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Everything posted by peelout

  1. Extrapolate is a good word for it. I extrapolated the shit out of it. Like the cue card. Some things lend themselves to being cues, like gym bag by the door to remind someone to workout. Things you are trying to quit that occur all the time definitely don't. Thats why I use the powerpoint as a cue. Its there to keep reminding me of my focus and why I am doing it. Reading it outloud helps program the mind (got that from somewhere else, definitely helps).
  2. Oops, I'm showing my age. I was on the tail end of still getting a pension at my company, they ended it for people w/ just a few yrs less than me.
  3. Job wise, is it better to let people at work know you wrote a program making you job incredibly more efficient due to your great programming skills or not tell everyone and just look super-human super productive? lol Side question: How does changing jobs a lot affect your retirement planning? It appears that you don't stay at any company long enough to develop a pension. Sounds like you might be compensated w/ higher pay. So are you fully funding retirement yourself, or do you negotiate some matching 401K w/ each new company? Just curious how that works.
  4. I wish he would have written another book regarding the application of what he wrote. A lot of the stuff I do is either things I learned through trial and error, or starting from what he said and trying to expand on it. I would love to read a sort of "how to apply" manual. Thanks, Feels good to have reached day 9. Still a little difficult to stay focused on whatever task I am doing, and difficult to actually start new tasks (starting new tasks always meant having a smoke first. Consistent exercise is probably the first habit I would advise anyone to develop. So many side benefits and life changes occur once exercise is an automated process like brushing ones teeth.
  5. Start of Day 9 of NOS. 9th day of freedom. Getting started actually doing something productive is kind of hard now that I've quit. My mind is like "but you haven't had a cigarette yet, that always comes first". Goals for the day: Fix kayak Eat a salad Strength w/o if kayak doesn't take too long Anyone know what happened to Starsapart? I haven't been able to find a challenge or battle log with her. Used to enjoy reading about her aerial silk workouts. 10am - So I'm working on my kayak and its getting frustrating cause I think I need to order some new washers (that have seals attached) and the parts are a bear to fit in. My instantly says "you need to smoke. That will help". I understand a bit about how habits are formed and a little about what goes on in the brain to make you crave certain things. What I don't understand is what part of the brain is responsible for trying so very hard and coming up w/ all kinds of excuses as to why you should go engage in something that you know is not going help the stressful situation and is going to make you feel 10 times worse if you do engage in it. Habits are crazy shit!
  6. Do you work for a large corporation? I feel for you on this one cause there were so many days where I would go home thinking "what the hell did I do today?". Most productive time for me was always when I would come in on my day off and do actual work. You've got a great workout focus. Glad I found your blog to follow.
  7. Hoping so. Think so. Definitely dogs. But not too cute. Tough dogs that get shit done.
  8. Cat free meme zone. Mar 15 Wt 172.6 Week 0 day 4 Was my day a success? Yes. I did not smoke. 8 days of being smoke free. Today went much better than yesterday did craving wise. I am altering my goals though. I'm changing salad and VBA goals also to monitor only in addition to the others I changed yesterday. If I have to use food to get off nicotene, so be it. I can afford to gain a few pounds for a couple weeks while the smoking cravings weaken. Obviously the previous KH's must stay. Primary Focus - KH4 - NOS (7 days of no smoking) 4/7 Secondary - KH3 - No RR (7 days of No Road Rage) 4/7 Secondary - KH2 No M (7 days of no M) 4/7 Secondary - KH1 Exercise (7*/wk) 4/7 Secondary - No night time crap (No goal, just monitor how many nights I go w/o crap) 0/7 Secondary - Salads (No goal, just monitor how many) 0/7 Secondary - VBA coding (No goal, just monitor how many days I spend at least 5min on it) 0/7 Secondary - No night time crap (No goal, just monitor how many nights w/o crap) 0/7 Diet Breakfast - protein shake Lunch - 2 chili dogs, chips (again) Dinner - roast sandwich, grapes, cherry tomatos (again) Snacks 1 soda, eating cookies later Exercise 1mi walk in woods
  9. I think you will make some child very happy by having a piece of their b-day cake. Great way to make it sustainable.
  10. I did it, I'm the first to follow.
  11. Lots of cat pictures, but... How are you doing on your challenge goals?
  12. Be glad to look. Just remember I'm still a babe in the woods on this stuff. And stopping a bad habit is far harder than starting a good one.
  13. I put this in my Mar 2017 challenge, but wanted to save here so I could locate it later. I'm constantly surfing for new information on how habits develop and how to change them. I ran across a great one today from a Teds Talk. This one deals w/ internet porn addiction, but the discussion regarding how habits develop due to dopamine and how the brain physically changes applies to all bad habits. It explains things like why we crave high calorie sugary foods, drugs, port, nicotene, basically most any kind of addiction. Very good high level discussion. http://gospelfight.com/sessions/ See session 6.
  14. I'm constantly surfing for new information on how habits develop and how to change them. I ran across a great one today from a Teds Talk. This one deals w/ internet porn addiction, but the discussion regarding how habits develop due to dopamine and how the brain physically changes applies to all bad habits. It explains things like why we crave high calorie sugary foods, drugs, port, nicotene, basically most any kind of addiction. Very good high level discussion. In the link below, see Session 6 titled "The Great Porn Addiction". http://gospelfight.com/sessions/
  15. I be tagging along. Don't let all those other tasks pull down your willpower for the important one, KH1.
  16. It can be a little hard when you first start to get a lot of support. Not because people don't care, but there are so many people on here. People have a bunch of regulars they follow and have little time to go out searching for new people (although a lot of us do check in on newbies as time permits). Best way to get support and make friends is just to check out other members posts, find some that interest you, and comment and support others. In that way, you will build a group of friends and support. I like powerwalking and enjoy it most in the woods. So much nicer to walk out in nature than around my house in suburbia.
  17. Thank, he does a good review of a lot of programs in that video.
  18. Start of day 8 of NOS. 7 days is a meaningless number in the long run, but it still feels good to say I made it 1 week. I've never done a "themed" challenge thread before, but this one is turning out to be a "Fast and Furious" one.
  19. I've never heard of juggernaut and when I googled it, I got a lot of stuff that doesn't seem to have much to do w/ lifting. Can anyone provide a link to a good site that explains what it is?
  20. Mar 14 Wt 170.2 Week 0 day 3 Was my day a success? Yes. I did not smoke. This marks 1 week of not smoking. I used to go to the gas station every morning and get my Polar Pop (soda at BP) and cigarettes. I haven't been doing that since I quit. I went to my usual station at my usual time and as usual they pulled my brand off the rack and had it ready for when I came to the counter. Told them I quit. Yay! Today was a tough day. I'm feeling worse yesterday and today than I did during days 4-5. It is spring break from college so I don't have the 2 classes I am taking to fill my time. I have been studying and doing a ton of little jobs that have piled up, but I don't have the set schedule that classes give me. Free time is an addicts worst enemy. I have to make it this time. One day at a time. My eating is pretty sloppy, but the only goal I have is to eat 5 salads a week. Haven't had one yet so better get going on that. I have kept up exercise, although at a lower level. If it wasn't for it being a pretty automated process now to do some form of exercise every day, I would probably have let it go to. My mental attitude is not exactly chipper, but my only requirement for success is keeping my Keystone Habits. Primary Focus - KH4 - NOS (7 days of no smoking) 3/7 Secondary - KH3 - No RR (7 days of No Road Rage) 3/7 Secondary - KH2 No M (7 days of no M) 3/7 Secondary - KH2 Exercise (7*/wk) 3/7 Secondary - No night time crap (Goal 2 nights/wk) 2/2 Secondary - Salads (Goal 5/wk) 0/5 Secondary - VBA (Goal 5min 5*/wk) 0/5 Secondary - No night time crap (No goal, just monitor how many nights w/o crap) 0/7 Diet Breakfast - protein shake Lunch - 2 chili dogs, chips Dinner - roast sandwich, grapes, cherry tomatos Snacks 1 soda, eating cookies later Exercise 1mi walk in woods I did not do the strength w/o below, I just copied it to here from my last challenge so I would have it. Warmup Child pose into up dog into down dog 1x5 Core Crunches 1x12 Kneeup 1x10 Hanging leg raise knees bent 1x10 Back/bicep Bent over dumbbell lat row 2x10x35, 1x10x40 Close grip chins 1x4 Chest/tricep Regular pushups w/ wt on back 2x10x10 Diamond pushups on knees, feet off ground 1x7 Legs Bulgarian split squats 1x10 Overall body 2 arm swing 1x15x35 Cardio 1mi trail
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