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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 216.8

Sleep: 8 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 160g Protein, 160 Carbs, 70g Fats

Calories: 1750 Calories



10:00am - Egg white wrap, coffee, vitamins

1:00pm - Protein Shake, banana, green tea

3:00pm - string cheese, hummus, apples, celery, green tea

6:00pm - Protein Shake

11:00pm - Protein Shake



1:30pm - 5 Min



Training - 1 Hour MMA

Intervals - 4x800s 

      #1: 4 min 41 sec

      #2: 5 min 40 sec

      #3: 5 min 54 sec

      #4: 6 min 09 wec


Notes: Saw the doctor today, dosage for meds is going up. They started me low to begin with set a baseline and will probably have a few more increases over the next couple of months. Trying to keep the humor up, just don’t have it in me today. Got a lot done though, weight loss continues, so that’s a plus, also hitting my target macros so feeling pretty good overall.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 216.0

Sleep: 6 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 160g Protein, 160 Carbs, 80g Fats

Calories: 1550 Calories



8:00am - Egg white omelette, multigrain pancakes, fruit, oj, coffee, vitamins

1:00pm - Protein Shake, tortilla, cheese, hummus, celery, green tea

3:30pm - Greek yogurt, honey, strawberry, green tea.

7:00pm - Chicken Salad wrap



4:30pm - 5 min



Training - 1 Hour BJJ

Weights - Back/Bicep/Abs


Notes: Busy day, grappling went well. Intervals have been paying off, did a round of grappling today and got 3 submissions in quick succession as well as 2 throws and a reversal. A far cry from struggling just to get submitted fewer than a dozen times in a given class. Got in lifting later in the day and diet was mostly on point. So looking forward to this 4 day weekend. Now to pass out.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: Didn’t Weigh In

Sleep: 8 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 160g Protein, 150 Carbs, 125 Fats

Calories: 1500 Calories



10:00am - Banana, coffee, vitamins

1:30pm - Greek yogurt, honey, strawberries, green tea 

5:00pm - Protein Shake & peanut butter

6:00pm - Bratwurst, Tortillas, spinach

10:00pm - sausages, cheese, crackers 






Training - 1 Hour

      -1000 jumps on Jump rope 

      -5x400lbs sled pull/push/10 Sprawls

      -15x2 Squats, walkout 2 push-ups

      -15 Plank Push-ups 

      -10 x 1 breakfall, 4 v-ups, 

                roll up squat to standing

      -10 x roll back, triangle, strong stance


Conditioning - 30 min

      4x800s pushing

           #1: 4 min 56 sec

           #2: 5 min 03 sec

           #3: 4 min 45 sec

           #4: 4 min 57 sec


Lifting - 1 Hour

     Shoulders & Legs


Notes: Finally caught up on working out from being otherwise engaged the last few days. 4th of July unfortunately started with a trip to the ER for Mrs.ReturnOfTheDad after a gym injury from yesterday was made worse by a sudden yank from the dog leash. Ended up being just a bad shoulder strain but that kind of shot our plans for the day. Ended up getting to the pool for a bit in the afternoon which was nice, but no fireworks. Since she couldn’t lift the baby I took on all parenting duties, plus helping her around and work on Friday (worked from home). Glad we worked it out but needless to say the gym did not happen so glad I got caught up today.

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Weight: 218.4lbs

Sleep: 10 Hrs 

Water: 1.25 Gallons

Macros: 140g Protein, 70 Carbs, 60 Fats

Calories: 1750 Calories



11:00am - Egg Whites, veggies, oj, coffee, vitamins

1:00pm - Banana & green tea

4:00pm - Protein bar

6:00pm - BBQ chicken & veggies 

10:00pm - Protein Shake






2:00pm - 4 Miles


Notes: Didn’t use sunscreen on my run. Big mistake, definitely noted, but glad I got my run in.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 219.0lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs 

Water: 1.25 Gallon

Macros: 150g Protein, 150g Carbs, 80g Fats

Calories: 2000 Calories



10:00am - Protein Shake, PB & banana sandwich, vitamins, coffee

1:00pm - Greek Yogurt, honey, almonds, craisins

3:30pm - Protein Bar & Green tea

7:00pm - Chicken fajitas






11:00pm -1 Hour BJJ

5:30pm - Weights: Chest/Triceps/Lower Back


Notes: Finally getting back on a schedule. Hopefully will be able to start making headway on the weight side of things. 2 weeks in and not a lot of change. Will keep at it and work towards those daily adjustments.

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Well, as someone with a similar lifelong condition that will require ongoing treatment that does a lot of similar things in terms of playing with the emotions, I'm glad to see that you're keeping on. Keep looking for the good in the day; you won't always find it, but it's worth finding when you can, and it's a good way to struggle toward baseline when it's harder to find.


Also, seeing you tap people gives me hope. I can pretty reliably tap one person in class right now; need to actually introduce a little bit of violence into my game in terms of my movement. Good to see progress!

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9 hours ago, Kishi said:

Keep looking for the good in the day;


Thanks so much, that means a lot and your mindset gives me a lot of comfort and focus. Really appreciate you and everyone here on NF.


9 hours ago, Kishi said:

Also, seeing you tap people gives me hope. I can pretty reliably tap one person in class right now; need to actually introduce a little bit of violence into my game in terms of my movement. Good to see progress!


I’m glad! It’s been all in the grind and keeping it simple. My big focus right now is chokes, whether front cross choke, guillotine or rear naked, it’s simplified things and working on that one piece has been useful. May have just been a lucky week, who knows on the mats. Best of luck on consistently tapping person #2!

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 217.6 lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs 

Water: 5/8 Gallon

Macros: 140g Protein, 140g Carbs, 75g Fats

Calories: 2000 Calories



9:30am - Egg Whites, cereal, vitamins, coffee

1:30pm - Protein Shake, granola bar, Turkey, hummus, cheese, fruit, crackers & green tea.

6:00pm - Grilled Chicken Sandwich

6:30pm - Cheeseburger & chips









Ended up taking a rest day. A friend of mine passed away last night and found out about it today. He had been struggling with addiction for sometime and it finally got him. Really going to miss him. I know there is nothing I could have done.


As tempted as I am to focus on the tragic nature of this disease, I also got to see a friend get his 30 Day sobriety chip this evening. That’s a miracle to me that any of us make it given the grave nature of what we in addiction have faced and continue to face with watchful vigilance. 


I am so sad that I won’t see my friend again in this life, but I know he is free and wish him peace wherever he is.

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I'm sorry for your loss. Knowing that there's nothing you could have done is very cold comfort in the face of the fact of your loss.


If you need to talk about it, let us know; we're happy to help with that kind of thing. And I'm glad to hear that you continue to remain vigilant.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 215.8 lbs

Sleep: 7 Hrs 

Water: 6/8 Gallon

Macros: 150g Protein, 110g Carbs, 30g Fats

Calories: 1750 Calories



9:30am - Protein Shake, PB & Banana sandwich 

1:30pm - Greek Yogurt, honey, strawberries

3:30pm - Protein Bar

7:00pm - Chicken Salad & Veggies



10 Min



     Training: 1 Hour BJJ

     Weights: Back/Biceps/Abs


Notes: Really wiped out today from yesterday. Had a minor melt down about some micromanaging that occurred. Realized too late that I got worked up for no reason, other than maybe just emotionally wrung out from the day before. Progress not perfection, at least I didn’t say anything I had to make up for. Sometimes silence is golden. Still waiting to hear back on my friends funeral arrangements. Would be nice to have some closure, whether that’s with something official or unofficial.


10 hours ago, Kishi said:

If you need to talk about it, let us know; we're happy to help with that kind of thing.


Thanks, I figure the best thing right now is just to keep posting on it. Your responses are much appreciated. Been talking with my Dad as well who is a grief counselor and he has been really helpful. I feel very fortunate to have so many people to lean on in times like this.

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2019: Year of the Wandering Monk

Weight: 215.0 lbs

Sleep: 8 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 150 Protein, 170 Carbs, 105 Fats

Calories: 2250 Calories



7:00am - Coffee

9:30am - Egg white & veggie omelette, toast, Oj

12:30pm - Protein Shake & Banana

3:30pm - Protein Bar

6:00pm - Pizza, chips & hummus

12:00am - Protein Shake






     Training: 1 Hour MMA


           #1- 4 min 39 sec

          #2- 5 min 12 sec

          #3- 5 min 26 sec

          #4- 5 min 45 sec


Notes: Jam packed day, got my 800s in and a couple of good MMA rounds with my Coach. By that I mean I took a gentle beating for 3 rounds. Always an enlighten experience sparring a world champ. Pretty fortunate that my Coach takes that one on one time with me. On to tomorrow and finally the weekend. One heck of a week...

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Weight: 216.0 lbs

Sleep: 5 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 170 Protein, 165 Carbs, 95 Fats

Calories: 2250 Calories



7:00am - Salmon toast, coffee, vitamins

10:30am - Protein Shake & pb sandwich 

1:30pm - Chicken tacos

5:30pm - Steak & avocado sandwich

10:30pm - Protein shake






     Weights: Legs/Core


Notes:Quite a day, big client call on a large potential deal, some ‘development suggestions’ from the boss, rough sales calls, crazy kids, busy schedule, non-existent time with the wife, been quite the day. So glad this week is over and very ready for the weekend.

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Weight: 213.5 lbs

Sleep: 6 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 140g Protein, 120g Carbs, 70g Fats

Calories: 1750 Calories



7:00am - Egg whites & veggie omelette, vitamins, coffee

9:00am - Egg white delight & coffee

1:00pm - Greek yogurt, honey, craisins & almonds

2:30pm - Protein Shake, pb honey banana sandwich

6:00pm - Chicken Breast, 2 cheese sticks & veggies 



     Training - 45 min Boxing

     800s -

          #1: 4 min 36 sec

          #2: 5 min 57 sec

          #3: 7 min 20 sec

          #4: 7 min 58 sec

     Conditioning - Footwork & Stretching


Notes: Dialing in the bi-polar meds and some concerns came up over some repetitive thoughts and activities. Looks like I may have low spectrum OCD as well that was being hidden by my Bi-Polar shenanigans. Not what I wanted to hear today but there are a lot of things associated with this that treatment may address and give me a better quality of life. Onward to another day.

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Weight: 212.6 lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 160g Protein, 120g Carbs, 60g Fats

Calories: 1500 Calories



9:00am - Egg whites & veggies, tortillas, vitamins, coffee

1:00pm - Greek yogurt, honey, strawberries 

3:30pm - Protein Shake, apple & pb

6:00pm - Chicken Breast, broccoli



     Training - 45 min Jujitsu

     Weights - Back/Biceps/Abs


Notes: Been quite the day, lots of development at work as I got coaching on some next level sales skills from my

Boss/professional mentor. It’s a long road ahead and it’s difficult to make this next transition but to work on significantly bigger projects I need to grow in my skills and that means being uncomfortable and a lot of constructive criticism. 


Getting back into the groove on the mats still getting submitted a lot but hitting a few more reversals and almost got a rear choke and a pretty talented white belt in the class, though to be fair he was just coming back from vacation.


Prepping for ReturnOfTheDad Jr.s birthday party on Saturday, presents purchased and planning done. Really looking forward to it and will be nice to celebrate another year of the young mans shenanigans.


Super tired from the day and another busy one tomorrow. Time to crash.

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Hey! I’ve been following your journey be it via email as I’ve been absent from the forums here lately. Just checking in because I noticed a drop off on updates! Hope all is well :) 

  • Thanks 1

Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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On 7/28/2019 at 9:45 PM, ladyofthebog said:

Hey! I’ve been following your journey be it via email as I’ve been absent from the forums here lately. Just checking in because I noticed a drop off on updates! Hope all is well :) 


Thanks so much for your concern! I got put on some antidepressants and it took out all my drive for posting. Ended up discontinuing it because it was really interfering with life. Finally feeling much more energetic now and ready to get back to things (including posting). :)


Really appreciate the check in and the community here that has helped so much through this tough time!

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Weight: 218.6 lbs

Sleep: 9 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 170 Protein, 180 Carbs, 110 Fats

Calories: 2100 Calories



9:00am - 2 Chicken biscuits, hash browns, vitamins, coffee

12:30pm - Protein Shake, banana, green tea

2:30pm - Cheese sticks, apple, peanut butter, green tea

5:00pm - Protein bar 

6:00pm - Chicken, veggies & rice

10:00pm - Cereal



     MMA - 1 Hour

     Conditioning - 3 Sets

           Push Ups - 7

           Pull Ups - 2

           Squats - 15

           Military pushups (hands closer) - 7

           Close Grip Pull Ups - 2

           Mntn Climbers - 10

           Sandbag Sprawls - 5

           Sand Bag Clean & Press - 3 (50lbs)

           Sandbag Walk - 100m (50lbs)


Notes: Had a bad reaction to some OCD meds, and taking a break from those. Feel

Much more like myself and easier to get back on track for life stuff, including posting here. Ended up plateauing at 185 on my lifts. Talked to my Coach and he is putting me on a more repetition heavy regimen, more body weight and sandbags, which will overall help my MMA and Jujitsu game. Did 3 sets today with the goal being 10 sets by end of summer.


Therapist recommended doing meditation 3 times a day. Not sure if I’m down with it since I hate sitting still, but going to give t a try for the rest of the week and see how it goes.


Other than that on to Phoenix again next week and training at the gym out there. The wandering continues...

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Weight: 217.0 lbs

Sleep: 8 Hrs 

Water: 3/4 Gallon

Macros: 140 Protein, 150 Carbs, 75 Fats

Calories: 2000 Calories



8:00am - Protein shaker, cereal, vitamins, coffee

12:00pm - Turkey sandwich, chips, iced coffee

3:30pm - Chicken flatbread & iced tea

6:30pm - Chicken, rice, veggies & iced tea




           #1: 5 min 35 sec

           #2: 5 min 36 sec

           #3: 5 min 20 sec

           #4: 5 min 44 sec


Notes: Whole body is sore from the new workout regimen. Hard to believe some Bodyweight exercises and a 50lb sack of sand made me more sore than some of my recent lift days. Crazy what the body gets used to and what a change can do for breaking through a plateau.


Doing another trip to Phoenix, going to be running around to the different hot weather/desert auto testing sites. Being sure to bring lots of water and hoping to avoid auto issues driving around the Mohave.


Had a few big projects fall through which has been really demoralizing. I took this job anticipating a few things that didn’t turn out to be accurate, specifically in terms of commission earning potential. Talked it over with Mrs. ReturnOfTheDad and we are going to give the job through October, but if things don’t start coming through need to start looking at some other jobs. A big challenge is to make what we’d like to it’s either 12 hour days, or 50% travel. Sometimes both. It would be a big lifestyle change but right now we just aren’t able to have the quality of life we’d like in terms of financial stability for long term planning (house, kids college, etc.).


Still dialing in the meds. Finally at the recommended dosage for the bi-polar meds. Feeling more even but down right sleepy. Counteracting it with caffeine but if I go too long without caffeine I fall asleep. Going to give it a couple more days then going to take it back to my previous dosage.


For all my complaining, there are definitely some nice moments. The sunset in Tempe was definitely one of them:



On to tomorrow and more 110+ degree weather...

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Really beautiful sunset, almost like something straight out of a doctor's office painting. 

Hope you come around on your commisions eventually, I would hate to see you lose a job you like because the cash flow dries up.

And about the projects dying and getting you demoralized, some of the most notable hall of fame nba players are also at the top of the list for most turnovers ever in 1 game and home run records have been broken by batters that strike out more than anyone else. Maybe that's not the most apt analogy but I hope you pull through.

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Weight: 217.4 lbs

Sleep: 8 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 155 Protein, 200 Carbs, 100 Fats

Calories: 2700 Calories



9:00am - Protein Shake, pb & banana sandwich, vitamins, 2 coffees

1:00pm - Chicken enchiladas, veggies, green tea 

3:00pm - Mac Cheese, w/ chicken & coffee

6:00pm - Chicken sandwich, chips,


10:30pm - Protein Shake, pb & Nutella sandwich 




           #1: 4 min 58 sec

           #2: 5 min 12 sec

           #3: 5 min 47 sec

           #4: 5 min 59 sec


Notes: Back home, this last trip really wore me out. Ready to be back with the family. Have another day trip in 2 weeks but that should hopefully be it for a while. 


Still combating the drowsiness of the meds with caffeine which caught up with me today. Hadn’t had any water and ended up getting nauseous while grappling. Coach has a talk with me about the importance of nutrition and hydration. Performance over looks is definitely a priority at this point and I think the weight loss and strength goals will follow if I follow Coach’s recommendations.


Onward to tomorrow and eating/hydrating much MUCH more.

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Weight: 219.8 lbs

Sleep: 6.5 Hrs 

Water: 1 Gallon

Macros: 140 Protein, 210 Carbs, 70 Fats

Calories: 2250 Calories



7:00am - Bacon, muffin, coffee

9:00am - Protein coffee shake, banana, vitamins

1:00pm - Chicken, spinach, pasta, iced coffee

3:00pm - Protein Shake, pb & honey sandwich 

6:00pm - Chicken sandwich, cookies, iced tea



MMA - 1 Hour

Strength & Conditioning - 4 Sets

      #1: 6 min 48 sec

      #2: 6 min 47 sec

      #3: 8 min 04 sec

      #4: 9 min 32 sec


Notes: Didn’t get near enough sleep last night. Going to try and catch up tonight.


Crazy busy day, mostly self imposed. The biggest achievement I could probably have is not over scheduling myself these days. In a very self critical mood for some reason.


Yesterday marked 3 years of sobriety for me. While critical of myself for today, yesterday was filled with a lot of gratitude.  It’s been a long road and hopefully I have a longer road still before me. I’m sure it will all work itself out one day at a time.

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