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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Weight: 216.4 lbs

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 140 Protein, 150 Carbs, 100 Fats

Calories: 1600 Calories



9:30am - Bkfst Sandwich, protein shake, cereal

12:30pm - Chicken fried rice bowl

2:30pm - Protein Shake, banana, almonds

5:30pm - Chicken, pasta, veggies

8:30pm - Ice cream



2 Sets Bodyweight & KB Intervals

1.5 Miles Jog

1.5 Mile Walk



Took another break from posting due to some medication issues. The new meds had to be discontinued since it was messing with my heart and resulted in me fainting in the bathroom and hitting my head. No bueno. On to medication combo #10...


On the fitness side, motivated largely due to my lack of of access to free weights since the local Shelter-In-Place order, I’m doubling down on my focus towards weight loss and getting back to interval training and running. Will also slowly be moving away from dairy and wheat to try and further dial in my nutrition. Dairy (especially cheese) is going to be a tough one, so this is one I’ll be tackling little by little over the next couple of months.


In addition, going back to intermittent fasting. Seemed to get good results on that before the meds I’m on don’t need to be taken first thing in the morning. Hope to see some results on the scale and in general energy levels in the coming weeks.

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3 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Took another break from posting due to some medication issues. The new meds had to be discontinued since it was messing with my heart and resulted in me fainting in the bathroom and hitting my head. No bueno. On to medication combo #10...


Oh that's definitely not good. Hope this new medication works better. 

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Weight: 214.6 lbs

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Macros: 110 Protein, 110 Carbs, 60 Fats

Calories: 1600 Calories



8:30am - Decaf tea

9:30am - Egg whites w/ cheese, pancakes w/ PB

2:00pm - Breakfast tacos

6:30pm - Wings, potato wedges, Salad



Rest Day



On 2nd day of intermittent fasting and feel pretty good, just have to get used to being a bit hungrier in the morning again. Going to try some decaf coffee or tea in the mornings to help with that since caffeine supposedly helps with hunger. Also kids haven’t been sleeping great so I’ll take even the minimal amount of caffeine that decaf gives. 


I’ve heard mixed reviews from the bipolar community on caffeinated drinks. Figure I’ll have to find out what works best for me.


Feeling pretty tired from intervals yesterday so just taking it easy. Also going to go a little lower on one of my meds since it was making me super spacey today. Will hopefully have a better balance on these things by the end of the week. Going to try and be diligent in logging everything and focus on the process rather than the outcome.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Weight: 215.0 lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Macros: 140 Protein, 160 Carbs, 75 Fats

Calories: 2100 Calories



8:00am - Decaf Coffee

10:30am - Breakfast skillet

1:30pm - Chicken, pasta, veggies, cereal

4:30pm - Protein Shake

6:30pm - Burger, veggies



Step Box/Kettlebell/Shadow Boxing



Tried adding some cereal to lunch before an afternoon run. Figure the extra carbs might help and they did. Was to cold and rainy to run but improvised with some indoor exercises, just hope I don’t further annoy the downstairs neighbor with all the shuffling around.


At a loss on meds, they are working, just not how I’d hoped. Going to let things settle in and see what happens.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Weight: 216.4 lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon

Macros: 140 Protein, 170 Carbs, 80 Fats

Calories: 1600 Calories



8:00am - Protein Shake & cereal

11:00am - 1/2 PB & Banana sandwich

1:00pm - Chicken, pasta, veggies

4:30pm - Protein bar

6:30pm - Pizza



Running - 3 Miles

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon



Running - 3 Miles



Mood is leveling out now that I’m getting my medication times figured out. Also having some decaf coffee/tea a couple of times a day which helps a little with the grogginess from the medicine.


Last week was a rough one at work with lots of days full of meetings and some high touch customers, but very glad the company has avoided layoffs so far (though it appears to be looming). The pay cut puts a bit of a pinch on things, hopefully the stimulus check will help is out with that whenever it comes around.


Really trying to accept this new normalcy that comes with being on this medication. Life seems so much less dramatic (for better and worse) and so much more mundane. I’m sure I’ll get used to it at some point, still just working towards having a peace in accepting that I’ve had this disorder for 20+ years and am having to learn some new life skills. 


Not been doing a good job of posting here and partly it’s because so much has changed and just don’t have the energy to keep up with the same level of detail as before. To try for some more consistency I’m going to scale back on weighing in to once a week, leaving nutrition off and just focusing on exercise, sleep, and hydration. Still going to work on healthy meal choices , but just going to work on listening to my body rather than the strict protein count I needed while lifting.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 7 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



Running -  1.5 Miles

Intervals - 1 Interval



Rough night last night with baby up quite a bit starting at 4am. Had a good meeting with my councilor yesterday. We talked a lot about getting comfortable that I’m going to have to be medicated for the foreseeable future. I don’t think anyone likes the idea of having to take medicine for the rest of their life, much less something that effects your ability to think as fast as you used to and how you experience feelings. It’s a lot to get used to and really just trying to take it one day at a time.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon



Rest Day



Doing a bit better today. Starting to get an idea of what a rhythm might look like here. Actually got up early enough to make some breakfast and kept it pretty healthy (making up for burgers last night).


Feels good to get back to some basics.

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17 hours ago, Jupiter said:


Hey, just checking in. Hope you're doing okay. 


I’ve been better, thanks. Got furloughed from work last Friday for 2 months with no guarantee of return. Thankfully they are covering health insurance over that time but otherwise beginning the process of finding another job just in case. Tough time but trying to make the best of it.


Hopefully will get back to posting more regularly but right now still reeling a bit from the sudden change.

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

I’ve been better, thanks. Got furloughed from work last Friday for 2 months with no guarantee of return. Thankfully they are covering health insurance over that time but otherwise beginning the process of finding another job just in case. Tough time but trying to make the best of it.


Hopefully will get back to posting more regularly but right now still reeling a bit from the sudden change.


Aw man, I'm sorry. :( Crossing my fingers that things get back to normal for you soon and that you are able to find a new job quickly. 

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 7 Hrs

Weight: 224.8 lbs

Water: 6/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories - 2100

Protein - 150g

Carbs - 180g

Fats - 100g



8:00am - Protein Oats, Strawberries, coffee

10:30am - Banana

1:00pm - Chicken, veggies, potatoes, tea

4:30pm - Protein Shake & cereal

6:30pm - Chicken pot pie 



Weights - Chest/Lower Back

Cardio - Elliptical/Treadmill



Apartment gym is back open for the first time in 2 months so able to get back to that with reasonable social distancing. Got up early to get in some lifting and that felt really good. Had to come back to get my cardio in but had the time so that worked out as well.


Had 2 interviews today that went pretty well, one is for a tech job that could pay really well, the other is office manager and instructor for a martial arts studio, which is a dream job for me. May potentially be some difficult decisions coming up, time will tell.

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7 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Had 2 interviews today that went pretty well, one is for a tech job that could pay really well, the other is office manager and instructor for a martial arts studio, which is a dream job for me. May potentially be some difficult decisions coming up, time will tell.


I'm glad the interviews went well, both jobs sound great. Crossing my fingers for you!

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 9.5 Hrs

Weight: 223.8 lbs

Water: 6/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories - 2200

Protein - 160g

Carbs - 170g

Fats - 130g



7:00am - Egg white omelette, cereal, coffee

11:00am - Chicken Burrito, spinach

3:30pm - Protein shake

5:30pm - Spaghetti and meatballs



Weights - Back/Abs

Cardio - Treadmill



Martial arts office manager job didn’t turn out to be what I thought it was. More of an instructor role with limited opportunities for growth. Pretty frustrated about that. Great people but just don’t think I can support my family on the money and not a lot of room to advance. Not really even sure what I want to do so it’s just finding something to put food on the table at this point. Hoping things progress with the tech position, otherwise it’s back to pumping out applications.


It’s hard to give up on a dream, but dreams change I suppose. Having a family changes things. This whole thing has put me in to a weird place. A lot of it may have to do with one more set of meds they are considering adding for depression. Should find out more about that on Friday.

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Aw man, I'm sorry about the martial arts job. Hope the tech position works out better. 

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 224.8 lbs

Water: 4/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories - 2000

Protein - 150g

Carbs - 150g

Fats - 120g



10:30am - Protein Shake, cereal, coffee

12:30pm - Chicken pot pie 

3:00pm - Sandwich, chips & tea

5:30pm - Steak, potato, salad



Rest Day



Was completely worn out from the ups and downs of the last couple of days as well as getting back to my regular exercise schedule. Ended up sleeping in and taking a rest day from working out.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 226.8 lbs

Water: 5/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories - 1750

Protein - 130g

Carbs - 130g

Fats - 70g



7:30am - Breakfast tacos, strawberries, coffee

12:00pm - Chicken Ramen, Oreos

3:30pm - Protein Shake 

5:30pm - Tuna helper, broccoli 



Weights - Legs/Obliques

Cardio - Shadow Boxing/Walking



Workout this morning happened but still trying to figure out how to do workouts with apartment gym equipment in tight quarters while trying to keep 6 ft from other people.


Ate way too much at lunch. I always forget those Ramen packets are 2 servings (60g of carbs or like eating 6 pieces of bread). It’s legs day so not too upset about it.

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 3 Hrs

Weight: 225.0 lbs

Water: 6/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories -  1500

Protein - 80g

Carbs - 90g

Fats - 80g



8:30am - Banana, coffee

10:30am - Omelette & Toast

12:30pm - Chicken, salad, ice cream

7:30pm - Cold cuts, cheese, pickles, almond butter



Rest day



Workout yesterday and today didn’t happen, it’s been a busy and difficult week so trying not to worry too much about it. Also went wild on diet yesterday so watching it a bit more today.


Went and had coffee with a friend today. It’s weird to see the difference between someone who has kids and doesn’t. The allocation of time, resources and everything is so different. It was overall a good time, but had the kids with me so it was exhausting. Been struggling lately accepting where I am and my life choices. Have a feeling this is something that a lot of people experience and may be part of the medication change. Going to try and take it easy and not slip too far into morbid reflection after all, I do have a lot to be thankful for. 


Have to also take into account I got 3 hours of sleep last night with both kids being up from thunderstorms and that’s probably enough to make anyone take a cynical view of parent life. 

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I'm sorry you're having a rough time. And sleep can definitely help cause negative thoughts, along with stress (or at least that's been my experience), and you've been under quite a lot of stress lately. Try not to be so hard on yourself, you're doing better than you think. I hope you're able to get a good night's sleep and that you feel better in the morning. 

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2020: Year of the Quiet Warrior

Word of the Year: Discipline

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 225.0 lbs

Water: 6/8 Gallon


Nutrition: Calories -  1300

Protein - 110g

Carbs - 110g

Fats - 75g



10:30am - Breakfast sandwich, coffee

12:30am - Tuna casserole

2:00pm - Chicken nuggets, celery

5:30pm - Stuffed bakes potato



Rest day



Got caught up on sleep from yesterday. Still feeling a little off so trying to take it a little at a time. Also have some interviews pending for Tuesday so kind of hard to wait and enjoy the holiday weekend with all the anxiety I’m feeling waiting for those. Not feeling like a wreck, but pretty close.

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