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First Yay for Hero's Journey.  I've decided to wait out this challenge and start that during the mid challenge break and then through the next challenge.  I'm thoroughly excited.  I'm doing the 90 days of action and I have been interpreting 2 sided movements as 1 rep = both sides.  So 200 side leg raises is 200 each side and 200 squats is just 200 squats.  But that might not be right since sometimes the workouts don't seem balanced by doing that.  But I've been erring on the side of extra work.  


Doing the No S-ing thing again is a good idea.  I think its the snacks that kill us whether they are sweet or not.  It's one of those habits that once you start with a harmless little S, then it becomes habit and gets out of control.  Hopefully that is just the thing... and get you ready for bike season.  It is getting really nice here.  Although I really miss Minnesota spring...  In Ne spring lasts all of 2 weeks and then it's summer and too hot to go outside.  

Hero's journey is a nice workout so far.  The days are uneven, it probably works better as an every day thing.  A lot of squats so far.  I often miss spring - it's cold and dreary and then all of a sudden everything is warm and green and I'm like, "When did that happen?"  These last few years I've been trying to pay more attention.


I think I figured out the folks at the New Age fitness studio.  They're nerds that think their fitness is important enough to spend real money on.  The thing is they're Druids and are doing KBs because the strength will help them with the flexy stuff.  I saw a guy in no better shape than me (appearance-wise) do push ups with his whole body in a plank, feet off the ground.  Impressive stuff.  At the after bar I overheard someone say, "It's based on D&D 4.0" but I didn't catch who it was...


I was a bit disappointed with the Hobbit movie.  There were some ridiculous parts that were awesome (Scottish Dwarf on a war pig!?!), but I got a bit bored with the constant battle scenes.


ElastiGirl, I owe you an apology.  My tendonitis hasn't disappeared, but since I started the bone broth it is so much better.  Pain is gone, just a dull ache that I barely notice.


3/12/15 Thursday

All week I've been naturally waking up at 6am (5 am non daylight savings), which is enough time for a short workout, but I've been dealing with my belly issues.  And then after-school I've been doing outside with the kids because it's important.  I've kept the movement habit, but in small ways - chasing the kids as they bike and minor playground workout - but it's frustrating and making me a bit anxious because I finally want to be hitting it hard again.


3/13/15 Friday

Same so far.  I plan to hit the KBs in between work and fish fry (gonna be St. Albert's again), but every time I plan that something gets in the way.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Yay for bone broth! glad it helped. I do still get some tendonitis too, but it isn't usually more than just a slight ache. Too bad it doesn't seem to help your stomach issues yet.


Did you look the first Hobbit movie and the second? Or maybe that was the one you just saw. I was disappointed in the second one, thought the way they dealt with Smaug was just silly. The third one my expectations were super low, so I enjoyed it a bit more. I wouldn't have paid to see it in the theater, but my son wanted to go with us over the Holidays (family tradition from the LoTR movies) 

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Yay for bone broth! glad it helped. I do still get some tendonitis too, but it isn't usually more than just a slight ache. Too bad it doesn't seem to help your stomach issues yet.


Did you look the first Hobbit movie and the second? Or maybe that was the one you just saw. I was disappointed in the second one, thought the way they dealt with Smaug was just silly. The third one my expectations were super low, so I enjoyed it a bit more. I wouldn't have paid to see it in the theater, but my son wanted to go with us over the Holidays (family tradition from the LoTR movies) 

I have more than one belly issue, it is a lot for broth to fix.  I liked the first one, the second too, but not as much.  I don't pay full price for any movie, except for something from the Star Wars franchise.  Luckily we have a really nice cheap theater in my hood.  They use real butter on the popcorn.


3/13/15 Friday

I managed to get in a short workout - 1X15 Roman Chair, worked up to 2X6@240# Trap Bar Dead, 5X10@24kg 2H Swing.


After that the boy and I went to the auto show with my dad.  While there I bought some reusable heating packs from a barker.  He gave me the 2 for 1 senior citizen's discount.  Must be the scraggly, white beard.


3/14/15 Saturday

I went for a bike ride.  The goal was simply to get some seat time in.  I was still disappointed when I got home and saw that I only managed 22 miles with an average speed of 13.6 m/h.  I'm calling this the first ride of the 2015 season.


3/15/15 Sunday

I'm on my way to a big brunch party :(  Friends of my wife's friends mostly.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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First Ride! That's exciting.

Thanks.  A couple of notes I didn't mention, it was warm enough that I wanted to push up the sleeves on the long-sleeve jersey I've had forever, but I couldn't get them past my forearms, that's never happened before.  KB, sledgehammers and sandbags FTW, although they still look like toothpicks to me.  Shoulders feel jacked up, if I get to ride today I'll take the mountain bike.  Biking doesn't do much positive for your mobility.  I'm trying to think of what I should do to balance out the biking as the season goes forward.  


I'm on a low-fiber, no-dairy diet for a while.  I'm still No S-ing, but I'm eating junk + meat.  I suspect I'm losing weight, but I haven't checked in a while.  I might have to go get a big box of protein bars and subsist on those for a while.


I shaved off the scraggly, patchy, white, old-man beard.  I also learned when to use hyphens in a string of adjectives this week :)  All of this teaching of English that I've been sneaking in may just get me up to the level of writing that the Sister wanted me at in seventh grade.


Brunch wasn't too bad, the food was really good.  One of the old guys spent a couple of years going in and out of surgery because of his bad belly (my wife, she is a chatty one) so now I'm going to the doctor to get it dealt with (my wife, she is a bossy one).  This is my I'm-waiting-around-bored post.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I gotta admit, I rarely know how to reply to your stream of conciousness posts, but I appreciate your reading and posting nontheless.


I didn't mind the froo-froo folks, except the guy going on about his cleanse.  




Yeah if I ever post something really unfathomable, just ignore it. Likely I had too much coffee that day. But at least you are entertained, yes?


I don't know what else to say or can really contribute anything super useful right now, so have this picture of a rabbit wearing the ceremonial jackflappen.



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Battle Log
Challenge Log
I made a mistake.

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I'm still waiting around in the Urgency Room. They want to do a $6000 CT scan. That'd be almost all out of pocket. Nice thing is that it would move us from no insurance coverage to crappy insurance coverage for the rest of the year. I said no, but compromised on blood work to check for infection which would indicate a perforated bowel. If I ever get out of here I'll be on antibiotics. Plan switched from a 2 hour ride to tire pulling after I get the kids to bed.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Thanks for asking. I was at the Urgency Room all flipping day. White blood cells were normal, so no infection. They would not call it diverticulitis without imaging, but they gave me antibiotics for it anyway along with a referral to a gastroenterologist that I won't go to unless things go south. Wife wants me to go anyway, but I'm not spending $6000 on anything unless it has wheels or a basement.

Antibiotics made everything a bit better right away, but I'm still low appetite and sick to my stomachs.

Question: is it better to eat garbage (gas station burgers and doughnuts) or eat cleanish but go in a large deficit for a week?

I pissed my boss off doing an email exchange. I called him on some BS he was trying to lay on a new staff member in a CYA move. I did it in a reply all email. It was the right thing to do, but it meant I wanted to cross my Ts and dot my Is for the week in case I was called in to his office. I didn't pull the tire [emoji21]

Right now I'm watching the kids tumbling class. When I get home I'm going to experiment with the clean and jerk. Can I schedule some garage time with you the weekend of April 10th or after? If I schedule it early I can do it. I'd like to see if you can clean up my sloppy technique.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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Why are the only choice garbage eating or deficit eating? I guess you are trying low fiber, which means little veggies.  Maybe try to make sure your veggies are all cooked and see if that is easier on your body. And go with the no dairy. If you are sensitive at all to lactose, that can be hard on your system. I think I'd go with deficit over garbage. Junky food just add bad fats and usually dairy too, and that is hard on the stomach. Have you ever tried giving up gluten? I try and not be one of those Paleo people who try and convert everyone but, first I gave up the dairy which cured most of my stomach problems, and then once I cut out the wheat, it seemed like I could even cheat once in a while with the dairy and get away with it. I've never had diverticulitis though, so not sure if it would help, but easier to give up wheat than pay $6,000 for tests.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Why are the only choice garbage eating or deficit eating? I guess you are trying low fiber, which means little veggies.  Maybe try to make sure your veggies are all cooked and see if that is easier on your body. And go with the no dairy. If you are sensitive at all to lactose, that can be hard on your system. I think I'd go with deficit over garbage. Junky food just add bad fats and usually dairy too, and that is hard on the stomach. Have you ever tried giving up gluten? I try and not be one of those Paleo people who try and convert everyone but, first I gave up the dairy which cured most of my stomach problems, and then once I cut out the wheat, it seemed like I could even cheat once in a while with the dairy and get away with it. I've never had diverticulitis though, so not sure if it would help, but easier to give up wheat than pay $6,000 for tests.


Fair question.  It's mostly about appetite.  It's mostly gone right now and I am full very quickly.  Some of my question is frustration at not knowing what to eat.  I eat pretty clean, except for the occasional dumb-assery.  If I can't eat whole wheat and veggies, what am I left with, Pop-Tarts?  I do like Pop-Tarts.  Anyway, my thought process was that junk food is so calorie dense that I think I could eat it and not go into a deficit.  But, you're absolutley right, the solution to my belly issues isn't to eat worse.


Give me noodles or give me death!!!  No, I've never thought of giving up gluten.  Maybe I should, I don't know.  What would be left for me to eat though?


3/16/15 Monday

Mobility + core + clean & push press.  I didn't do enough to really call this a workout.  I just played around with the 16kg bell for a while.  I couldn't figure out how to double dip for a jerk.  A clean & push-press has a pretty good metabolic demand.  I think I'll play around with it some more.


I'm moving my workouts into the evenings.  5 a.m. worked really well for a couple of years, but the last few months I haven't been able to do much in the morning.  It will be warmer when I bike and I won't have to worry about a flat tire making me late for work.


Spring break is coming up.  I'm trying to figure out how to train when I get back.  Biking T/Th/Sa/Su with T/Th being easyish.  KB/Sandbag M/W/F.  But what to do?  I probably shouldn't worry about it, I should worry about consistently moving every day.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I've been trying to go gluten free since the beginning of the month. Seems to be working. I've lost 7 lbs since then and I'm feeling better. I'm with Elastigirl about jumping on the Paleo band wagon but I have noticed things that might indicate I have gluten sensitivity so figured what's the worst that can happen trying to eat gluten free? Eat more vegetables, fruits, and meats on no.

What I've been trying to eat is turkey and chicken breasts, steaks and hamburgers, vegetables in steam bags or roasted, any kind of fruit, lots of eggs, nuts, tuna and other fish, and protein shakes every morning (okay mid afternoon after I wake up). And since I don't want to go cold turkey on grains I still eat ones that are gluten free like white and brown rice and oatmeal. The item I've really been enjoying is baby carrots dipped in roasted red pepper hummus. The thing I've found out in just the short time I've been doing this is how much better my appetite control is, I eat smaller portions than I did before but feel more satisfied.

Now I've just started trying to do this but it feels like I'm going in a good direction. Plus I'll learn more as a go along. The things I've been learning is how to cook better items. I've learned several different ways to cook sweet potatoes and I've been using the heck out of my slow cooker to make spicy shredded chicken or pot roasts. It has been a struggle though. I can't believe how much carbs I used to eat. Let's put this burger on a bun, this roast beef would be good as a sandwich, let's put this shredded chicken in a flour tortilla. Plus all of my old grab quick food items were nothing but carbs chips, cereal, crackers, pizza. Actually that is the hardest part I'm having is that the kid eats all of those things and I find myself stealing little bites here and there. But this is a process and not Oh My God I need to be perfect or it doesn't work. Just take it a bit at a time and see what works for you. Think that's the biggest thing just being more mindful of what your eating.

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Viking Adventurer

Battle Log: Bearlee is ...

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 Can I schedule some garage time with you the weekend of April 10th or after? If I schedule it early I can do it. I'd like to see if you can clean up my sloppy technique.

you bet. There's a low chance I may have a work trip on Sunday so Saturday is likely the safest pick. As far as I know, I have nothing booked that Saturday so pick your time freely and I'll get you on the calendar so we don't book over you.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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Give me noodles or give me death!!! 

My daughter was trying to give up gluten and she found gluten free noodles that taste pretty good. I think a lot of people have gluten problems, someone was telling me that it has more to do with how the wheat is grown now as apposed to it actually being wheat. That is why it seems more prevalent now but way back when, it was a huge staple in everyone's diet. 

I don't know much about diverticulitis but it sounds horrible. 


                                              LEARNING TO PLAY AGAIN                                                                                        


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What are your food restrictions for the diverticulitis? If you want to have enough calories, but not have gluten or too much fiber (I'm just guessing that they say low on fiber) than white rice would be good. You can make it in batches and heat it up. Cook it in bone broth and add some butter or oil to it. Sweet potatoes, or regular potatoes.


If the gluten is causing some of your issues, than hopefully as that clears up you can eat more veggies and stuff. 

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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I've been trying to go gluten free since the beginning of the month. Seems to be working. I've lost 7 lbs since then and I'm feeling better. I'm with Elastigirl about jumping on the Paleo band wagon but I have noticed things that might indicate I have gluten sensitivity so figured what's the worst that can happen trying to eat gluten free? Eat more vegetables, fruits, and meats on no.

What I've been trying to eat is turkey and chicken breasts, steaks and hamburgers, vegetables in steam bags or roasted, any kind of fruit, lots of eggs, nuts, tuna and other fish, and protein shakes every morning (okay mid afternoon after I wake up). And since I don't want to go cold turkey on grains I still eat ones that are gluten free like white and brown rice and oatmeal. The item I've really been enjoying is baby carrots dipped in roasted red pepper hummus. The thing I've found out in just the short time I've been doing this is how much better my appetite control is, I eat smaller portions than I did before but feel more satisfied.

Now I've just started trying to do this but it feels like I'm going in a good direction. Plus I'll learn more as a go along. The things I've been learning is how to cook better items. I've learned several different ways to cook sweet potatoes and I've been using the heck out of my slow cooker to make spicy shredded chicken or pot roasts. It has been a struggle though. I can't believe how much carbs I used to eat. Let's put this burger on a bun, this roast beef would be good as a sandwich, let's put this shredded chicken in a flour tortilla. Plus all of my old grab quick food items were nothing but carbs chips, cereal, crackers, pizza. Actually that is the hardest part I'm having is that the kid eats all of those things and I find myself stealing little bites here and there. But this is a process and not Oh My God I need to be perfect or it doesn't work. Just take it a bit at a time and see what works for you. Think that's the biggest thing just being more mindful of what your eating.

I'm glad it's working for you.  Being mindful of your eating, no matter how, always improves things.  I need more of that.


you bet. There's a low chance I may have a work trip on Sunday so Saturday is likely the safest pick. As far as I know, I have nothing booked that Saturday so pick your time freely and I'll get you on the calendar so we don't book over you.

Coolio.  I've got it on the calendar.  We can move it back too if you need to get ready for your trip.


Give me noodles or give me death!!! 

My daughter was trying to give up gluten and she found gluten free noodles that taste pretty good. I think a lot of people have gluten problems, someone was telling me that it has more to do with how the wheat is grown now as apposed to it actually being wheat. That is why it seems more prevalent now but way back when, it was a huge staple in everyone's diet. 

I don't know much about diverticulitis but it sounds horrible. 

What are your food restrictions for the diverticulitis? If you want to have enough calories, but not have gluten or too much fiber (I'm just guessing that they say low on fiber) than white rice would be good. You can make it in batches and heat it up. Cook it in bone broth and add some butter or oil to it. Sweet potatoes, or regular potatoes.


If the gluten is causing some of your issues, than hopefully as that clears up you can eat more veggies and stuff. 

I don't think I have gluten problems.  I do have a minor lactose problem and that makes the other things worse.  It is normally not a big problem as long as I avoid mozzerella and soft serve.  Lactase takes care of it if I am having a large amount of dairy.


In between flair ups (my last one was four years ago) I should be able to eat anything.  They used to say that you should avoid seeds, nuts, and popcorn.  In my experience that is still sound advice, although lately I have been having a regular snack of nuts because they are an easy to grab food that is not made of white flour or sugar.  During a flair up I should be on a low fiber diet, a lot of people need to be on a liquid diet.


In between flare ups I should, and do, eat a high fiber diet.  I have a daily oatmeal habit, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and all of our wheat products are whole wheat of some sort.  I don't eat Paleo, but by most standards I eat pretty healthy even including the occasional bouts of dumbassery.


This has been my diet for the last few days:

Breakfast - protein bar

Lunch - Greek yoghurt + lactase

Snack - Greek yoghurt + lactase

Dinner - ~1/4 of meat.


The solid food is making me sick to my stomach.  I should probably find a squishy food besides yoghurt and eat it for my four meals, but what?  White rice made with bone broth isn't a bad idea.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I'm glad it's working for you.  Being mindful of your eating, no matter how, always improves things.  I need more of that.


Coolio.  I've got it on the calendar.  We can move it back too if you need to get ready for your trip.


I don't think I have gluten problems.  I do have a minor lactose problem and that makes the other things worse.  It is normally not a big problem as long as I avoid mozzerella and soft serve.  Lactase takes care of it if I am having a large amount of dairy.


In between flair ups (my last one was four years ago) I should be able to eat anything.  They used to say that you should avoid seeds, nuts, and popcorn.  In my experience that is still sound advice, although lately I have been having a regular snack of nuts because they are an easy to grab food that is not made of white flour or sugar.  During a flair up I should be on a low fiber diet, a lot of people need to be on a liquid diet.


In between flare ups I should, and do, eat a high fiber diet.  I have a daily oatmeal habit, eat lots of fruits and veggies, and all of our wheat products are whole wheat of some sort.  I don't eat Paleo, but by most standards I eat pretty healthy even including the occasional bouts of dumbassery.


This has been my diet for the last few days:

Breakfast - protein bar

Lunch - Greek yoghurt + lactase

Snack - Greek yoghurt + lactase

Dinner - ~1/4 of meat.


The solid food is making me sick to my stomach.  I should probably find a squishy food besides yoghurt and eat it for my four meals, but what?  White rice made with bone broth isn't a bad idea.

Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound like you weren't eating healthy. I know most of your food choices are healthy.  Maybe try applesauce? Or soup might be easier to digest.  I wouldn't worry about forcing yourself to work out, if you have the energy fine, but if not let your body rest. Which is sad if your weather is nice.Hope your stomach heals quickly.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Thanks. I didn't take it that way at all. I appreciate your advice, even if I'm not ready to follow it yet. Maybe later, like with the bone broth. After I'm through with this my focus will be high fiber, low nuts/seeds/dairy.

Soups a great idea I can't believe I didn't think of it.[emoji1]

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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I just saw someone make chocolate pudding-like substance with a mashed avocado, cocoa, and some honey.  That should be sufficiently squishy, fairly calorie dense due to the avocado, and sounds kinda yummy.  

Race: Amazonian Ogre Princess | Class: Ranger | Profession: SuperHero | Affiliation: Doodlie and Pancake for Life

Respawn Challenge Arcs: 2021 | 2022


I am not saying I am Wonder Woman. I am just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman together in the same room.


Original Spawn Challenges 2014 - 2020: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 789, 10, 11, 12 , 131415, 1617181920, 21, 2223242526272829303132, 33, 3435, 36??

Roadmaps: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020

Starting weight = 290.4 (2014); Current weight = 241.2; Total pounds lost: 49.2

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Did you go on Spring break already? I was at the book store the other day and saw this and thought of you :playful: .



I'm not sure if that's a joke or serious?  How is biking different when you're an older dude?  Some of the fastest guys at the local races are pushing 50.  More recovery, more mobility work?  That picture was taken in 1990 which makes me wonder about the information inside.  Technology, nutrition, supplements, and training has all taken big leaps forward since then.  Not to be a negative Nelly, it's nice that you thought of me.


I was able to secure a substitute, so I can leave Wednesday night.  We're going to the middle of nowhere Florida to stay with my mother-in-laws.  Two weeks for the rest of the family, ten days for me.  It should be nice.  Did you catch the dropped lead? I get to fly alone!!!


Belly issues:  It hit me hard.  Since my last post I've spent most of my free time curled up in a fetal ball wondering if death might be easier.  I am still off my feed, but I'm going to try a workout later.  I'm going to go completely lactose free when I get back from vacation, 'cause it isn't hard enough keeping my gullet filled.


BearLee: Our PVP was about strength training; I certainly didn't keep up my end of it, I know your cardio has been awesome, have you strength trained?  I'm assuming you did, send me your address and I'll send you your prize. I might not get a chance to hit the Norwegian stuff store until after break though.  I'm not going to do a PVP with you, I'm tired of getting my ass kicked.

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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ugh, stomach stuff sucks. I've only ever had acute issues. Maybe a little bit of feeling "not right" for a day or more but never the full tilt pain. Hoping it clears up for you.



Maybe biking past 50 means 50 mph. That would be a game changer :)

Thanks,  Three more days of antibiotics and I should be golden after that.  If not, I'll be in Florida and there has to be a lot of doctors experienced with diverticulitis.


I've biked past 50 a couple of times.  It takes the right hill (Duluth) and more focus on catching the leaders than on how poorly maintained the road is.


Could your stomach issues be gall bladder related? Just a thought. 

I've never consider that.  I don't have problems digesting fat.  Things have gotten slowly worse over the years - boiling a frog theory.  My normal would be most people's illness.  My dad has had issues for decades.  Now SlothGirl is complaining (not sure if she's copying, trying to avoid things, or truly sick), makes me wonder about inherited issues.  As soon as we use up the rest of our deductible, or next January, I'll see the gastroenterologist.


3/22/15 Sunday

Stretchy stuff.

Roman chair 1X15

Superset: sandbag around the head @50#

with: Push ups X5, 3 rounds

Sandbag Get Ups: 1 X 5/5 @ 50#

Had to stop after that, I'll try again tomorrow

“We might as well start where we are, use what we have and do what we can." – Caitlin Rivers

Sloth: The Man with the Hammer battle log

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