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  1. Greeting Nerd Fitness Well the theme of marathon is wrapping up and well I finish the Oakland Marathon on Sunday. It was not the fastest I've run one but was not my worse either. Official time was 5hr55min53sec - yes my wife gave me grief about those 2 seconds! So a new theme must be brought to the forefront as we leave the theme of marathon behind - or perhaps we continue it... I'm not sure yet, but I know what I'm gonna do for this challenge - so let's get to that! QUEST 1 - Keep Moving Marathon is over but that doesn't mean we stop running. Taking a few days to recover and should be running again soon. My wife is seriously considering the San Francisco full in July so we'll look into training and such We'll likely keep with 3-midweek run and 1-weekend long run QUEST 2 - Fruits and Veggies Food game has gotten kind of junky as we burn so many calories during marathon training - so time to focus up on more greens and fruits! QUEST 3 - Read More! Hope to finish Grave Peril and move into Summer Knight by the end of this challenge QUEST 4 - Monster Hunting My RPG group has started Monster of the Week with me being the Keeper (aka GM/DM) so I'm gonna focus efforts on that. Hopefully with mystery prep and after action reports posted here
  2. Greetings program! . . . wait Alright let's get to it! Goal 1 - RUNNING! Just signed up for the Oakland 2022 Marathon!!!! Got to figure out a training plan but first we have to keep the running habit happening We are looking to run 3 days a week with distances of 3 to 5 miles during the week and 5+ on the weekends. We are also signed up for a 5K on Sept 12th which should be a good test Goal 2 STRETCH To keep from having trouble running - we're going to try to do 3 days of yoga between the runs. This will likely be very low impact and boring yoga but still Goal 3 Training Plan To go with all this we need a plan, I'll be looking into what's out there and try to find what will work for us. Goal 4 Savings With our recent home purchase we are running low in our savings - so we'll be rebuilding that emergency fund while trying to figure out what's next.
  3. Welcome to the Scouts Camp! Ever on the move, our camp has relocated from the mountains into the wilds of the jungle farther down the river of NerdFitnessLandia What we will find as we explore this year? What mysteries lie out in the world beyond our camp? Welcome to 2018 ... here's to the future!
  4. Day One or One Day. Having fallen behind on my marathon training plan (by several weeks), I thought I could use so mojo, so I dusted off my digital copy of Level Up Your Life and, well, here I am. This will be marathon number 2 for me (the first about 14 months ago on my 50th birthday). The first one was a success (in the fact that I made it), but this one is meant to be the one where I am better prepared and enjoy the experience. Not doing so hot on living up to the quest. Hoping that getting re-involved with the forums might help.
  5. Hey y'all! I'm back after (another) hiatus. The short story: I had a year-long internship that was pretty rough in a lot of ways (you can read the sordid story of how I used my challenge back in January to help survive a bad several months' worth of depression), and went until I returned to my grad program this past August. I took a shot at getting another challenge going after that, but I didn't really have the mental or emotional steam to do another once my life had started to get more normal again. August, I made it back to school. I'd been exercising a bit throughout the year, although not staying in the greatest shape in the world - eating well most of the time, but generally just staying at basic running fitness, and going for pretty regular short hikes. Transitioning back into classes (and city life here in DC), I dropped most of that for about the first half of this semester. The damage of that inactivity added up pretty fast. I knew I needed to draw a line when I was feeling sore and uncomfortable literally just trying to sleep - I'd been sitting around for lectures and work so much that I was just that stiff. So I finally managed to slowly start some activity again - doing stretching and mobility a la Gymnastic Strength Training, and building my old running routine back in. Some weeks back, I think I hit a tipping point where, for whatever reason, I just decided I was tired of the mediocrity. I've had a lot of fun with athletics, and obstacle racing in particular, so I've decided to take that to the next level. In the past, I always did best when I could shoot for a milestone, and now the milestones are getting a bit scary... for example, in terms of straight-up mileage, the only main race length I haven't done yet is a full marathon (I did the Rock N Roll Half Marathon two years ago), and I've enjoyed two Tough Mudders. At this point, I'd rather seriously commit and see if I can survive something really intense, and get in really good shape for it, instead of just muddling along like I've been doing for months now. In sum, I have two major athletic goals that I legitimately intend to accomplish in 2018, barring serious injury or life crises: - Run the Rock N' Roll Marathon in March. - Complete a Spartan Race Trifecta (all three main lengths of their obstacle race series). I haven't done any of these yet, but I know they'll push me to a much higher level of overall fitness and strength. The one I've really got my eye on is the Colorado Rockies Beast, a half-marathon-length obstacle race at high elevation in the mountains. (Yikes!) The races I have in mind start in June. Basically, any challenges I do in the next year will probably be working toward these goals in different ways, but having the accountability of this community again would be awesome. Also, since this is going to take me out of the pure running world and into a lot of strength and crosstraining, who better to have along for the ride than the Rangers? (I thought of Iron Man for this challenge because he kind of reminds me of how I think of obstacles in general - with enough forethought, planning, and preparation, you don't have to have superpowers to overcome a difficult task!) All that being said, here are my main goals - keeping in mind that this month's challenge will be going right up through Christmas break: - Run! Run faster!: Running's a big part of my workout plan (really the main part right now). Goal is to get two short runs and one long training run done each week. No excuses. - Throwing my weight around: I'm just starting to work in some strength and bodyweight exercises as part of the exercise regime. Goal here will be two workouts of some kind in addition to the runs, always including a stretch/warmup and probably with a lot of Gymnastic Strength Training-type exercises. I might work in more Spartan-specific exercises as time goes on. - Diet: I'm really struggling with the food situation I'm in right now. I've got a mandatory meal plan as part of my program, and it's compounded by the fact that I have several mild allergies (and pretty serious gluten intolerance) that make it very hard to eat a balanced meal AND not get sick trying to eat the food here. Oh, and the dining hall people have zero clue about how allergen awareness actually works, so that isn't helping. My goal is to basically make it through five days a week having definitely avoided anything that would make me any sicker... This will probably be one of the hardest goals, honestly. - Pass my classes?: Oh yeah, and for half of this challenge I'll be doing final papers and exams. Yay? I guess I should try and make sure those get done... Here we go! (And thanks for stopping by.)
  6. This is my plan for the two week break: 1. Finish my previous challenge! My two most important goals still have one week left. One is about running mileage (need 17 miles this week to hit my standard benchmark or 41 to hit a stretch goal). For my other goal, I need to get in a quality threshold training workout. 2. Figure out my next challenge. That's the magic faerie dust. I'm always trying to tweak the plan a little. Looking for that small change that will make a big difference. The next challenge will have a couple of intensive weeks at work followed by a trip to run a marathon. Those two things are actually pretty compatible because the intense work will be when I'm tapering with running. The other part of this is playing around with my gym routine. I'm gonna try out some moves from the flexible steel program @Sloth the Enduring mentioned. I'm also gonna try out some of these hip flexor exericises. And I've been meaning to try TRX-assisted side lunges. So I'll see which of those things I might adopt during the next challenge. 3. Do summer things. Go paddling a couple times, take a yoga class or two, do a miserable yoga adventure shoot, finish reading my "serious" book (so I have more time for reading trashy beach-worthy novels), try grilling oysters, 4. Work on my new sushi list. This is a list of chores. When I finish it, I get to buy sushi :-)
  7. So, I've been following my own training schedule to increase my distance to do a marathon after failing my first attempt and a coworker and avid runner seems scandalized that I would run over 22 miles preparing for a marathon. My plan actually over-shot the distance initially to give me room to miss runs and fall short of my total distance, but I'm so far staying pretty much on schedule (I've shaved a kilometer or two). My question is, if I'm recovering and the distance increases aren't crazy high is there a reason I SHOULDN'T run farther? Everything I've read has said that total distance run before a marathon is the #1 thing that correlates to fewer injuries. Running a greater distance would help both my mindset (I can tell myself I ran that far before) and my endurance. I'm just not getting his concern.
  8. Okay, so technically I'm not sprinting to the FINISH, but I will be sprinting. That really is the key, I think. As long as this all makes sense. Good. I've been building up my distance running since January for a marathon in May. I have completely and totally ignored speed training in all of this because my real goal is actually completing. Buuuut, since I am competing in a race I feel like I need to put forth a little effort into trying to build up some speed. So my goals for this challenge are: Complete overall distance requirements - See spreadsheet (-1 point per km NOT run, no points for going over). Maintain weight lifting cross training - 4 days/week in March and 3 days/week in April (3 points per week). Sprint Training - 3 sprints at 70%, 2 sprints at 100%. To be completed on my short run (2 points). Nutrition - Maintain my weight and my high fat diet. Consume at least 3300 calories per day (1 point per weekday & -1 point for every pound over 5lb lost). This week I'll set some bases (sprint times and my weight).
  9. The story until now... In my youthful days I loved martial arts and stayed in great shape. After losing my way and my twenties I was over 300 lbs and 40% body fat. I worked really hard at it and got down to 202 lbs and 18% body fat. I stopped doing martial arts and got into Power Lifting. I am currently 240 lbs and 20% Body Fat. My warrior days are behind me now. For the last two years I've really gone all in on Obstacle Course Racing. I completed my Spartan Trifecta last year and will be running ten races this year ending with the Spartan Beast (one of the hardest OCR races out there). However, in the Next Four Weeks The How 1) Keep on the new ketogenic diet 2) Crossfit 2 x a week 3) Running 1 X a week 4) MMA training 1 x a week 5) Meditate every night/yoga Challenges and Milestones 1) Get better at climbing a rope and monkey bars 2) Run a full marathon Mar 11 (No obstacles, just a race. Only done half marathons so far) Goals 1) Lose five Lbs 2) Lose 2% Body Fat 3) Complete the Marathon
  10. hi all! I've been running for 15 years on and off and I would like to eventually be able to participate in the NYC marathon one day. As of now I can run 6 miles in an hour without dying but I know I need at least few half marathons under my belt before I can even consider a full marathon. I figured trying a 10k would be a good start. Right now I run 6 miles roughly once a week around a park. I would love to get any advice or tips from experienced runners thanks!
  11. This should probably be a Warriors challenge, but after seeing only one four week challenge last go-round I figured I'd stay home or this one. I'm doing some highland games training since my weight room is under construction at the Y. I think I'll be looking for a games to compete in in June/July so this will be a great way to get familiar with the ways of the Highlander. 1 – Learn the ways of the Highlander. I need to learn the heavy athletic throws. This means I need to work on the weight for distance, the weight for height, the hammer throw, the stone put, the sheaf toss, and the mighty caber toss. I’m going to practice one per day 5 days a week as part of my strength training. 2 – Stay strong to fight off your challengers. My gym is being renovated and invaded by New Year’s Resolutioners so I’m headed outside into the cold. It’s fine. I’m immortal. In addition to my one throw per day I need to work on I’m going to maintain my strength training using the throwing implements. I’ll shuffle what I’m doing with which throw I’m training for to keep my whole body shaped up. It’s on my spreadsheet here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15BFIglpwcEFL8w-nXh2c900uZ9ub2CAxDxtSo-KBYDw/edit?usp=sharing 3 – CHARGE! I’m running a marathon in May and I need to start looking ahead now. I have a schedule in place that starts with rigid requirements starting the same day as the challenge. I have 4 runs per week (days subject to change) and I plan on running home from work on weekdays (about 3k) and then heading on to the rest of the run (minimum 5k total). Saturdays are my long runs starting at 22k. I have a spreadsheet here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eu4HT1hH7EYHRwhq3GhIJqT-cJAWubGGFY4V7ZeuW4o/edit?usp=sharing 4 – Shameless cash grab. I spend most of my money on food (thanks, celiac’s disease) and we need to tighten our belts because the credit card got out of control the past several months. We have a move to plan for (our lease is up April 1st), a mode of transport to buy (car, truck, or motorcycle), a honeymoon to go on in August (Ireland), and I am being required to learn to ride a horse (see honeymoon). We’ve got a lot of debt repayment and saving to do and not a lot of time to do it in. I’m going to have to find the cheapest ways to hit my nutrition goals and that means a lot of careful planning, meal prep, and most likely butchery. My wife and I also have to come up with a monthly budget from now until August (and probably beyond) that we can stick to. I'm keeping these spreadsheets private. I don't have any more goals I just found that and why WOULDN'T I put that in this thread?
  12. I ran a half marathon on Sunday and finished the bugger without giving myself any major knee pains. I not only feel accomplished I actually feel like I did the week before the race instead of limping around in pain. I even went for a short run this morning. Here's me in the home stretch (in the shades):
  13. Rangering back up again, due to my incessant need to do all the things all the time. I imagine the main goal in this challenge would be prioritization, time management, and accountability. 1. Weekly Task List Because I've gotten used to [what I perceive as] chaotic and overwhelming schedules, I tend to wing it in life. Not only does it make my schedule even more unmanageable, I tend to miss a lot of important stuff as well. As said in Extreme Ownership, discipline equals freedom. I'll be working on my task list and priorities at the beginning of the week, and do my best to accomplish them. 2. Follow The Program I'm running a marathon on the first week of January, and I'm not sure why. I tried training for it classically by slowly ramping up the miles but the volume was killing me and eating up my entire day (even though I was able to hatch some sweet Pokemon out of it). Now I'm following Brian MacKenzie's 12-week program from The 4-hour Body, as it sounds more in line with my situation and goals (i.e. having a life other than running) and programming for oneself sucks. We'll see what happens. I would also like to maintain 1-2 BJJ sessions a week, and get some handstands in; nothing too crazy--just play and practice. 3. 22 Push-ups I was tagged by one of my students in the 22 Push-ups 10 days ago. I'm doing it. I'm not tagging anyone; I'm just doing it and if someone sees it or makes a donation, great. But I'd like to see it through, with 12 more days to go. Whether the movement is helping or not is beyond me, but I have had my own (now funny) experience(s) with it, so I don't really think I doubt my [primary] intentions. 4. Side Quest: Sleep Tracking Because I love sleep.
  14. After a F Up in my last challenge and a okay Respawn...here it is...the last challenge I will do with the Scouts for now. I will ttry something new and split my goals over the four weeks (because this time it makes totally sense.) I will add how many times at least I want to do so that I feel that I passed that goal in brackets My goals are: Quest 1: Run Forest Run! Timeframe: Now till 2nd October My first ever marathon will be on October 2nd so the goals are: - Follow the plan for regeneration and running (I will add that here later) - Do yoga every other day.(Goal 7times) - Finish the marathon! Bonus: Plan meals that will benefit the overall goal CLEARED! Quest 2: Habla Espanol? Timeframe: 5th October till 22th October It's time to get back to learning Spanish. Since I will be travelling a lot there should be time for learning: - When on the road, read at least one chapters from the spanish book per day ( 13times) - when at home add 20 minutes of vocabulary training (with cards and/or duolingo) Quest 3: "...denn du bist, was du isst" (Rammstein reference because German - Track what I eat with MFP - Try to stay under the calorie goal - Don't undereat (-200kcal for the goal are okay...) Quest 4: It's all about the community! - Have a lot of fun meeting NF-Nerds in Edinburgh - Support the League of Epicness (and maybee restart the Accountabuddie Thread for that) - Support the Hellfire Club (REPRESENT ) - Spread the PMA So that's it for now.
  15. Lots of you know I'm a distance runner. The past couple months I've been struggling with some lower back pain that I've been managing/treating/beating-into submission. For various reasons I couldn't complete several of my challenge goals last time. So I'm recycling three of them and thinking hard about the fourth: 1. Run 92 miles. This should be no big deal. As a bonus, each week that I log more than 25, I get to run an extra ZombiesRun mission. 2. 250 pushups. I'm going to take zero week to make sure my tricep is ok. If yes, I'll do these in sets of at least 5. In week 1 I get 1 minute per set. This will decrease by 5 seconds each week. I can take the full minute any week for a set bigger than 5. 3. 50 negatives (chinups). In zero week, I'll test this out a bit and see if my tricep is ok. I would like to start the challenge with an assessment on the gravitron, but I'm going to skip that out of caution. 4. Spend 1 hour per week learning about and working to manage some work-related stress (and perhaps aspects of my life/psyche that make me more vulnerable to this stress). This is really where facing the siege comes in. I need to kind of wall myself up in my castle and figure out what changes I want to make and where to direct my energy. The actual challenge activity each week could be working through a book I've recently bough (t"The Compassion Fatigue Workbook"), reading other resources, journaling, meditating. Some of this could be deliberate self care...like finally taking time to go to the doctor or getting a massage. That "counts", but at least some time each week should be spent reading, writing, reflecting or otherwise trying to "treat" this condition. Figuring out how to "refill the well". A bonus component of this goal is to end the challenge with at least one actionable idea I will try to pursue to help others at my workplace with the same problem. Could be as simple as buying a second copy of the book, putting it somewhere accessible and letting people know it's available. Could be writing a blog post. Could be putting together a webpage of resources I've found useful. I've been talking with some of my peers. I'm not entirely sure the problem is widespread, but I can't possibly be the only one. Bonus goals: I'm doing the Daily Dare PvP. It's a different bodyweight exercise every and and is a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome!! I'm tracking calories, and for every week that I average under 2000, I get to download a new i-tunes song. (weird that a <$2 expenditure is so motivating)
  16. Greetings fellow Scoutlings, I am a brand new newbie to this site, as in, yes, I just joined today. Since I have a competitive streak a mile wide and an overachiever streak 3 miles wide (why settle for 1), I have decided to not only jump from the frying pan into the fire, but to leap from said fire and extinguish myself in a boiling pot of water. My goals for this 4 week challenge shall read thusly: 1. Fitness: I have a marathon training plan. I am in week two of the said plan. I will stick with said plan. Every run, every REST DAY!!!! (I fail epically when it comes to adhering to rest days) and every, single cotton-picking cross training day (yuck). I am quite notorious in my running group for ditching my training plan long about....oh, let's say.... week 3??? Yeah. That bad. I'm a free spirit, what can I say. So - that's goal number 1. 2. Fitness: So let's talk about my least favorite aspect of fitness - cross training. I abhor weight training and I am allergic to going to a gym. In my estimation, if you force me to enter a building to run on a belt followed by grabbing a couple handles and pulling with all my might and fury, that is something akin to being both grounded and subjected to corporal punishment. So.....I'm committing to body weight conditioning for my cross training, which I can do outside along side my beloved Mother Nature. Thank goodness it's only once a week. 3. Fitness: In addition to my extreme distaste for weight training, I am no particular fan of attempting to place my rather vertically challenged and horizontally broad self in a physical predicament akin to a pretzel. Yeah, I can't stand flexibility training. I know, I know, I know..."IT IS NECESSARY!" Okay. Got it. Darth Vader is also my father, I got that, too. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. That's my third fitness goal. To employ some flexibility training into my routines every week - still not going full-out pretzel - just saying. 4. Diet: I am logging absolutely every ounce of food into MyFitnessPal. That's become habit - what has not become habit is tracking my water intake. So...I am committing to tracking not only my food on a daily, mouthful-by-mouthful basis, but my beverage/water consumption as well. If anyone is up for holding me accountable to this, let me know and we can hook up on MFP and I will give you access to my diary. 5. Diet: I have managed to shed 53 pounds since last October, so I am bit paranoid about consuming all of my calories in a day for fear of stalling my continued weight loss. However, now that I am back in training, I do recognize the need to consume calories appropriate to my exertion level. So, I am committing to a deficit of not more than 200 calories daily, even on long run days. 6. Diet: Finally, I love my fruits and veggies, but have not been consuming as much as I should as of late. So, for this challenge period I am committing to eating at least 5 serving of fruits/veggies daily - and at least 3 of those to be raw and whole. 7. Leveling Up. My life schedule is insane. My family and I live a homesteading, off-grid lifestyle. HOWEVER, until we can achieve complete or mostly complete self sustainability, I work on the grid. I also work 2 hours away from our little slice of heaven. Yes, I spend 4 hours every single day in my vehicle. PRO: I listen to a TON of books. CON: I am sitting on my ass for 2 hours at a time. Life, at the moment, is get up, drive, work, run over lunch hour, work, drive, chores at home, bed. For my leveling up, I am going to invest in some quiet meditation and breathing time - literal breathing time, employing Prana breathing techniques for at least 10 minutes each day....probably locked in a bathroom with the lights off and meditation music playing...but I will make the time and find the place. So, (dusts of her hands and offers a humble salute) there you have it. My first challenge on the table.
  17. Run, run, run Late again. But it's nothing new this time around, just trying to clean up my diet further and and in more positive habits. I have a 20-mile and a 23-mile training run during this challenge, so I'm trying to not hyperventilate at the thought. I call it 'running' even though I do run/walk intervals. I may be going to France for 2 weeks during this challenge, and would have to adjust the training plan accordingly. A major mini-goal is to avoid deviating from the plan as much as possible, because I tend to get distracted/seduced by other plans easily. Overarching Goals: Body fat 25%. Making very slow progress. Marathon 11/5. Just aiming to finish. Be happier and more energetic This is mesmerizing to me Goal #1: THE FOOD 1a. Meal prep weekly - make breakfasts, and lunches including protein and veggies 1b. Limit alcohol - 3 days/wk max worked well for me last challenge 1c. Veggies at dinner - this is the area I want to clean up. I'm fine with some dairy/carbs, but want to at least get produce into every meal. hahahhaha nope Goal #2: THE WORKOUTS 2a. Run 3x/week per Jeff Galloway marathon training plan 2b. Lift or strength workout 2x/week 2c. Foam roll + stretch 3x/week Looking at sleeping puppy pictures = guaranteed mood boost Goal #3: THE BRAIN 3a. Sleep 8 hrs/night or as much as my body will allow me. I struggled with this last challenge 3b. Meditate. If I get through the free Headspace sessions I may subscribe, or just use calm.com 3c. No solo TV. I can watch with bf or other people (social-ish activity), but stick to music (for background) or reading on my own. If I succeed at this then I will upgrade my Spotify to the commercial-free version for a month.
  18. Hello everyone! Sorry for the repeated post. Didn't know where if this was more appropriate in the Race Specialties section, or here. After no response, I'll try here I'm new to this site, but I've been reading the blog for a while. This is my first marathon and I'm looking for a community to help me motivate me to finish the LA Marathon. I've tried getting my friends to join me, but they're either hesitant to run a marathon, or committed to other races. Is anyone here signed up or planning to run the LA Marathon (or any other marathon at around March 19, 2017)? A little bit about me: I just finished my first half marathon at about 02:12, 10:06 pace. My goal was to just finish injury free. I don't consider myself a runner, although by engaging in this activity I recognize the fallacy of the statement. I'm focused more on form, consistency, and building strength and endurance than speed. I decided to run to improve my overall health, not just weight loss. Since starting, it's become somewhat meditative for me. I'm trying to take advantage of my surroundings (i.e., desert, national parks, state parks), which has led me to trail running and hiking. So far, I plan to build a better strength base with simple body weight and strength training while alternating with some running/hiking. Once I get closer, I'll probably dedicate myself to a more strict marathon training plan. I would love to connect with anyone who's running the marathon. If you're not, any advice is welcome. I'm here to learn.
  19. Hello everyone! I'm new to this site, but I've been reading the blog for a while. This is my first marathon and I'm looking for a community to help me motivate me to finish the LA Marathon. I've tried getting my friends to join me, but they're either hesitant to run a marathon, or committed to other races. Is anyone here signed up or planning to run the LA Marathon (or any other marathon at around March 19, 2017)? A little bit about me: I just finished my first half marathon at about 02:12, 10:06 pace. My goal was to just finish injury free. I don't consider myself a runner, although by engaging in this activity I recognize the fallacy of the statement. I'm focused more on form, consistency, and building strength and endurance than speed. I decided to run to improve my overall health, not just weight loss. Since starting, it's become somewhat meditative for me. I'm trying to take advantage of my surroundings (i.e., desert, national parks, state parks), which has led me to trail running and hiking. I would love to connect with anyone who's running the marathon. If you're not, any advice is welcome. I'm here to learn.
  20. Okay Since the last challenge was a big cluster of F's this time for dummies I'm going to make this easy to get back on track so it will all be going with the flow this time... Quest 1: I would walk 500 miles Marathon training is still going on so goal is: - try to stay true to the plan (pushing trainings if necessary is okay) - on non-running days yoga for runners (30minutes) Quest 2: Tracking again Loosing some weight before the big run would be nice. So tracking again: - track food and drinks Quest 3: Chill Dude - 10 minutes meditation using the calm app per day Quest 4: That's what friends are for - spend an hour per day for nerd fitness (also posting...not just reading) All Quests are one point per day 75%+ at the end of the challenge is a success. So let's get back on track
  21. A blow requires follow through to produce power. I've never properly followed a training plan approaching a race, but working towards my first full marathon I can't afford to slack off. Inspired by awesome women, yet again. Goal #1: Marathon training 3x/week Following the Jeff Galloway plan, with walking intervals. Goal #2: Meal prep, continued This worked really well for me last challenge. Goal #3: Support the training Multiple things here: Stronglifts 1-2x/week (1x if I have soccer that week) Would also like to hit 1x/week active alternative -- could be a walk, rock climbing, swimming. Whatever I feel like. Bonus Goal #1: 8 hours sleep/night Because I'm still struggling with this one. Bonus Goal #2: Abstain from alcohol 4 days/wk As the stress at work gets to me, I'm finding myself wanting to drink more. But I know it affects my sleep quality and detracts from my workouts. Especially my Saturday morning run. Bonus Goal #3: Post on mine +2 threads daily Want to get more engaged with the community this time around.
  22. Hello dear Scouts I'll be joining you for this challenge (and maybe some more) since my focus at the moment is on running, running and more running (but of course I'll remain an assassin at heart). I have a marathon coming at the start of October (what the hell pushed me there? Oh yeah my competitive self...) So I hope to learn something here Quest 1: “And I will walk 500miles Part 3" I have a training schedule and a good book ("marathon for dummies") at hand but nonetheless the last runs just felt bad and often fell short of the goals I had for them. Because of that I will focus on running for the next months (and will cut out other activities like bouldering that are fun but don't help achieving my marathon goal). I will work a workout/training goal for every day here so that it's something I fell accountable for. Follow the training plan (meaning between 3-4 runs per week) Do a running fitness routine on non-running days. Stretching/Yoga for runners (Plans will be added tomorrow) Scoring: Every success (success = done what was planed) is one point. I'm away for 5 days so: 23-19points A and a new running shirt, 18-14points B and still on track everything below 14points will be an F Quest 2: Eat okay I let my food choices turn bad again the last challenges so this time it's going back to basic meaning. Eat within my calorie goal so that I can get back to losing weight. Goal is 2300kcal per day. Track food with myfitnesspal and picture in this thread (because I hope that will keep me from the really bad stuff because of embarrassment if I have to post them) Scoring: Every success (success = done what was planed) is one point. Eating within the calories but with bad food is 0,5points: 28-24points A and a new running shirt, 24-19points B and still on track everything below 19points will be an F Quest 3: Keeping the water in check I need to drink enough over the day so I will use my water app and will follow it. Scoring: Every success (success = done what was planed) is one point. I'm away for 5 days so: 28-24points A and a new running shirt, 24-19points B and still on track everything below 19points will be an F SPREADSHEETS ARE LOVE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1A6bqbuLfFobsTmjovJ3SQewodVhRo0SpsRMaMBk5-lI/edit?usp=sharing Quest 4: I'm an adult...somehow Keep on top of my adult live using and keeping evolving and doing new fun stuff with the Okay I'm looking forward to this...
  23. Howdy Scouts!! I am making my return to the rebellion after quite a few challenges away and am ready to get back in the good fight with all my fellow nerds. This will be my first as a scout, as my fitness life has taken a drastic turn toward much more endurance activities. That, and I just wanted to see how things are done in the scout camp! Honestly, I have never been a huge fan of running just to run, but have been trying to convince myself otherwise. I have always been good at running, just never pushed myself outside of casual sporting activities. Now I am really wanting to hone that skill. My problem, as it always has been, is that I want to be good at everything. As a compromise, I have taken up the sport of triathlon. That is all well and good, except I am unwilling to ditch my strength goals. I have been tweaking my strength routine here and there to try to make it as compatible as possible while still allowing me to possibly achieve my goals. I have an updated plan, and where I really need help is with some good ol fashioned accountability! This is all a test case of the possibilities and my capabilities, but if you have any suggestions, I am all open ears. I am always looking to learn and willing to adapt. Quest I am honestly not entirely sure. I really need to figure this out. Not knowing this is the primary reason I am always jumping around and never really fully achieving my goals. Goals 1: Strength Training - 3 days a week 2: Running - 5 days a week* 3: Stretch or Yoga - 6 days a week 4: Be in bed by 8:15 - 7 days a week* 5: Figure out my Quest *leniency if necessary Upcoming Races August 14, 2016 - Mountain Man Olympic Tri in Flagstaff, AZ October 22, 2016 - Pumpkinman Olympic Tri in Boulder City, NV February 25, 2017 - Phoenix Marathon in Phoenix, AZ Training Schedule Monday: Run (interval); Swim (interval); Strength (upper) Tuesday: Bike* (interval); Run (easy) Wednesday: Bike* (tempo); Run (tempo); Strength (lower) Thursday: Bike* (easy) Friday: Swim (long); Run (trail); Strength (upper) Saturday: Bike (long); Run (transition) Sunday: Rest *commute Triathlon Training Plan Week Run (interval) Run (tempo) Swim (interval) 8;24;B 8 x 400 meters 3 miles 8 x 50 yd, 8 x 25 yd 7;25;B 4 x 1200 meters 5 miles 4 x 200 yd 6;26;BR 6 x 800 meters 7 miles 10 x 75 yd, 10 x 25 yd 5;27;B 3 x 1600 meters 3 miles 5 x 150 yd 4;28;B 10 x 400 meters 5 miles 16 x 50 yd 3;29;BR 5 x 1200 meters 5 miles 2 x 400 yd, 4 x 100 yd 2;30;P 7 x 800 meters 8 miles 10 x 100 yd, 10 x 50 yd 1;31;P 3 x 1600 meters 10 miles 4 x 400 yd 0;32;T 12 x 400 meters 3 miles 10 x 50 yd Long Run--------------10K pace + 60 to 75 sec per mile Long Tempo (8-10)--10K pace + 30 to 35 sec Mid Tempo (5-7)------10K pace + 15 to 20 sec Short Tempo (3-4)---10K pace = 6:10 per mile 1600m Repeats------10K pace - 35 to 40 sec 1200m Repeats------10K pace - 40 to 45 sec 800m Repeats--------10K pace - 45 to 50 sec 400m Repeats--------10K pace - 55 to 60 sec 25-75 yd-----10 sec RI 100-200 yd--15 sec RI 200+ yd------20 sec RI Strength Training Plan Upper Body: Vertical Pull - Pull-up Progression Vertical Push - Handstand Push-up Progression Horizontal Pull - Row Progression Horizontal Push - Push-up Progression Lower Body: Squat - Squat Progression Core - Back Lever Progression Hinge - Bridge Progression Core - Leg Raise Progression Looking forward to a wonderful journey with you all! Let's Do This!!!
  24. For those that thought I might have been derezzed, I've pulled myself up out of the depths and am training for Boston again! I missed the secondary cutoff last year by twelve seconds, which was a kick in the teeth, but have been putting in the miles and dropping weight, so I feel like I'm on the right path again. Yes! Goal #1 Continue to put the miles in. I'm on week 6 of this plan and so far it hasn't beat me up too badly. The last ten weeks before the Lehigh marathon on 9/11/16 will look like this. This is a new approach for me with splitting my miles up between morning and evening runs. On the other side of the screen, it all looks so easy! Goal #2 Continue to track my food. I might slack a little on the weekends, but during the week, I need to keep tracking. I'm not terribly focused on the quality per se, but I need to make sure I'm eating enough to fuel all the miles, but also continue my downward weight trend, which has been going well. Food before my evening runs is key. It is my power source after all. Goal #3 Continue to lift weights twice a week. I started with the spouse back in November and have really enjoyed it. Once the current marathon program started, I dropped down to the Tactical Barbell fighter program from Stonglifts 5x5. As Jaymul correctly predicted, even that had me burning out, so now I'm following his recommendation, which is twice a week at various percentages of my one rep max. I'm eager to see how lifting will help my race performance, which is why it's part of my Master (Control) Program. LUYL I seriously slacked last year on house projects and the big one right now is completing the build of a new shed/home gym. The spouse is super excited to get it completed and has been using her new muscles to help haul around sheets of flooring. My goal is to get this done ASAP so those new muscles aren't looking to beat me up.
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