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    • /me sees the thread title and immediately goes "but the bedroom is precisely where the unholy stuff is supposed to happen..." /me reads the first post Never mind. 😇   Have you maybe thought of making the goal a bit less lofty, so you may still get it this year? Like setting it at 350 or so? If only to avoid it dropping as a goal altogether???
    • Also, are you aware that you've hit your challenge limit? Because at 69 you have to turn around... 😅
    • I feel like I should know better than to type things like this.   I don't have that much staining left, but thunderstorms Monday means I lost an evening of staining, and it's been hot enough I just don't want to spend hours out there staining. I wasn't at my neighbor's super long last night, though, and after I came home and ate something it started to cool off a little, enough to lure me back out and get 2 rows done. I'm hoping to do the same after class tonight, and then I should be set up to finish over the weekend, although Sunday is busy and there is a high chance of thunderstorms again. But we do what we can do, right?   Another light workout today. But I'm less tempted to go heavy on this one since a shorter workout means I'll have time to run to the library before I have to be back at work.
    • /me sees Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy theme /me thinks "turning 42?" /me follows 😇
    • Oh, I am absolutely tempted, but I am resisting.   I guess long term sustainability is worth striving for.   Hi! Glad you are enjoying it. I usually get tired of my challenge schtick after a while, but this one seems to be sticking.
    • Mine is definitely the roots of growing up and my mom doing the "let's get a treat" or feed us when having to shuttle kids during a night job.  I also love the permission I gave myself to change it up. Ended up going to a different grocery store to buy some items I don't have at my main store. (Maybe trying all the protein treats I've been watching on TIktok for over 6 months to see what I like and don't like).    I know right!?  There even on the petite size I realized in the recent months... but Sunshine can still up to my hip to make a statement....   Was hoping to take a "year" comparison photo but the exhaustion from the heat hit me first. 
    • Unfortunately even the new challenge hype isn't helping much and I struggle to come here.   Not eating everything is sight was definitely out of character for me     Truth.  I hope you got something nice during the awful pandemic   ------------------------   Well,  I have not been doing spectacularly challenge wise,  Most of that is because I have found myself sucked into another Skyrim playthrough and while the challenge hasn't been going great, I have been enjoying the heck out of my game.  I have been using a mod called Interesting NPCs (3DNPC) and I always assumed it just added a bunch of NPCs with extra voice lines.  I recently found out that it also has loads and loads of extra quests hidden in those bits of dialogue so I have been going through those and really enjoying it.  It is almost like a new game     I did make it to the park both Monday and Tuesday which was nice.  Today I was up at the school for the last time doing finals for my Freshman.  Starting from next week I am free again (although I am in talks with another university to start teaching there from Fall Semester)  Piano practice has only happened once so far this week.
    • Here to follow! Very fair to take a break last challenge and good luck with this one. 42 is a good age, I have mine next year and am looking forward to going full h2g2 themed!
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