweets (I'm going to ignore the No Seconds aspect for now).

It's like the class was good and good for you. I think you said you had a groupon or something so you're in it for 8 or so more classes. Any thought to continuing or just taking what you've learned and applying it in your private workouts?


I love the idea of the No S diet.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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It's like the class was good and good for you. I think you said you had a groupon or something so you're in it for 8 or so more classes. Any thought to continuing or just taking what you've learned and applying it in your private workouts?


I love the idea of the No S diet.


I have 8 more classes to use up by April 1.  I won't be continuing after that.  For one thing a ten class punch card is $160, also it's a sacrifice for my wife for me to go to classes - I miss family dinner and she has to do all the bedtime parenting.  So far the big learning is that I don't need to spend so much time resting between movements.  If I can fit it in, tomorrow I will try the "Sacred Circuit" class.


The No S Diet isn't mine; it's from the same guy who came up with Shovelglove.  The full description is:

No Snacks

No Sweets

No Seconds, except Sometimes on days that start with S (Saturday, Sunday, special days).

I did it before for a little while and while I didn't lose weight, I recomped during that phase.  I quit because I was eating too much at dinner and our grocery bill was getting big.


I'm trying to get back in the habit.  I'm focusing on the No S diet and simply moving every day.  Kettlebell, biking, and tire pulling are my priority, but on the days I haven't done one of those by the time I get the kids to bed, I will do the Neila Rey Hero's Journey workouts on level 2.  I stole this idea from Lady Shello.


Today I came home from work kid free for an hour.  My plan was to pull the tire and then get the kids, but I found my buddy from Kentucky sleeping on my couch.  Today is Hero's Journey Day 1.  I'll report back in 3 hours.

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Oh, he also made a Tardis joke at the beginning of class.


One thing I noticed, my tendency to move is a lot slower than other people's - I do everything as a grind.  I wish I could go to Chiba City and have some fast twitch muscle tissue grafted in.


A Dr. Who and Neuromancer reference in one post. The nerdiest post I've seen from you yet.

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Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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A Dr. Who and Neuromancer reference in one post. The nerdiest post I've seen from you yet.


I'm less a nerd and more a dork.


I was a bit confused about Neila Rey: Hero's Journey Day 1.  Is it 200 reps total, per exercise, or per leg per exercise?  I only ended up doing 120 reps per exercise, but that was per leg except for squats which was 120 total.  I broke it up into sets of about 20.  It kept my heart rate up.


No snacks today, almost no sweets (3 spice drops, my favorite candy, brought into the house by the Kentucky dude), thirds or fourths at dinner because Taco Tuesday.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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It says all reps ate given in total per exercise.

So I would say 100 of each, 50 per side.

That's a lot of mountain climbers...

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - J.R.R Tolkien

"Progress, not perfection."

"Persist, Pivot, or Concede." - Matthew McConaughey

"Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can't."

Rants, Thoughts, and Workouts-->Battle Log | The Improvening (Current Challenge)

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This is one of my least favorite things about unilateral exercise prescriptions. 


I really like Neila Rey because it is so accessible, but I agree.


It says all reps ate given in total per exercise.

So I would say 100 of each, 50 per side.

That's a lot of mountain climbers...


Okay, so I did too many of most exercises, but not enough squats;  I'll go with this next time.  Mountain climbers are really easy for me; I think that's from training my hip flexors to pedal circles, what I had a hard time with was the side leg raises and toe taps.  My groin was really sore this morning.  And not in a good way.


3/4/15 Wednesday

With an evening class I was able to turn off the alarm and sleep in past six; it was luxurious.


Kettlebell Sacred Circuit - despite the ridiculous name, it was a good class.  This time dudes outnumbered the ladies six to three.  I can't quite figure out who is going to these classes - they are expensive (without the groupon) but the attendees are champion wearers, not Lulu Lemons wearers.  Based on what people were doing before the actual class, I would say they are all Yoga folks. This class had a different vibe than the Kettlebell Express class.  The soundtrack was loud (mild) hip hop instead of background adult contemporary.  


I was given some individual teaching before things officially started.  We had a short warm up, then we all did three songs worth of KB work with a medium bell (I used 35#).  Once again we moved from exercise to exercise without pause, which is hard on my forearm.  Then we did the sacred circuit.  IIRC - free choice KB -> Bosu ball push ups -> jumping jacks (a surprising number of people can't coordinate feet and arms) -> wall balls -> Hula hoop -> KB vertical pulls -> KB swings -> KB ??? -> hula hoop -> hula hoop -> KB deadlift -> goblet squat -> ball slam -> battling ropes.  Each exercise had an option of two or three varieties to choose from and took 30 s. with ~ 15 s. in between to get set up for the next one.  I'd call it GPP or maybe Crossfit light.


This was the first time I ever hula hooped.  I was able to do the second and third one for the full 30 s.


Afterwards it was open gym time.  Most folks did yoga moves, including hand stands, there were 3 folks who did band assisted chin ups, and a few who worked on get ups.  I got some coaching and then did a clean and press ladder and 5 X 10 swings with a 50# bell.  Finally stretching type stuff.


I have to say, I went "ugh", after my wife bought the groupon and I checked out their website, but I really enjoyed this class, even more so than the other one.  I don't think I would make this my focus, but I could see myself doing this sort of regularly.  It had a good feel to it.


The studio is right next door to a nice pub, the first drink is free after the class the next was at the friend's and family price.  Everyone from the class went (except for the guy doing the cleanse).  I'm pretty sure I was chatted up, which was flattering, but made me nervous, I quickly threw out the "my wife and kids" line.  Awkwardness aside, I had a really nice time.


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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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that's great that these workouts are doing it for you. If nothing else you'll leave with some neat programming ideas.

The class sounds like a fun change from just working out  by yourself.  


Thanks, my inner fire is taking a while to rekindle, here's hoping the return of the sun helps it along.  For now the structure of going to a class is useful and making sure I'm using a heavier bell than the guy next to me is motivating.


3/5/15 Thursday

Almost no sleep* and very sore from Neila Rey + sacred circuit, I punked out and didn't do any of my priority workouts, instead I did some extra walking to keep the habit and wrestled with the kids just because.


3/6/15 Friday

Still sore, the upside is my quads and glutes have a pump still, so I'm filling out my jeans nicely ;)  Doing alternating TRX push ups and chin ups spread through out the day, I'll do swings and squats when I get home.


I thought nerd night was called off, but it's on.  Problem is I'm doing fish fry with my dad first and I'm bringing pizza.  I'll be really tempted to eat like a dumb ass tonight.


*Stepson is using his student loan to fly to Japan over spring break, he'll stay with a friend who is teaching there.  I stayed up late after going out with my new yoga BFFs.  Then Stepson and his roommate came back from the bars around 2:30 and woke me up as they crashed around the house and vomited in the bathrooms.  At 4:30 they woke me up again stumbling around the house trying to get ready to go.  I pity whoever they were sitting next to, they reeked of the previous night's excess.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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fish fry sounds awesome, I forgot that with lent those will be everywhere for a few weeks. sorry for missing nerd night.


The St. Albert's fish fry has jumped the shark; I'll be at Our Lady of Peace next time.  Next Nerd Night is going to be April 10, supposedly we're going to do a one-night 3.5 D&D campaign, with a dungeon, if you're into that sort of thing.  If you choose the cleric expect all kinds of harassment.


Still No Sing, but with a small snack on days I move metal - otherwise I consume double dinner.


Still moving every day, but I'm weak, I need to turn it back up a notch or two.


On Saturday I took SlothBoy to an awesome birthday party.  It was in a gymnastics/circus gym about as big as an airplane hanger.  He trampolined, did trapeze, jumped off trampolines into pits of foam and the coach, who kept 10 four year olds busy for an hour, was a former Soviet gymnast who sounded just like the guy in Despicable me.



“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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You need to write it as S'ing or S-ing or something, it took me too long to figure out what Sing was(thought you were talking about karaoke or something). Left an opening for you last week in our PvP. I got 0/3 workouts in but at least I got 5/5 miles walked and continued my biking streak. Not bad for where my mind was at for part of the week. So with you doing kettle bell classes and the Hero's Journey how many days are you getting in?

Too bad about the step son. Though it sounds like your getting back into your groove. Was a little leery when you talked about the classes and I saw the website and all the knick knacks they have in their photos. But sounds like the classes have been good for you.

Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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The St. Albert's fish fry has jumped the shark; I'll be at Our Lady of Peace next time.  Next Nerd Night is going to be April 10, supposedly we're going to do a one-night 3.5 D&D campaign, with a dungeon, if you're into that sort of thing.  If you choose the cleric expect all kinds of harassment.

I have Nerd Night on the calendar officially. I'd love to do a D&D one-shot. I've been feeling like there isn't enough role-playing in my gaming life of late.

Laura and I were walking the dog yesterday, looking at all the fish fry signs and chuckling at a few. I'll pass your recommendation on. It's probably a 75% chance we'll be there Friday.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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You need to write it as S'ing or S-ing or something, it took me too long to figure out what Sing was(thought you were talking about karaoke or something). Left an opening for you last week in our PvP. I got 0/3 workouts in but at least I got 5/5 miles walked and continued my biking streak. Not bad for where my mind was at for part of the week. So with you doing kettle bell classes and the Hero's Journey how many days are you getting in?

Too bad about the step son. Though it sounds like your getting back into your groove. Was a little leery when you talked about the classes and I saw the website and all the knick knacks they have in their photos. But sounds like the classes have been good for you.

No S-ing light - I've got my eating back into my old habits as long as I think about it.  Weight gain has stalled and may even be dropping again.


I have no idea how much I've been training, except for what I've written here I haven't been tracking.  That had better change.


I have Nerd Night on the calendar officially. I'd love to do a D&D one-shot. I've been feeling like there isn't enough role-playing in my gaming life of late.

Laura and I were walking the dog yesterday, looking at all the fish fry signs and chuckling at a few. I'll pass your recommendation on. It's probably a 75% chance we'll be there Friday.

If you find a good fish fry, let me know; I'll keep my eye out for you just in case.


3/9/15 Monday

weight 176.8#

Roman Chair 1 X 15 - these are hard again.

Get Ups 2 X 1 @ 16kg, maybe I should break out Pinky.

Trap Bar worked up to 240#, set one fail, 1X2 @ 240#.

KB Clean & Press 3 X 5 @ 16kg

Rotational Lunge 3 X 10 (5 per leg) @ 50#, these gassed me.



“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Well make sure your ready for when you can. Prep your bike, make sure your clothes are ready and possibly by the bike, and have your route planned. Maybe even get to bed early and wake up early to get your ride in. Think this is what you've been waiting for.



I'm less a nerd and more a dork.


Found this and thought of you.





Guess that would make you a dork. Fortunately we're accepting of everybody here. But I'm wondering if a nerd is a mix of the two?

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Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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I really like Neila Rey because it is so accessible, but I agree.



Okay, so I did too many of most exercises, but not enough squats;  I'll go with this next time.  Mountain climbers are really easy for me; I think that's from training my hip flexors to pedal circles, what I had a hard time with was the side leg raises and toe taps.  My groin was really sore this morning.  And not in a good way.


3/4/15 Wednesday

With an evening class I was able to turn off the alarm and sleep in past six; it was luxurious.


Kettlebell Sacred Circuit - despite the ridiculous name, it was a good class.  This time dudes outnumbered the ladies six to three.  I can't quite figure out who is going to these classes - they are expensive (without the groupon) but the attendees are champion wearers, not Lulu Lemons wearers.  Based on what people were doing before the actual class, I would say they are all Yoga folks. This class had a different vibe than the Kettlebell Express class.  The soundtrack was loud (mild) hip hop instead of background adult contemporary.  


I was given some individual teaching before things officially started.  We had a short warm up, then we all did three songs worth of KB work with a medium bell (I used 35#).  Once again we moved from exercise to exercise without pause, which is hard on my forearm.  Then we did the sacred circuit.  IIRC - free choice KB -> Bosu ball push ups -> jumping jacks (a surprising number of people can't coordinate feet and arms) -> wall balls -> Hula hoop -> KB vertical pulls -> KB swings -> KB ??? -> hula hoop -> hula hoop -> KB deadlift -> goblet squat -> ball slam -> battling ropes.  Each exercise had an option of two or three varieties to choose from and took 30 s. with ~ 15 s. in between to get set up for the next one.  I'd call it GPP or maybe Crossfit light.


This was the first time I ever hula hooped.  I was able to do the second and third one for the full 30 s.


Afterwards it was open gym time.  Most folks did yoga moves, including hand stands, there were 3 folks who did band assisted chin ups, and a few who worked on get ups.  I got some coaching and then did a clean and press ladder and 5 X 10 swings with a 50# bell.  Finally stretching type stuff.


I have to say, I went "ugh", after my wife bought the groupon and I checked out their website, but I really enjoyed this class, even more so than the other one.  I don't think I would make this my focus, but I could see myself doing this sort of regularly.  It had a good feel to it.


The studio is right next door to a nice pub, the first drink is free after the class the next was at the friend's and family price.  Everyone from the class went (except for the guy doing the cleanse).  I'm pretty sure I was chatted up, which was flattering, but made me nervous, I quickly threw out the "my wife and kids" line.  Awkwardness aside, I had a really nice time.


Jazz Rap is groovy


Oooh, this class sounds pretty wicked. The big thing that's stopping me from even looking up gym stuff like this is exactly what you said: The 'froo-froo fitness' people. There's no other way to describe it but I think you understand what I mean. It's just.... massively annoying and uncomfortable. Hate gyms. Hate 'em. At least you're keeping things fresh and doing new stuff!


LOL at being chatted up! Well, it is a great compliment. I am told that if a person doesn't get the hint, you can start taking pictures out of your wallet or your phone and start rhapsodizing about them. I've tried this once, but seeing as I have mostly pictures of my big fluffy cat, I think I drove the person away through sheer weirdness and channeling my inner crazy cat lady.


I'm outside right now waiting for SlothGirl's bus. The smell - decaying leaves mostly - is driving me nuts. It reminds me of preseason training. It makes me want to ride my bike so badly.




I know exactly what you mean! That smell... makes me want to tear up the roads so bad, which is a horrible idea since the roads are more likely to tear up me. Dirt roads, poor and corrupted state, no money to fix them, LOTS of water and swampy ground.... It's like the Normandy beach out there.


Well make sure your ready for when you can. Prep your bike, make sure your clothes are ready and possibly by the bike, and have your route planned. Maybe even get to bed early and wake up early to get your ride in. Think this is what you've been waiting for.




Found this and thought of you.





Guess that would make you a dork. Fortunately we're accepting of everybody here. But I'm wondering if a nerd is a mix of the two?


HA! I love that comic. Saved. Thank you~


A nerd can be a mix of the two, but is more often just like a geek, but they're knowledge base has a wide variety of things, often of things related to academia. For example, I'm a nerd in that I know pretty much everything about literature, astronomy, and D&D.


The geek that is described in the comic actually sounds a LOT like fangirls/fanboys. Like, the hardcore kind. Like Twihards. O_O

Battle Log
Challenge Log
I made a mistake.

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Well make sure your ready for when you can. Prep your bike, make sure your clothes are ready and possibly by the bike, and have your route planned. Maybe even get to bed early and wake up early to get your ride in. Think this is what you've been waiting for.




Found this and thought of you.





Guess that would make you a dork. Fortunately we're accepting of everybody here. But I'm wondering if a nerd is a mix of the two?


Stuff's ready, I just need an opportunity.  I might need to do the 5am rides for a while.  


I lost a Facebook friend - a guy I used to eat with in high school, we sat at the weirdos table - after I commented on a post that we were nerd boys.  He liked to believe that he was a geek and did not have any dork attributes.

Oooh, this class sounds pretty wicked. The big thing that's stopping me from even looking up gym stuff like this is exactly what you said: The 'froo-froo fitness' people. There's no other way to describe it but I think you understand what I mean. It's just.... massively annoying and uncomfortable. Hate gyms. Hate 'em. At least you're keeping things fresh and doing new stuff!


LOL at being chatted up! Well, it is a great compliment. I am told that if a person doesn't get the hint, you can start taking pictures out of your wallet or your phone and start rhapsodizing about them. I've tried this once, but seeing as I have mostly pictures of my big fluffy cat, I think I drove the person away through sheer weirdness and channeling my inner crazy cat lady.





I know exactly what you mean! That smell... makes me want to tear up the roads so bad, which is a horrible idea since the roads are more likely to tear up me. Dirt roads, poor and corrupted state, no money to fix them, LOTS of water and swampy ground.... It's like the Normandy beach out there.



HA! I love that comic. Saved. Thank you~


A nerd can be a mix of the two, but is more often just like a geek, but they're knowledge base has a wide variety of things, often of things related to academia. For example, I'm a nerd in that I know pretty much everything about literature, astronomy, and D&D.


The geek that is described in the comic actually sounds a LOT like fangirls/fanboys. Like, the hardcore kind. Like Twihards. O_O


I gotta admit, I rarely know how to reply to your stream of conciousness posts, but I appreciate your reading and posting nontheless.


I didn't mind the froo-froo folks, except the guy going on about his cleanse.  

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“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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3/10/15 Tuesday


I chose to sleep in (daylight savings time), thinking I'd do Neila Rey after school.  Instead, since it was the first nice day in Minneapolis, I ran around on the box bike with the kids and did a couple errands and took them to the park.  My movement ended up being limited to about 30 minutes of biking slowly with a 100# bike and walking about with the kids.  :(


3/11/15 Wednesday


I must have looked like Hell today.  A teacher came in to grab a student for testing.  He said, "Hey man, you look like you need a coke and a candy bar.  Why don't I watch your class for a few minutes?"  At that moment he was right, I did need that.  I broke my No S with a soda pop and a pop tart.  All the candy bars had nuts in them and I can't eat nuts because the diverticulitus seems to be back (old man issues).


Tonight I have the KB Sacred Circuit class, afterwards one beer and then I'm heading to the cheap theater to watch the Hobbit movie.  I know y'all saw it like a year ago, but I'm excited to finally see it.


Off Topic

I have two groups that I'm "teaching" to program with Scratch (" " because mostly they are teaching themselves).  One group is Hell, I may bag it and do arts and crafts or something else.  They have a couple of student leaders with a horrible home life, or I should say homeless shelter life, and I can't get them to buy into anything and they are leading the class into an utter chaos.  I dread that hour.


My other class is so into it.  I post a challenge and they teach each other the skills to beat it.  It's really neat to watch.  They are really feeling successful and doing some actual thinking and collaborating.  Luckily, today when the principal came in to see what I was doing, it was with the second group and he was very impressed, he stayed for most of the hour listening to the students explain what they are doing and why.  I'm lucking into a reputation as a better teacher than I am (this is not false modesty).

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I'm less a nerd and more a dork.


I was a bit confused about Neila Rey: Hero's Journey Day 1.  Is it 200 reps total, per exercise, or per leg per exercise?  I only ended up doing 120 reps per exercise, but that was per leg except for squats which was 120 total.  I broke it up into sets of about 20.  It kept my heart rate up.


No snacks today, almost no sweets (3 spice drops, my favorite candy, brought into the house by the Kentucky dude), thirds or fourths at dinner because Taco Tuesday.


First Yay for Hero's Journey.  I've decided to wait out this challenge and start that during the mid challenge break and then through the next challenge.  I'm thoroughly excited.  I'm doing the 90 days of action and I have been interpreting 2 sided movements as 1 rep = both sides.  So 200 side leg raises is 200 each side and 200 squats is just 200 squats.  But that might not be right since sometimes the workouts don't seem balanced by doing that.  But I've been erring on the side of extra work.  


Doing the No S-ing thing again is a good idea.  I think its the snacks that kill us whether they are sweet or not.  It's one of those habits that once you start with a harmless little S, then it becomes habit and gets out of control.  Hopefully that is just the thing... and get you ready for bike season.  It is getting really nice here.  Although I really miss Minnesota spring...  In Ne spring lasts all of 2 weeks and then it's summer and too hot to go outside.  

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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