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    • I feel seen.  And I don't like it     With all of the celebratory beverages you may need the company to help balance your bike   following
    • I spent the rest of last week not working out and resting my back... I guess.   Then Monday I slept in and skipped my scheduled morning workout. So, I pushed back my bed time and opted for evening workouts.   About to do my third for the week. I switched to a 5-day schedule to spread everything over the week and have shorter nightly workouts.   Diet-wise, I'm a month on the current maintenance plan. I've lost somewhere around 1-2 lbs overall. I have very few cravings and am getting back into the hang of measuring and tracking again. I can have a rich meal a couple of times a week still. I am sick of eating so much (healthy food to take care of a 300+ lbs body). I feel ready to go back to weight loss.   10/10 would recommend doing a maintenance phase before starting a weight loss phase.   I think this week, then next week doing the same then start a 8 week loss phase that ends around Thanksgiving.
    • Great loot!! 💜 So glad you had a good time. 
    • Not dead. On the outside anyway.    tasks going well, reading going well but would be better if I stuck with one book instead of bouncing around, and I've shockingly tracked all but one meal even though I hate it so fucking much.    walking has not happened. Partly (+ legitimately) because of the laser thing, partly because the laser thing is a convenient excuse. But for real it's still sore to the touch and clothing rubbing against the treatment area is unpleasant at best. So I've been doing stretches and whatnot instead and trying to avoid pissing it off. I should have known better than to think I'd stick with a walking goal. Although I still need to catch Pokémon so maybe I'll give in anyway >_>   here's a photo if anyone is curious. It's not really gross or anything but under a cut in case someone doesn't want to see my skin looking burned.     
    • Today is Read an eBook Day. I will of course to exactly that.   Also, for any Reading Thread nerds who pay for Kindle Unlimited in the US, Amazon has added the entire TheThree Body Problem series to their catalog.
    • I was thinking of you in my endeavor to make it to the Zumba class. It made me strong. ❤️    In my Hero's Journal, I have titled the last month as setting myself up for success, and I am hoping to maintain that attitude as I enter a season of change.
    • tricep ext 🐝-ish. toes??? haha. no.  knees and leaning toward quadriped
    • Today I got my blood work done, and then I had an amazing breakfast of eggs, crispy bacon, and fried potatoes.  Then I went home and ate some chocolate and took a nap. It's my day off, and I really enjoyed it this morning. I also really needed the rest. I skipped lunch, and dinner is going to be back to heart healthy. Tomorrow I'm back to keeping track and checking off boxes.  I'm nervous about my bloodwork results, so I'll share with you if my cholesterol is lower or not. Deep breath. Maybe another deep breath... one more...   My great aunt passed away Maxine this weekend. It was not a surprise. She had heart and kidney failure and has been ill a long time, and didn't take very good care of herself. I've referred to her on here in the past as The Troll Queen when she stayed here for three weeks and wouldn't leave the basement ,demanding that we deliver snacks to her. As annoying as she was, she was also weirdly loveable and she and my mom were pretty close. She called my mom for every birthday to sing happy birthday off key   There won't be a service for her and she was cremated and won't have a grave marker, so I just feel like I need to say "Maxine Pittman was here. She was colorful, inappropriate, and loved."  Everyone should be written down and remembered in some way. Thanks for letting me do that here.   I'm still nervous and a bit broody. I'm going to allow it. Tomorrow we begin again.   
    • Holly smokes.   I’ve been thinking about @Jarric all on his lonesome doing translations things, and wishing him well as I watch shows in their original language but with English subtitles. Translation work is some serious badassery.
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