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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 240.0 lbs 

  - Down from 240.0 lbs last week

  - Total lost in 2021 = 10 lbs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and 1 pop tart

12:00pm - 1/2 bowl chicken pasta

                   1/2 soda & coffee

6:00pm -  1/2 bowl chicken pasta

                   1/2 soda

10:00pm - PB  scoop & milk



Cardio - 3 miles



Day two of decreasing antidepressant medication. Life sucks slightly less. Really going to be a struggle to stay positive for the next two weeks before coming off that med completely and may even take another 2 weeks after that to get adjusted to being completely off - So potentially a difficult month ahead. Not only am I coming off an antidepressant - which can be depressing (pun intended), but this is the 14th medication change in the last year which has just been exhausting. Good to be heading in the right direction I suppose.


Oh well, carrying on. 


Maintaining weight, but honestly over ate last night. Really need to work on my dinner portion control and salt since I think that is adding to my water weight. Have another opportunity to get it right today. Also going to be trying to get back on cardio today and hopefully my previous running injury is healed and won’t be acting up.

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On 1/22/2021 at 7:37 AM, fitnessgurl said:

Hang in there, you'll get through this. *hugs*


Seconded. *hugs*

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 241.8 lbs 

  - Down from 240.0 lbs last week

  - Total lost in 2021 = 10 lbs

Water: 5/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and 1/2 pastry

11:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt

1:00pm - 1/2 Sandwich

3:00pm - 1/2 Sandwich

5:00pm - Protein shake

8:00pm - Chicken Satay & soup & salad



AM Cardio - Elliptical

PM Weights - Quads, Calves, Obliques



It was quite a weekend. Diet went out the window. Went with some friends for Korean BBQ:



For those unfamiliar (like myself) there is a hot plate in the middle of the table and plate after plate of meats are brought for you to cook and consume. It was epic.


This was followed by a true diet buster, dessert waffles:



I’ve only found these in Korea Town here in North Dallas. It’s effectively a deliciously sweet waffle covered in ice cream, whipped cream, candies, cookies, fruit, and chocolate syrups. In other words a ridiculously decadent finish to an exorbitant amount of delicious meats. Needless to say workout did not happen.


I did watch the McGregor fight with my Dad along with watching the first couple of episodes of Cobra Kai. Neither disappointed.


Starting this week a little out of sorts from the outrageous amount of food I ate this weekend and determined to redouble my efforts. Feel like I’m ready to go from lifting 4 days a week to 6 and adding some light cardio each morning. I’m bound and determined to make it into the 230’s by next Monday.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 241.0 lbs 

  - Down from 240.0 lbs last week

  - Total lost in 2021 = 10 lbs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and 1/2 pastry

11:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt

1:00pm - Cheese ravioli and turkey

3:00pm - Coffee

5:00pm - Protein shake & popcorn 

6:00pm - Pot roast, potatoes, veggies 




AM Cardio - Elliptical

PM Weights - Chest & Lower Back



Exhausted from the two workouts today and yesterday. Just going to try and keep it up through the week.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 242.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and grits

11:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt

1:00pm - Cheese ravioli and turkey

3:00pm - Coffee

5:00pm - Protein shake & cereal

6:00pm - Popcorn chicken and veggies

9:00pm - Cookies



AM Weights - Back & Abs

PM Cardio - Elliptical



Well it’s official. The extra cardio and lifting isn’t helping my weight so have to get tighter on the diet. Will try again tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and cereal

11:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt

1:00pm - Protein Shake

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Carnitas & Salad

9:30pm - scoop of Pb and milk



AM Weights - Glutes, Hamstrings & Abs

PM Cardio - Treadmill



First day on tighter diet and hydration. Hopefully will see some results starting tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 239.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and cereal

11:00am - Coffee, Greek yogurt

1:00pm - Protein Shake

3:00pm - Coffee, Turkey & cheese stick

6:00pm - Pot Roast & Salad

9:00pm - Cheese & celery



AM Weights - Shoulders & Lower Back

PM Cardio - Elliptical



Wow! Big drop in weight from my first day sticking to new nutrition schedule. Going to keep it up and see if I can get down to 235 by end of month.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 239.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and oatmeal

11:00am - Coffee, Protein shake

1:00pm - Burger, hot dogs, cake

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken & veggies

9:00pm - Soop of Pb and milk



AM Weights - Arms & Abs

PM Cardio - Rest



Weight kept the same, but I’ll take it. Big challenge is going to be staying on my diet. Will take it a bit at a time and try to stay on track.


Kind of blew it with too much cake at a birthday party today. Going to try to eat clean the rest of the weekend to make up for it.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 240.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and oatmeal

11:00am - Coffee, deli roll up

1:00pm - Small pizza slide, chips

3:00pm - Coffee, deli roll up

6:00pm - Chicken & veggies

9:00pm - Soop of Pb and milk



Rest Day



Didn’t eat terrible today, but didn’t get any exercise either. Guess it’s good to be patient with myself after coming off this antidepressant. Head has been throbbing and energy is lower but not feeling depressed so that’s a good sign I wasn’t needing the medication as much.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 240.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and English muffin

11:00am - Coffee, deli roll up, chips, English muffin

3:00pm - Coffee, oatmeal

6:00pm - Pork nachos

8:00pm - Chicken Satay and veggie rolls



Rest Day



Feel awful today, headache and nausea. Antidepressants withdrawals are whipping my tail. No workout happened today due to general feeling of crappiness and some extra work. About the only thing I have the energy for is getting to my weekly recovery meeting, which feels much needed right now. Hopefully will feel better and get back on track tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 240.8 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



10:00am - Coffee and PB Pancakes

2:00pm - Cheese stick, crackers, fruit cup

6:00pm - Chicken nuggets, Mac and cheese, edemame

9:00pm - PB Scoop & Milk



Rest Day 



Day 5 of feeling terrible. It’s getting a little better. Hopefully through the worst of it.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 239.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:00am - Coffee and Cereal

11:00am - Coffee

12:00pm - Chicken nuggets, Mac and cheese, edamame, cheese stick

2:30pm - Protein shake, cereal, cheese stick

5:00pm - Cheese Nachos

6:00pm - Fish & salad

9:00pm - PB Scoop & Milk



Weights - Chest & Lower Back



Day 6 and finally feeling better, still slept a lot but hopefully that will be getting better. Actually got to the gym today so I’ll take that as a win.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 240.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee and English muffin

11:00am - Coffee and English muffin

1:00pm - Fish & quinoa, cheese stick

4:00pm - Coffee & Atkins bar, cheese, cold cuts, almonds

6:00pm - Chicken & veggies

9:00pm - PB Scoop & Milk



Weights - Back & Abs



On to the next phase of sleep improvement which is taking my mood stabilizer at night instead of in the morning. Headaches from getting off the antidepressants has more or less passed thankfully. Weird work schedule coming up so hopefully can finally get my sleep regulated to be able to keep up with my workouts until everything settles back down again.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 242.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:00am - Coffee & cereal

12:30pm - Pork nachos & soda

2:30pm - Coffee, 

4:00pm - Cheese and almond butter

5:30pm - chips and 6 layer dip

9:00pm - PB Scoop & Milk



Rest Day



Ate like junk all weekend (yet again). Weight is back up but hoping it will come off in the next couple of days. Have my companies annual sales conference this week, which is being held virtually. Unfortunately that means my lunch time workouts are out this week, which not the worst thing in the world for me to take a break for a bit. Going to really have to focus on diet though to stay on track.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 240.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee & cereal

11:00am - Coffee

12:00pm - Turkey burrito bowl & rice krispy treat

2:30pm - Coffee & Cheese stick, apple slices

5:00pm - Pizza



Rest Day



Weight evening out, cruising through the rest week trying to watch diet as much as I can. It is national pizza day and free pizza at the apartment office so have to cheat a little for that.


Been day dreaming about getting back to my monk training but just cant reconcile Jujitsu, Boxing, and Muay Thai training with the social distancing needed to keep seeing my dad (who has a compromised immune system). Patience is the name of the game I guess, like the rest of the world. Taking the year to work on fitness and hopefully 2022 will be a return to Monk Life.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 239.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee & cereal

12:30pm - Coffee & Chicken sandwich

3:00pm - Coffee, cold cuts and crackers

6:00pm - Brisket, broccoli, quinoa



Rest Day



Finished final day of online conference and just wiped out. Haven’t been able to get much activity in and have errands tomorrow so going to be Friday before I can get back to the gym.


At least the weight keeps coming down, goal of hitting 237 by end of week so still have a few days to go. Think I’m probably going to average about 5lbs of weight loss per month which is healthy I suppose. Really looking forward to getting back to a normal schedule.


Been getting sadder and sadder since getting off the antidepressants - go figure. Turns out I probably do need to be on those meds after all. Going to start back tomorrow on the half dose, that seemed to be the last time I wasn’t really struggling. It sucks though since I just got off of them and the withdrawals were pretty bad. I’d say it feels like it was for nothing but at least I know now. Oh well, all part of the journey I guess.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 239.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee & cereal

12:30pm - Coffee & Chicken nuggets and pizza

2:00pm - Coffee, cold cuts and crackers, chocolate

4:30pm - Cookies and popcorn

8:30pm - Cheese, olives, crackers and dip



Rest Day



Still not quite at 238, so still working there. I’m doing a lot of sitting and haven’t been terribly strict with what I’ve been eating so that should come as no surprise.


Back on the lower dosage of my antidepressant and feeling a bit better. Will probably take me a few days to get back to 100% but definitely a step in the right direction.

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Sorry I’ve been delayed in posting, but been dealing with the massive snow storm and power outages here in north Texas. Adding in no potable water and it’s been quite a couple of days. 

Finally took the in-laws up on staying with them since they have water and sporadic power and going to ride out the next wave of the storm here.


Will post as I can in between rolling blackouts. Quite the adventure...

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Coffee & cereal

12:00pm - Pizza and chips

5:00pm - Tuna sandwich and chips

8:00pm - Sausage, rice pudding 



Rest Day



Exhausted from last week and the weekend. Also running out of medication. Made it through all the challenges of last week with the winter weather in Texas, just feel like I have an emotional hangover now. Hoping it will pass because I just feel like crap.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:30am - Coffee & banana

11:00am - Coffee & PB Sandwich

1:00pm - Chicken fried rice

3:00pm - Coffee

5:00pm - Protein shake and rice krispy treat

6:00pm - Fish, rice, broccoli

10:00pm - PB scoop & milk



Weights - Chest, Lower Back



I think some of the anxiety medication I was taking was really knocking my mood down, trying to go without today and so far feeling better. Really looking forward to some potentially different medication tomorrow.

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