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Everything posted by crar4321

  1. Can't wait to see you turn the first week green!
  2. Just a quick update as I am away for the weekend now: DAY 4: - Not a paleo day - No junk food alone achieved - No exercise today - Studying - 2 seminars written up, then lots of reading done on the train DAY 5: - Not a paleo day - No junk food alone will be achieved because I am visiting the other half for the weekend - Just done my two reps of BBWW - Studying - I'm planning to write up 3 lectures and then probably read some more of my textbook Thanks for the support, I should make sure to catch up on all your adventures when I get back to normality next week
  3. Reading this is very amusing! Hula hooping is pretty funny. I was sadly never any good at it. Maybe I should grab a hoop and try again! How is the running going? And how do you do it on the treadmill? Do you set a program or just change the speed from walking to running manually? Keep it up for day three!
  4. Thank you so much for your kind and supportive comments, everyone! This community is the best, bar none! DAY 3 wooop wooop! - Today is a paleo day! So much green tea! And also sweet potato, eggs and a banana! Not eaten tea yet, but I am planning to have roasted veggies (cauliflower, brocolli), boiled peas, baked salmon, and maybe some more sweet potato. - No junk food today. This is a success. Although I am having a craving for dark chocolate (which I normally barely even like, I don't know what's going on there!) which is a little confusing because it's also technically paleo! Is it allowed on my paleo days? Or is it not allowed because it's junk food? (Answers on a postcard please) - Exercise. 5k run complete! My first full 5k since I fell two weeks ago but the foot seems to be holding up fine so I am pleased, even though it is not as fast as I would have liked. May finish off the day with another yoga video, I felt so relaxed after the one last night! - Studying. Complete - I wrote up two seminars worth of notes.
  5. I only just put myself on yesterday - was too busy on Monday for my usual ungodly amount of time browsing NF
  6. Yes, we all splurge sometimes. And ice cream is so good. I hope you enjoy tae bo!
  7. Your thread is a lovely read I love how you're crushing it, despite the night shifts! I had real trouble last time around keeping myself on track while I was on night shifts!
  8. Awesome goals. What foods has your doctor recommended?
  9. Leeegggsss! I was about to ask where you get the Os for your challenge progress. Then I realised that they are just the letter O. I am not smart sometimes.
  10. Glad to be back on the challenge wagon with you! Keep it up!
  11. I'm also working on a mix of cardio, plus I've been checking out your thread. So how about it?
  12. Hi everyone! Thanks for checking in. Day two of the challenge already?! DAY 1 - Paleo all day long! For breakfast I ate paleo pancakes (made the batter from an egg and a banana) with green tea. At dinner I ate an apple and drank black coffee (not my usual but I was determined to go 100%!) and then at tea, I made the biggest vegetable stir fry (cauliflower, brocolli, peppers, sugar-snap peas and chillis all made an appearance) and topped it with a fried egg. I finished the day off with another green tea. I was feeling hungry all afternoon, so could have done with a snack, but I was disorganised and busy so that didn't happen. The stir fry filled me up good though! - Exercise: I did two sets of BBWW in the evening (which is the most I've ever been able to manage in one go - hopefully will be at three sets during this challenge) - No junk food alone: I didn't eat any junk food because it would have broken my paleo streak! - 1hr of studying: in my lunch break I read and made notes for about an hour and a half. So yesterday was a 100% success! DAY 2 - Today isn't a paleo day, but I suspect I am going to be eating the exact same stir fry for dinner as I had yesterday, simply because that's all I have! - Exercise: nothing yet, but I intend to do a half-hour of yoga before bed to chill me out. (I'm working through doyogawithme.com's program for absolute beginners) - No junk food alone. Almost bought a chocolate bar on my way home but I resisted - 1hr of studying: not yet, but as soon as I've finished my NF business (priorites, yo!), I'm going to get down to some work, I suppose. Sigh I'm on track for today as well, yay!
  13. Happy challenge-eve everyone! Before I get underway tomorrow, confession time - I've had an absolute blow out of a weekend in terms of diet. So much bread, a bit too much to drink, and a large slice of treacle tart left me feeling horrendous yesterday. Couldn't be looking forward to hitting the ground running tomorrow with a strong start (paleo starts tomorrow!) and making myself feel a bit less bleh. Finally, measurements: Waist: 31.5inch Hips: 41 inch Thigh: 27 inch (how are my thighs almost as thick as my waist, what is this) I have a baseline to improve upon now. Godspeed, fellow challengers
  14. Excellent goals, friend especially swimming! How are you doing the swim/walk at the moment? Is your aim to swim the mile fully by the end of the six weeks? (Sorry, many questions, I just love talking about swimming - almost as much as I love getting in the water myself)
  15. Ooh another runner-plus-body-weight challenge! I did couch to 5K last year - twice actually. Really enjoyed the progression.
  16. I love love love the spreadsheets. Mmmm dat data
  17. Yeah! Avoiding alien abduction is the perfect motivation.
  18. Love the theme! I'll be following you when we start tomorrow!
  19. I was out shopping yesterday Iyona and I saw this and thought it'd be perfect for you! Edit: don't know how to make the picture bigger but if you click on it, you can see an enlarged picture!
  20. Thanks for checking in! And I enjoyed the gif You all seem pretty great so far
  21. Oooooh doggies! Post some pictures?
  22. I like your points idea - are you using a certain number of points to decide whether or not you have passed the challenge?
  23. Yay Minis! And yay racoons!
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