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  1. @athousandwords, @Rookie, @Elastigirl While I was mostly satisfied with my last challenge, there are some things I want to tweak a bit. I am adding the memorization of Psalm 57 to my regular Bible routine. I am also going to test out adding a Stoicism podcast to the Athenaeum. Everything else will stay the same. Official challenge to be posted in a few.😁
  2. As I write this - during Week 5 (barely) - the place I live is getting ready to relax some of its quarantine protocols. The government seems to be confident we are now out of peak (barely? Ish?), and that with the onslaught of Summer and the time when Western expats leave en masse to spend those months in more agreeable climes, things are relaxing a bit. We still have to wear masks outside when not exercising and to enter shops. Temperature checks at the door are still de rigeur, as is checking the tracker app everyone has to have on their phone - if you don’t have it or it’s not clear, no entry is supposed to be allowed to any shopping spaces. I don’t believe they are still doing police stops to check and see if the app has been downloaded, but I don’t actually know since I’ve been in a car twice since this all started. Kids and people over 60 are not allowed in any shopping spaces (as far as I’ve seen). Families of over 2 can now drive in the car together - some beaches and parks are opening (though it’s like 114F; who tf wants to go to the park?). The malls are partially opening - larger stores at 30% capacity, though how they will police that it’s hard to say. Restaurants and cafes are now allowed to offer curbside takeout (not just delivery). Restaurants will start the first openings July 1, with strict capacity rules and without the multitude of buffets that are so popular here. Pools are opening, but I think they are not supposed to be - at least not in my neighborhood. Still no real gatherings (that’s phase 2 for gatherings of under 10 I think and July - probably to coincide with the restaurant openings). Gyms open in August and are already starting to inform Zoom clients of plans. Watercraft are allowed from this week, just not personal watercraft (yachts: yes, SUP: no) - not sure what that will do to neighborhood traffic at the marina. This all means little for my bubble - I’m continuing to stay home, but will go with DH to IKEA this next weekend to grab some house supplies (some way to block off the lower quarter of the balcony so the pups can’t see the pool, a rug to keep bitchy downstairs neighbor appeased, a comfy place to sit on the patio despite the heat, maybe a nice nonstick large pan because I still frickin hate metal bottom pans, and maybe a Dutch oven for a different type of crusty bread. I’ll not be rushing out to dine, though we may try and schedule a date night out. I’ll not be meeting up with friends just yet - but may once the 10-person limit is enacted. Not sure what this means for my Tuesday coffee group; my Wednesday group is pretty much dead as 2 more are moving out of the country the second they get clearance COVID tests, 1 still isn’t back from her quarantine abroad, and 2 usually leave for the Summer - leaving me and 1 other person. So, effectively dead - and that means wine group is, too. Which is kinda fine? I’m also not rushing out to hit the mall alone - I’m enjoying my no Uber/no spend time. When gyms open, which is either phase 2 or probably 3, I’ll be heading back to in-person yoga. I may also go on a supply run to a craft supply store. Maybe. I’ll probably just finally break down and order stuff on Amazon, 2-3 week lead time be damned. Goals Nutrition as always. This challenge cycle finds me utterly tired of the amount of garbage I’ve let creep into my diet in an effort to be gentle to DH and his food ish. I’m sick of the salt, the junk, and the lack of actual nutrition. That stops. No more chip binges, no more fries as the default on weekend meals, no more big pizzas, no more batches and batches of noodles. No more 2 takeout meals in a day. I think I’ve been “fun” and indulgent enough over these last 3 months. Back to mean wife. I’m not to the point I’m ready to track macros, but I do need to bump up my ‘don’t eat like an asshole’ directive. More effort to eat proper veggies, even though I’m currently scared of them. I’ve not been doing terrible on quantity, but more work is needed here. More cognizance of limiting garbage, even on the weekends. Especially on the weekends. Yoga as always. Continuing on with my Monday Zoom class; trying to get off my ass for more actual yoga and less coloring or ACNH meditation. Not assigning judgement here quite yet, because my brain is a stubborn child, but it’s coming. Feeding my creativity - I’d like to pick a non-coloring non-ACNH craft and work toward getting the supplies and starting that this challenge. ACNH is a great creative outlet and it has given my hands a chance to (mostly) rest, but I miss hand sewing, be it seam finishing or needlework. And that’s about it. Another super simple challenge full of shit I’m already doing, but that’s what I have the bandwidth for at the moment. I feel like I’d just entered a space where I could submit to pushing myself before all this happened - and now my energy (and giving a fucks) level is back to square one. And that’s okay. For now. I just don’t want it to stretch another 3 winters. 4, really, if we’re being honest.
  3. Or not ... maybe quarantine is affecting my brain afterall? This is what my brain came up with for a title, and it makes no damn sense. This challenge may or may not see a lifting of quarantine conditions where I live and may or may not see the opening up of some International borders. As such, dunno what these next 5 weeks will bring. Having said that, my little routine shouldn’t change much - even if we get off of lockdown, it’s still Ramadan and heading into the Summer months here - when schedules get wonky and things just randomly close. And temps are hovering at 90 - 100F. So. My general guidemap: Daily yoga or meditation or breath work Not eating like an asshole as much as possible Supporting my Nerds and keeping in touch with my IRL friends Feeding my being through creative exploits Goal 1: Activity Daily yoga, aiming for 1 - 2 in a live class setting, 3 - 4 in video setting and 2 free form. It’s now ramping up to be Summer here, so I will keep a weekly walk as long as weather permits. Goal 2: Nutrition Daily vegetables, eating so my GI tract doesn’t rebel, and not eating so much or so unhealthily that I feel like a space slug. Also, no alcohol on weeknights - Friday date night and hanging out with friends or family only. And water - need to get better about staying hydrated. Goal 3: Support and Connection Keeping up with y’all on the forums. Reaching out to and making time for my IRL friends. Goal 4: Feed My Sense of Well-being Keep up with my steady stream of crafts - both physical and digital creations. And that’s it - shirt and sweet.
  4. Maintain Lifting and Running – 12 week program at 4 days a week and running at least 30 km a week. Exception on the running for trimming for the half marathon trail run on April 8th and recovery. Bulking – Still trying to eat the same calories and plan ahead, but I’m going to try to hit my goals without eating as much sugar. Easter Candy and Hershey Kisses are not a great way to hit your macros. Bob’s got the pasta for my pre-race dinner: Hobbies – Crafting/building. I’ve recently gotten some projects done around the house and I want to keep going. I have an outdoor garden to set up for the Mrs. and a bench to restore. Finances – I’m going to sell off a few things for a couple bucks on Craigslist. We need some furniture as well so I’m going to try and bargain hunt there as well. See if I can find some free stuff and put it back to #2 and polish it. Wait… I didn’t phrase that well. Long-term goals – I’m hoping to see a bit more progress on my size this 4 weeks, but I don’t have too high of hopes with the half marathon at the end. I think my bulking goal is going to have to be a year of bulking trying to get into the groove. My wife and I are also still keeping an eye on houses and might break our lease to spring for something if we fall in love with it. At the very least we can go to open houses and learn more about the areas nearby. CAN WE FIX IT?
  5. Hi there my lovely NF artists, We don't have a LOFT anymore and I was suddenly reminded that it was already December. Last challenge we did really well. And with counting the sketches from my sketch book, we reached our goal of 30 images in November. If you are like me, this challenge could be for you: I'm just not consistent enough to draw something every day and also a little too busy. But I would like to do a little challenge with you, that would make me be more artsy then last month. So here is my proposal: Let's try to post 31 pieces of art, that were finished this December. I don't mind, what materials you want to use. In the spirit of the Loft it can be crafts, drawings, paintings, sculpting, traditional and digital art - And of course anything artsy I couldn't think of at the moment. Just have some fun and challenge yourself to do a little more art then last month. If you haven't done any art for months, but want to get back into the creative prozess, you're right here. I won't count my own small sketches this time, to challenge myself a little more. This month I want to make a lot of christmas cards and send them to my family. If you make some more cards, than you ant to send to family and friends, you can always participate in the deviant Art project: http://madizzlee.deviantart.com/journal/Holiday-Card-Project-2016-637337994 I'm going to mark this post for the guys and gals, who have been hanging around the Loft: @erosan, @BlackTezca, @Starpuck, @UnquietBones, @MrsFeanor, @Neeko, @Kelliestrasza, @StarRuby, @Pyrorazor, @StarRuby, @Rosie's Riveter, @RedStone edit: If anyone doesn't want to be marked every month, I'll take you from the list. If you know anybody else, who could be intrested, just give them a call. Looking forward to seeing some lovely art. And there will be some artsy topics to chat about again this month. I'm trying to find some new stuff this time.
  6. Hi! Is anyone else here interested in painting, drawing, sculpture, crafts, or any other form of art? I have an art blog, but there are really no people with whom I could talk about art, share my drawings/paintings/what-have-yous and change thoughts. And, well, since NF is filled with like-minded people, I thought about giving this a go. I think it would be nice to share our art here, get comments, and share ideas! And if there happens to be a topic like this already, please guide me there. I searched for one, but couldn't find anything similar...! So... Come out, come out, wherever you are!
  7. Hi there my lovely NF artists, We don't have a LOFT yet and I was suddenly reminded that it was already November tomorrow and I hadn't many sketches in Oktober. I'm just not consistent enough to draw something every day and also a little too busy. But I would like to do a little challenge with you, that would make me be more artsy then last month. So here is my proposal: Let's try to post 30 pieces of art, that were finished this November. I don't mind, what materials you want to use. In the spirit of the Loft it can be crafts, drawings, paintings, sculpting, traditional and digital art - And of course anything artsy I couldn't think of at the moment. Just have some fun and challenge yourself to do a little more art then last month. If you haven't done any art for months, but want to get back into the creative prozess, you're right here. I'm going to mark this post for the guys and gals, who have been hanging around the Loft: @erosan, @BlackTezca, @Starpuck, @UnquietBones, @MrsFeanor, @Neeko, @Kelliestrasza, @StarRuby, @Pyrorazor, @StarRuby, @Rosie's Riveter If you know anybody else, who could be intrested, just give them a call. I drew a few sketches last week, that I want to post in the last challenge. But I think we didn't hit our goal last month. So let's see how it goes in November. Looking forward to seeing some lovely art.
  8. Last challenge, I used the Idiot Jar to great effect - I only failed a goal four times over the whole challenge, so since that was under five fails, I didn't have to go to the gym in a terrifying leotard. This challenge, I'm going to be eyeball deep in preparations for my first Samhuinn fire festival. This is an annual night of fire spinners, drummers, acrobats, and miscellaneous monsters celebrating the change of the seasons in Edinburgh on the 31st of October, and I somehow managed to get into one of the performance groups. You're not going to get any spoilers from me on my costume (I signed a thing to that effect) except that there's quite a lot of leather. The preparations mean my previous training routine is up in the air a bit - I usually work out in the mornings, but practice is quite late at night, so my sleep schedule is all over the place and I need to use this challenge to get it working smoothly again. You may not see much of me this month, sorry! ILOVEYOUIAMSORRYIAMNOTREADINGYOURTHREADHAVEAGREATCHALLENGEILOVEYOU Goal 1: Remain capable of fitting into my costume. Same as always. I'm expecting/hoping to be about half a stone lighter by the festival, so my costume's adjustable, but I need to make sure I'm not too big for it, because there are some bits that might, er, ping off, if I expand from present size. - 1600kcal/day; bonus 200kcal after workouts, to be consumed straight after. - 5 freggies/day - 2 litres water/day - Prep at least one dish (4 portions) each weekend for the following week. Goal 2: Stay strong enough to pick people up. While I was sane enough to not apply for the acrobatic group this year, my group will be picking people up. I need to not drop them on the cobblestones, so although I did seriously consider suspending lifting training for the next six weeks (I'm knackered), I think it's best I keep it up. I need to focus on grip strength, maintaining ab tension, and squats/OHPs. Which fits in nicely with what I was doing anyway, so I don't actually need to change much: I'm switching back squats for front so I can work on stability with weight in front of me, and adding goblet squats too. I'm changing my dumbbell farmer carries from 3-4 sets of 80 metres to 8 sets of 20 metres, and aiming for heavier weights. (I'm doing [2x16kg] for the 80 metre carries right now, we'll see what I can manage for the short carries, but I'm planning to attempt [2x20kg] and work up from there.) Switching the usual bicep curls and shoulder shrugs on bench day for Arnold presses. Not sure why. Variety is nice. After a lot of deliberation, I'm temporarily cutting out deadlifts. I could argue with myself back and forth about what lifts are directly applicable, and wise use of my finite energy, and how the deadlift is about the best all round exercise you can do, but in the end it comes down to the fact that I still cock up my form sometimes, and I REALLY can't afford an injury. BUT we have a lifting session at the Edinburgh Nerd-Up on the 8th, and if I can confidently deadlift with decent form after that session, I'll add them back in to squat day. With group practice factored in, my workout schedule now looks like this: - Monday: Ab work, Goblet squats, Front squats, OH Presses, good mornings - Tuesday: DB row, DB bench press, farmer carries, leg press, Arnold press - Wednesday: Ab work, Goblet squats, Front squats, OH Presses, good mornings - Thursday: Proper rest - Friday: Rest/possible group bonding games that, like many things in my life recently, seem to mostly involve jumping and being confused - Saturday: Pick people up and be scary. - Sunday: Rest/any extra running about being scary planned for that day Goal 3: Sort out your sleeping patterns I was so happy when I finally got used to waking up at 6am. It is now screwing me over because practice runs very late sometimes. - Maintain consistent firm waking time of 6am (shakes fist) - Consistent firm bedtime of 11:00pm. - No caffeine after 5pm. - Caffeine restriction of 1 portion per day still in force (1 portion being considered here as 500ml soda, or 2 cups of tea, or 1 cup of coffee. I can have all the portions of decaf tea I want. Which is none. I want none portions of decaf tea.) Life Goal: We are not at home to Mr. Cock-Up. I would like to survive this festival, please. Therefore, I have some general goals related to that, but I'm not going to make myself add any more culture to my brain than I already am. - Do not be on fire - If already on fire, do not remain on fire - Do not strangle yourself with a spaulder strap - Do not take a hot flaming rod to the face (ho ho ho, fire spinning jokes. I'm not even fire spinning.) - FLAME TEST ALL OF YOUR COSTUME PARTS - Waterproof test your badass skull helmet to make sure you don't end up with a sadass blob helmet if it rains - Jiggle test your costume parts (I have learned from the mistakes of others) Tracking: - Idiot Jar. £1 in the jar for every bullet point failed per day. - Idiot Jar forfeit for this challenge is... yet to be decided. RIGHT! Challenge starts on Friday for me, because I'm off to my parents' tonight and they have neither barbells nor vegetarian food that isn't, er, hummus.
  9. The Loft: Creativity Never Dies The Loft has returned! I'm keeping this train going because as the title says...Creativity Never Dies. It sometimes can be fleeting, and blocks happen to the best of artisits, writers, and crafters, but it never really dies! Just needs the right inspiration to pull it out! Hopefully this group can offer this inspiration in order for us Rebels to level up in our skills and passions for our chosen craft! This is a place to share pieces you are proud of (or not but need advice, etc), what inspires your creative juices, as well any tips and tricks you have discovered find may be beneficial to other rebels! This is a fun space where you may find some artistic prompts or topics to discuss on a weekly basis as well! If you are new, feel free to introduce yourself and share the craft of your choice and how you got into it! It could be anything creativity based: painting, sculpting, quilting, music, writing, etc! Just as long as the creative juice flow! Come and join us my fellow Artsy Rebels!! :D.
  10. Welcome to the Loft Hey there everyone! I decided to follow a little thread I had in one of my challenges and create a Accountbilbuddies group for Rebels who have creative based quests on their challenges, who like to craft, write or draw in some of their spare time, or who just really like following along artists, writers, sculptors, and various other awesome crafters! I wanted to have a space for people to also hold each other accountable (well...hold myself accountable) for their creative-based quests. Also, I wanted to make a space so I can share some tips on my preferred creative craft (Digital Art), so if anyone was curious or had questions, here is a place where questions can be asked! If anyone else wanted to share tips they have picked up during their craft, that'll be awesome as well! We're here to level up our life, and for me that also includes my art :D. No matter what level, what skill, what craft, if you're looking for a space to share your work, share you ideas, or just hang out with, the Loft doors are open!
  11. My to-do list. To be completed, in no particular order, between now and estimated date of expiry sometime around the year 2070. - Become light enough to fit a wetsuit designed for a 5ft 3 woman - Snorkel in the sea - See a basking shark - Build something useful out of beach litter - Build something beautiful out of beach litter - Learn to SCUBA dive - Get a dry suit - Train for the British Divers Marine Life Rescue team - Go to another country, at all - Deadlift your own body weight - Hold a plank for two minutes - See the Christmas market in Munich - Visit the Medieval market in Turku like I promised a friend way back in 2008 - Sell a painting - Paint a stormy sea from life instead of my imagination - Finish reading Moby Dick - Build a weaving loom - Learn to weave wool - Knit a sock - Knit two socks that just about match - Give socks to someone who needs socks - Squat your own body weight - Build a canoe - Learn how to paddle a canoe - Do something useful with your ability to SCUBA dive - Teach someone else how to knit - Dive somewhere in Cornwall - Snorkel somewhere along the North West Highland snorkel trail - Go to another continent, at all - Do something useful with your ability to lift your own body weight - Learn how to paint realistic rain - Go to a marine science conference - Plant an apple tree, and keep it safe - Work out a way to turn non-recyclable takeaway cups into something actually useful, instead of pencil holders - Go north of Aviemore - See the fairy pools on Skye - Walk the West Highland Way - Go back to Breachacha bay armed with gardening gloves and a trailer; remove all of that washed up fishing gear - Make Christmas chutney from apples grown on my apple tree - Cook Christmas dinner for my family - Take out life insurance.
  12. Hello all! This is my first post here and the next challenge cycle will be my first challenge. I wanted to post a little early because I could use the accountability and inspiration of typing out my goals for the world to see Also, there is a few things that I can work on before the challenge that should help me in completing my first challenge successfully. Here is the breakdown of what I want to accomplish. Please let me know what you think. Mini challenge till first challenge starts Level up my health: I have already been packing lunch often (not often enough) and tracking calories, but I'm having a hard time keeping up with it. I'm using this to renew my vigor and get back in the game after a vacation and eating terribly while away. Level up my life: Deep clean the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room and dinning room so that the 20 minutes a day (Soji) will be enolugh to keep up. Level up my hobby: Plan out the Harry Potter line of crafts to work on. First challenge, four goals Level up my health: Pack a lunch for work 4 days a week 15-16 = A 14 = B 12 = C 10 = D 8 = F Keep track of calorie counts every day 25-28 = A 24 = B 20 = C 16 = D 12 = F Level up my life: 10 minutes of meditation then 20 minutes of cleaning (like Soji) every day 25-28 = A 24 = B 20 = C 16 = D 12 = F Level up my hobby: Complete 4 unique items, including how-to blog posts 4 = A 3 = B 2 = C 1 = D 0 = F Prizes! A = Drill Press B = cricut cutter/curio C = Wood Burning Kit D = Donate $100 to Random Acts chairty (Good Charity) F = Donate $100 to PETA (BAAAAAAAAD)
  13. This Challenge: <32% Body Fat The Big Goal is to be under <25% body fat, and qualify as 'fitness' level. Short-term, under 30% by Christmas. I have some major motivators going on right now: Seeing family at holidays -- want to be as fit as everybody elsePost-Christmas vacation in Cancun! Annnnd bikini.Moving from California to Ohio early next year -- must make the most of good weather!Next year I'm doing a triathlon, and need to be able to keep up with my marathoner momAs additional motivation, I'm going to post progress pictures (eeeeeeeek) for the first time ever. Last challenge, I took it slow, trying to get the hang of my diet and then adding in some workouts again. This challenge I want to go all out, all six weeks. I've done well previous challenges for the first few weeks and then petered out. Inspired by the women of SHIELD. I'll admit I only watched the first season, but: Plus the actress voiced Mulan! Target #1: Destroy, then Rebuild -- Workout 5x/week Time to get intense about workouts again. I took a handful of spin classes last challenge, and felt amazing after each one. I just bought a deal for 30-day membership at boot camp, so I'll be using that the first month. Obviously working to avoid injury as well as improve endurance and strength. What counts: boot camp, Crossfit, hike/bike 1hr+, yoga STA-3, STR-2 Target #2: Take Down Opponents - Keep cravings in control Now that I've dialed in my diet somewhat, I need to keep it on track to avoid getting sick. FODMAPS are still in question, so I'll be experimenting in that area. Mostly Paleo plus low-FODMAP plus low-fiber when my stomach is iffy. I can eat any food I want as long as it truly satisfies the craving. This seems difficult to measure, but I KNOW when I've gone overboard (four bowls of buttery popcorn instead of one). CON-4 Target #3: Hone the Skills - Strength Goals Do a chinup Do a pullup Re-memorize my TKD formsSTR-2, DEX-1 Bonus Target: Ownage Complete job application/interview process Make Christmas gifts for family/friends Eat everything in freezer, 30 pantry items Purge kitchen equipment Post to NF at least every other day (mine +others)WIS-2 I refuse to believe this is too much to accomplish. Especially considering how much time has been spent watching TV lately. Work is light now, so it's a good time to ATTACK!
  14. Neva


    I completely fell behind, and stuff IRL is changing.
  15. We are the Renaissance Rebels... We're having a Creative Revolution and you're invited! Do you have a creative quest among your challenge goals? Then join this ragtag, eccentric group of nerds and level up your health and fitness habits and your creativity. Sure, that's a lot of balls to juggle over the course of six weeks, but it's a lot easier and more fun when you've got buddies! Post a reply below to introduce yourself. We're happy to have you! Renaissance Rebels BlackTezca Jakkals JMitch Kilo Luciana Valerosa Culming QuietRiotGrrrl Robkashikoi roseofmay scrawlcreatelive ShadowLion Silverwitch spookyfoot Terinatum WoodNymph WushuWarrior
  16. We're Back! We are the Renaissance Rebels... We're having a Creative Revolution and you're invited! Do you have a creative quest among your challenge goals? Then join this ragtag, eccentric group of nerds and level up your health and fitness habits and your creativity. Sure, that's a lot of balls to juggle over the course of six weeks, but it's a lot easier and more fun when you've got buddies! Post a reply below to introduce yourself. We're happy to have you! Renaissance Rebels BlackTezca Dantilla greenjasper irmintrude greeneyes Jaex Jakkals JMitch Luciana Valerosa Culming Neva NikaNika RangerDanger Scrawlcreatelive ShadowLion Viscura WoodNymph
  17. I've been unemployed for quite a while. I'd been a stay at home mom, and then after my divorce, I was unable to find any work, and it just stretched on and on. I applied wherever I thought I had even the tiniest chance of being qualified, and over the course of several years, got a grand total of one interview. I ended up getting turned down for that job because of my credit score. While struggling with the job search, I started making jewelry to keep myself occupied, since it was something I could do to keep myself somewhat busy. Eventually, I decided that if I couldn't find a job, I'd make my own. So I began listing my jewelry for sale on Etsy. So far I've gotten a few sales, though not a lot. I'm struggling with finding ways to get out there where people will see my jewelry. It's especially hard to do when I've pretty much tapped out what assistance my family can offer. Currently, I'm attempting a kickstarter to raise the money to set up a booth at my local farmer's market, though with just 6 days left, it really doesn't look like that's going to work out. I'm looking for any advice that might help. I've tried so many places in those "free places to advertise" or "tips for free marketing" type articles, but honestly they seem to just lead to places where tons of people are posting ads (mostly for scams or direct sales) without ever really looking at any of the other postings. I just don't know what to try now. Sadly, most advice I get is "borrow the money from someone" but that's really not an option for me. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  18. Hello fellow nerds! I figure with so many of us on these forums there must be some crafters out there. I thought it would be nice to share past, present and future projects with each other. I love seeing how creative people are! I dabble in bits and bobs as the mood takes me, I knit, sew, felt and glue things. My current project is this scarf, not so nerdy, but pretty bad ass all the same. Before I've made Pokemon and Final Fantasy felt creatures; Since then I've made zombies and other spooky creatures too. But I've recently I've made hair clips too; The bottom two are in stages, I've got a green zombie badge and the one on the right is going to be a dead pool one. Of course my favourite one I also did Star Wars ones, too! I used the figures from the lego advent calenders, I also made them into christmas tree ornaments. Recent non nerdy crafts I've recently finished include A dinosaur; And a hat; My other half cross stitches, so he is currently working on this bad boy! So, that's my little dabble into nerdy crafts, I'm looking to make a sci fi blanket next, as soon as I finish the scarf that is. You guys must have some great projects, lets see 'em!
  19. Unidentified distress beacon has been tracked to a derelict space vessel in orbit above Tallon IV. MAIN MISSION To create and enforce good habits that will help me reach success in my life and in my profession. FRIGATE ORPHEON This mission will focus on preparing to assault my strength/flexibility goals (pullups, deadlifts and various pole tricks), assaulting my diet and keeping sane while preparing for the holidays and the release of a new xpac (WoW). We'll be following Samus Aran (of Metroid fame) as she explores what's left of the Space Pirate Frigate Orpheon above Tallon IV during this challenge. Scan Space Pirate Logs Boss: Parasite Queen Escape! Gold Quest / Varia Suit Malfunction SCAN SPACE PIRATE LOGS +2 WIS Read Starting Strength (400 pages) Prepare Log to track progress (for SS and for measurements/etc) Removed I'm at the point in my pole classes where I feel like I'm not getting stronger as fast as I would like. Or in other words, I'm impatient. However I want to read the book first to understand what the heck I'm doing and why. BOSS : PARASITE QUEEN +4 CON +1 STA 4 days/week No Grains Track Carb Intake Last challenge I read The Primal Blueprint. I'm not sure I can delve in 100% living where I do (my family loves their breads and constantly buys some. This isn't a problem when I live on my own with the exception of take out). So there are only 3 days a week where I can have grains. The other four are no grain days. The second part is not graded, but I'd like to track my carb intake to see the difference between grain/no grain days and see if I can keep it in the PB range automatically after. I believe a mostly primal diet can only benefit me after the experiments I did last challenge with eating. ESCAPE! +3 DEX +2 CON Splits 2x/week Removed Theraputty/Wrist stretches 5x/week (bumped from 3 on Week 3) Massage Roller/Ball 2x/week Removed We're not practicing splits as much in class (probably because we don't have enough time before next class) so I'm taking maters into my own hands. Cannon. Whatever. Speaking of hands, my wrists, fingers and forearms on BOTH arms are not too pleased with me. Right hand is normal with drawing and gaming. Not both. So I bought some theraputty (thank you for mentioning them sylph!) so let's escape this situation. GOLD QUEST / VARIA SUIT MALFUNCTION +2 CHA +1 WIS Pay off last 2% of Gold Quest Completed Dec 9th Make Gifts Pretty self explanatory. Pay off the rest of the Gold Quest and make gifts for the holidays. Samus does lose her upgrades and Varia Suit as she's escaping Frigate Orpheon, my equivalents are simply the gifts I'll be making MOTIVATION To feel better, more energetic and stronger. To lose weight to make learning new moves easier and fit in my old clothes. To help control my crohn's. To stop collecting underpants and ACT on my dreams. To enjoy life and keep momentum!
  20. Do you have a creative quest among your challenge goals? Then join this ragtag, eccentric group of nerds to level up your health and fitness habits and your creativity. Sure, that's a lot of balls to juggle over the course of six weeks, but it's a lot easier and more fun when you've got buddies! YOU are invited to join The Renaissance Rebels for fitness, fun, creativity, and camaraderie! You can check out previous Renaissance Rebels challenge threads: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. We're happy to have you!
  21. Calling all artists - Creative types - those wanting to level up their skills and fun! (How do you generalize the totality, or even partial group of ART in one image?) how many of you have made a goal to do something creative each day, each week, each month? come join me here - (SIGN UP IS EASY - JUST PUT IN YOUR NAME - we are into the second box - so look for the light blue!) My goal is to ART once each day. Notice I said ART... not do art. For me, art is a state of mind, a point of reference, the place my soul resides. I find my joy in my faith and my creativity - and my creativity is an expression of my faith, without being all preachy(I do alot of nature stuff). I admire all sorts of art - and I'd like to encourage that, as we grow and level up. This is where I am a nerd! I'll post something 4x a week for me - what will you post? PLEASE FILL IN THE SIGNUP SHEET, and when I have your thread(battle or challenge) I'll put in the links of those threads that belong to us artists. I'm going to do this for 6 weeks - but I may continue it if we enjoy ourselves! ~Christi And, I decided to add some challenges - just to keep us motivated! week 1 - do something for 15 minutes that is free flowing - free sketch, free music, free writing, scribble your next crossstitch ideas....sketch out your next home gym idea...get the idea? week 2 - week 3 - week 4 - week 5 - week 6 - RESIDENT ARTISTS: ChristArtist - Continues Losing It Folks from last challenge - HansJay - Feowyn Chromaggia - Gobnait cn3wton - ShadowLion - My LIttle Pony - King Leeroy CelebrateCeleste Svella - Ryoko Shatyr Pyrorazor DarKRaideR Teros
  22. Do you have a creative quest among your challenge goals? Then join this ragtag, eccentric group of nerds to level up your health and fitness habits and your creativity. Sure, that's a lot of balls to juggle over the course of six weeks, but it's a lot easier and more fun when you've got buddies! YOU are invited to join The Renaissance Rebels for fitness, fun, creativity, and camaraderie! You can check out previous Renaissance Rebels challenge threads: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If it looks like fun, signup on the Cross Guild page and post a reply below to introduce yourself. We're happy to have you!
  23. Do you have a creative streak? Do you plan to have a creative life quest among your challenge goals once you graduate from Level One? Become an apprentice in the Renaissance Rebel Atelier and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow apprentices and the mentorship of experienced RenRebs! YOU are invited to join The Renaissance Rebel Apprentices for fitness, fun, creativity, and camaraderie! You can check out previous Renaissance Rebels challenge threads: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. If it looks like fun to you, sign up to be an apprentice on the Level One page and post a reply below to introduce yourself. We're happy to have you!
  24. Do you have a creative quest among your challenge goals? Then join this ragtag, eccentric group of nerds to level up your health and fitness habits and your creativity. Sure, that's a lot of balls to juggle over the course of six weeks, but it's a lot easier and more fun when you've got buddies! YOU are invited to join The Renaissance Rebels for fitness, fun, creativity, and camaraderie! You can check out previous Renaissance Rebels challenge threads: 1, 2, 3, and 4. If it looks like fun, signup on the Cross Guild page and post a reply below to introduce yourself. We're happy to have you!
  25. Deep in the caves, the little hobbit opened her eyes, and it was so dark it was as if she hadn't opened them at all. She fumbled through the blackness, nervous and gasping at every little sound, and her shaking hands chanced upon a cold shape. She felt its strange, mesmerising smoothness, and, out of their own volition, her fingers closed around its circumference. A metallic taste slowly crept onto her tongue. Her eyes darted through the dank gloom, back and forth, her heart pounding, gorge rising, suddenly knowing. This, THIS, this long forgotten thing, of which she'd known so much and so little, had treasured, and had lost. Back. Back in her own hand. She stared forward, gimlet eyes piercing the emptiness, alive, and fierce, and unafraid. "How long have we had this flaming parsnip?!" Her companion, Boyfriend, turned on the kitchen light. "It's all bendy now. Why do I never use them up in time?" the little hobbit asked. "Bleeeeee!" said Boyfriend, absent-mindedly, and went back to bed. Last time, I kicked my Irn Bru habit, and I'm a very happy hobbit who has now haddit with bad habits. One of my bad habits is buying a basket full of vegetables with every intent to cook them, then leaving them in the fridge until they go all brown and wrinkly. Thus, instead of lovely steaming tureens of stew all ready to microwave on lazy week nights, I just end up with a fuller bin and a stodge-and-cheese-based diet. So I'm going to fix that. Calorie counting is very dull and unproductive, so I'm going to focus on portion control for things that I would like to eat less of, like stodge-and-cheese. I'm walking to Mordor, but miss strength training and want to feel less feeble, so I'm bringing that back too. Main Goal: "Get lean and healthy enough to be an awesome field ecologist." Challenge Goals: 1.) Cook food. A mostly vegetable-based recipe. At least once a week. In a quantity that will last at least four meals. (CON +4) 2.) Get back to strength training. BBWW thrice a week, yoga once a week. (STR +3, STA +1, DEX +1) 3.) Control portion sizes. Weigh food! (CON +2, WIS +2 [because I need to do all the learning about portion sizes]) Life Goal: 4.) Finish one item from your list of unfinished craft projects every week. Pics or it didn't happen. Also, maybe find a camera. (WIS +2) - Finish kusudama balls - Finish pom pom rug - Finish pleather armour - Finish grey cushion cover - Finish red bag - Finish turtle painting - Finish green fascinator - Finish Christmas wreaths - Finish Christmas ornament set (I'm really behind on the whole Christmas decorations thing.) - Finish squid tentacle thing (sculpture? Hmm.) Things to do before challenge starts: - Get some cheap tupperware boxes and portion out rice and quinoa for cooking; treat self to half-decent veg knife. - Dig up some recipes that aren't mostly jalapenos and tabasco. Write shopping lists. - Make sure the kitchen is clean, tidy and inviting for maximum cooking likelihood. - Make sure there is space in bedroom or living room for workout - *gulp* Tidy my craft cupboard. The little hobbit rubbed her hands together. She grinned a bright, confident grin. She turned on her heel to march off to victory. "AAAAAA" screamed the little hobbit as she saw Boyfriend suddenly in the corridor, minding his own business. "AAAAAA" screamed Boyfriend, startled. "AAAAAA" screamed the little hobbit, scared of the loud Boyfriend noise. "AAAAAA" screamed Boyfriend, conversationally. "SHUT UP" shouted Other Flatmates. Anyway.
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