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newbie alert - here we go :3

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So hai thar.

I'll start by introducing myself, seeing as that's how this stuff tends to work ^.^ I'm a 23 year old girl from England called Abbey (never would've guessed, right?). I'm currently around 150lbs overweight (pretty much double what I should be) and I've been struggling for the last 6-7 years to try and get myself into a routine of exercise and healthy eating. I've been on countless diets throughout my teenage years and have recently come to terms with the fact that there's no easy way of losing weight - I guess that's a big step in the right direction.

I'm currently self-employed/business owner/freelance web developer. It doesn't exactly help because it essentially means I'm stuck at home all day on my computer, and even in my free time my interests are computer-related. I'm also at university for web development to hone my self-taught skills and also get my skills approved by a piece of paper.

Also, I'm a gamer; I've been playing World of Warcraft for around 3 years now, and I've recently started expanding my interest onto other games (Skyrim, Portal/Portal 2, Bastion, Magicka, Amnesia, Diablo 3.. etc). I'm also an avid follower of various Youtube "personalities" in the gaming scene.. TotalBiscuit, Jesse Cox, Dodger, Swifty to name a few (if anyone knows of them :D) and I have this sort of dream of getting into the game commentating/let's play/project scene myself.. it just seems like such an awesome job.

I actually found this community by searching for zombie apocalypse fitness/exercise :D I'm really trying to make exercise, fitness and healthy eating as interesting as I can.. I'm really bad at dedication to this sort of stuff, and my self-discipline is TERRIBLE, so here's hoping Nerd Fitness will help me ;)

Hopefully I'll meet a bunch of great people here too!

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Hey hey! Welcome to the Rebellion! Here we can help you with anything you need, from advice to motivation via being chased by a Zombie. I suggest you check out the NF articles in finding out exactly how you want to improve yourself fitness-wise, as well as plans on how to get there. Check out the Adventurer's guild, for all your questions. Here's rooting for you!

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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Thanks ^^ I'm actually taking a good look around the forums now, the class thing is actually awesome, but I think I'll do as you suggest and head over to the Adventurer's guild for now :) I'm excited to get started, this seems like exactly what I need.

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Welcome to the party :)

I hope you can find some great goals to work on to propel you to a healthier lifestyle (and weight of course)!

And I see some interesting games in your line up!! (WoW, Skyrim, Portal)

Let's go train for that Zombie apocalypse! It sounds like a very valid goal haha!

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Yess I definitely need to set some goals for myself ^^ I think the main reason for the zombie apocalypse idea was seeing a zombie survival experience in London and thinking that'd be awesome to do xD I'd love to go and do that for a day with a bunch of friends. Thanks for the welcome :)

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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That sounds super awesome!

I'm just really attracted to the zombie apocalypse idea because I'm a Resident Evil fan! (okay okay, I only played RE1 and RE0! Need to get my hands on the rest)

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Haha yeah, I dunno I was totally addicted. I played RE1 and took quite a few days to complete it, then as I completed it on Saterday afternoon, I jumped straight into zero... finished that one Sunday evening after playing all of Sunday almost non-stop haha. (then I did RE1 again and then zero again, I'm crazy)

I'm planning on cosplaying Rebecca Chambers at the end of August, so if I could get pretty trained before that, then yay!

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Welcome to NF, Abbey :) You'll fit in just groovy around here :)

Human Druid/Cleric - LvL 3
STR (6.5); DEX (4); STA (9.5); CON (10); WIS (9); CHA (3)

I will not live my life based upon the ideals of someone else. My value is inherent in my existence.

Long term goal: King Pigeon and Dancer.

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Ahhh that's awesome ^^ I have to admit one of my motivations is to get into the cosplay/convention scene.. obviously I want to look good as a cosplayer xD but I think I'd probably go for something along the lines of WoW characters - Alexstrasza is my favourite :D

Thanks Skirler, I hope I'll fit in well too :D

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Welcome! You definitely sound like you'll fit right in ;)

I saw the zombie apocalypse survival training and thought that would be so neat...I haven't looked to see if they have something like that in the States.

Anyway Red has some great advice...read the articles, ask questions, etc etc etc.

Glad to have you!

P.S. You should totes pick up RE. It's awesome. Or rather, they are all awesome.

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Haha the awesome thing about the zombie survival day is that it's in an abandoned mall that's gonna be knocked down at some point.. I definitely need to do it before they decide to demolish it :D

Based on suggestions, I think I'll pick up RE ^^ although I've just assigned myself to Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 10 along with 1 on iOS :D plenty of stuff to keep me occupied.

And exercise. Of course. >:D

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Ahhh that's awesome ^^ I have to admit one of my motivations is to get into the cosplay/convention scene.. obviously I want to look good as a cosplayer xD but I think I'd probably go for something along the lines of WoW characters - Alexstrasza is my favourite :D

Thanks Skirler, I hope I'll fit in well too :D

Awesome! I'm not really sure who Alexstrasza is (I haven't played WoW in forever), but generally WoW characters make awesome cosplays!! :D

Also seems you have a lot of games to play! But really RE is worth adding haha.

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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I'm one of those people who has to play something from the start if I plan on getting really into it.. hence why I'm starting with FF1 xD the plan is to work my way all the way through either until the end, or until I get bored :>

Alexstrasza is one of the dragon aspects, she's pretty awesome ^^

Sounds like I'm definitely adding RE to my games list then :D

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Awww... To be a true FF fan, you must endure the countless hours of Level grinding! I recommend playing FF IV, V, and VI, those are the Best of the FF series

Level 25 Final Fantasy Rebel

My Epic Quest | My Journey | Currently on the Trial of Orthos
Str: 60 | Dex: 23 | Sta: 66 | Con: 28 | Wis: 55 | Cha: 14

Goals for 2021:

  • Build my brother a Destiny 2 Lamp
  • Learn how to do a Handstand
  • Play 1 song on the acoustic guitar
  • Clean up the Christmas Decorations and finish setting up my apartment (hang things up, plus some other few things that need to be organized)
  • Re-introduce Pull-ups into my routine
  • Build a shelving unit next to my Desk

"No matter what, if you can hold your head up high, you've done the right thing."

"When you stand with your family, your family stands with you."

"Write what needs to be written."

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I'm one of those people who has to play something from the start if I plan on getting really into it.. hence why I'm starting with FF1 xD the plan is to work my way all the way through either until the end, or until I get bored :>

Alexstrasza is one of the dragon aspects, she's pretty awesome ^^

Sounds like I'm definitely adding RE to my games list then :D

I get what you mean! I mean I started with RE 1 for that reason, now I want to play them all in order so that I won't get stupid spoilers or anything!

Good luck with FF, it's so long ;w;

I have 10 I believe? And I'm just... I put it down again... probably because I was having hate for the controller (I'm not used to the PS2 controller) and getting all kinds of stuck!

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Awww... To be a true FF fan, you must endure the countless hours of Level grinding! I recommend playing FF IV, V, and VI, those are the Best of the FF series

I've been told that 6 and 7 were the best xD unfortunately those games are either really expensive, or they're for bid which I always tend to forget about so I lose out D;

I get what you mean! I mean I started with RE 1 for that reason, now I want to play them all in order so that I won't get stupid spoilers or anything!

Good luck with FF, it's so long ;w;

I have 10 I believe? And I'm just... I put it down again... probably because I was having hate for the controller (I'm not used to the PS2 controller) and getting all kinds of stuck!

I tried playing 10 and couldn't really get on with it.. I played 8 all the way through and it was awesome, but now I'm finding that I wanna play the entire series xD my internet went down for a few hours this morning so perfect opportunity to get a few levels ^^.

I gotta say though, I'm used to the WoW-style quests where it tells you to go do something, you do it, and then turn it in. This morning I went to visit this lady in a cave and she was like.. "I wonder who could have stolen my orb?". I wandered around for ages thinking it'd be a direct quest but couldn't find anything, then resigned myself to the fact that it probably turns up later in the game. Either that or I'm having a dumb moment xD

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Haha. Nice! I actually quite liked X...more than VII. But I also played VII years after it came out soooo the graphics weren't up to the quality of the current day...go figure, right?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Yeah that makes a lot of sense.. going back to crappy graphics after seeing what current games have to offer isn't nice - I watched a friend play Battlefield 3 recently.. holy wow the graphics are stunning on that game.

However I'm really having fun with FF1 at the moment.. I'm really nostalgic about isometric games, I spent a good portion of my pre-teen years playing Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow on Gameboy Color, so I lovelovelove them :>

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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OH haha then you'll love RE. It's totally the game that... puts you into a mansion and then... well go forth and explore, we will not give instructions at all. Luckily the environment you play in is quite limited, so exploring to find something doesn't take long :) The game is based around a "get out without getting killed" rather than "shoot everything that moves".

Hmm I don't think I care much for graphics to be honest haha. I'd play any games as long as it's fun, don't care about it looking good or not.

I've seen someone else play 7, it looked pretty cool to me!!

OH MAN the days of the original pokemon!!! me and my friends befriended some people in higher classes over that game!! Good old memories :)

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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Oh goodness, that just reminds me of Amnesia really xD instead of being able to kill monsters you have to hide from them.. scariest game ever.

But yes, Pokemon was actually amazing.. I really couldn't get into any games past R/B/Y.. I tried Gold, Silver and Crystal(?) but I was never really a fan past the original 151 haha. Pokemonnnn <3

[table=width: 350, align: center]

Level 1

475 / 1535 exp

Losing weight, getting fit and finding happiness...

...one quest at a time


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Oh you can kill the monsters in RE don't worry. You just don't have unlimited ammo or find it easily. (unless you're playing RE zero with some skills on easy, I had too much ammo lol).

No but really, you get to shoot things in RE, it's just not always the best strategy :3

I know what you mean!! I do have pretty much all generations... and sure it's fun, but different!

Though I must admit that black and white totally sparked something, I have... black I believe?! and I got really into it... then put it down again...

I should pick it up! But yeah you have so many new options now and some are kind of cool.

Hmm well I did have a really cool Silver game with like some fav pkmn, but... the internal battery died and so I lost my game :(

IDK I guess I'm a crazy fan after all. My favorite pokemon is Kyogre (thanks to the one I have in Sapphire) and then followed by a whole bunch of the original generation pkmn before getting anywhere near other generations XD

"Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Epic Quest: Sif's list of awesome

Challenge: let's smash another year #low-carb #push-ups #intermittent fasting



Sif rises once more (~2020): 1

The Return of Sif (~2018): 1, 2, 34567, 8

The Age of Kibcy (~2012/13): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 89


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