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    2. Rebel Introductions and the Respawn Point

      New to the Rebellion, or did something go wrong and you're Respawning? Welcome, soldier! Post your story here, your battle plans, and what you plan on bringing to the table.


    3. Rebel Army Base Camp

      Talk about whatever the hell you want here. Well, almost anything :)


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    3. Guilds, Clubs, Adventure Parties, and PVPs

      Looking for a party to adventure with, an accountibilibuddy, or want to create a PVP Challenge? This is the place! 


      Not sure where to start? Check out the how-to thread!

    4. Daily Battle Logs and Epic Quests

      Working on your own Epic Quest? Or just looking for daily accountability? 


      Start your own thread and keep track of your workouts, food logs, and/or accomplishments here. Nothing says accountability like letting the world read what you're doing.


      *NOTE: Daily Battle Logs and challenges are completely independent of each other - you can have one or both.

  • Most Recent Posts

    • September 2024. -It just feels like a big month... Hopefully a new job offer, moving again (hopefully for a few years), and a brand new perspective. All this time, the focus on productivity and valuing actions overshadowed my mind's subconcious desire for idle time so it would have the time and space to process emotions and stay healthy. I will value idle time as the healthy way to deal with life's stresses vs. escaping with dopamine as the unhealthy way to hide from life's stresses. Obviously one way is easy and better and just needs me to revalue how I see idle time (as valuable, healing, and the brave alternative to dopamine escape) like walking. Onwards!   Projects for the Month: (by priority) -Make sure repairs on schedule and scout home, change utilities and address, mgmt returns security deposit, and move in and buy things you need!! -Pack, move, unpack, organize -(job prep? or maybe apply to interesting per diems) -Focus on 2300-2400 calories daily, 150g+ daily protein, watch fitness playlist -Respect daily idle time of any of: Either Exercise or Walk every day, or Cook every other day, Meditate as a catch all. -Add Crouton recipes: Recipe cards, BWS recipes, cookbooks -Read cat books -more ohyeah   Hobbies/interests on maintenance: -Skin care/hygiene, sleep -Dopamine and NF playlist, stop wasting time/energy/goals   Achievements/Experiences/Skills:  
    • I was relieved that he found some friends he can keep up with online, too.  He's going to need that.   Did I ever share this when I finished it?     I don't think I did.     Yeah, I'm pretty ready to put a bow on this one and move on.
    • I'm planning on going the opposite way of SMART. I feel like I'm not being competitive enough with myself. I'm going to gamify it a bit, and make some goals I'm pretty sure I will fail at.😀 Not sure if it will work, but I think I need a tough challenge.
    • 15 arm leg raises on each side, for a total of 30
    • Excellent (for both hand and foot). I also like to paint nails as a low energy, soothing rest activity.
    • Very pretty nail polish! Does that shimmer finish come in green as well?
    • Is everyone thinking about their next challenges? Send me some vibes. What are you thinking about tackling next? Do you have any useful mental frameworks for making it happen? 
    • We can be thirty-something fuck ups together 🥹     Yeah. Well I've already cut out so many experiences due to the fatigue. For me, not suffering horribly is at the base of my hierarchy of needs. Transcendent experiences are a little further up.      She does seem experienced and skilled, yes.      What can you do? Just keep throwing yourself at nerd fitness challenges and pray to the god of long shot and the goddess of futile persistence.
    • Dang it must be good if you feel any sort of regret over sailing in Greece 😂
    • Oh man, people who act like You Should Know are such a pain.  No language barrier but when we were teens my sibling and I went to the nearest big city, which involved multiple buses from  a ferry terminal outside of the city. We asked the bus driver if he’d tell us when we got downtown and he was like “you’ll know it when you see it” in that tone that says best not ask any follow-up questions.  Anyway, even now 85% of my hometown has ordinances that forbid buildings over 4 stories so literally the entire city looked like downtown to us and we disembarked a good half-hour walk outside the core area we were headed for.    Just answer people’s questions, folks! 
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