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As a catch up: I started my first workout 11.23.19 with Warm Up A, Workout 2A, and Cool Down A....it was exhausting. Second workout was 11.24.19, Water Yoga A....to be fair,  it wasn't much of a workout because I love yoga, but I was moving at a time when normally the couch would have all the power, so....ftw. Third workout was 11.25.19 with Warm Up A, Workout 2B (only 2x), and a very paltry attempt at Cool Down A. 


Then, Thanksgiving week. It was our first time hosting so naturally, for me, I became ultra focused to the exclusion of all else for three days shopping, baking, and cooking and completely wiped myself out. Thanksgiving day was hard to enjoy because I already spent all my energy, not to mention either ate junk or didn't eat because my mind was occupied elsewhere. No workouts happened, but I did get to do a puzzle with J and H (My DH and DD). Though it was another bad example of ultra focus as I spent 16 hours on Friday hovered over those little pieces to get it finished.


11.30.19 was the next workout with my second attempt at Warm Up A, Workout 2B (x3!), and Cool Down A. I'm happy to report that I finished the full 3 rounds and the full cool down! Unfortunately, my muscles prefer being flexible to strong and my nerves sent fire throughout my left scapula, down my arm, and up my neck....cupping therapy ensued after 5 hours of 3rd Thanksgiving with the in laws and it feels much better today. Needless to say, today I will not be aggravating my muscles and instead trying to move over the course of the day. 


As I said in my introduction, I tend to be on and off with everything...but I'm hoping putting these out here will help me be more on than off and start developing some positive, balanced, lifelong habits.


Take care?

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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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Warm Up A (93 Jumping Jacks, 2:00)

Workout 2A x3 (8lb row, 16lb farmer carry 40 sec)

Cool Down A








Large pictures of my plates under the spoiler. Order: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner



I seriously thought about flossing. I might tonight.


I'm looking forward to the holiday challenge, I'm hoping it will help get my mind off hostile work stuff and refocus my brain a little.

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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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N/A, didn't even move much see The Saga... for more details





Only snapped Breakfast and Lunch yesterday. Dinner was a bag of popcorn ? with far too much butter added. Then an hour later, and way too late to be eating, DH nuked me some taco meat, leeks, and bread. God bless him for taking care of me when I'm slugging and cranky.



Nothing to report. I barely made it through the day in one piece. I'm pretty sure DD didn't escape whole, her teenageriness pushed my already fried buttons and I definitely overreacted. I feel like she has an apology coming her way as I probably made her bad day worse. Sigh. At least DH and the beast were there to cheer her up. Here's what I'm looking to follow in the future:



All the best?

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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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Tl;dr: The day went great, the evening tanked. Mid week is the danger zone.


Here's the scoop, the morning went off without a hitch. I was on time with my morning routine, DH made me a sweet little lunch, and I didn't have to drive DD to school which means I slept an extra hour. I was feeling so good! Minus a small headache which ibuprofen took care of. I got to work and the day went smoothly, despite the ongoing stressful drama that has me searching for alternate careers every afternoon. Lunch was delicious. The workday finished and then the crash came. My headache came back full force and was only mildly dulled by ibuprofen, I swapped out real clothes for sweats and sat on the couch. From there it was almost over, thankfully DH had the day off so he was trying to light a fire and just kept bugging me to work out until I just did it out of spite. I didn't warm up or cool down properly though and I'm pretty sure pulled a muscle in my neck/chest. Then dinner, DH cooked rice and lentils with a bit of red chile which was such a nice treat. But, because I worked out later than normal, I was starving! Which means I ate a whole box of crackers with some Manchego, and since heaven knows I can't eat cheese and crackers without wine, I downed a bottle of Chardonnay. Totally tanked. Also, wine gives me the worst heartburn, which I know and do it anyway, so I slept terribly. I still have that headache. Positives? I worked out. To do? Pre-plan for a mid week slump. Any ideas out there?

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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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In the interest of leveling up, and recognizing that I really needed to respawn the first three weeks of the Academy, I decided to also join Rising Heroes. Self paced timing has been a challenge for me, so bring on the missions. Luckily they cross over quite a bit, so double the character points for the same amount of work. My brain gets double the endorphin spike! So, respawing with an additional RH component requires the BIG WHY. I've done it, and let me just say what a viciously uncomfortable process that was. All the things I "know" but never made it out loud are now on paper, for me to see, every day. It also gets to be said here....for everyone....to see. Though just since I joined a short time ago, I've come to see this community is uplifting and encouraging, so even if there are those out there in the world that disagree with what I'm doing and why, I know there's people here that will at least click the heart. So here it is, my BIG WHY, it's not long.

I want to workout and get stronger, take on the responsibilities of adulthood (cleaning, fixing up, etc), and get out of debt so I can prove to my extended family that I am good enough. Capable of standing on my own two feet and taking care of MY family. I want to show DH that I, and we, are worth it. I want to show DD that she is fine just as she is and is capable of anything.


Let the respawn commence.


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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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On 12/5/2019 at 8:12 AM, nianjufe said:

Positives? I worked out. To do? Pre-plan for a mid week slump. Any ideas out there?


Nice job on working out even though you didn't feel well! For the mid-week slump, I've been trying to time it with a rest day, that way I don't have to worry about it. If that doesn't work out I've got a plan where if I'm not feeling all that great or I'm exhausted etc then I'll do a small piece of what I'd originally planned to do, that way even if I don't do everything, I at least did something. Hope that helps!


1 hour ago, nianjufe said:

I want to workout and get stronger, take on the responsibilities of adulthood (cleaning, fixing up, etc), and get out of debt so I can prove to my extended family that I am good enough. Capable of standing on my own two feet and taking care of MY family. I want to show DH that I, and we, are worth it. I want to show DD that she is fine just as she is and is capable of anything.


That's a great "big why"! And you are already good enough, no need to prove that to anybody. :D 


Good luck with your goals, I know you'll crush it!


Image result for you got this gifs

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22 hours ago, Jupiter said:


Nice job on working out even though you didn't feel well! For the mid-week slump, I've been trying to time it with a rest day, that way I don't have to worry about it. If that doesn't work out I've got a plan where if I'm not feeling all that great or I'm exhausted etc then I'll do a small piece of what I'd originally planned to do, that way even if I don't do everything, I at least did something. Hope that helps!



That's a great "big why"! And you are already good enough, no need to prove that to anybody. :D 


Good luck with your goals, I know you'll crush it!


Image result for you got this gifs

Thank you! This is definitely what I needed to see this morning. I like your back up plan and a rest day in the mid week slump, I'll keep that in mind when I get sluggy.

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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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Rising Heroes Warm Up✔️

RH BBW Workout x 1✔️

RH Cool Down✔️



I haven't figured out a better way to log this here. Right now I'm using the Bitesnap app which is really convenient for me, but it's not public and doesn't have an easy share function. Right now, to post pictures I have to share with my email, download to my computer, then upload to my post. That's way too many steps for me right now. So maybe I will just report out if I hit my calorie goals? Though I'm really approximating everything so nothing is exact. Or, since my calorie goals are approximate while I'm working on other goals, I could just say how many meals I logged in the app. That may be the simplest solution. If you all have suggestions for an easier way to photo track and share, let me know!

3 Meals logged 



I have an actual goal! I'll be following the RH Morning Routine mission. This week, I'm making my bed everyday, starting 12/13. I'll keep this mission as my lifestyle goal until I feel ready to venture out on my own. It's been nice to have goals and practical steps outlined for me. It's really reduced my anxiety about jumpstarting my anti slug journey.


Take Care!?

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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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21 minutes ago, nianjufe said:

It's been nice to have goals and practical steps outlined for me. It's really reduced my anxiety about jumpstarting my anti slug journey.

Never underestimate how much a bit of structure can help with anxiety and make it easier to take action! :) Sometimes prescribing ourselves specific tasks is all we need to feel comfortable doing them. Awesome work!

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...but I'm adorable! Ask anyone who doesn't know me...

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On 12/13/2019 at 9:02 AM, Defining said:

Never underestimate how much a bit of structure can help with anxiety and make it easier to take action! :) Sometimes prescribing ourselves specific tasks is all we need to feel comfortable doing them. Awesome work!

It's definitely been very helpful having my tasks laid out for me, and me not having to create all of them. Thanks for the encouragement!



12/13/19 - 12/15/19


Workout 12/14

Warm Up✔️

Farolito Run✔️

Cool Down✔️



12/13 - 3 Meals logged 

12/14 - 0

12/15 - 2


Lifestyle - Make the bed

I had to start over, but that's ok! New start date is 12/15 ✔️


Take Care!?

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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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Workout 12/16

Warm Up✔️

RH BW Workout x3; with added weight✔️

     - Squat 9lbKB; Lunge 9lbKB; Arm Rows 10lb

NF Cool Down A✔️



3 Meals logged, 131cal over target which is within the margin of error I think. Blasted microwave popcorn, soothsayer to my soul.


Lifestyle - Make the bed

12/16 ✔️

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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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8 hours ago, nianjufe said:

Blasted microwave popcorn, soothsayer to my soul.


Mmmm popcorn. I think you can be forgiven for that one. ;)


Image result for popcorn gifs

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18 hours ago, Jupiter said:

Image result for popcorn gifs

Me, almost everyday! I have to hide it in the back of the tallest cabinet.




Workout 12/17




12/17 - 2 Meals logged and 4 snack times, still under cal target


Lifestyle - Make the bed for 7 days





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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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4 hours ago, nianjufe said:

Me, almost everyday! I have to hide it in the back of the tallest cabinet.





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12/18 -12/19/19


Workout 12/19 

✖️- Between the work christmas party, work, and a fight with DH, I didn't even get in a sun salutation?  Hopefully I'll get a make up in today, at least some yoga because my body is ACHING.



12/18 - 3 meals logged

12/19 - 3 meals logged, 605 over target ? *See work Christmas Party


Lifestyle - Make the bed for 7 days






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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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12/21 ✖️- Beast#2 has kept me busy this weekend

12/22 -Planned, but needs to be done still


Food Logged

12/20- 3✔️

12/21- 3✔️

12/22- 3✔️


Lifestyle - Make the bed for 7 days (New goal for 12/22 is 30 min screen free morning for 7 days)









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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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On 12/29/2019 at 5:33 PM, Jupiter said:

Hey, how're you doing? How'd the rest of your challenge go?

I'm ok, started the next one as you saw, and haven't checked in on my Saga since the last time I posted ?‍♀️. I'm trying to get a handle on how to track my things more specifically in here, i.e. do I track RH & Academy stuff in here, and there, and the challenge or keep this for specific workout/food log? We shall see!! Thanks for checking in?

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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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C'est la vie....... Did I do the intended of my last post? No. Have I been contacted by the auto server for the Rising Heroes Rebellion twice now.....bordering on thrice? Yes. Will I forget where my accountability and heart lies? No. Eventually I will be positing....regularly as the goal..., in the meantime... challenges hold a far greater ambition than I am ready for. I just recently (see 5 sec of courage ago under the heavy influence of a killer and  locally distilled G&T) made an agreement with myself to at least check in with my battle logs. If not everyday, then ... ... ... ... Might I say the concept of everyday is fluid.... no matter what I've done. Fluid meaning the utter impossibility of maintaining what day it is by my waking up and working alone.


While I was working from home, I found myself spending the first few truly waking hours of my day with good intentions... or should I say truly waking weeks... As a WFH interpreter, it has become more difficult. I find myself functioning (lightly as the term goes) on my summer schedule. I post videos and translations and captions at midnight or later. I join virtual meetings unfortunately for my interpreteing team "wildly unprepared for the day" (nathan pyle comics). I also find myself chasing down, interpreting, and captioning the most seemingly important content posted... to find... in reality... that the intended audience could give a witch's tit if it was posted on time or not. 


For those of you that see this, thank you for taking the time. And for myself [slash family slash friends slash community of like minded individuals] (who it's most important to post for) don't give up! Even though we might be starting the educational semester like this again (i.e. online and out to sea) there are others in the same boat that have been there for longer! *Eyeing those WFHers that are chuckling in their advice cauldrons* I call on you, sages, for your schedule and anti anxiety/anti depression advice and long-term-result conversations! If only by DM. Most expediently I am calling on this community to help. Just that...help. 


Help, if only to acknowledge that having the Rising Heroes platform changed to NF Prime has been a backhand to my fitness face. In less dramatic terms...I don't know how to access the ultimate goal in the same way as I had done with NF Rising Heroes. I feel less like a hero and more like a wayward vagabond used in the dying throes of a failed rebellion. In which case, hope bends eternal to whichever shape I find next; and, in the context of this platform...I have abettors who will stand with me to face any and all onslaughts and affronts to the intent of a fuller more vigorously rigorous life. Again, hope springs eternal. Thank you in advance friends, for your insight...wisdom...heartfelt encouragment....and encompassing support. The highest of five's in your direction... ... ...



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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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Thank you all, it feels good to be back! Sort of at least :) I have done nothing the past few days as far as exercising, though through this whole WFH isolation thing I've been eating ok. Just ok mind you, because I find myself still not eating and living off of coffee instead, which is making me too tired to do anything. So in an effort to at least document everything and thereby *hopefully* influence change. Here I am. I'm not sure what to document or how, so bear with me while this evolves...and feel free to chime in with any helpful advice! I'm all ears. I think my main focus during this will just be calm analysis to avoid anxiety. So if anxiety pops it's head for anything I document, I'll stop that documentation until I figure out if I really need it or a better way to do it. 


In the meantime, I definitely have eaten once today and briefly thought about working out, then went back to reading my book. Today was a little difficult because it was 8th grade drive through graduation and my office clean out day. I spent it wavering between panic at the closeness of people, sadness at how the end of the year turned out for our transitioning students, and thrilled to see everyone.....I am exhausted. Oh yeah, and part of it was spent terrified because my office had turned into mothpocolypse. Gross! I'm glad we could only enter the building one at a time, I didn't want any one else to witness the moth avoidance dance and screamo show that sent my glasses flying on multiple occasions.?


Maybe tomorrow will be different....Maybe I will try jumping rope for at least 10 minutes.

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NF Character

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 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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It's okay if things are just going "okay" right now. Things are weird these days and we've just got to get through the best we can. That said, okay is pretty good in my book. :) Good luck with the jump rope tomorrow! :) 


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Thanks, I need it! I missed the morning window of cool weather so I'm shooting for this evening. I have to jump outside otherwise the beasts get excited and then whacked?.


It's definitely weird right now! I'm trying to convince my brain that okay is perfectly fine. Thanks for the support!



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NF Character

Current Challenge

 Intro PostBattle Log

"Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

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