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Weight: 219.0 lbs

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



8:30am - Protein bar & coffee

10:30am - Egg Whites, oatmeal, berries, almonds, coffee

1:00pm - Protein Shake & banana

2:30pm - Greek yogurt, granola, blueberries 

3:00pm - SF Monster

4:00pm - Cheese sticks, pear, almonds

5:30pm - chicken club panini, Caesar salad, cookies

10:00pm - milk & Pb scoop



Weights - Chest/Triceps/Lower back/Obliques


Notes: Not as sore today but knees are bugging me. Had some tendon issues a few months ago from doing to many quad related exercises, which is tough because with my herniated disks I’m limited in the kind of heavier lifting I can do on bi-lateral glute exercises. Going to try and switch off my backward barbell lunges to a wide leg press next time and see how that goes. 


Stayed up waaay too late last night watching the new season of Magicians on Netflix (super good if you are into an dark-Harry-Potteresque-adult themed-SYFy show). Paying for it today in not hitting my 9-10 hour sleep goal. Was absolutely dragging through today’s workout.

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Weight: 219.6 lbs

Sleep: 8.5 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



8:30am - Protein bar & coffee

10:30am - Egg White tacos with cheese, grapes

1:30pm - Fried Rice w/ Eggs, Tea

3:30pm - Protein Shake & banana

5:30pm - BBQ Pork sandwich & spinach salad.

11:00pm - milk & scoop of Pb 



Rest Day


Notes: Glad it’s a rest day. Possibly sore in more places than last week when I increased weight. Happy to say I added a few more reps this week. Goal is to sustain little rep progressions and try another weight increase at the beginning of February. So far so good.


Work is slow until orientation next week. Have had the opportunity to start into a project I didn’t think I would get involved with until next year. The idea is to put together a non-profit that provides BJJ/Grappling practice to those recovering from substance abuse. It helped me a lot in recovery but a big obstacle for a lot of people is not having the money to afford tuition, especially when getting out of rehab and back into the real world. It’s a big job and with everything going on right now I put it on the back burner, but I know some guys who are hungry to get this started and it really is just a consistent 15-20 minutes of work a day.


May be getting back to my Monk ways sooner than I think, but just taking it one day at a time at this point.

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Weight: 218.6 lbs

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



8:30am - Protein bar & coffee

11:00am - Egg Whites, oatmeal, almonds, craisins

1:30pm - Protein Shake & banana

3:00pm - Cheese stock, Greek yogurt, granola, dried berries

5:00 - Pizza and soda 



Weights - Back/Bicep/Abs


Notes: Definitely feeling like a long second week. The extra sleep is helping but realizing that rest days might not just be physical rest, but mental rest as well.


Lifting today went as expected, picked up 1-2 extra reps on each exercise with the new weight. I know I will start getting more energy in the next week or two as I adjust to the increase, but definitely a whipping right now.


Major motivation is the next increase and FINALLY putting some 45s on either end of the barbell. Two and a half weeks to go...

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7 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Definitely feeling like a long second week. The extra sleep is helping but realizing that rest days might not just be physical rest, but mental rest as well.


Yup, mental rest is just as important as physical rest. And I feel ya on the long week. I kept thinking it was Friday all day today and now the week feels extra long LOL. Good job on the lifting and extra reps. 

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Weight: 218.6 lbs

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



8:30am - Protein bar & coffee

10:00am - Egg White/veggie omelette and toast

12:00pm - yellow chicken curry & steamed rice

3:30pm - Protein Shake, banana, coffee

7:00pm - Weekly cheat meal



Rest Day


Notes: 9 hours has officially become the sleep minimum. Been trying to set my alarm for 8 hours and sleep right through it. Going to be in hot water with the job if I don’t go to bed earlier. Looks like lights out at 10pm from here on in...

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Weight: 220.6 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 1/2 Gallon



9:30am - Greek yogurt, berries, granola, coffee

1:00pm - tacos, chicken tenders, fries, soda

6:30pm - Burgers, fries , chicken nuggets, soda 



Rest Day


Notes: Today was a train wreck. Went to bed too late, morning errands ran long so was starving by lunch and ate like crap. Kids going wild so not able to make it to the gym. Wife needed a break so had kid duty this afternoon into the evening. Didn’t eat until late then caved to more junk food. On top of all that I’ve hit some delays on starting the non-profit due to some people going back on their commitments. I should have seen it coming, and it’s not out of the ordinary for these volunteers, but with everything else going on today it really put me out of sorts.


I forget sometimes to do what I need to for my depression and it always ends up biting me. I’ve made the personal decision to be off medication for the time being but know that it is only manageable if I am extra careful to do the things recommended by my doctors. Did not do that today. Definitely a stark reminder of the responsibility I have to manage this particular condition and I may need to take a look at my schedule to lighten the commitment load. Very ready for a do-over tomorrow...

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I'm sorry today didn't go so well, but tomorrow's a new day. You got this. 


Image result for you can do it gif

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following. i need my returnofthedad fix. i'm kicking of the anti-depressants. day 3 of lower dose! i'm in full agreement about the realities of mood disorders and the needing to take care of oneself (man, that is a shitty sentence). i like to think of myself as a maserati to feel better about it. sure, i require some upkeep but when i am running well... it's a beautiful thing! 

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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Weight: 220.6 lbs

Sleep: 11 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



9:00am - Protein bar & coffee

11:00am - Greek yogurt & granola

1:00pm - egg whites, cheese, oatmeal, almonds, dried apricots 

1:30pm - Green tea 

4:00pm - protein shake & banana

5:30pm - Tacos, soda & Cheese Fries



Weights - Legs


Notes: Definitely a sleep catch up and mostly junk food detox day (went out for dinner). That’s it for week 2 @ 115lb lifts. Have a feeling next week will be a little easier. Will be traveling for orientation at the new job but already have my gym and workout times schedule. If I can keep up with good sleep and diet things should continue to progress well.


So off from chilly Dallas to chillier Michigan...

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Weight: 219.8 lbs

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1/4 Gallon



9:00am - Greek yogurt, craisins & granola

3:30pm - Cobb Salas, Chips, coffee

6:00pm - Gyro, Green Tea

9:30pm - milk & scoop of pb



Rest Day



This has been in my mind a bit, and with a lot of time on my hands with travel today, figured it was worth getting out of my head and into writing. Hopefully someone finds it helpful, but I am not a doctor or healthcare professional, so please take it for what it’s worth, which is just my personal experience.


I’m slowly learning to navigate my depression. I definitely had to get my alcoholism addressed first and while being sober for a couple of years has alleviated a lot of my destructive behavior and some of the depression and anxiety, I’m finally gaining acceptance that I have alcoholism AND severe depression, which requires different treatment. 


It is helpful to have a name for why I feel so sad, drained and sometimes hopeless, when everything is really going pretty good. As one of my doctors explained, I’m just chemically different from the majority of people and don’t produce seratonin and some other chemicals at the same amounts and rates as others.


What this has taught me is I sometimes have to give myself more time to do things and be patient with myself when stressful times or big changes come. I’m learning that this means I won’t be able to commit to as many activities some days or may have to back out of certain things, but I know I am in a better place and can be better for others when I take the time to manage this disease.


I had a long talk with Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad on the way to the airport today. She has been to support groups for spouses of alcoholics but is still wrapping her head around what depression is, which is difficult because it’s not a disease that people can see until it gets into a really rough and sometimes dangerous place. I had also tried to cover it up over the years by being distant, angry, or drunk. She is being as supportive as she can but still thinks when I’m in a depressive low it’s something she can fix with food or attention. It’s very sweet and caring on her part, but can be very frustrating for her when she can’t “fix” my depression. 


The episodes (depressive lows) are thankfully getting shorter as I learn what brings them on and adjust my lifestyle accordingly. Six months ago when I first started logging them my, lows would last about 9 days (3 day descent, 3 day low, and 3 days to come out of it) and happened once a month.  Now it’s about 3 days (1 day down, 1 day there, 1 day back) and happens every 6 to 7 weeks, which is significantly better and has largely come from more sleep, eating better, getting back into exercise, and talking more about it with those who have it and those close to me. 


Being actively involved in a recovery community has helped a lot, especially since a lot of members at the group I go to are “double winners” as well and have clinical depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, etc along with their alcoholism/addictive disease. The amazing thing about it is that these same people are some of the most amazingly talented professionals, artists, and most caring/selfless people I have ever met. Many own businesses, transact in the millions of dollars for business deals or have responsibilities usually held by people twice their age.


It used to frustrate me when people said they were grateful for their diseases. I now know because of the disease of alcoholism I have finally found a group of people just like me that have shown me an amazing way to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. It has freed me of the darkness and emotional chaos that once ruled me and that is slowly turning me into a better husband, father, and friend. In that way, I am very grateful for my alcoholism. I know that I have to do more work to live my life but that work takes the shape of helping others, being of service to my community, and growing in my relationship with my higher power. I also see that the things I thought were unique to me (high level problem solving skills, pick new things up quickly, insatiable hunger to obsessively learn and master things I am interested in) are things that are VERY much characteristics of people with addictive diseases, and I have found a group of people who can help me navigate life with these abilities in a healthy way. I’ve found healing and better way of life than I ever could have thought. It’s taken 2 years and five months of sobriety but these days I am actually grateful for my alcoholism.


I’m not quite there with depression yet...


I know that the people I have met with severe depression that do well are typically very mindful of their feelings and their current state of being. They seem to really appreciate the richness of life, which makes sense because even the most mundane thing can be extraordinarily beautiful after coming of of a depressive episode. They also seem to take responsibility for their emotional state and can be good examples of how important it is to slow down and really experience life.


I am in no way shape or form there yet, but I’m on the path. I recognize this is something that I have and am taking steps to learn how to live with it. I am currently not taking meds, nothing against them, it was a personal decision made by my family and I (and supported by my doctors) due to some of the side effects of the medication. It was hard coming off of them because I had to deal with the raw and very intense emotions with no buffer. Thankfully it did get better after a few weeks and a little time after each lower dose. I wish I could say the feelings during the lows have gotten less intense, but they haven’t. What helps me is that I know they are my feelings but not necessarily reality, that it will pass, that sometimes something brought it on, and maybe I can navigate that better in the future. With that I have had them less often, which for me is a big win.


BIG CAVEAT: I understand that there are A LOT of different kinds and categories of depression. A close friend of mine’s depression is like a light switch. Once every couple of weeks he just hits an immediate low for a few days, then immediately comes back out of it. He’s decided to go the medication route, and that along with some lifestyle changes and being mindful of his condition allows him to live a great life. For me my depression takes longer to set in and lift out of and I didn’t find the side effects of the medication to balance out the relief I got from them, so a lifestyle only solution works for me, however I am open to going back to meds if needed.


All this is to say that I know I’m not alone in this and that my depression does not make me a weak or unbalanced person. It makes me a person with a medical condition that I have to treat and monitor daily the same as someone with diabetes or high blood pressure. This is also to say to anyone who has depression, or knows someone that has depression, that it’s no ones fault and it takes time to find the right program of treatment for it, but a good quality of life is possible. At least it is getting there for me.

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Weight: Traveling - No scale

Sleep: 6 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



6:00am - Protein bar & Coffee

8:30am - Protein shake & banana 

9:30am - Coffee

12:00pm - Pizza & Salad

6:00pm - salad, steak, veggies, pie



Weights - Chest/tricep/lower back/obliques


Notes: Feeling better depression wise today. I think writing everything down really helped. Stocked up on healthy snacks for the trip last night, nice to keep on an even eating schedule while away from home. Also found a solid gym to lift at while I’m here. 



Iron, breakfast of champions.


First day of orientation at the new job went well. Great company and great people. Really excited to get started and start this new phase of the career.


Off to the gym again tomorrow morning, just enjoying and accepting that things are going good and that there are deer outside the hotel. Goodnight NFers (and deer).


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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:10 AM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Have had the opportunity to start into a project I didn’t think I would get involved with until next year. The idea is to put together a non-profit that provides BJJ/Grappling practice to those recovering from substance abuse. It helped me a lot in recovery but a big obstacle for a lot of people is not having the money to afford tuition, especially when getting out of rehab and back into the real world. It’s a big job and with everything going on right now I put it on the back burner, but I know some guys who are hungry to get this started and it really is just a consistent 15-20 minutes of work a day.


May be getting back to my Monk ways sooner than I think, but just taking it one day at a time at this point.


Wise approach, but super-exciting if y'all can get it off the ground! BJJ is something that I really do want to get into, and I'm stoked for myself that I have the opportunity now. Cost was definitely an impediment for something like that, so it's exciting to hear you're trying to remove that for folks. :)


Otherwise, well, yeah man. Depression's a real bear, and it doesn't take the same shape for any two people that I've ever seen. I know this isn't something that can really be fixed with attention or anything like that, but I do hope you know this is a safe place for that kind of thing and that if there's anything you need that you think we can provide, you just gotta ask. I'm glad you're finding your way to a better quality of life; I hope that continues.


17 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Notes: Feeling better depression wise today. I think writing everything down really helped. Stocked up on healthy snacks for the trip last night, nice to keep on an even eating schedule while away from home. Also found a solid gym to lift at while I’m here. 





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Weight: Traveling - No scale

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



8:30am - Protein shake & banana 

10:00am - Coffee

12:00pm - Chicken Sandwich, kale salad, sweet potato fries

4:00pm - turkey jerky & nuts

8:30pm - milk & scoop of pb



Rest Day



With all the running around Monday and the late night yesterday I was zonked. Didn’t work out today so pushing the workout into tomorrow and just planning to recharge with some sleep tonight. Having healthy snacks on hand is helping to avoid  those pesky several thousand calorie travel meals.



Behold the stash.


Off to bed to try again for the gym in the morning and steeling myself for 20 degree weather tomorrow.

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5 hours ago, Kishi said:

I do hope you know this is a safe place for that kind of thing and that if there's anything you need that you think we can provide, you just gotta ask.


Thanks, it’s much appreciated and I have really come to rely on being open on NF to being in a better place. You all are awesome and it’s great to be part of such an amazing community.

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Some bananas, protein shake, and some protein snacks, those can do the body good. I'm liking the pictures you've been uploading, maybe one day you'll upload a before and after photo when you hit your ultimate goal. But anyway, I see those Quest protein bars in the photo. I bought some of the those last week - they're the raspberry-cheesecake something flavor - but I haven't opened the box yet. I'm wondering what your opinion of them is.

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Thanks! That’s the plan, I took some before pictures and am working towards  posting them in July or August with some after pictures when I hit my lift and weight loss goal. Hopefully will be able to see a noticeable difference. :)


OMG, Quest bars are my favorite! The texture is pretty good for a protein bar. I like the flavors a lot, I’ve never had one a didn’t like. The only reason I don’t have them more often is that I mow through quite a few of them so cost is a factor, but I splurge a little while traveling . 


If you like the bars you will LOVE their protein cookies. I typically need more protein than what they have but if you get a chance, totally worth trying, SOOOO GOOD! 

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Weight: Traveling - No scale

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water: 3/4 Gallon



6:00am - protein bar & coffee 

8:00am - protein shake & banana 

10:00am - Turkey jerky & nuts, coffee

12:30pm - Turkey burger & veggies

6:00pm - Grilled Chicken & protein pasta

8:00pm - milk & scoop of pb



Weights - Back/bicep/abs



Lifting accomplished. Didn’t hit the rep progressions I was hoping for but steady from last week and have a feeling the lack of sleep and different equipment might be playing a role. I rarely sleep well while traveling but the exercise seems to help me stay on a better schedule and to get deeper sleep when I finally nod off.


Saw this at the gym today (this place has everything!):


Didn’t have time to work it in this week, but bringing the hand wraps next time...


Had a healthy dinner thanks to some pre-cooked meals they have for sale at the gym (did I mention they have EVERYTHING!?!):


The owner cooks them every couple of days so VERY nice to have a “home cooked” meal on the road. For real, if you are ever in the Sterling Heights area north of Detroit, check out Motor City Iron Gym. AMAZING.


Legs day tomorrow morning, some wrap up meetings, then heading back. Very much hoping for an uneventful day of travel, but packing healthy snacks and getting plenty of sleep tonight just in case. Missing the fam, so as great as this trip has been, very ready to get home.

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Weight: Traveling - No scale

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1/2 Gallon



6:00am - protein bar & coffee 

8:00am - protein shake & banana 

10:00am - Turkey jerky & nuts

12:30pm - pizza and soda

3:30pm - Crackers, cheese, nuts, jerky

7:30pm - weekly Cheat meal



Weights - Legs



Whew, legs done. Definitely see a difference when I take rest day between back and legs, but such was the schedule this week. Going to miss the gym here but glad to be going home. Experimented with doing Bulgarian one leg squats instead of wide-leg leg press for hamstrings and glutes. Seemed to do the trick without aggravating my knee or lower back so think I am going to stick with that. The honing process continues.


Had to cave in to the allure of the Detroit Deep Dish while I’m here:


Stopped at one of the chain places but was still great! It was like pizza and cheese bread had a crunchy beautiful deep dish baby. Definitely getting this again next time I’m up here, balanced with copious amounts of exercise of course.


Really thought that with all the government issues going on right now that TSA would be more of a hassle, but was relatively fast and painless. Being TSA Pre-Check definitely helps (best $80 I’ve ever spent), but even the regular lines looked like they were going pretty quick. There’s a new fangled clearance called ‘clear’ that is even faster involving retinal and fingerprint scanning, but not sure it’s worth the cost. Please feel free to chime in if you have any experience with it or think at worth it.


So after an eventful week, it’s so long snowy Michigan,


and back in sunny Texas.


What difference a day makes. :)

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Weight: 219.2 lbs

Sleep: 9 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



9:00am - Egg white & veggie omelet, toast, coffee

1:00pm - Greek yogurt, granola, blue berries.

3:30pm - Cobb salad, croissant, green tea 

6:00pm - Chicken wrap

7:00pm - Chicken, veggies, bread



Rest Day


Notes: Well, I may have spoken too soon on the weather. Had a cold front blow in last night aaaand back to 30 degrees w/ snow and ice...


Got to love Texas...


Totally wiped from legs and travel yesterday. Definitely a rest and re-acclimation day. Ended up being way busier than anticipated. iPhone needed to be repaired so that was an unexpected additional trip in freezing weather....with the kids....to the mall....on a Saturday....I swear the kids play area was straight out of Thunderdome....


Ended up back on dad duty staying up with the little one until 11:30pm. That part was surprisingly recharging. With all the work stuff and travel this week I missed just being a dad to a 5 month old that just wants to hold my face and smile.


On to Sunday...

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Weight: 220.2 lbs

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



9:30am - Egg white/veggie scramble, oatmeal, blueberries, almonds, oj, coffee

12:00pm - Greek yogurt, honey, granola, strawberries

3:30pm - protein shake, banana, pretzels, green tea

5:30pm - Chicken pot pie, sausage, green beans

9:00pm - milk & scoop of pb



Rest Day


Notes:Baby party last night definitely wore me out, got about 7 hours so coffee this morning was much needed. Got another hour nap this afternoon so was able to catch up a bit. Hoping tonight is better.


Last week at 115lbs on the major lifts. Goal is to hit 10 reps on at least one set for each lift then move up to 135lbs next week. So ready to put those 45lb plates on there!

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Weight: 218.2 lbs

Sleep: 7 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



10:00am - Egg whites, cheese, oatmeal, blue berries, almonds, coffee

11:00am - Protein & coffee

1:30pm - Protein shake & banana

3:00pm - Egg white, turkey, cheese, & bagel sandwich, coffee

5:30pm - Chicken pizziola, rice, broccoli 

10:30pm - Milk & scoop of pb



Weights - Chest/Triceps/Lower Back/Obliques


Notes: Waited waaaay to long to eat this morning and this afternoon, put me in a serious funk. Seeing with these higher reps I’m not sore for as long but if I don’t eat right, the right amount and regularly I get into hangry territory real quick.


Sleep is also a factor right now, with the baby not going to bed until around midnight I’m struggling to get by sleep wise.


May have to review the baby night schedule with Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad...


Lifts today were garbage. Had very low energy and was struggling to maintain the reps from last week. I think sleep and nutrition are going to be my 2 biggest challenge areas. I know sometimes just getting to the gym is going to be a victory, so today I’ll take it. Just going to chalk today up to failing forward. 


Read up a little on my lifting plateau and it looks like doing Overhead Lifts before bench might be effecting my progress. Think I might switch to a Chest/back, Legs, Arms split to see if that improves things.


Baby actually appears to be sleeping so going to try to catch some quick zzz’s and pray to the baby sleep gods to get a few hours before duty calls...

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Weight: 217.2 lbs

Sleep: 8 hrs

Water: 1 Gallon



10:00am - Egg whites, cheese, croissant, strawberries, sausage, oj, coffee

11:30am - Coffee

1:30pm - Egg whites, oatmeal, blue berries, almonds.

3:30pm - Greek yogurt, granola, green tea

5:30pm - Pizza, Salad, cookies



Rest Day


Notes: Splurged a bit on breakfast, again waited too long to eat (need to get a better breakfast habit in place) and since it’s a rest day won’t be eating as many total meals so should be okay. Actually felt a little queasy after the sausage since I’m not used to that much grease. Guess it’s a good thing and a reminder for me to keep up with eating clean. Still, was nice to cook the good stuff for a change. Photo evidence:



Ran around this afternoon and just grabbed pizza for a quick dinner. Looking forward to hitting the gym tomorrow and put some of these carbs to good use.

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