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DarK_RaideR's BattlE_LoG

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1 hour ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Ladies again do more than their share of reps and we finish in something like 35:30.

So sorry to hear you were injured, but it sounds like a situation of "they didn't realise they could do as much as they finally did" for the ladies. So good for them.

How is your knee now?

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Mrs. Van's Latest Challenge


Zechariah 4:6

"Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the Lord."

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1 hour ago, Xena said:

What does as light as possible mean on the manmakers? Light on your feet?

"Heavy" and "light" refer to the weights. Which is why I used a single 20kg DB for the Snatches and we all used two 17,5kg DBs for the Man makers.


Thanks for asking everyone, knee still stings a bit, especially when dealing with stairs or flexed at the limits of range-of-motion (fully straight or completely bent). I can walk with minimal pain, though I do feel as if I'm slightly limping. Told the SRLF I'm thinking of going to a doctor just to get it out of my head, because I keep worrying in case it's something that shouldn't be left unattended and if damage piles up over time. She calmed me down and told me I'm alright since it didn't keep me awake at night. We agreed to give it some time, since knee pain takes a while to heal and it's not like a doctor can take a look and diagnose. I'm not about to start doing X-rays yet, so we'll see how it develops.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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14 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

I keep worrying in case it's something that shouldn't be left unattended and if damage piles up over time. She calmed me down and told me I'm alright since it didn't keep me awake at night. We agreed to give it some time, since knee pain takes a while to heal and it's not like a doctor can take a look and diagnose. I'm not about to start doing X-rays yet, so we'll see how it develops.

In that situation if it keeps improving you should be alright. If it starts to feel worse a doctor might be in order.

Fortunately, there's a lot of tests you can do at home to check for injury. SRLF could perform them on you.

Here they are described in text form:

And here's a video on how to do them:


IF she agree's to look at your knee, be sure she tests the good leg first so she can have a baseline for comparison.

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Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Knee issues are hideous, so draining on your confidence because you're fearful of doing make damage. Ligament damage in the knees is soups stuff.


Fingers crossed it's just a niggle and clears up quickly.


You have been doing a lot of volume recently, few light days might be in order prior to the Open....


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         Endor, LVL 45 Half-Elf Ranger 

PR and Motivation Log | Current Battle Log 


                    Feb-March 2022 Challenge


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Friday, 24 February

Back at the box at last for a shot at 17.1 Scaled

For time (20' time cap)

10 One arm Dumbbell Snatches (17,5kg)

15 Burpee box overs

20 DB Snatches

15 Burpee box overs

30 DB Snatches

15 Burpee box overs

40 DB Snatches

15 Burpee box overs

50 DB Snatches

15 Burpee box overs

Score: DNF, still had 11 burpees left

Tweaked knee prevented me from doing box jumps and it was hard getting up from the burpees as I couldn't really put weight on it. Left leg took the brunt of stepping over the box. Overall satisfied, given the tweaked knee, week long absence and lingering cough

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Wednesday, 1 March

Hit the box to maintain my momentum in light of 17.2. WOD was rowing and spots were limited, so I decided to take it easy and attend the 21:00 Gymnastics class. Pretty straightforward, work on my weaknesses and take it easy on the tweaked knee, right?


Because the "Gymnastics" WOD was Murph. In teams of 2 and without a vest, but Murph regardless.

Split the 1 mile into 4 sets of 400m runs, each athlete doing 2

I suck at pullups, but did my fair share of about 50 out of 100

I suck even more at pushups, must have done like 70-75 out of 200

Squats hurt with the tweaked knee so I used a MedBall for butt support. Pushed hard and did sets of 20 or 30 for something like 120-150 out of 300

Final runs were split into 4x400 again

Score: 35'56"


Fun facts from the Crossfit Leaderboards after 17.1


Out of 128 total submitted scores for males

Our top athlete/coach is 41st in the country on the Rx category

My Murph teammate is 52nd on the same category

Scaled results start from the 81st position. Crossfit Pireaus athletes get:


83rd (Gymnastics coach)

86th to 92nd




A double 100th

104th to 106th

108th and 109th


114th (Head Coach)



118th (Me! Yay!)


123rd (Dude that did 17.1 on Saturday with me. He scored my Friday score)

127th (Dude I was chasing last year on the Leaderboard)


Out of 45 total submitted scores for females

1st is Anna Fragkou, a Crossfit Games athlete

28th is the first Scaled score

CF Piraeus athletes ranked

29th (Head Coach's gf)



35th (Her first Open)



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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Sunday, 5 March

Took a shot at 17.2 Scaled


50ft Walking Lunges with two 17,5kg dumbbells in a front rack position

16 Hanging Knee Raises/Chin to bar pullups (alternate every 2 rounds)

8 Dumbbell Power Cleans

Score: 107 reps (3 full rounds plus 25ft lunges)


Knee killed me during the lunges and I couldn't get any hip assistance during the Power Cleans, which resulted in pain, slow pace and too many breather breaks. On the bright side, my grip and pullup have finally returned. I'll be looking for knee braces tomorrow, this can't go on.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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19 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Sunday, 5 March

Took a shot at 17.2 Scaled


50ft Walking Lunges with two 17,5kg dumbbells in a front rack position

16 Hanging Knee Raises/Chin to bar pullups (alternate every 2 rounds)

8 Dumbbell Power Cleans

Score: 107 reps (3 full rounds plus 25ft lunges)


Knee killed me during the lunges and I couldn't get any hip assistance during the Power Cleans, which resulted in pain, slow pace and too many breather breaks. On the bright side, my grip and pullup have finally returned. I'll be looking for knee braces tomorrow, this can't go on.


This stuff makes me nervous for going to Crossfit, these things could easily kill me...

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... a little odd in the head ...

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22 hours ago, DarK_RaideR said:

Sunday, 5 March

Took a shot at 17.2 Scaled


50ft Walking Lunges with two 17,5kg dumbbells in a front rack position

16 Hanging Knee Raises/Chin to bar pullups (alternate every 2 rounds)

8 Dumbbell Power Cleans

Score: 107 reps (3 full rounds plus 25ft lunges)


Knee killed me during the lunges and I couldn't get any hip assistance during the Power Cleans, which resulted in pain, slow pace and too many breather breaks. On the bright side, my grip and pullup have finally returned. I'll be looking for knee braces tomorrow, this can't go on.

Have you had a knee exam to make sure you're not dealing with structural damage that you can make worse by fighting through this?

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Rebel Scum Current Challenge

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16 hours ago, EricMN said:

Have you had a knee exam to make sure you're not dealing with structural damage that you can make worse by fighting through this?

Appreciate your concern, Master Jedi. I thought about it from the first moment. I'm not screaming in pain, so it's nothing big like a torn tendon or broken bone. It's getting better as time goes by and the knee sleeves made a difference when I re-tried 17.1 so I'm pushing through for the rest of the Open. For now, I'm looking to buy my own knee sleeves (which were on the "to grab" list anyway) and power through the Open. If the problem persists after 17.5 (end of March) I'll pull the trigger and go to a doctor, do the X-rays and so on.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Wednesday, 8 March

Gymnastics class



1x10 Pullups, 1x10 Chinups

30" Ring Hold

2x6 Ring Pushups

2x10 Matador Dips



For time (15' cap): 50-40-30-20-10

Double Unders

Alternate diraction leg circles while hanging from the bar


Score: 10 circles into the set of 20s upon hitting the time cap. Double Unders just weren't happening, so after the set of 50s I switched to Single Unders. Tried out the knee brace, did a pretty good job of absorbing the shock of rope jumps and landing from the bar.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Friday, 10 March


17.3 Scaled

Won't bother explaining it for anyone who doesn't know, Dave Castro himself struggled to explain the workout during the announcement. In short, it's a mix of jumping/chest to bar pullups and squat snatches.


I did Scaled and it was a mixed bag of emotions thanks to my busted knee. Worth mentioning my Snatch 1RM PR is 50kg


I opted to Power Snatch+Overhead Squat which is a little extra time and effort, but easier on my knee. Receiving the bar over parallel is considered a no rep and I didn't want to risk any of those. Told the judge about my injury and how I'd go down slow so he'd have to tell me when I was below parallel. First round with an empty bar (44lb) and 74lb was a breeze, though I could feel the shock on my knee landing from the jumping pullups, despite the knee brace. Went to the 114lb snatch (51kg) and hit the first round, along with a new PR. Second round I got one rep. Then a no rep for not locking my arms (which I was, but I felt like I hadn't gone below parallel, so I accepted it). At the bottom of the squat there, I felt my knee give in, just like when I first tweaked it. Pushed through another snatch, but at the bottom of the overhead squat my knee gave up and I threw the bar. Didn't want to give up so I kept trying until I ran out of time, but my knee hurt from the moment I brace to get the bar off the ground so I couldn't do it. Official score is 93 reps.


Like I said, mixed bag of emotions. On one hand I feel heroic for pushing through and getting a PR, on the other hand I'm pissed because I know I could have otherwise made it to the next round.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Friday, 17 March


Did 17.6 Scaled as part of the 3vs3 Team Event our box organized. Limited space with many participants, so various setbacks included

  • Guys from previous heats making it to a second set and asking me while Deadlifting if I had a lot more left (I did, but even bothering to answer threw me off)
  • Someone stealing my MedBall before I started the Wall Balls. Had to find another
  • Hearing the coach say "Time" when I still had 3 Wall Balls left, stopping to collapse only to have the SRLF come let me know that time was up for the previous heat, not mine. 10-15 seconds wasted easily

And I still scored 1 rep better than last year! Re-trying it on Monday, of course. I know I can do better.

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Saturday, 18 March


3vs3 Event 2

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 split between team members

Front Squats 115lb

Box Jumps



3vs3 Event 3

Clean and Jerk. 4 attempts per team, 1 for each member and a bonus

Felt strong during warmup, stronger than my 65kg PR but messed up the math and tried 75kg. Pressed it badly over my head and dropped it behing before my arms could lock. I got the repeat attempt and lifted 60kg easy, with bonus comments on flawless technique and making it look easy. A new PR is imminent


3vs3 Event 4

Each team has a 35lb plate, a 20lb MedBall and a stack of AbMats. Pick an item and carry it around a square for 400m. Return the other way round running. Repeat until all 3 items have been carried, then carry them back to the start again following the same carry-run pattern


3vs3 Event 5

Dead Hang as long as possible, then 135lb Deadlift Hold as long as possible

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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Ugh I feel you so much on the knee pain. :/ I hope you figure out what is going on soon.


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On 3/19/2017 at 9:55 AM, DarK_RaideR said:

Saturday, 18 March


3vs3 Event 2

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 split between team members

Front Squats 115lb

Box Jumps



3vs3 Event 3

Clean and Jerk. 4 attempts per team, 1 for each member and a bonus

Felt strong during warmup, stronger than my 65kg PR but messed up the math and tried 75kg. Pressed it badly over my head and dropped it behing before my arms could lock. I got the repeat attempt and lifted 60kg easy, with bonus comments on flawless technique and making it look easy. A new PR is imminent

Lifting math is hard. Way to go on fixing the lift.

Rebel Scum Current Challenge

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Monday, 20 March

17.4 Scaled


55 Deadlifts 135lb

55 Wall Balls (20lb ball, 9ft target)

55 Calories on a rower

55 Hand release pushups


Last year's score: 146 (Made it to 36 Calories)

Friday's Score: 147

Monday's Score: 175 (Completed the row and cranked 10 pushups0

Improvement within the year: +29 reps and no dying feeling on the Wall Balls or Rowing

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Lvl 65 Multitasker

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