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Everything posted by Fenshire

  1. You'll always have us, Donar.
  2. I'm down! That's coincidentally one day after my 1 year fitness anniversary
  3. You could probably start the Couch to 10K program at about week 9. If you can already run 5K, you probably don't need to keep going with C25K. Time to step it up. And no more excuses!
  4. I'm not even a lady and I think I have whiplash!
  5. Hehe, I'll have to look around. I think my gym does have a few yoga classes. To be honest, I'm still in awe at having touched my toes. I think yoga would be a good cross-training option for my marathon training, though!
  6. Parkour would be awesome to do! I plan on learning, but once I can do pullups and chinups unassisted.
  7. Good for you, Tomosan! Of course, I assume you mean to bring your weight down. I'd hate for you to chop off your legs or something to reduce your height! Welcome!
  8. Donar, worse comes to worse, we can still hang out on Wednesdays. I think it'd be entertaining to shove various craft brews down your throat until you find one you like!
  9. Anytime you feel like a champion, you just woot away! That body weight workout is actually pretty tough, so doing five circuits of it is quite badass!
  10. Heck yeah it's deserving of a woot! Good work!
  11. That's awesome, and it must've felt fantastic! I wouldn't mind trying out yoga. I have no idea where to start, though.
  12. The first step is always the hardest. Keep at it, you got this!
  13. Look at this badass! Great job taking the initiative to do your own challenge. It's pretty awesome to be able to say you're under 300 now, isn't it?
  14. Clandestine: Making depression his BITCH since 2013! Fantastic job, sir!
  15. Holy geez, SD!! You look effin' great, brother!!!!
  16. Yeah, there is a definite difference! That is awesome, and swimming is a fantastic way to get in shape!
  17. Folks always lose weight fast in the beginning, at least that's been my experience. Congratulations, though! You got under your projected weight, which is great!
  18. Ugh. I hate people that say stuff like that. That and "must be nice!" or "it could be worse!" I'm sorry random friend, but if I'm venting about something to you... all I really need to hear is "Yeah, that sucks!"
  19. Are there any evenings that are good for you guys? Lunchtime is definitely a no for me. Naturally, don't hold off just because of me, though! I just like to meet new people, especially NF folks!
  20. I have a pretty awesome woot to post today! Today, I did this fun Elvis-themed 10K; Not only did I CRUSH my 10K PR by 10 minutes (59:28... under an hour!!), but I won a damn age group award! I can't explain how freaking happy this makes me! I've never won anything sports-wise in my life! To think that I not only beat myself, but I actually beat OTHER people... it's a pretty damn good feeling.
  21. Wednesday is my BEST day, but whatever day you guys want to do I can try my best to attend. (However if it's on Wednesday, it's pretty much guaranteed I can be there)
  22. I had a great time! I know this is completely non-commital, but I don't mind either way. I really enjoyed the place!
  23. You should come tonight, Grimm!!
  24. I had no idea that Jennifer Lawrence was considered fat. O.o
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