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    • First of all, congratulations on the new job! I don't know what it's like in your field of work, but where I am the market is *brutal* right now with people sending out hundreds of applications and only hearing back from like 10 and then not actually getting any of the jobs at all. I speak to people who are getting desperate having been on a job hunt for over half a year!  So, again, congrats on landing your new gig!   > lack of/misguided leadership is a flaw > I am a bit (ok, a lot) tired of having a mix of ill intending/inefficient people in management.   Word! That really resonates with me. I was in the exact same situation myself. And that was totally the reason I started my own business. I don't want any more bosses trying to tell me what to do!  And it was the best decision ever! So I very much encourage you to do your own thing! If possible, try starting doing what you eventually want to be doing full time on nights and weekends, and once it has traction you quit your day job.
    • Thursday Update   Doing more of my new job at work and I am really enjoying it. I didn't do much overtime because I finish work at 4:30 and England kicked off at 5 so I just did 30 minutes and got the heck out of there. I tracked a beer and worked that into my calories but I was just finishing the beer when England started to win and that put me in the mood to have more. It was shortlived, as you can see from the score but still I had  onemore beer than I tracked inching me a little higher than I'd planned. No regrets, I was still in for a nice deficit.    I spent the rest of the evening on a video call with Dark Raider because we've been finding the distance so much harder this time around. We talked most of the night and it was lovely. Still trying to count down the days to when he can be here, but we have no idea when we're counting to so it's just open ended counting. Long distance is really fucking hard.   Points were ok. I dropped the ball on the calories, freggies and water but again, the intention was never to get 100% and I am still mathematically on course for a 1.4 lbs loss this week. We'll see about that though.  
    • Life has a fun way to merrily go round: I was fired last year, quickly got an opportunity in a humane but with some lackings in management place (that was a huge step up from what I had known since then) and it now turns out that the same situation I had before (too many people able to give me directives and evaluate me with conflicting objectives and poor view of what the actual problems are) makes me "not efficient enough" so that we're getting to the breaking point...   Point of focus for me is not reiterating the mistakes I've made before and keeping doing what I enjoy having as part of my behavior. This time, I intend to: prioritize my health, projects and being a good human being. If it breaks, it breaks ; keep on keeping on, which is one of my defining traits. While I don't feel bound to this work relationship, I am not giving up on it just yet. I'll focus on standing my ground, trying to make my view plain, underlying points of frictions and candidly draw plans toward project successes and following them ; documenting most everything. When the time comes for "the speech", I want to be the one with factual data that they can pile on. I tend to see work relationships like emotional ones: we do have differences and encounter hardship but we should be able to get through it if we both genuinely work in that direction and communicate about our divergences. Like emotional relationships, I'm not planning on staying in an abusing one either, just doing my genuinely best effort to make it work, be happy if it does work or walk away without regrets if it doesn't pan out. Edit: lack of/misguided leadership is a flaw I had identified right after being hired and the plan was to work there for a few years, build finances and experience and then launch my own study. I am a bit (ok, a lot) tired of having a mix of ill intending/inefficient people in management.
    • Sleep comes first, for sure     Do you make them with butter?  Sometimes the butter softens too much in the heat and they spread more than you want.  It can help to refrigerate the dough a little bit before baking to let the butter reset.
    • Ugh, I need to be more social on here - I apologize for not getting to everyone else's threads as much as I'd like! Baby Girl is teething, we think, and it's really messing with the sleep schedule we were starting to establish. I promise I'll get there though!!!   Quick check-in: Quest One: Stamina 10 points: No walks or runs yet, meant to go this morning but it didn't happen. Scheduling this is proving to be harder than I thought.   Quest Two: Water 96 ounces of water: made it on Wednesday despite falling behind, but only hit about 82 ounces on Thursday Pumping: Wednesday's pump was not good, but Thursday looked WAY up with a daily total of 6 ounces by itself!! Today's back to not looking great though at 2 ounces so far. Nothing frozen yet though on account of 1) it looks like we'll need a babysitter this Saturday, so I want extra in the fridge for that and 2) Baby Girl is eating way more solid food than expected. We were told to start at 1-2 teaspoons and she's chowing down on like 2 tablespoons! She'd probably eat more too except I haven't been making more than that. She has only given us signs of being all done once so far and today is day 9 of solid foods at dinner...   Quest Three: Languages Spanish 1 Weeks 2 and 3 (9 days): still 99% in my head Spanish 2 Weeks 2 and 3 (9 days): still at day 1 done, though day 2 is in progress Extensive Reading Quizzes: 1 out of 10 made, 2 is in progress El misterio del águila: on the top of page 9 at the moment; I decided to do this as intensive reading rather than extensive, which is much slower. Will give more info about my reasons and how this works later, I'm trying to get this posted before the France game starts! Japanese lessons on Busuu (6/week): did 1 so far   Quest Four: Home/Leisure Nursery dresser: baaaaaaarely started with only 2 outgrown outfits put away Crib: no more progress One nursery shelf: not started Quilting block swap: got a couple more blocks done for a current total of 32/64 complete Baby Girl dress: not started Kitchen projects (4): cookies for Mike done! Not my favorite batch ever - they baked up thinner than I like, genuinely don't know why this recipe does that sometimes - but they're tasty at least. Fairly classic chocolate chip but with added sprinkles   Mexico trip planning: no progress
    • Sounds like a lot of very good changes!
    • Life updates from last time I was here:   Had a baby girl who is 18 months which makes kid #3 The other 2 are in Highschool now.   I got a big promotion 2 years ago. I am now an IT Project Manager making double what I was on the help desk. I design and deploy the whole IT infrastructure and devices for new hospitals and clinics and I get to work from home.   I quit smoking (6 months ago) and I am on day 11 since quitting dipping.   So big 180 in the last 2 years.  
    • Im hoping its worth going to..and that other people also turn up with instruments and it isnt only me 😆 Your fire looked awesome.  They’re very magical
    • That event sounds great, I hope you have a good time. I had a fire last night and it was excellent. 
    • Were there reasons (other than pay) that you were looking at jobs outside your company?  Is it worth staying on for more money if it will be more stressful and you were contemplating leaving them anyway?
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