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    • Only asking because a character presents bipolar disorder as an evolutionary adaptation. Of course it was a villainous middle eastern self-destructive character who the readers are supposed to distrust, but still, it was novel presentation of bipolar and it's stayed with me.  
    • Catching up and following.       That sucks. I understand that you do not want to go into details about the serious problem. Chances are very good that similar bad situations have happened to other people, somewhere and sometime. The internet being what it is, you can probably read about what those people did and see if any of their experiences provide guidance. Possibly "do not do this!" examples, which are still good to know about.     No kidding. You are getting more than your share.   Considering the way things have gone recently, I think it would be prudent to plan for more unexpected challenges. Kind of like packing an umbrella when you travel in England. You don't know when it will rain, but you expect it will sometime.   Think of things you can do that will make you feel better and make your life easier when you are having a stressful day. Maybe that means keeping a stash of protein bars in your locker at work. It could be playing music you like on your headphones when you do chores. Have some things set up so that you can be grateful to Past You when you come across them later.
    • Nerdz roll call! Sound off if you're one of the 42 million people in the United States under a tropical storm (or even hurricane!) warning. I'm only under a current flash-flood warning, and am doing every druid-witch-philosopher-librarian spell I can think of for safety, and I'd like to know how many of us to include. ❤️      But that's not going to stop me from trying.    
    • It's continuing to be much better since I told her about herself, I should have done that before but honestly I probably wouldn't have meant it then... Beautiful badasses unite!! 
    • I find this an issue with a lot of fantasy, actually.   While I don't mind a bit of spice, I want spice in my fantasy novel, not fantasy in a porn novel.  Plot is everything.
    • As she followed the path, Rezka couldn't help but notice little signs of previous travelers, small bits of debris from worn harnesses and carts.   Wednesday: not particularly exciting, but I did do the elliptical at the gym and because of this adventure, I paid more attention to the sunset and weather outside.   The sky was cloudy, but as the sun began to set, a few golden streaks appeared in the distance. Rezka watched as the sky faded from dark blue and purple to nearly black and the strong wind gusts made the nearby trees sway.   Thursday: didn't think anything was going to fit in my schedule today, but coworkers wanted to walk to the farmers' market, so I tagged along.   Rezka spotted a discarded flask in a small depression in the ground. There were some unusual stone columns off to the side of the path. And gazing off into the distance, she could see distant hills beyond the nearby ones.
    • I have not, but I will look into it.   Last night went off the rails, but I'm committed to getting it done tonight.
    • I needed this. Thank you, Snarky, for the insight and wisdom. I cannot wait until we've landed and I'm on the beach relaxing already. The lead up to vacation and all the goings on involved are really making me wonder if it's even worth it [I know it is just for the sake of not burning out at work and giving myself some self care in the form of just letting go] ❤️ 
    • I hope this trip is wonderful for you. I hope the weather is fantastic and all the food is delicious.    I don't agree with your statement that you've failed. I think you're doing an amazing job! 
    • The only idea I have for your sleep woes is to get a feline assistant. Having a cat sit on you and purr is great for getting one to sit still and fall asleep. I understand that cats may not be allowed in your current living situation, sadly.   I do have a good idea for the Jacket & Tie goal: silk scarves are lovely and add a touch of class to any outfit.
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