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You know, just because you work out, doesn't mean you are trying to lose weight


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So today I got the are you trying to lose weight comment after telling someone I have a plan for what I am going to do each day for the week. By plan I mean workout plan. I said nothing about weight, nothing about what I am eating or anything else relating to weight loss other than I have a workout plan to better manage running and lifting

I get that working out can be helpful when trying to lose weight, but just because you work out doesn't mean you are trying to lose weight.

Has anyone else had this problem?

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
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I've had a similar "problem". I tell people I'm eating healthy (skipping snacks/unhealthy foods) and exercising. A ton of people react with "but you don't need to lose weight".

With which I say, I know, I have a healthy weight, I'm now trying to BE healthy too. And they go all "oh okay". Probably without really getting it.

Recently I explained to someone what I was doing and they reacted with (I'm guessing) disgust over the idea of eating so many veggies and exercising. idk, but it's really that you're not suppose to like working out?! I dunno.

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not really, but at the begenning of the year I lost some weight due to getting sick/ not working out and I got the whole "I wish I had that problem" from, like, 5 different people. *sigh* Oh well.

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I must first find a piece of myself

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It's really a common misconception on folks who could probably care less about their exercise regime or what they eat. I know a lot of people who purposely remain ignorant to the idea of a healthier life by removing all the unnecessary items (grains, sugars, etc.) just because they refuse to remove them. Heck, I think all of us thought the same way before we decided to take that leap into a healthier regime.

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I'm on the other side of the spectrum trying to put on weight! I guess when the majority of society is obese, exercise becomes societies idea of a "cure" for obesity and nothing more. Therefore, following that train of thought, if you are exercising, the world we live in assumes you are trying to "cure" you obesity (much in the same way that if you tell someone you're taking a throat lozenge they assume you have a sore throat.)

I hope I'm wrong. It seems kind of sad that people would compartmentalise all of the fun we have in the gym as some type of medication.

"No-one tells a T-Rex when to go to sleep".

- Jim Wendler

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I do kabuki with friends.

Before the arranged dinnertime (pizza for dinner, I brought my own food from home) I was starved. Seriously starved. I get the same expression on my face when I'm hungry as when I'm staring down a heavy weight. People were asking why I looked so serious, I just looked at them and they shut up. So when the pizza came out, director-san came over and said, "You no like pizza?"

I resentfully shoved a forkful of chicken into my mouth, "Diet-to..."

He gave me a thoughtful nod (think Mr Miyagi, this guy's a shoe-in), "Take your nutrition sirrius!"

"Hai sensei."

Basically what I'm saying is, people won't bother making assumptions if you just look pissed off all the time like I do.

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I've had a similar "problem". I tell people I'm eating healthy (skipping snacks/unhealthy foods) and exercising. A ton of people react with "but you don't need to lose weight".

With which I say, I know, I have a healthy weight, I'm now trying to BE healthy too. And they go all "oh okay". Probably without really getting it.

Recently I explained to someone what I was doing and they reacted with (I'm guessing) disgust over the idea of eating so many veggies and exercising. idk, but it's really that you're not suppose to like working out?! I dunno.

THIS. I think it has a lot to do with our country's idea that people only workout if they want to look good. Sure it's a good motivator (and something I really believed in too) but it's so much more than that. I can't wait to get stronger.

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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I wouldn't worry about it much. For most people, the default purpose of exercise is to lose weight, so when they see someone who is getting into exercise their immediate response is "Oh, that person's trying to lose weight." to the point where if they see a fit ("toned") person working out, they might be genuinely confused. "But they're already in shape?" General health, strength, and especially fun; these never seem like proper motivation for exercise to many.

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My solution: carry around pre-cooked bacon. Whenever somebody asks you if you're trying to lose weight, just grab a fistful, start munching, and reply "yeah" with a deadpan stare. The look of bewilderment on their faces will be precious.

Lol this.

What I REALLY hate is "free" advice from other people. "Oh heyyy, you shouldn't eat so much avocado, you're gunna get fat". Or my favorite, I was buying sugar free oatmeal at the grocery store, and the (fat) cashier was like "you shouldn't eat that oatmeal, it's really high in sodium" I just stared at her like this.

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My solution: carry around pre-cooked bacon. Whenever somebody asks you if you're trying to lose weight, just grab a fistful, start munching, and reply "yeah" with a deadpan stare. The look of bewilderment on their faces will be precious.

As hard as I try, I cannot think of a scenario where this is not a possible solution. Two points to you.

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I'm not trying to lose weight either (just redistribute it). The aim of my workouts is to get fitter. Most people seem to get that without me having to tell them.

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Hylian Assassin 5'5", 143 lbs.
Half-marathon: 3:02
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I often don't even get the "are you trying to lose weight?" part, people just jump to "Don't lose weight! That would be unhealthy! You don't want to look anorexic!!"

My BF% is about 26-27%. My BMI just barely squeezes me into the overweight category and I have a really slight build. I'm far from obese, but that doesn't mean that I don't have a lot I can do to be healthier. I am trying to lose weight, but it's not my primary concern. I'm mostly trying to get stronger and feel better, and weight loss comes as a fortunate side affect to that.

"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that leads to total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." -Frank Herbert, Dune

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Argh, yes! Some people see confused that I managed to lose some weight and now I'm STILL working out. They're all, "Don't lose more weight! You look great now!" Plus, my mother-in-law (whom I love, don't get me wrong) is now jokingly telling me that my husband is now too skinny and I need to feed him more. Umm, no. We lost fat, and now to get un-skinny we need to work out! But I used to be misinformed about all this crap myself, so I try not to get mad at friends/family and try to educate them instead. Unsolicited comments and advice from strangers are never cool, though, so I'm on Team Bacon where that is concerned. Well, Team Metaphorical Bacon. Cause I'm a vegetarian. =D

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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I have had this...but I don't ever really see it as a problem. As many have said those who think lifting weights/eating healthy is solely for losing weight is not try to be offensive I don't think but rather are just misinformed about what the purpose for those could be. For a long time i had to lift in order to gain weight buy supplementing lifting with a high amount of protein intake and I had friends say things like how are you soo skinny you eat soo much. What people don't understand is that being "skinny" is significantly different than being fit. Just as being big (which can also be fit) is different than being fat. I think the best thing to do in the situation you had is just explain that difference between the two and who knows maybe you can convert someone to a healthy fit lifestyle?

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I'm on Team Bacon where that is concerned. Well, Team Metaphorical Bacon. Cause I'm a vegetarian. =D

I don't know much about veggie muscle gain, but I think avocado or maybe a hunk of cheese will do. Maybe a big, bean-stuffed burrito? Either way, as long as it's big and fattening-looking, it works.

Level 4 AssassinStr 8.50, Dex 7.25, Sta 6.75Con 6.00, Wis 8.00, Cha 6.00

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I don't know much about veggie muscle gain, but I think avocado or maybe a hunk of cheese will do. Maybe a big, bean-stuffed burrito? Either way, as long as it's big and fattening-looking, it works.

Hahahaha, now I'm picturing myself walking around with an avocado in my pocket and pulling it out and taking an angry bite out of it when confronted with weight loss comments. =D

Caitriona - Gallifreyan Adventurer
Level 1

STR:1 :: DEX:3 :: STA:2 :: CON:2 :: WIS:3 :: CHA:4

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My solution: carry around pre-cooked bacon. Whenever somebody asks you if you're trying to lose weight, just grab a fistful, start munching, and reply "yeah" with a deadpan stare. The look of bewilderment on their faces will be precious.

This I can do, only I won't be munching

Any way it's good to know that I'm not the only one who gets it or some thing like it

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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Lol this.

What I REALLY hate is "free" advice from other people. "Oh heyyy, you shouldn't eat so much avocado, you're gunna get fat". Or my favorite, I was buying sugar free oatmeal at the grocery store, and the (fat) cashier was like "you shouldn't eat that oatmeal, it's really high in sodium" I just stared at her like this.

I had a similar experience. I was sitting at a table, and a guy told everyone that this girl (who was off cooking) was on a diet, and then proceeded to criticise it. "Look at that, she's eating carbs late at night." I head tilted, wondering where he was going with this line of thought, but he pointed to the next item, "And an omelette, god why's she eating eggs?!" I must have looked really confused at this point because he stared at me for a moment, "I mean, you agree right? Carbs, eggs and meat just before bed = fat gain." I sat back, I didn't even know where to start. Her meal was damn healthy, if anything I'd add more food. Before I could respond she came in and the guy's attention switched to her. She looked fit.

I just finished and left. That guy's delusion almost scarred me. What does he think you're meant to eat? No carbs, fat OR protein for dinner? I was too dumbfounded to respond.

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but I just wanted to say please keep on making me smile NF :)

Along with other things, that's why we're here / keep coming back

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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