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    • wouldn't this be fun!  although if we were going to go out for pizza together, as good as those are, I could find a list of other places to try.     Thanks for checking in!   I did recover.  My second session was supposed to be today but I was in such a hurry this morning I didn't pack a gym bag so I moved it to Friday.  I have not been in again on my own either.  Womp womp
    • DL renewed at lunch; VICTORY!   They're saying 6-8 weeks to send out the card which seems kind of ridiculous. Also means that my current license might expire before the new one arrives.  Printed out a temporary license just in case.   Also managed to schedule an appointment with a neurologist. First appointment I could get is Nov 13th. Dropping the dose on the antidepressant seems to have helped, but not eliminated the headaches, but I think I'm also struggling more to function on the lower dose. I might switch back to higher next week and see how things track.  
    • Goals as prescribed this week: Wk 3 Tapping Meditation 5-10 mins W H F S   Deep breathing (video recommended) W H F S    Move my Body W H F S   Eat from Home  W H F S   Clean Something   W H F S   80% accomplishment on each one gives me 1 hour of guilt free game time... or guilt free binge screen time. 
    • Chillout and recharge day today. Have to get back into my normal schedule.  cold here now and very wet, so i skipped going out so i can go easy on the ankle as I've done a lot of walking in the past week and it is sore. Tomorrow we have thunder storms forecast and more heavy rain. Need to take my poor pelargoniums in pots into the greenhouse as it is so very wet out there.    soup season is here again. Definitely making porridge (from rolled oats, my favourite kind) and soup tomorrow. Might do the tuscan bean soup again or maybe the orzo soup recipe i have floating around. Feel like something non spicy right now.  Have a jar of tomato pesto in the cupboard i must remember to throw at some hot pasta for lunch occasionally. I have been meaning to make miso again for ages too. Sadly we didn't out any pakchoi in this year, but there is lots of chard and that Works brilliantly in miso soups.    now the house is free of guests i can start with the mando again. Between sharing the house space and lots of outings its always impossible to do when anyone is staying.     
    • My Cat is Sad by Spencer Madsen   my cat is sad. no one else in his family is a cat we are all human except for him he is excluded from most things and no one tells him why he just wants to play and be loved he looks at us with wonder and disappointment he says hello I am a cat what is my existence what is that / why it and not me / please can you look at me and love me too  can I have some of your food please im sorry I don’t like my food so much do you want to play with my toys? this one is my favorite do you like me are we brothers why didn’t I grow up why am I so small can you help me be happy where are you going    
    • Wednesday September 25 Best thrifting trip last night! Got Liam's professional wardrobe updated and I had a certain wicked pleasure in continually pitching options over the changing room door to make the boy walk out with 15 rejects and 10 wins for a $35 bill at the end. WFH so all he needed were smart business casual tops and no one on the video call can see the gym shorts. Also got Laura a new Lane Bryant coat that was hidden in the men's section, which is a fucking rare find either way. Elsie got a new blanket, always needed because Caspian fucks blankets like no tomorrow, so they're always going through the wash and progressively losing their plush factor. Elsie requires plush blankets if she's going to a star coworker, and Caspian prefers his sexual partners to be as plush as possible, so, blankies for the blanket gods.    Duo-con yesterday was interesting. Looks like they're launching interactive adventure game-style lessons, an AI-powered telephone conversation feature, and a mic feature for the music app that let's you use a keyboard or piano to complete lessons. All v exciting, but the hidden gem was watching Jon Batiste's segment at the end, ruminating on talent and participation in art, even as a beginner. Goddamn that man is pretty. Weird to hear a tech company celebrate their AI features that I'll be excited to use, even while we know there was a 10% lay off because of these features. FFS.  Finally getting the harmony side of Jesse James clicking into the melody the way it should. Shocking news, it's harder to synch two parts when you don't know one of them. Damn it was frustrating tho. I know I'm learning meta skills around enduring being bad at something, but it keeps being a surprise encountering the frustration, then the impossibly slow progress, then suddenly it starts clicking, and it's like my brain doesn't record the bits between starting to understand a concept, and the concept seating in deep. Means I keep expecting things to just snap in and forgetting the frustration parts of skill acquisition. 
    • Hi, hope you're all well and you're enjoying your walking adventures!   I edited the template sheet and the first post here quick - I've been getting 5+ access requests each day for the template sheet. Super minor thing but would prefer to not, so if anyone does want to use the template please just make sure to go to FILE --> Make a copy instead of requesting access to the template sheet. If this amount of requests keeps up (it may be bots from google for all I know!) I'll just move the template to an account I don't use daily and update the link
    • Oooh, so nicely done! I started a bit of tallying based on your dropdowns, but I don't know if that's how we want to keep it or  not.
    • This is such a challenge for me, too! It's not only that I live alone and that I batch cook but that I also buy in bulk, so let me tell you, the sick-of-this-now energy is real.   I have finally found some things that I actually enjoy eating all the time, but it has taken years, and then again of course it evolves and what worked last year is now pase at best.    I hope you found something that satisfied the goblin without also engaging the guilt. For me, this often looks like a piece of toast with a huge layer each of avocado, hummus, some sort of sauce like mustard or banana peppers, melted cheese, topped with a thick layer of my favorite sprout of the moment (I know; I'm weird). But whatever you do, I hope you do it with love and appreciation for all that you are.    It's okay to not be okay. I hope you have peace and comfrot today. ❤️   
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