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Yay for getting back into the weights!! 


Have you tried putting some ear buds in with some sort of calming music to eliminate the outside noise....or hell just wear some ear plugs LoL...


Keep at it Jess..you're awesome...One meal a week is not going to hurt you....Especially if you've been good all week then you kind of actually deserve it...right??



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Level 4 Dragonborn Ranger
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Batwoman, you haz the best jokes! Good luck with those power cleans


Kid, earplugs might work, but I'd be afraid that earbud's cords might somehow cause me to get cranky.


Funny story: According to my maths and workout progressions chart, I started at a deadlift weight about 15 pounds heavier than I should have. NO WONDER it was so heavy! Whoops



Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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GAH! OK SO! many of you already know this from my on-the-spot tweeting in excitement today, but I GOT THE POWER CLEAN! Not just the hang clean, but the full on power clean. Proababy my form sucked, whatever. I'll review form again tonight before I try them again. I started with the 25 pound bar and was like "what am I even doing? This doesn't feel like anything" so I added weights. Got up to 55 pounds. Then I know that form sucked for the last 2 of my set. I actually tried it three times at 55 and missed it and I got so stubborn! So I insisted that I wouldn't miss it again and I did it and got it, 3 times well, and 2 with eh form. I didn't do my planned workout because all of those resolutionists at the gym, instead I did work on upper body, work sets as follows:


Lat pulldowns 1x3x70kg

power clean 1x5x55lbs

pullups: 5 jumping with controlled lowers


Then I went straight into yoga. Loved that. Afterwards my teacher came up to me and said "I always hope that you'll come to class because you're so good. I get so excited when you're here" and I almost awwwwwed all over her. She's so cute! The combination of these two things has me in beyond a great mood.




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Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Whoooooo Hooooo! Awesome on that power clean!


:triumphant: :triumphant: :triumphant: :triumphant: :triumphant:


Wow, that inspires me to get a BB set! :D


And that speaks a lot for you. People love being around enthusiastic people. Makes a person feel good. :)


Have a most excellent Saturday JessFit!

(that strikes me funny calling you Jess as that is also my oldest daughter's name, lol) :playful:

Level 6 Pixie Assassin Rangerish Adventurer
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-We can't always change the things we've done, but we can change what we do next.

-I don't have a choice. I deserve a better life and this is what I have to do to get there.
-Whatever doesn't kill me....Had better start running.


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(Confession: I don't know anything about weight lifting so I Googled hang cleans and power cleans) Holy crap woman!! So impressive!  I am certain I'd be severely injured if I tried that with anything heavier than a tissue box!  It's so awesome to see all the ladies on here lifting all the heavy things.


Go Jess Go!!



Sorted Hufflepuff, Self Proclaimed Stark, Lover of LEGOS

Love the stuff you love, and pursue your passions without fear or regret.

Weekly Battle Log Here: Silver Sword

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Thanks ladies! You are too sweet! Jenn, you most certainly could do this with something other than a tissue box, I promise! Either way, you're making me blush



Also, the below meme is 100% applicable today. As my extreme sore woke me up in the middle of the night, and then this morning I laid there for 3 hours wondering how one gets out of bed on a daily basis... YAY FOR WEIGHT LIFTING tehehe


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Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Oh seriously, that brought tears! :lol:


I COMPLETELY understand that feeling and have done the same thing, lol!


Particularly after Leg Day! :playful:


Have a wonderful Sunday!

Level 6 Pixie Assassin Rangerish Adventurer
Current Challenge: Guess What??
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-We can't always change the things we've done, but we can change what we do next.

-I don't have a choice. I deserve a better life and this is what I have to do to get there.
-Whatever doesn't kill me....Had better start running.


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Ash, yep, still feeling it this morning, sore as can be but I didn't let that stop me, got my tushy up and to the gym anyway. Lifted, did the B workout that I was supposed to do Friday with the cleans in their appropriate place however I kept the weights on the cleans light and focused on form. There's a chance I bruised my hip area trying to get the hip thrust in the second pull, ouch. Also lifting is way harder lately, unsure why but I've heard other people mention this and I'm thinking that maybe our bodies are trying to hibernate or something so lifting weights isn't something our bodies find smart in the cold season when food is traditionally harder to come by for recovery and fueling purposes. Ideas?


Squats: 2x5x45, 1x5x80, 1x5x110, 3x5x140

Shoulder Press: 2x5x45, 3x5x50

Cleans, 3x5x35, 1x5x45


Then I did an hour of yoga. I was the only one in the class today so it was something that really pushed me. Not my normal teacher though, and I really like my normal teacher so I'm not sure I'll go back.


Yesterday I made apple chips and apple fruit leather for snacking this week. Now time for more personal productitude!

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Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Way to go on getting in there and getting that workout in! :encouragement:


You know, I hadn't thought about it, or connected the two, but that makes sense. Bummer. Maybe that is partly why lifting has seemed harder than usual.


Light. I need LOTS of light. It helps me tremendously. That and my music.  ;)


Do you have a dehydrator or do you do that in the oven?


Hope Monday ROCKS!

Level 6 Pixie Assassin Rangerish Adventurer
Current Challenge: Guess What??
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1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 12th 13th 14th  Battle Log
-We can't always change the things we've done, but we can change what we do next.

-I don't have a choice. I deserve a better life and this is what I have to do to get there.
-Whatever doesn't kill me....Had better start running.


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You know, I hadn't thought about it, or connected the two, but that makes sense. Bummer. Maybe that is partly why lifting has seemed harder than usual.


Light. I need LOTS of light. It helps me tremendously. That and my music.  ;)


Do you have a dehydrator or do you do that in the oven?


Hope Monday ROCKS!

Thanks Ash! It is just a theory, but I've noticed that the lifting is tougher for everyone right now not just me so I figure there has to be another reason for it. And yeah, I have one of those "happy" lamps that I start the day off with this time of year. Very useful. I don't have a dehydrator, I currently do it all in the oven. Pretty easy really, you just have to set the oven to low temperatures and leave it all in there for a while.


Thanks Batwoman! I love the cheer cat!

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Ok, so basically the last 24 hours have been dominated by hormones and winter blues. I want carbs and I want sugar, lots and lots of them. I totally broke last night, I went into the gas station to get gas and also got gummie bears, hersheys, chex mix, and zebra cakes. Then today I made the decision to try doritos and a pop. I used to eat a LOT of doritos, and it has been six months since I've had them. They weren't all that good. I threw part of the bag out. As for the rootbeer, it was so good. It has been 8 weeks since I've had a pop. And a long time since I've taken in sugar and carbs in these quantities. Well, let me tell you, my experement sucked. The pop was good but now I've got a headache and feel terrible. My tummy hurts and I'm exhausted from the sugar crash. I was so afraid that once I had one pop I would want another, yeah that so totally isn't happening. I don't want anything but bed. Making the smart decision here to get back on that horse right now. Making a great paleo chicken and apples dinner tonight and planning paleo meals for tomorrow. Today has been a stroll down the path through suckville in a few ways.



That being said, I've gotten my taxes done, am working on laundry, have cleaning planned, am making a great dinner, and have a bunch of personal productitiude planned. I feel terrible that I've given into so much junk but it is a couple days of ick and I'm normally pretty ok with my eating so I can't stress over it. Getting back on my horse and rocking the hell out of this week! Today and tomorrow are predominately rest days with maybe some mellow yoga before bed but tomorrow I am going to eat 0 junk food, grains, or artifical sugar. I will be better about my eating, starting right now!

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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Way to go, Jess. Proud of you.

And I told you so :P

Level 2 Warforged Druid

STR: 2, DEX: 1, STA: 3, CON: 3, WIS: 2, CHA: 3

"If these people tell this story to their children as they sleep; then maybe someday they'll see a hero is just a man who knows he is free."

Good night and joy be to you all ~Jitters The. Clown

Current Challange: New Challenges Ahead!

Battle Log: Clowning around daily

Past Challenges: Leveling Up PvP Jump Rope Boss Continue? System Failure Systems Online Calling Rush Confirm Reset Select World Select Difficulty, Select Character, Repairs, Press Start, First Timer, Jump Rope PVP Challenge

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I read that food post last night and meant to respond, but I was in sleep recovery mode so a lot of not doing anything happened last night.


I experienced the same feeling over the holidays. Yes things that are bad for us can taste really good and we have developed cravings over our lives for junk food, but at a certain point when you are cleaning up your diet the cheats are not worth the aftermath. It's kind of like when you get older and hangovers aren't worth the extra booze last night. I've definitely hit a point in my diet where while I'm eating food I'm also pondering how it will make me feel later. This weekend I could have made bad choices, but I know that eating the good stuff makes me feel alert, light, and refreshed the rest of the day so I stick with that.


Sometimes you just have to hit rock bottom before you make changes. Not that you have hit rock bottom,  but you definitely had a "should have had a V8" moment. There are also other ways to tame those cravings and there are new cravings to be made. I can't begin to tell you how sweet apples have been tasting to me lately.


I think it is great that you had that collapse in judgement, because it has brought you to this point of making some serious changes. If you ever need any help you always have your foodie NF friends to help you along the way.



I'm a time traveler, but I can only go one way and only a second at a time.

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Poor kitteh, but cute kitteh!


Batwoman, I kind of miss eating all the junk I wanted. Not saying I intend to go back to that, just that I kind of miss it. You're 100% right though, as was Jitters, and my body deserves better than crap all the time. Today I stick to healthy eats in order to "reset" from my junktastic 24 hours. I made sauteed apples and chicken last night and have leftovers for lunch and I have a paleo beef and mushroom stew in the crockpot at home waiting for me to get done with both jobs.


Plus yesterday I got so much done! I Love having a productive Monday. Only problem is, I was so pooped at the end of the night that I forgot to yoga and journal (again)... Oh well, I could have way worse problems. Thanks for the support all <3

Warrior, Ravenclaw, book lover, history nerd, Red Sonja wannabe


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