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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.5 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:30am - Cereal, coffee

10:30pm - Eggs and Toast, fruit, coffee

2:00pm - Protein Shake

3:00pm - Cereal, coffee

5:30pm - Hotdog, Hamburger, chips, pickle






5 min



5 min coursework 

20 min conversation 






Been a while since I posted but things are finally getting back on track. Moved into the new house, Meds are evening out, found a new recovery group and MMA gym. Also have my home gym set up for the most part and going to be doing some P90X for the next couple of months.


Really searching for that new sense of normalcy that I know only comes with time.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Weight: 243.5 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

11:00am - Bratwurst, Coffee

2:30pm - Bratwurst, rice and chicken, Coffee

6:00pm - Shepard’s pie






5 min



30 min coursework 






Dealing with the last couple rounds of some not so helpful medication. Looking forward to switching on Thursday.


Had my adjustable weights break, which is a real pain since that was most of where my exercises were coming from, but I still have a pull up bar and some resistance bands so should be able to stay active until I get something else figured out.

in general just dealing with a lot of change, which I am not good with. Just trying to work on some ‘anchors’ to keep me grounded and going to work on getting into a more even groove.

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I was just wondering how you’ve been doing! Thank you for keeping us updated and sounds like you’re pretty adept forging anchors. I’m also doing Beachbody things- I find it very entertaining and now can’t really imagine ever having enough time to go to the gym. I did p90x years ago, find tony Horton very charming ?

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Great to find a fellow Beachbody practitioner! Very interested to hear which ones you like/do. There’s so many to choose from!

so, i feel like i kinda have done things more femininely targeted but! in no order- 21 day fix (both the classic version and live versions and the more intense version, forgetting the name). 80 day obsession, 100 MM, a few of the p90x types ( i forget names but there's a few iterations!), lift4, and my favorite ever barre blend which i've done around 8 times? I think?? I did it in endless loop for i think about 2 years. Right now, I'm doing the bodi format which I find charming, lifting heavy 2 days a week (we tricked out our garage with a squat rack!), running. I kind of follow a 2 heavy days, one full body day, one lower body day and fill the rest with combo of barre/running. I might be over training but I keep on dropping my heavy squat days due to the baby and the garage being... just absolutely not baby proofed currently. den of danger.


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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 242.2 lbs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon



9:30am - Breakfast Burrito, mocha 

1:00pm - Protein bar, green tea frappachino 

5:30pm - Chick filet sandwich fries, tea

8:30pm - protein Shake



Strength: Submission Wrestling

Cardio: Muay Thai



5 min



30 min conversation






Today was a rough day but finished with some Submission Wrestling and Muay Thai, which I am woefully out of practice but got a chance to practice with some really great folks.


Would love to go more but little bits at a time first. Onward.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 8 Hrs

Weight: 243.0 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:30am - Cereal, Coffee 

11:00am - Bratwurst, cheeseburger, fries, sprite, coffee

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken, broccoli, Mac & cheese






5 min



30 min Coursework

30 min presentation 






Not sure I had shared this, but we got a new puppy after moving into the new house. So excited that today is 3 days with no accidents in the house! It was pretty bad there for a while. He was pooping everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. Glad that potty training for him is finally taking. He’s a sweet pup, but we dont really know what breed he is. We though his mom was a lab but owners of other siblings of his are doing DNA tests and they are coming back with no lab at all. We went ahead and did a DNA test on him and should hear back in a few weeks. My guess is a lot of Rottweiler and Mastiff as lazy and loving as he is. More to come on that.


Exercise didn’t happen today. Was sore and sad and on a new medication regimen, ah the glamours of treatment resistant bipolar disorder. The new meds do have me feeling a bit better though and have a lighter workload at work tomorrow so looking forward to a personally recharging day of some exercise, recovery meetings and to make headway on some work projects.


Hoping to get some feedback from anyone with experience, anyone have a good recommendation on a home treadmill? I was all set to get one and then started reading review after review of people with bad experiences, things breaking, poor customer service, etc. Wondering if any of yall have had good experiences with any kinds of treadmills. For the time being I guess I’ll just hit the road. Its a little bit of a shame since treadmill running was where I got to watch shows I wanted to (namely anime), but I hear road running has its benefits too. We shall see.

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25 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Not sure I had shared this, but we got a new puppy after moving into the new house. So excited that today is 3 days with no accidents in the house! It was pretty bad there for a while. He was pooping everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE. Glad that potty training for him is finally taking. He’s a sweet pup, but we dont really know what breed he is. We though his mom was a lab but owners of other siblings of his are doing DNA tests and they are coming back with no lab at all. We went ahead and did a DNA test on him and should hear back in a few weeks. My guess is a lot of Rottweiler and Mastiff as lazy and loving as he is. More to come on that.


Yay for puppy! I'm very curious to know what his breed is. 

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 243.0 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, Coffee 

11:00am - donuts, coffee

1:30pm - Pizza, chips, tea

6:30pm - Chicken, kale, quinoa

9:00pm - Popsicle


Walking - 1 Hour



10 min



10 min Coursework

10 min Babbel

90 min Conversation 






Quite the day, felt really beat up from this week and just didn’t have the energy to workout so went for a walk rather than doing nothing, I did happen to do this walk with two small children and scooters (that were carried by me on the way back), and walking puppy who hasn’t been leash trained yet. Definitely bit off more than I could chew, but survived with bo major blow ups.


On the upside its my birthday tomorrow and have some festivities planned so I’m actually looking forward to it. 

23 hours ago, Jupiter said:


Yay for puppy! I'm very curious to know what his breed is. 


Thanks! I’ll be posting here as soon as we hear back.

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Quite the day, felt really beat up from this week and just didn’t have the energy to workout so went for a walk rather than doing nothing, I did happen to do this walk with two small children and scooters (that were carried by me on the way back), and walking puppy who hasn’t been leash trained yet. Definitely bit off more than I could chew, but survived with bo major blow ups.


On the upside its my birthday tomorrow and have some festivities planned so I’m actually looking forward to it. 


Sounds like a major win to me. And Happy Birthday! :) 

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 244.5 lbs 

Water: 2/8 Gallon



9:00am - Waffles, eggs, bacon, coffee

12:30pm - Korean BBQ

2:30pm - Popcorn & Soda






5 min









It was a really nice birthday today. I started off with a recovery breakfast and meeting with some friends then my in-laws took me and the family out for Korean BBQ (DELICIOUS):


(Please excuse the panda faces for internet anonymity, but do enjoy the the visual spread vicariously, because it was AMAZING)..


And then they watched the kiddos while Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and I went to go see the new Dr. Strange movie which was all I hoped for and more. Then got some birthday presents to go with my new grill which I plan on using tomorrow. Finally got the kiddos home and had a chance to chill out a bit before bed.


A nice day with friends and family doing things I enjoy. Hard to beat that!

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 244.5 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

12:30pm - Chicken sandwich, chips, coffee

2:30pm - Cake & Ice cream

6:30pm - Pizza & veggies 






5 min









Very leisurely day, got to sleep in, church, and a lazy afternoon. Even got a chance to watch some anime this afternoon while the kids were playing outside (On tail end of Season 4 of MHA). Grilling didn’t happen today, didn’t defrost the meat in time, but something to look forward to tomorrow.


Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad made me a lovely chocolate birthday cake which we got a chance to have today:


And with that my birthday festivities come to a close. No complaints and  on to the next year.

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2 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad made me a lovely chocolate birthday cake which we got a chance to have today:


Yum! :) 

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.8 lbs 

Water: 3/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

11:00am - Pizza & lemonade

2:00pm - Iced coffee

4:00pm - Cheese, chips, fruit, coffee

6:30pm - Steak, peas, Mac & cheese



20 Min Walk



10 min



10 min Babbel







Finding myself in a bit of a quandary, there’s 2 MMA places in town and both don’t really do boxing, just Muay Thai and kickboxing. Neither really does the classes I’m looking for Saturday either (which is a a tough day for me to train anyway as I’m finding). I still have one more school to try (I dislike trying new schools, just never know if the people will be cool or not). Oh well there is a quote some friends of mine often remind me of and that is, “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is contempt prior to examination.”


So off to investigate I go.


Also had the opportunity to do some grilling and it came out better than expected, did some steaks which didn’t come out exactly the way I had hoped, but still edible (medium well when I was shooting for medium).




Overall I’m pretty happy with my little charcoal grill and will be making more advanced grilling attempts in the future. Now to figure out the mythic steak sear. If  I can figure that we’ll be in business.


That’s about enough for today, wishing all a pleasant evening.


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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.8 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - granola bar, coffee

11:00am - pastry, fruit, coffee

2:00pm - tacos, beans, rice, brownie, tea

4:00pm - beef jerky, peanuts, Red Bull 

6:00pm - Tacos, popsicle






5 min









Crazy day with work, came home absolutely exhausted so MMA didn’t happen. Really need to figure out an exercise schedule because right now nothing is getting done.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Weight: 242.6 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

12:00am - Sandwich, chips, Diet Coke

3:00pm - Peanut butter toast, iced tea 

6:00pm - Spaghetti and meat sauce, garlic bread



20min walk



5 min



15 min practice

15 min presentation






Starting to get a plan together. I think I’m going to start with some basic cardio - jogging and body weight exercises, to get started and going to use the P90X model of increasing load progressively for 3 weeks, then de-loading for 1 week. I have 3 core areas that I want to build: Cardio, Functional Strength, & Skill. For Cardio I want to build to 5 miles a day/6 days a week, for Functional strength I want to complete P90X, and for Skill I want to get back into MMA and compete again in a Jujitsu tournament.


For me Cardio is a big focus from a weight and mood standpoint so that will be first up. I’ll be accomplishing that with morning runs and Bodyweight exercises . After 1-2 months of that I’ll add on P90X after work, then after another month (or two or three) add in a two hour MMA session twice a week in the evenings.


I know this is a lot to shoot for and it might take longer than 3 months to accomplish this, but it’s important to me, so going to give it my best shot, and that starts with running tomorrow morning.


Wish me luck!

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 7.5 Hrs

Weight: 243.2 lbs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon



7:30am - Coffee

9:30am - egg, toast, avocado

12:30pm - pita, hummus, cheese, diet coke

2:30pm - Trail mix, coffee

4:30pm - Trail mix

5:30pm - Veggie straws, hummus, nachos

6:30pm - Chocolate cake and ice cream



Cardio - 3 miles



5 min



15 min Babbel






So far this week is off to a good start, little late on my first run of the week but still got it done. Also going to be working on Macros and portion control. It’s a lot to keep in mind but I’ve done it before, just one foot in front of the other.


Did pretty good on food today then kind of blew it on dessert. Ah well, one day at a time. Rest of the day went pretty well diet wise. Should have eaten a larger lunch to hold me over, notes for future.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9.5 Hrs

Weight: 241.2 lbs 

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:00am - PB Toast, coffee

2:00pm - Small cheeseburger, fries, iced tea 

4:00pm - Small cheeseburger, fries, iced tea 

6:00pm - chicken nachos



Cardio - 1 miles

S&C - 1 Rounds



5 min









It was a day. The puppy woke me up at 4am to inform me he had pooped all over his kennel, including on himself. After subsequent cleaning and bathing I went back to sleep, then overslept and almost missed a meeting. This sleep deprivation is wreaking havoc on my bipolar (my brain chemistry is heavily tied to my sleep cycle), which I’m sure sleep deprivation is not easy on anyone, but for me I’m fighting a spiral with depression, which inevitably turns into a manic episode, which can be just as damaging as the depressive episode on relationships and unreasonable decisions. Hopefully this gets better soon.


Work is ramping up, which is good but I’m behind on several side projects which, while not core to my job responsibilities, are fairly high profile, and besides that they are projects I enjoy doing. Tomorrow is going to be a long day of business and the goal of some catch up.


I did get some S&C done today, one round of a full body circuit after a 1 mile warm up run. It’s going to be a journey working those numbers up, but for today I got it done. At least things are moving in the right direction on the fitness level.


I did also manage to get my run in before the cold front came in, which in North Texas is Quite the sight,:


A short while after that the storm broke loose and it was buckets of rain along with some power outages.


All in all an eventful day.


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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

It was a day. The puppy woke me up at 4am to inform me he had pooped all over his kennel, including on himself. After subsequent cleaning and bathing I went back to sleep, then overslept and almost missed a meeting. This sleep deprivation is wreaking havoc on my bipolar (my brain chemistry is heavily tied to my sleep cycle), which I’m sure sleep deprivation is not easy on anyone, but for me I’m fighting a spiral with depression, which inevitably turns into a manic episode, which can be just as damaging as the depressive episode on relationships and unreasonable decisions. Hopefully this gets better soon.


Yikes, I hope things get better soon. 

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