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    • what in the ever loving heck?  v-extensions 🐝??  I guess that was a thing,
    • yay, glad you joined the party.   A different pair of socks for each habit! Unfortunately, I do not have a pet. Maybe I could get one for this purpose. Or I could just give myself the treat. I'm pretty sure chocolate would help with creativity! Thanks. Well, it's a pretty easy goal to stick with. It's more of just practicing than a goal really.  But, hopefully I am improving.
    • Platinum is getting all the trophies in the game. Basically completing ALL the sidequests, getting ALL the collectibles and so on. (Or if the game is a bit lenient with it: just most of everything but Hogwarts Legacy is pretty strict with its collectibles) After completing what I can during play, "cleanup" is done by following online guides, checking what I missed and where to find it. 😇   So, in case of the last balloons: find an online guide. I usually use Powerpyx for Playstation trophies. 🙂   The game does need to be pretty good for me to go after the platinum, though. I only do so if I *want* to invest that much time into a game. And the platinum needs to be achievable - if it requires a playthrough on the hardest setting, for instance, then I won't bother. I've only platinumed the Spider-Man games, Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon: Zero Dawn on the Playstation. Although I do often try to get the "low-hanging fruit" of the trophies after completion, even if I know I won't get all of them... 😁
    • Why am I having a tough time going to bed on time? Focusing on work when I'm tired?  An answer I got last night was: because when you had to do this on your own when you were a child that's when the darkness would come forward.... The only way to fight right now is journaling, meditation and working with my mentor every week. Not fun, not easy... But like brushing teeth, I can only get healthier when I work on it.    Any ideas would be helpful.   Working on side job hours is getting easier, but keeping up the discipline so I get to bed is another thing.  Points:  I'm debating on changing up this challenge.  But reminding myself I can follow through a 6 week challenge. And I can add focus/structure and get ALL the points lol.    I decided on meal prep which is mindful eating I realize (so points). Decided to order everything for a Target pickup for after work. So buying groceries energy is pushed to the minium and ended up being cheaper than my last couple weeks of shopping (this last week I ran out of fumes to put food together).  Now to balance work and cleaning this weekend while also a little fun.  I have an online first date on Sunday with a guy from Michigan. I realize its quick work of eharmony (and flippin long distance). But enjoy how easy it's to chat with him.  We're planning to watch "The Thing" together online while we bring our own food.  He's a movie lover and it's his favorite movie, and I'm looking forward to chatting with someone going into a movie deeply (and ready to convince me to join in). I'm probably going to scream, but need to make my living room a little bit more comfortable to really enjoy it.    So mini-cleaning challenge! Here's my goals: -Work about 7 hours side job -Clean kitchen -Make food/organize food for the week -Clean kitchen again -Wash enough laundry to get me through Wednesday -Put away storage boxes into closets
    • Thank you   Anytime I get annoyed I have to remind myself how hard I had prayed for this life.  I have an apartment that I can enjoy the quietness to hear the birds and have two cats that beg for connection.      Aww,  thank you! I will work on that. 
    • This is peak horse physique. 
    • sadly i lost the artists name when i saved these to my tablet. They’re part of a series on anatomy i stumbled across and cannot find again. If anyone recognises them it would be great to know who drew them 
    • When I saw you mention this thread in the general chat (thank you for the tag by the way) I had all of 7 minutes left of my lunch break and my pocket sketch book. So here's my hand (literally, I held the sketchbook down with my left hand whilst I drew it).     It's not good, but it was a good way to spend 7 minutes.
    • I love your maze. 😍 Are those kitchen scrub pads serving as the hedges?   Great news on the CRA ruling. I hope things with your boss reach a positive resolution soon.
    • Celebration appreciated 🥰   😍 I believe in you!   Good afternoon!   Life update: Cidran is coughing so much and has been for so long. It's worse for him than it is for me, but I wish it'd be done already. 😮‍💨   In better news, I spent yesterday with my mom and my cousin who was visiting to get what was left of my dad's gardening supplies. I hung out with the two of them and my cousin's kid who has taken a liking to me. 🥰   I spent the evening drawing a sketch I came up with for one of the series of redraws I've gathered in the binder - the set of four mer-people. I wanted to make a layout of four Polaroids, but had the dilemma that the poses I used didn't seem to fit merfolk so much as humans, so I finished what I was doing, and instead spent an hour perusing mermaid references for two mer-people hanging out together in various poses. I might nix the Polaroids idea, but I'll still be getting at least one drawing to frame opposite the collected pages of previous drawings.   Mild DOMS today, but it's a reassuring ache. Maybe I can convince myself to do TGUs tomorrow to hit the mark twice this week. 😃 Aside from getting groceries, Saturday should be free for me, so maybe I'll find out what has changed in the update to Terra Nil. 😍 Sunday's gonna have a lot of work being part of the team helping mom with loading a truck. 😮‍💨   There's so much going on, and I'd like to feel less tired. Too bad coffee is not a net good anymore. 🤦   I hope you've got net good going on Maerad
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