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Son of Rylos

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Everything posted by Son of Rylos

  1. Final Status Report Well, 6 weeks down and I'm feeling good. Didn't quite hold all of my goals solidly but I'm still doing pretty well. And since I've been caught by this "the next challenge is in 1 week" mode, I'm going to wrap up challenge 1 quick and easy. Weight Loss Goal: I ended the challenge at 325.4. I didn't manage to get the whole 10 but I'm pretty excited about 9. Exercise: Managed to get 15 of the 18 workouts in so to go from 0 to 15 in 6 weeks is pretty good. Soda Intake: I've managed to keep my soda intake under the 42 ounces I started with. That's a considerable victory for me since soda is my gateway item to extra pounds. Home cooked meals: I did manage to get in one meal each week that wasn't takeout or prepackaged and full of salt and preservatives. All in all, not a bad run for a first challenge. I've learned quite a bit, laughed quite a bit (usually at my exercising) and more than ready to take on the next adventure.
  2. Greetings All! I'm back for seconds! And this time, I'm joining with my fellow men and women Assassins. Extremely excited to be continuing the journey here for my health and well-being. If the way I'm posting my challenges seems weird, it's because I'm using the method of naming used for the episodes of the series Chuck. I really loved this show and think that they way they had the episodes named made me smile (i.e. Chuck vs. The Wookie, Chuck vs. The Nacho Sampler). So, in my own little way, I'm trying to go from Super Nerd to Super Spy Nerd. Goal #1: To keep up on the progress of changing my keg to a 24-pack (and hopefully less) I'm going to increase my exercise game in two parts. This time I'm taking advantage of a lot more than just the bodyweight circuits but I'm also going to up the days. 4 days a week for the bodyweight workouts. How hard could that be, especially if I'm going to be dedicated to trimming down? (+2 STR, +1 DEX, +2 STA) Goal #2: Goal two will focus on the home cooking. I know that cooking bug is in me, I just need to bring it to the surface. This time around we are going to go for 2 dinners per week. Maybe I'll throw in something special (Paleo, low carb) but haven't ironed that one out yet. It's better than ending up with donuts all the time! (+1 WIS, +1 CHA) Goal #3: I've decided to make goal 3 one that will also help both body and spirit. Along with the bodyweight workouts, I'm going to be adding yoga and cardio (mostly walking/running) into the mix. Theoretically I can do these also on some of my bodyweight days. My goal will be to get two 30 minutes sessions in a week, so I'll be a good yoga routine or about a 2 mile walk at this point. (+1 STR, +2 STA, +2 CON) Goal #4: My Life Quest is going to focus on my financial health. My credit and finances aren't awesome so they could use some improvement. I'm going to be looking into a minimum of 1 personal finance methodology per week during the challenge. (+2 WIS) Basically, I want to be able to get my entire life looking and feeling AMAZING!!! Here's to the Second Challenge!! Me dancing, more or less
  3. Congratulations!! Excellent Work Mariska, great end to the challenge and great results. You've had some great results and looks like you've made some wise changes to how you see things. I wouldn't worry too much about not figuring out your Life Quest, sometimes that's harder than it seems. All of your actions seem to be going in the right direction for your health and fitness. Can't wait to see your further progress!!
  4. I know, this is catching me by surprise too. None the less, I'm still in it to win it!
  5. I know there are a few mini-challenges popping up for the break. Plus, it's a good time to get focus and planning for the challenge. I'll be joining in as a new Assassin and can't wait.
  6. (Later than normal) Weekend Update Last week of the first challenge and it's kind of bittersweet. It's been a great journey so far and I know that there will be plenty more adventures and challenges, but it's this first one, that won't be repeated. Plus, between a horrible sleeping night Thursday night plus travel yesterday after work, had the right mind to pass out as soon as I could. Traveled back up to my parents' house for Easter weekend so now here's the update. Weigh-In: Scale said I was at 327.0 so I'm up over the last weigh-in but I feel that things will be fine come Monday. Even if I don't have the full 10 pound weight loss then, I'm still extrememly happy with where I've gone in the last 6 weeks. Soda Intake: Still under my limits but there were times I got way too close. Plus, yesterday, I thought I'd need to have a lot of soda for my drive but I went another direction with iced tea. Exercises: Got two in this week already with the third hopefully still getting done later this weekend. Homecooked Foods: Managed to get in one meal that was simple, basic, and homemade (OK, it was scrambled eggs and toast). Overall, I'm grateful for the journey I've started, all the help, motivation, and assistance I've gotten so far. I'm not sure what my motivations will be while we have the 2 week break between challenges. It will give me time to think of just the right goals and motivation for the next challenge (plus a possible theme). I do have a mini-quest that I'll be doing working on my walking distances while on break so that will help.
  7. Definitely count me in!!! I usually get about 4 miles in with work (5 days a week) and if I up my activity on my off days (which are usually pretty lazy) I think that I should be able to put up some good numbers with this challenge. So, if you'd put me up for 56 miles for the 2 week challenge, if be ever so grateful! Let's do this!!
  8. Looking forward to the end of the week. Trying to get some different exercising plans in place for next challenge. Also trying to keep some minor aches from cropping up to become a bigger issue plus focusing on Sunday and Easter.
  9. Well, as soon as I can figure out one of the skills that I have that will work, definitely!
  10. A new month, 2 new workout plans, and the motivation to take it all the way!

  11. With the end of my first challenge in sight, I've decided to start getting some ideas down for my Epic Quest (Ironically this is also with my 100th post so no longer a Newbie!). There are a lot of things that I've wanted to accomplish with my life, some I've done but many because I wasn't fit enough, financially set enough, or otherwise. With this new journey, there's no better time to start my list and get on track to get these going! Epic Quest List Walk (and/or Run) a 5k race in good time (<30 mins) Run the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disney World Go skydiving (indoors first, then for real) Drive a race car above 150 mph European Travel Belgium (ancestors on my maternal grandfather's side)Germany (same plus the history)England (because it's awesome)Travel to Asia India (to be in the presence of Mt. Everest)Russia (history)China (history)Travel to Australia These are just the beginning, more will come!
  12. For the next challenge I'll be taking up with the Assassins. Even being a bigger guy, I've always been pretty nimble not to mention the reactions I get from sneaking up on people at work (not on purpose). I always joke that I'm a "300 lbs ninja" so between my silent steps and my ability to blend in, I'm going to train with my brethren there. I've already met some really awesome Assassins and Recruits that will be joining me over there next challenge and I can't wait to learn, stumble, and grow with them.
  13. Week Five Update So, we get to the end of another week and we're doing alright. Had a little crisis of faith this week with the journey. No major falling off of the wagon but there were dune bumpy moments. Weigh in: Currently 325.2 lbs, down a total of 9.2 lbs. Seriously only need eight-tenths of a pound for next Monday. Exercise: Only got two workouts in again this week, I did actually get one in yesterday so I'm not off the exercise boat so now's the time to refocus. Soda Intake: Under the limit for the whole week but Friday was a REALLY close one :/ Home Cooked Meals: Had a ham and mashed potatoes Saturday night and eggs & toast last night so I actually got two in this week. It's amazing easy to do breakfast for dinner (probably not the best thing but it's a start). With one week to go, I'm excited to be completing this first challenge and these first steps towards a new lifestyle. Less than a pound to go is exciting but I also know that this week will be a challenge with Easter. I imagine we all have to learn how to manage navigating eating with a family gathering.
  14. Welcome Back!! Isn't that just the luck that things that will help us in life in one way screw us over in another. But less stress is less stress and that is more helpful in life than anything! Glad to hear everything went great with your training and looking forward to the regular updates. We only have 1 week to go!!
  15. That's the thing with showing people something that we treasure from our past, that they won't have the same excitement and feelings about it that you do. I've tried doing that with people and my all-time favorite movie, The Last Starfighter. Alas, some just don't see it the way that I do.
  16. I'm hoping that keeping up exercise goals for challenges will keep me exercising (already setting for a goal for exercising 5 times a week for next challenge). I know that with the spring I just need to expel some of the dark, negative, cold energy that just seems to seep into your body and mind over the winter. I don't believe I have SAD or anything (Seasonal Affective Disorder) but I know that the winter season can just take its toll on you, especially here in the Midwest. I know I'll get the motivation! Thanks Maaya!! That meh period doesn't help but getting through it, the extra support is always welcome and appreciated! As for travel, totally will be saving up to do something. Thank you, day by day is the way. Some days definitely better than others but I'm still trying. I'm not going to give up on my goals, not with this support network. I couldn't be more happy being here with all the great people, all of us on our journeys, both by ourselves and together as one.
  17. That is a super way to think about it. I know that I haven't maxed out all of my goals for the challenge but I am extremely happy for what I have done. Plus, going out to the bar with friends, that is it's own kind of meditation (with the addition of liquor). You have been doing great and so excited to see your future accomplishments!!
  18. Definitely have thought about this many times. Born and raised in the Detroit suburbs, lived somewhere within an hour's drive of Detroit (I'm using it as a frame of reference, not that I really went there that much) until my later 20s then moved just outside of South Bend, Indiana (Notre Dame country, totally NOT a fan though). The job that I'm in now could go anywhere really so traveling elsewhere has sounded like a great idea at times. I would love to get somewhere a little more south but not too far south, I'm not the biggest fan of humid heat. Somewhere that could be a close enough drive between the ocean and the mountains would be nice, Virginia or the Carolinas could be possible spots.
  19. I know what you mean about the focus. Mine was great last week but for whatever reason, it's seemed to waver. I think the small demons of our past habits are trying to make an appearance. We can persevere and make it! We only have 9 more days after today with the challenge.
  20. I don't have any motivations or anything up or anything (except for the motivation I get here which is excellent) but that may be an idea. As for rewards, also nothing I've set up yet. I know that I would love to travel out of the U.S., definitely Europe, possibly some Asia, like Japan and India.
  21. That's what the extra support here is for, those days where our new beliefs and habits are being invaded by our old demons. This morning I had some really harsh feelings going on and nearly binged on some really not good stuff. Luckily, cooler heads prevailed and doing OK (though I'm pushing my soda limit). Great to hear about the workout and the newly gained strength and flexibility!
  22. Workweek Update Well, it's been a relatively weird week. The beginning of this week seemed fine but just something has been nagging me over the last few days. I don't the cause, source, or reason for it. Needless to say, by the time last night came around I felt like the creature Armus from the first season of Star Trek TNG. For those forgetting what it looked like, this is what it is and I feel like: So yeah, not fun! Right now, with just the weekend and next week to go, I'm only 2.4 lbs from my target. 10 lbs in 6 weeks actually feels good since I'm also seeing the changes in my body. My exercises are going well just the motivation to do them sometimes is lacking (need to work on that). The soda issues are going really well and the home cooked meals are good but can be better. One week ago I had so many good revelations about myself and my goals, I was enthusiastic and excited to be walking this journey. Now, I don't know what's trying to bring me down. I know I'm doing something good, something that I need to do for my continued health and existence. Maybe it's just old bad habits trying to push themselves back up, maybe it's just end of challenge jitters. Hopefully, whatever it is it passes quickly.
  23. Been fiddling around with Diablo 3 lately, had it for a while but just now really getting into it.
  24. I just knew you weren't gone but was a little worried. Glad to see you're here!! That really sucks that you are getting two conflicting reports from two different people about your back. I'm hoping that things start working themselves out and you can get back to the workouts you want to be doing. I know it sucks and it feels frustrating but don't let it get you down. The yoga sounds like it could be good but hot yoga I know would not be the thing for me. I wear short sleeved shirts all year round, I'd probably die in a class like that. Is this the first yoga class you're taking? Great work with the weight loss!! That's still something to be proud of. We are the worst judge when seeing changes in ourselves but I can imagine that you are looking more fit and trimmer. It is there, you will see it. We're almost there, you've got this. Just keep it up and we'll be at the end of our first challenge soon!!
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