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    • I may have forgotten to bring my swimsuit today, but I did get a lot done this morning, and also I remembered to do my bingo card update for Tuesday, and I got the first bingo for this challenge! Sweet!   Gonna stop at the store on the way home for a couple things. Not sure what I want to do tonight, though. We're no longer caught up on CR, and we've got a few episodes of Madoka Magica left. Those both sound like fun things to have on in different ways.
    • Today I walked for 30 minutes and danced just for fun for ten minutes.  I killed a few spiders. I also got in my one set of strongs for the day. My patience is low this week, and the one set a day is working well.    I got my blood work back. My cholesterol numbers have gone down about 20 points but it’s still kinda high. My doctor is happy with my progress; she said it’s not high enough to warrant medication yet and thanked me for taking care of my health. The unspoken thing was “Keep going.”  That’s my purpose right now, to keep going. Sigh. I’m doing this for 86 year old Snarky, so I feel good and active. Yes indeed!
    • Plan! Being intentional with every day...  I'm using a new app "Llama Life." Time management app that tweaks into, "you think its going to take this long? Cool, I'll show when you start and the time it finishes."  For some reason something clicked on why things always feel  "TIGHT". It's because my to do list is too long and now time tells me "no!".  Using it in my daily life, I finally see the time budget (something that finally clicked for my actually money budget).    So rest of this challenge is to move toward the goals.  Try to get to bed before 8 pm (or 9 pm).  Make sure I put time for buying and making food. Daily I will ask myself and not here: Was I intentional with my current level of skills?    Remind myself to give myself, rest but currently I have a lot of back order items.    --- Anti-Inflammatory Diet, I don't see the nutritionist  until October but I started reading information. When I finally found information that said "there is a lot of different directions, but the best is what works for you?" One of the tips is doing an elimination test. Remove foods, and reintroduce them in 30 days. I know from my reaction to Pork or certain restaurants I know what symptoms to look for.  I have attempted many elimination diets, but consistency and validation were 2 things I was missing.   Right now removing caffeine, and going to come up with a list to start off with. 
    • I decided to try something like this after hearing from a friend how nice it was as she started the second year, comparing what was on her mind and in her life in the same season. I went for a paragraph per week, though.  I like your idea of using it for gratitude journaling!  
    • Hello and welcome! Tough Mudders are impressive.   A solid plan, but Planet Fitness isn't the worst place to work out long term either. Mitchell Hooper did a video where he worked out in a Planet Fitness, and got a really good workout in without drawing any ire from anyone for lifting heavy. If you prefer free weights, that's totally cool, but you can also get a really solid workout in on machines.    I recently started a program with an upper/lower split, and I'm really enjoying it. (It's the Candito Linear Program, but feel free to ignore if you don't need more options cluttering up your decision-making process.)   Very solid exercise selection.   If you want to be really thorough with your upper body lifts, I'd recommend a horizontal pull, a vertical pull, a horizontal push, and a vertical push. Bench, barbell row, and OHP gets you 3 of the 4. A lat pull down or some pull up variation would round that out, but it's not absolutely necessary.   For beginning lifting, probably not. If ankle mobility is an issue, a raised heel squat shoe can really help, but you can get by fine without it. For deadlifting, flat shoes are generally best to give you a good ground connection. You also don't want too much padding to interfere with force transfer. Chucks are very popular in some circles. I wear zero drop barefoot shoes in the gym and like them a lot. Your Sketchers may not be ideal lifting shoes as you advance, but if they're serving you well now, I wouldn't fall too far down the lifting shoe rabbit hole.   Very cool! I do some backyard agility stuff with my dog just for fun, but didn't have the time to get up to competition level. It's a lot of work, much respect to you.     Final comment: most of the action on the forums takes place in the Five Week Challenges. We're in Week 2 of one now, but there's no wrong time to write up some goals and jump in.
    • Going going going! Shower, get presentable walk Dante Physio set 1 Breakfast and track Bike to school book room for undergrad student C department meeting brainstorm project ideas for student A meet with student A meet with student J lunch and track zoom interview with student K spreadsheet-fu for 2008 spreadsheet-fu for 2014 spreadsheet-fu for 2015 bike home Physio set 2 coaching workout extra exercises: plank, squats
    • Well, there aren't any intermediate steps between V3 and V4, so I guess in theory it's a bit harder. But in reality, routes can contain a variety of types of holds and  require very different types of movement and there's quite a bit of variation within grades, let alone between them. One route might have nice holds that are easy to grab, but requires a big dynamic move. Another route might have tiny holds that you can barely get your fingers on, but you can move slowly and deliberately. Other routes require you to get your feet in just the right spot or you fall three inches and land on your butt (yes, I'm talking about you, yellow route that was replaced last week).   I did a V4 a while back where the hand holds were great, but the feet weren't. It's the only V4 I've finished (though I haven't tried very many). There are V3s that I can do fairly easily. There are V3s that have been replaced by new routes before I could figure out how to complete them. I can usually do V2s, but there's the occasional one that I struggle with. There are routes where I think the grade is higher than it should be because it's so easy to me, but maybe other people really struggle with those particular moves. I struggle with big dynamic moves that really require you to commit.   Also, there's variation between gyms, simply because they have different route setters who have different styles. I visited another gym once and was basically climbing a grade lower than what I would normally do in my gym. As much as they try to keep grades consistent across the sport, I think it's always going to be a bit subjective. For me, it's just helpful to know that at my gym, I can do most V2s, V3s might require some work and I may or may not finish them, and V4+ I probably won't finish, but they're still worth trying to practice doing harder moves.
    • Oh god, I just checked the cat flap to see if the batteries were ok, but now am worried I've reset it so she won't be able to get in while I'm out this eve. GAHHHH
    • I love that no one is able to read my posts properly. It's like I'm mumbling in text form   Jeebus the days are frikkin disappearing and I'm not getting ANYTHING done. Also the cat is being 'not eaty' but I have no idea if sulking or what but I DO know that I'm in the office tomorrow, have singing coaching all day Saturday and out all day Sunday so my level of underlying anxiety is going to be through the roof... It's just been today, and could be ANY number of other things but I'm just like, pleeeeeeeeease don't make me have to take you to the vet, I litch cannot cope.   Bleh   Tuesday office and work drinks after which the team kinda insisted on (I skipped singing for it as it's our last team on site day before I leave) and then they all left at like 8:30pm! One person was left so I messaged the fwb who was in the area and apol'd to the remaining person  no scrolling but no physio. Yesterday I did physio but did scroll. Today I've not had chance to physio so might quickly do it now before I head to the movies (Beetlejuice!)   Tuesday: 1pts Yesterday: 1pts Total: 18pts   It occurs to me I've had two days in a row wfh with no evening plans yester so this may be affecting my stress around the cat-ness...
    • Besides the super powers?😀 My goal for water is half my weight , plus about  a glass of water to account for my activity levels.  A lot of people recommend this for health reasons. So partly, I am just doing it to see what difference, if any it makes. One area I'm hoping to see  is  less stiffness in my joints.  I had my 59th(!) birthday this summer, and I'm starting to feel the stiffness when I get up after sitting, and other times. So, I was seeing if that helped.
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