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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9.5 Hrs

Weight: Didn’t weigh in

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

11:00am - Breakfast Burrito

1:00pm - Breakfast burrito

4:00pm - Beef burritos

6:00pm - Salad, pasta






5 min



30 min conversation 






Puppy did not poop the bed and waited until 6am to get me up,so not as terrible as yesterday. Busy day at work, no exercise or reading done. Did get some conversation in Spanish today, so that was something.


Really trying hard not to fall into a depressive episode (no idea how my episodes work on the new medication). I can feel it when it happens because it’s like the whole world goes gray and then dark. I’m going to keep fighting with healthy habits, supportive friends, and the knowledge that I’ve been through this before and probably will again. I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow and will hopefully get some helpful feedback there.


Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day.

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27 minutes ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Puppy did not poop the bed and waited until 6am to get me up,so not as terrible as yesterday. Busy day at work, no exercise or reading done. Did get some conversation in Spanish today, so that was something.


Really trying hard not to fall into a depressive episode (no idea how my episodes work on the new medication). I can feel it when it happens because it’s like the whole world goes gray and then dark. I’m going to keep fighting with healthy habits, supportive friends, and the knowledge that I’ve been through this before and probably will again. I have an appointment with my therapist tomorrow and will hopefully get some helpful feedback there.


Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day.



Hugs GIFs | Tenor

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9.5 Hrs

Weight: Didn’t weigh in

Water: 5/8 Gallon



9:00am - Cereal, coffee

11:00am - Cookies

12:00pm - Salad, pasta

4:00pm - Chili dig, fries, shakes

6:00pm - Corn dog, soda















Another rough day, I think I’ve narrowed my current depressive episode to a couple of factors (with the help of my therapist). 


#1 - Regular sleep schedule. I can do this as much as the puppy will allow it, but whatever the situation once I’m up I have to stay up, otherwise grabbing naps throws me for a loop.


#2 - Friends. I need to connect socially with other people in my area. I was hoping this would be through church but I think it’s going to have to be through something else like inviting over neighbors or engaging in a social club like MMA.


#3 - Fitness. I need to be doing some consistent activity. I think the current plan is first thing in the morning after getting up with puppy and maybe some cardio in the afternoon.


I think if we can get these three items going hopefully should see an improvement.


Hope  to work on it, and that the dog lets me sleep in until 5:30am.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 8.5 Hrs

Water: 5/8 Gallon



5:30am - coffee

9:00am - Breakfast burrito, coffee

2:00pm - Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and veggies.

3:00pm - Coffee

6:00pm - Chicken tenders, mashed potatoes and veggies.






15 min



1 hour conversation



1 Chapter 



I think I am going to switch to a weekly weigh in on Sundays. My weight tends to fluctuate too much depending on what I’m eating and I really need to focus on healthy habits rather than weight.


Exercise didn’t happen but I did get up early, going to try again tomorrow.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



6:30am - coffee

8:30am - Egg sandwich, oj 

12:00pm - Chicken Nachos

4:00pm - Bagels

6:00pm - Pizza






5 min









Up early today but just didn’t have the energy for a morning workout. I’m waking up earlier and more consistently, maybe getting a fun easy workout would be a good start. I have to start somewhere.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 10 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00 - Cereal and coffee

1:00pm - Chicken, Brat, mashed potatoes, asparagus, watermelon

5:00pm - Cookies and iced tea

6:00pm - Chicken, hot dog, Mac & cheese, peas






5 min









Weekly weigh in of 240.6! Almost out of the 240’s. ?


Another grilling day, honing my craft. Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad found some ribeyes at 50% off (to be grilled tomorrow) along with some chicken theighs that I took some and brined overnight and some that I marinated (Lawrys lemon pepper marinade) overnight. It came out pretty good, but I just can’t seem to get my grill hot enough to get a good sear and reasonable cook time.


My father in law is the grill master and so he is coming over tomorrow to help trouble shoot and see about helping with the steaks. At this point I think I just haven’t been using enough coals, but we shall see.

Here’s hoping it comes out well!

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 5/8 Gallon



5:30am - Coffee

8:00am - Bacon & Toast

12:30pm - Steak, sweet potatoes, broccoli, chocolate pie

6:00pm - Bratwurst, Mac & cheese, broccoli, cookie



2 Walks



5 min









Today was a contemplative day, it being Memorial Day. I haven’t lost anyone directly but very nearly lost a friend of mine in Afghanistan a while back(he was in bad shape but he made it through) and I know several people who have lost family members in service. I have a brother that served in Afghanistan and is currently deployed to parts unknown and I think and worry about him often. A solemn day to be sure.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 5/8 Gallon



5:30am - Coffee

10:00am - Egg & grits

12:30pm - Steak, beans, broccoli

6:00pm - salmon, rice, salad, watermelon



1 Walks



5 min



30 min Q&A






Rough day, got up early with the puppy then went back to bed and overslept. Work was okay, got paid a nice complement by my boss which was appreciated. Going into work tomorrow for a tech fair of sorts hosted by one of our partners and major player in the technology field. Should be cool, but going to be a hassle waking up early to beat traffic, which is otherwise an hour long drive. Really didn’t think this part through when we moved…


Oh well, in other news no fitness outside of a walk got done today. I’m re-evaluating a potential training circuit using P90X to supplement my MMA classes for resistance. We’ll see if it sticks.

Taking tomorrow off since I’ll be spending all my free time on the road getting too and from work, will see about picking fitness things back up on Thursday.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 9 Hrs

Water: 5/8 Gallon



9:00am - Toast

10:30am - breakfast taco

12:30pm - Sandwich, chips, cookie

3:30pm - Pretzel, coke

6:00pm - Brat, mashed potatoes, asparagus, pie



1 Walks



5 min









Today ended up pretty good, I enjoyed parts of going into work and connecting with people. Granted that was pretty much my whole day with the hour commute each way but I used the time to catch up with Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad and could probably listen to podcasts or something.

Also, coffee has been disagreeing with me lately, just haven’t wanted it (which is odd given that I usually live on coffee). I know it makes my meds less effective so not sure what if one is causing the other but bottom line the coffee and large amounts of caffeine are going away for a bit. Curious to see how that works out.


I got a walk in but other than that I don’t expect to get a lot of workouts in on Wednesdays. Rest days are important, just have to start doing things I need rest from.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



9:00am - cereal

12:00pm - Steak quesadillas 

5:00pm - Cheese, chips

6:00pm -  Chicken, broccoli, yams, cookies






5 min



30min Q&A






Another day with no workouts or reading, on top of that the meds are making me sleepy and lethargic. I need to make a change. I’m giving the meds another two weeks before opting to change those. I think I’m going to try MMA training at lunch a couple of times a week and see if that will spur me on to more healthy behaviors for fitness. I feel like I just need to get a foothold to make a small change to lead to bigger changes.


Everything else is going pretty good. 

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I've been doing 4 minute tabata videos on youtube because my Dr told me I had to do 5 mins of hard breathless exercise a day. It means I do exercise everyday even when I'm tired because I can always do that much. And it's good because there's a fair amount of bodyweight strength training in each one.


Here's my playlist of every 4 min tabata video I could find 


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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:00am - Nutella/ strawberry sandwich 

2:00pm - Pizza, root beer 

4:00pm - steak sandwich, soda

6:30pm - Fish. Sausage, rice, salad

7:30pm - Ice Cream Sandwich



Cardio Boxing



5 min



30min conversation






Success! Finally got a workout in. Going to try and keep up with some more workouts tomorrow or Sunday. Still figuring things out but feels good to have made some headway.

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1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Success! Finally got a workout in. Going to try and keep up with some more workouts tomorrow or Sunday. Still figuring things out but feels good to have made some headway.


Great job. :) 

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On 5/30/2022 at 11:08 PM, ReturnOfTheDad said:

I’m working on Spanish. Wishing you luck on learning German! It’s such a cool language. 

How are you going about learning it?

Not long.


I live near France and Italy.  Both more interesting to learn on a personal level but German is way more practical for work.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



10:30am - Bacon, Toast, OJ

2:00pm - Bread

6:00pm - chicken nachos



1 Walk



5 min









Weekly weigh in at 241.2lbs so still hovering around 240lbs. Still have a lot of work to do fitness wise.


I think I overdid it yesterday, had my boss over to the new house which was pleasant, and then had my parents uncle and cousins over for dinner. I was flat worn out.


On to next week.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 11 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon



8:30am - Oatmeal

11:00am - Bean Nachos

3:00pm - Pasta, pastries

6:00pm - Sandwich, brownie






5 min



60 min conversation






New med schedule is giving me some more energy today. Will see if it sticks.

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Running on a lean mean medicine scheme as the doc is trying to get me more coherent from the medicine fog I’v been somehow functioning under. It seems to be working but I have some wired side effects that I’ll probably need yet another medication for. Should find out more on that on Monday. For the time being just trying to make it to recovery meetings and function at work and at home. Going to try and make it to an MMA Workout tomorrow. Will post photos if I make it.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 13 Hrs

Water: 4/8 Gallon


Weekly weigh in: 239.8 lbs



11:30am - pastry & juice

1:00pm - Steak, Mac & cheese, corn

4:00pm - Chips and cookies

6:00pm - Nachos

8:00pm - Popsicle



1/2 Mile Walk



5 min









Meds are more or less working but taking a break from caffeine after a recent episode, so currently suffering through caffeine withdrawals. On day 4 so not as bad as previous days. MMA workout didn’t work out after all.


Fitness has taken a back seat so far but getting a treadmill soon and will be working to make that a routine activity.

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2022 - Return of the Monk

Word of the Year: Drive

Sleep: 14 Hrs

Water: 6/8 Gallon



10:00am - Apple’s and PB

11:30am - Blueberry muffin

2:00pm - Beef/Potato taco & cookies

4:00pm - Mini donuts, milk

6:00pm - chicken, quinoa, peas






5 min



30 Min conversation 






Trying to balance out meds a little more by limiting some ‘as needed’ ones. Hoping that will help my energy level and get back to normal fitness levels. Internet was knocked out today by some landscaping work. Hopefully it will be back up by Wednesday. Hard to believe how much of our stuff relies on internet!

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2 hours ago, ReturnOfTheDad said:

Trying to balance out meds a little more by limiting some ‘as needed’ ones. Hoping that will help my energy level and get back to normal fitness levels. Internet was knocked out today by some landscaping work. Hopefully it will be back up by Wednesday. Hard to believe how much of our stuff relies on internet!


Pretty much everything relies on the internet these days. Hope they're able to get it back up fast. :) 

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