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Everything posted by ViperN7

  1. ...or not really sure how we feel about picking a guild or which guild we fit into. Hi! I'm a runner (among other things). What about you?
  2. I finally finished This Is How It Always Is. Now back to that Chinese book that I'm perilously close to having to return to the library yet again. What are you guys reading these days?
  3. Huzzah! Well done! It's nice to know that our bodies are still capable of things even when we don't have the workload we desire/think we should/think we need, isn't it? Oooo I'll be checking that out!
  4. Finally a line I can read in its entirety! (I arrived at something a good deal more chaotic and fanciful than "Life Updates" though lol) Ooooo, both good options! But also: you play cribbage????? (It's so hard to find anyone who's even heard of it.)
  5. Ooooo Princess Bride! That sounds like a great place to start. I'm not familiar with Willow. Is it a similar vibe?
  6. Hi, I'm sorry you're having these foot issues! Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor, strength coach, or personal trainer. Here are my thoughts as another person who deadlifts: -32 total reps above bodyweight seems like a lot to be doing in one workout session, when (if I understand correctly) you've only been deadlifting for a few months. ---->You might be asking too much of your body too soon. -Deadlifting once a week seems like a rather low frequency if you started a few months ago. Beginner programs that I'm aware of recommend doing a new exercise 2-3 times per week. The higher frequency allows your body to adapt to the new movement much faster. ---->Your body might still be adapting to deadlifting. -Are your current shoes flat, or do they raise your heel? ---->For deadlifting, you do NOT want your heel raised. You want your heel to be the same level as the ball of your foot. Raising your heel puts your foot in a poor position for deadlifting. I've heard of quite a few powerlifters deadlifting in Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars because they do not have raised heels (while most athletic shoes do have raised heels). -However, Converses have no arch support. Maybe you need arch support (particularly with recent plantar pain.) ---->In that case, the goal is to find arch support without raising your heel. For your current toe pain: if you still can't walk on it, it's probably a good idea to see a doctor. Best of luck!
  7. I'm sure you would have enlightened me in time for me to see it on the big screen 🙂 So...I have not seen the extended edition... I think you're right that there's a certain maturity level needed to comprehend & appreciate a lot of it, and you'd know best how young is too young for your son. Have you considered something to tide both of you over in the meantime...like maybe reading The Hobbit to him/with him?
  8. What a great thing to be able to share with your son. I'm sure the waiting is hard!
  9. Ah, always great to hear people's journey with The Lord of the Rings! My own journey is kind of the reverse: I was an adamant reader and a relative said that I'd like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings--start with The Hobbit. So I did. The Hobbit was fantastic. I then moved on to The Lord of the Rings, which became my favorite story of all time. Later, (probably during my Silmarilion read), I was with friends and we were talking about movies. I said, "The Lord of the Rings is such a good book. I wonder if someone will make a movie of it someday." And they stared at me, and then said "They already did, last year." And that is how I came to watch The Fellowship of the Ring on DVD in a living room. I was in time to see The Two Towers in a theater though. I also feel that the Two Towers is the weakest movie. It has grown on me over the years, though.
  10. I've been told that the book also has an "abridged" "skipping to the good parts" mechanic.
  11. To a better week ahead! Also happy birthday! I hope at least some of it was good. Nice! Such a good movie 🙂 You've reminded me I want to read the book one of these days...
  12. I agree with Elastigirl. It sounds like you're asking more from your body than it is able to give right now. If working out at that intensity is important to you, you may need to rearrange other things in your life so that your body can sustain it (sleep/stress/general recovery). Another possibility (and it could be both!) is: perhaps it's a matter of conditioning. In other words, you might need to get your body used to that level of output. That would look like exercising--consistantly--at a level where you don't get sick afterwards. Then you would increase the intensity over time, at a rate that doesn't make you sick. You might be able to sustain workouts at this intensity just fine once you let your body work up to it.
  13. Well now that I've gone and looked it up, I'll be putting that on my to read list. Looks very interesting!
  14. I did it! I did 2 sets of 5 pull ups today! It's only the second time I've managed it since getting sick, and the first was in October. My pull up frequency is shifting from once a week to twice a week, and I think it's adding up.
  15. Wow! Mean Mary has guts! I'm sorry that your family is dealing with covid! And I hope everything goes smoothely for your return to the gym.
  16. Good job racking up those miles! And good luck with the move (this weekend?)
  17. Now that I've finished Persepolis, it's back to the Chinese language kids' book I've been working on: 中国风筝节 (Chinese Kite Festival).
  18. Might I recommend The Van Gogh Cafe by Cynthia Rylant. A colleague lent it to me recently, and it was a magical little read.
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