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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:30am - Coffee & oatmeal

11:00am - Coffee & Chicken Fried Rice

2:30pm - Coffee

4:00pm - Gatorade

7:00pm - Chicken veggie nachos



Weights - Back and Abs



On new medications today and feeling better. Going to take some time to get used to them. Trying to be patient with that. Got a workout in, need to remember to eat before hand, was dragging so had a Gatorade which seemed to help.


Weight is still stuck, hoping medication evening out will help with that.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 242.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:30am - Coffee & cereal

12:00pm - Coffee & Chicken sandwich

2:30pm - Coffee & Protein Bar

6:00pm - Brisket, Mac & Cheese, Broccoli 

9:30pm - Cereal



Rest Day



My goodness, feeling so much better on the new medication. I think this might be the combo that works, fingers crossed.


Had a job opportunity fall through, which gives me some closure and reconfirmed the feeling that I’m right where I need to be. It was nice to have someone approach me about an opportunity though.


Got productive today, but first some background: I’ve been working from home since quarantine started a year ago and really just been working propped up in bed, which probably isn’t healthy considering I’m in the same spot for 9-10 hours of sleep and 8-9 hours of work a day. Goal is to get in a house with an office space next year, but for the time being finally put together a make shift work station and second monitor using a fold out desk and folding chair. 



Would like to upgrade to a nice desk with the option to stand and an ergonomic chair, but together that’s looking at an investment of several hundred dollars, which we aren’t quite ready for yet. Still, this is a good investment in my mental health and glad the new balance of medication has put me in a better place where I want to do good things for myself.


Tomorrow should be a busy day full of meetings and maybe meeting up with some friends. We’ll see how it all comes together.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 241.8 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



8:30am - Coffee & poptart

11:00am - Coffee & Chicken sandwich

2:00pm - Coffee & Greek yogurt

5:00pm - Cheese Steak Sandwich, soda, ice cream

9:30pm - Cheese, crackers, juice 



Rest Day



Been a pretty good day, meds are working, doing pretty good at work. Even treated myself to a fancy coffee this afternoon (Americano with 2 sugars, whole milk, whipped cream, and cinnamon - yum):


I think I have a lot to learn about self care. Finally having my medication right gives me a better sense of self worth and the energy to do nice things for myself.


Finished off the day with dinner with a friend at an awesome spot called the Truck Yard for some cheese steaks:



Overall a good day.

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I love those open air eateries that have wooden picnic tables and live bands. The AT&T Center here in San Antonio has something like that during Spurs games and when the rodeo comes to town. I hope you enjoyed your steak & cheese because Texas really makes some of the best (along side brisket sandwiches).

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Sometimes I forget you are in San Antonio! How did you fare through the recent winter weather?

It got down to single digits. We got a lot of snow but it was so powdery it was hard to form a snowball. The good news is I got a mini 1 week vacation from work because of bad road conditions. 

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 13 Hrs

Weight: 242.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



11:30am - Coffee & oj, cereal

1:00pm - Coffee

3:30pm - Tacos, hotdog, soda

6:00pm - Pizza



2 Mile Walk



Got really out of shape with this recent cold snap. Haven’t been going to the gym or eating right. Switching back to more cardio related and Bodyweight related exercises. Really need to get my weight down for many reasons and hopefully this will give me a jump start.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 13 Hrs

Weight: 242.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:30am - Coffee & egg white sandwich

1:00pm - tea, double cheeseburger, tater tots

5:30pm - Cheese pasta, strawberries 

9:00pm - Trail mix and cookies



Rest Day



Ate bad, did nothing, but caught up with a lot of family today, which was nice.


Will try to do better tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 243.8 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



10:30am - Coffee & oatmeal

11:30am - Coffee, eggs Benedict, hash browns 

3:30pm - Coffee & Protein bar

5:00pm - Protein shake

8:30pm - Chicken satay & veggie rolls



Bodyweight and Kettlebells Circuit - 1 Set

Grappling - 10min

Boxing - 10min



Back on Bodyweight and kettlebell exercises and y’all ... it’s BAD. Could barely finish one circuit when before I could do 5 with no problem. At least I’m getting back to it, I think my mobility will get a lot better if I keep at it.


The grappling and boxing was with the kids just teaching them the basics and rolling/sparring with them. Just gentle dad rough housing which they seem to enjoy.


Officially organizing my first men’s recovery retreat and apparently there is A LOT to it. Just taking it a bit at a time, have a final weekend set for late May and have 2 Speakers so far (myself being one of them), shooting for 9 but will work with what we’ve got. I think it will be good regardless of how big or small it is.


Finished off the day with some Thai food with good friends. I love the small touches they make at this place:



On to another day.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 243.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:30am - Coffee & PB/Nutella roll up

12:30am - Coffee, fish, Mac & cheese, broccoli

2:30pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken, pasta, veggies, ice cream



Rest Day



Feeling the effects of the workout yesterday. Absolutely worn out, debating if today should be a rest or workout day.


Definitely a rest day, totally worn out by yesterday. Will try to eat right today and pick things back up tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 240.4 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:00am - Coffee & 1/4 bagel w cream cheese

12:00pm - BLTA & hash browns

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken tenders, veggies, fries



Rest Day



2nd Day burn is definitely here. Haven’t felt this sore in a while. Taking another rest day and will hopefully be up for some Sprints and Bodyweight exercises tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Steady Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 242.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:00am - Coffee & muffins

12:00pm - Coffee & BLTA

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Sausage, potato’s, cabbage

9:30pm - PB scoop and milk.



Sprints - 3 Sets



Sprints happened. Legs are jelly now but I did it. On to another day.

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2021 - Year of the Ranger

Word of the Year: Persistance

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 236.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Tea & cereal

11:00am - Granola bar

1:00pm - Chicken pot pie

6:00pm - lamb chop, quinoa& veggies



Circuit Training - 1 Set



Been quite a bit since I posted last. Had a staycation with the family. Caught a cold (thankfully not anything serious), and helped deal with one of the kids getting a broken leg. It’s been something, but now back to the routine. Have been maki good strides toward my weight loss goals, in fact that’s my major focus this year.

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2021 - Year of the Ranger

Word of the Year: Persistance

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Weight: 229.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:00am - GranolaBar

11:00am - Egg white sandwich

1:30pm - Protein Shake

6:00pm - Sausage Gnocchi 



Run - 2 Miles



It’s been quite a while since I last posted, got down in the dumps for some reason and turns out I needed a medication change.


Going to work on posting daily again, made some head way over the last month and have dropped into the 220’s. 20lbs down, 70lbs to go...

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Recap post since it’s been a while,


I’ve been having some medication adjustments for my Bipolar Disorder since falling into a mild depression several months ago. Just felt like my energy has been shot and didn’t have the energy to do anything. Did manage to stay at around 230lbs by adjusting my diet. 

The medication adjustment continues and I just feel so beaten. I’ve lost count of medication changes I’ve had in the last year and a half. At 17 or 18 changes now probably. Most frustrating thing is the antidepressant I was taken stopped working as well so have to switch off to something else.


Trying not to whine here, just had to get that off my chest so I can move on. Plan to get back to the gym today and try to get some activity in 1-2 times a day, 6 days a week for the remainder of the year. If I miss then I miss, but want to start aiming towards some kind of consistency towards a life change. More on that later today.


Really appreciate the community on here and will be making an extra effort to stay more active. It’s not a great thing for me to isolate, even virtually.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 12 Hrs

Weight: 231.4 lbs 

Water: 2/8 Gallon



10:30am - Cereal, blue berries, coffee

2:00pm - Protein shake

4:30pm - Green Tea

6:30pm - Chicken tenders, pasta, fries, and tacos.



Weights: Chest/Triceps/Lower Back



Going back to Warrior training. I just enjoy it more than ranger training and think I will be able to stick to it much more. I’ll still be working in some cardio for heart health and weight management, but overall focusing on overall fitness than just weight loss.


Got to the gym today, but this afternoon things really started coming out of the woodwork, toddler started vomiting everywhere, cat started vomiting everywhere (no idea if it was related), son is still getting over a cold. That and some work stress has made it quite a day. Over ate at dinner but other than that stayed on diet and exercise regimen for the day.


Onward to tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 230.2 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



6:30am -Cup of cereal, blue berries, coffee

9:00am - Avocado Toast Slice

11:00am - Peanut butter honey sandwich

3:00pm - Turkey sandwich

4:30pm - Coffee

6:30pm - Brisket, rice, coleslaw




Weights: Back/Biceps/Abs



The little one is finally over what we think was food poisoning. Thankfully no hospital trip which we thought was a possibility.


Have to revise my expectations of exercise. As much as I would love to get two workouts in a day, with family responsibilities and work I think once a day is more manageable.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 8.5 Hrs

Weight: 231.4 lbs 

Water: 2/8 Gallon



6:30am - Eggos

9:00am - Coffee

10:30am - PB/Honey Sandwich & Coffee

1:00pm - Turkey taco and chips

4:00pm - Turkey Sandwich, chips, Coffee

9:00pm - Sliders, chips, Twinkie 



Rest Day



Tried to make it to the gym but was worn out from the last 2 days of lifting. Remembering the importance of taking rest days.


Ate bad today, will try to do better tomorrow.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 239.0 lbs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon



9:00am - 2 mini Muffins

11:30am - Cheese, grapes, Turkey sausage, coffee

1:00pm - Chicken, broccoli, couscous, coffee

3:00pm - Coffee

5:30pm - Pork, salad, potatoes

9:00pm - Peanut Butter



Lifting: Chest/Lower Back


Notes: Finally getting on a decent medication refining. Feeling better and getting back to the gym. Exciting things happening like looking at getting NFG a house in the next 6 months or so. Things are going much better than before and it’s finally time for me to refocus back on my health.

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 235.8 lbs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon



9:00am - 2 mini Muffins, coffee

11:30am - Chicken, broccoli, couscous, candied walnuts, coffee

3:00pm - Turkey sandwich, juice, coffee

6:00pm - Sushi, dumplings, ice cream






Overall a pretty good day. Saw a house that we might be getting today. Really up in the air about it. The housing market is super crazy right now so you almost have to take what you can get. On the upside it’s 5 minutes away from a 24 Hour Fitness, and 10 minutes away from an MMA gym (which I have dying to get back to).  

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 236.6 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



9:00am - Waffle, coffee

12:30pm - 1/2 Sandwich and coffee

3:00pm - 1/2 Sandwich and coffee

6:00pm - Protein bowl

9:00pm - Peanut Butter



Lifting: Back/Abs



Overall a pretty good day, using some PTO time from tomorrow through the Thanksgiving holiday. Looking forward to getting my fitness and emotional sobriety right. So important for me especially around major holidays. 

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2021 - Year of the Warrior

Word of the Year: Steadfast

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 236.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



7:30am - Toast, coffee

10:30am - Breakfast Burrito

2:30pm - Roast Beef Sandwich 

5:30pm - Turkey Dinner

9:00pm - Ice cream



Rest Day



Weird day of things moving  around, got a good start though by making myself a peppermint mocha latte (first time) and doing some reading. Very proud of my latte creation:



The rest of the day was a series of errands including helping my Dad winterize his RV, which is not as complicated as it sounds. Have a bit of a sore throat, hope that gets better soon.


Finished out the day watching Season 3 of “What we do in the Shadows”, which is all I hoped it would be. Matt Berry is amazing in all things.

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