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Found 22 results

  1. It's a NEW challenge! Gosh it goes by so fast. For this challenge, I want to maintain the new habits from the last challenge: Exercise (Fitness) No Snacking After Dinner (Nutrition) Take one hour unplugged for myself (Stress-Relief) It's time to add more to it. Add strength training to my exercise routine. Cook Ten meals No candy! Take 1 hour a day for work EXPLAIN YOURSELF, SNARKY (spoilered for wordiness.)
  2. Hola, compadres. Welcome to 2018's first installment of the continuing adventures of the incredible shrinking middle-aged man. Last year I rode the yo-yo a bit, and I don't aim to repeat those mistakes this year. Additionally, I ended 2017 with a discovery about my coronary health that requires a pretty fair shake-up of my workout grind, which if I'm being totally honest had gotten stale and unproductive. A shake-up, being just what the doctor ordered, may also be just what I need to break out of my rut. And while we're shaking it's also a good time to mix up what I've been doing with my diet as well. For the new and curious, Lean and Strong 1.0 was a constantly-evolving program I put together at the beginning of 2015 to do this: The program consisted mostly of lifting heavy weights, eating clean foods at a significant daily deficit, and focusing on proper sleep and stress management. It worked gangbusters, but in the years since I've slowly regained body fat as I've battled through illness, injury, and major life changes. I've also gotten bored, frustrated, and lazy with my goals. I never set out to be a weightlifter or a bodybuilder, but I fell in love with barbells and that made it the path of least resistance for designing fitness challenges--which ironically meant that I altogether stopped challenging myself once I hit my initial goals (lean as of 9/15, strong as of 6/16). Even when it stopped working I kept plugging away at the program and blaming myself for failures. Then after a mild medical episode and copious testing I was told that I have thickened heart muscle and need to cut back on the heavy strength training. Well to that I say, NUTS! Mostly, that is. I'm taking the medical advice to heart (heh) but I'm also not going to stop doing what I love. Thus we arrive at Lean and Strong 2.0; a revamped program designed to take me from 40-year-old squish to 41-year-old badass. By the end of 2018 I will: Wear size 30W jeans; Weigh less than 200 lbs; and Be able to do 18 consecutive strict pull-ups in a single set. That's it. Everything else that's bound to come along in pursuit of those three goals is gravy. 18 pull-ups in '18. I think I can, I think I can... But that's a tall mountain to climb, and if I only focus on the summit then I'll get discouraged and quit. So for the purposes of this challenge I'm focusing on just scoring that first pull-up and setting my baseline for all the other bodyweight (GASP!) fitness work I'm going to do. As usual I'm going to track four objectives in pursuit of my goals. 1. Wake. Good days start on time, so I'm going to continue to push myself to get up at the appropriate hour. A pass requires me to get out of bed at the first alarm and get moving before 6:45 am. If I oversleep (or snooze) but still make it to work on time then that's worth a 1/2 point. 2. Eat. I'm going to continue tracking my daily food intake and macro splits via MFP, but new for 2018 (at least this first challenge) is a different way of Intermittent Fasting (IF). Rather than maintain a daily eating window I'm going to eat on a 5:2 schedule that allows for moderately higher targets on five non-fasting days then only a small allotment on two fasting days per week. I've populated my spreadsheet with initial targets that should allow me to sustain a decent rate of fat loss. I'm going to keep an eye on macros just to make sure I'm getting plenty of good fats and not overdoing it with sugars. Good carbs will be planned for recovery meals after workouts, which leads me to... 3. Move. Power Cardio is dead. It never really worked anyway, so I'm actually excited to try something new. And for that new program I'm going to follow the Recommended Routine from /r/bodyweightfitness on Reddit. I'm particularly excited that the RR permits a barbell variation for Squat work that will allow me to lift lower body fairly heavy three times per week. Yes, this probably goes against the medical advice I was given, but since it's Squat and Deadlift I consider it a reasonable compromise. The rest of the work is bodyweight strength with increasingly difficult progressions. I'm going to have to spend the first week (at least) getting up to speed with my progressions, but for now I've populated my spreadsheet with the basics. On Tue-Thu I'll walk for 1/2 an hour, either outdoors or on the treadmill at home; and Sat-Sun will be rest days, at least insofar as a suburban dad is allowed to rest on a typical weekend. 4. Sleep. In bed on work nights by 10:30 pm with lights out and ready for proper sleep. This also requires all devices to be turned off--no ebook, tablet, phone, laptop, PC, or TV is permitted to break the darkness after 10:30. I'm going to have to insist MFG helps me out with this, too, since she likes to read late. We'll try to make time before bed to do that together, since... I'm adding a couple of untracked life-goals. One is to read the book I bought during hockey meet-up; I found a hard-cover edition of The Once and Future King by T.H. White. The other is to do at least 1/2 hour of practice at Rocket League on five nights per week. I really like that game and I want to get better at it, and dribbling and vehicle control training are very necessary. Plus it'll be a good daily reward for sticking to my Move goals. The usual spreadsheets are fabricated and ready to go for tracking my progress. Standard weekly check-ins will consist of scale weight, belt notch reports, and progress photos. The fancy shorts may make an appearance if I feel my performance has been up to snuff. Love you guys and I'm ready to rock 2018 with you! Next order of business is initial check-in on Sunday morning.
  3. Today was bench and deadlifts day. I am doing 5/3/1 and this was the last workout after my reset so the weights are really low, also they are in kg bench 5's 45/52/5/60, then 5x5 @45 ss with goblet squats and pull ups 5x5 deads 5's 60/67.5/75 using a mixed grip, then 5x5 at 60 using fat gripz and a double overhand grip. ss with ab rollouts 5x5 then I took a walk.
  4. So, I have been a member for ever. Okay, not really, but I have only started posting. So, I live in Japan, I am 43 years old, married with two kids and I lift weights, run(poorly) and do kettlebell stuff. I have recently read, and finished, Level Up Your Life and I can honestly say it was the kick in the pants for me. I want to do other things. Getting stronger is important for me but obviously not the only thing. Living my life epically and showing my kids that they too can do all the things they want are probably the most important things in my life. So a few things training wise, I use a variation of 5/3/1 with kettlebells and running on non-training days. I have recently started yoga and meditation because mobility and mindfulness are two things that I need. I also enjoy reading, but have noticed that recently I have had trouble committing to and finishing a book, so I have around 5 books I am presently working on. Recently I have also begun learning Russian and German, along with Japanese(which I already speak, albeit not well). And finally I have begun to practice doing a headstand, which is very, very slowly coming along. I have no other ideas as to what to write but am open to most questions. If you want to talk about training I can do that, ad nauseam, as for diets, well I don't. I eat to fuel my training with an occasional cheat day to maintain sanity. Finally, I am glad to be here among fellow nerds who want to be awesome.
  5. So, clearly I took the red pill. Let's see about that rabbit hole! Alright then...the goals: 1. Stay within the weekly calorie goals until I hit maintenance. November 28 - Dec 4 - goal: 1880 daily calories Dec 5 - Dec 11 - goal 1980 daily calories Dec 12 - Dec 18 - 2080 daily calories Dec 19 - Dec 25 - 2180 daily calories (Allowable eat like a jerk day on Christmas - track but don't include in the average.) Dec 26 - Jan 1 - probably 2280 calories, although I reserve the right to change any of these if maintenance happens sooner than I think. Please, please, please don't let it happen sooner than I think. Also, this goal is a tiny bit scary for me. And by tiny, I mean "irrationally and a really lot". 2. Continue lifting. Believe that I can do it. (4 x per week - stop giving myself permission to split sets in parts and do the entire set AT ONCE - a small allowance allowed the first week as I continue to come out of this cut - however certainly by the 2080 week I should be adequately fueled. Maybe. I think? I reserve the right to modify this goal if I truly need to, though.) 3. Do my accessories. I did really well the last week of the previous challenge on this. Accessories are typically 3 lifting accessories and shadow boxing or other hiit. These are all good for me, continue to do them. LUYL goal: Whelp. There are plenty of adulting things that need to be done (Christmas decorating, clean my house, clean out two (TWO!) separate closets), but they will happen when they happen. Let's go with do one extra adulting thing each week that needs to be accomplished. Tell you guys about it. (Wait...that should totes be a yoga goal. Nope. The oracle tells you what you need to hear.)
  6. After getting my bases covered in the last 4-week challenge, I'm ready to get back into my routine of burning fat, increasing my muscle, and conquering any obstacles that may be in my way. This will be the foundations I will lay out for the next few months, from which I will build better habits, and the starting off point for getting stronger. For those of you who don't know, My name is Bob, and I am a Barbarian To me, a barbarian isn't about being a shirtless guy, with an ax and an anger problem. No, there are several tenets to being a barbarian, and I have created quests for each one. I feel these tenets can be applied to any path, though I prefer the path of the assassin. I will earn my place in the assassin's through blood, sweat, and tears. Glory awaits. Let us begin. #1. A Barbarian is Strong A barbarian is strong. Whenever you see an image of a typical barbarian (i.e. Arnold), he's usually wielding a large weapon. Large enough that it almost looks impossible to be wielded by any normal human. And yet, he carries a large ax/sword/tree trunk wherever he goes, and you know it's more than just for show. Let the puny weaklings wield their rapiers, daggers, and staves. Your ax is all you need. But beyond that, a barbarian is strong in a functional sense as well. A barbarian climbs, jumps, runs, and swims just as well as any assassin. When a barbarian seeks out a target, nothing stands in his way from getting to it. Quest #1: Strength training 3x week While I did daily training during the last challenge, it was mostly walking to burn off calories. This time, I will be doing small bouts of 15 minute strength throughout the day, 3 times a week. Full body training. #2. A Barbarian is Tough I've found that whenever I've played Pathfinder or D&D, it's the barbarian class that's usually left standing when the fight is over. Wizards & sorcerers cast spells, paladins and clerics provide healing, and warriors and rogues deal out plenty of damage. But the class that's left standing, the class that's always there to pull your ass out of the fire, is the barbarian. And why not? Barbarians aren't trained or forged, they're born out of harsh environments, from the hottest deserts, the darkest swamps, and the coldest mountain tops. A barbarian is tough, both mentally and physically. Their bodies are designed to take pain, take discomfort, and keep right on pushing, and if you're going toe-to-toe with one, you'd better make sure you're weapons are sharp (and that you brought a few friends). Quest #2: Climb 50 flights of stairs Last challenge, I set a personal goal to walk over 25,000 steps in a single day (which I conquered BTW). My next physical conquest is to climb 50 flights of stairs in one day. This will by tough, but I know I can conquer it. #3. A Barbarian Controls his Fear It's pretty difficult to scare a barbarian. Their methods may be primal (i.e. smashing thing until said thing stops moving), but in a barbarians world, it's kill or be killed. With a strong body, and a vigilant constitution, a barbarian is near ready for anything that comes his way. And even if his target is stronger, faster, or scarier than he is, a barbarian controls his fear, rather than letting his fear control him. Fighting is the first option in the barbarians choices for conflict. Running, should be the last. Which is why if you ever see a barbarian, running in a random direction, you run with that barbarian. Because there is something scary coming the other way. Quest #3: Complete all stranger quests While I've been told I'm a funny guy, and I'm a great people person, breaking the ice is something that's challenging for me. For this, I will be conquering ALL of the stranger quests from the academy: better eye contact, compliments, and starting conversations are all in store. #4. A Barbarian Bares his Emotions When most people think of barbarians, they probably think of terms like "Rage", or "Anger", or "F#%$ing pissed the f$#% off you f@#$ing f%&*". It's pretty standard for a lot of a barbarian's power to come from his anger. Meditation, and subtle contemplation on the meaning of life, aren't usually part of a barbarian's schedule. He's far more interested in finding the guy that accidentally bumped into him at the pub, chopping off his head, hollowing out his skull into a soup bowl, and adding it to his collection. But rather than focus on just pure anger, I dug a little deeper, and noticed that a barbarian embraces their other emotions as well. When he's happy, he smiles and laughs. When he's sad, he cries. When he's angry, he makes soup bowls. This is something that we could all strive for. I remember when I was in college, my family would occasionally call me up, and ask me how I was doing. I'd usually reply with "I'm fine", when in reality my brain would be screaming "DUDE! NO! YOU ARE NOT FINE!!! YOU ARE TIRED, YOU ARE BROKE, YOU ARE LONELY, AND ALL YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO FALL INTO A COMA FOR 3 MONTHS!!! YOU ARE ANYTHING BUT F#%&ING FINE!!!!!" To be honest with others, you must first be honest with yourself. Be true to yourself, and true to others. Quest #4: Write the letter I can't comment on this, as I want to keep it private. However, if something should ever happen to me, this will be my final farewell to the world. #5. A Barbarian Embraces Nature Most often you'll find barbarians in a pub, mingling with the other socialites. After a spot of tea, they'll then wisp themselves down to the local clothing shop, and find a pretty pink dress to wear to her majesty's ball that night. Oh wait... No you don't! You're more likely to find a barbarian in the woods, killing something, and then probably eating it. A barbarian is at home in the woods, where he was born and raised. Like the barbarian, nature is wild, unpredictable, brutal, and yet beautiful. While I enjoy hiking and camping, I know that I should be embracing the natural side of things more. I need to be real. Be authentic. Be natural. As much as I can. Embrace the outdoors as much as I can. Quest #5: Squat 15 minutes per day I know that squatting is one of the best stretches you can do, but I've never really committed to it. Now, I'm going to commit to it, with 15 minutes every evening. Side Quest 1: Volunteer 3 times. I will be volunteering this Thanksgiving at a shelter, handing out food to those less fortunate. All I'll need to do is volunteer 2 more times. No problem! Side Quest 2: Find my motivation. One of the early quests I haven't tackled is finding my motivation. I will take an evening to find out what moves me. What inspires me. What gets the gears in my head uh turnin'. Side Quest 3: Fearless: Reach out to the NFMG, and have them give me a quest. Crazy, unpredictable, and unexpected. I'll reach out to the Nerd Fitness Men's Group, and ask them for a side quest. The best quality a human can have, is being able to adapt. LET THE QUESTS BEGIN!!!
  7. So after failing the last couple of questing months, I've decided it's time to get back to basics. To not only work hard, but work smart, and adapt to my daily life, rather than make a plan that I know won't work. For those of you who don't know, My name is Bob, and I am a Barbarian To me, a barbarian isn't about being a shirtless guy, with an ax and an anger problem. No, there are several tenets to being a barbarian, and I have created quests for each one. I feel these tenants can be applied to any path, though I prefer the path of the assassin. I will earn my place in the assassin's through blood, sweat, and tears. Let us begin. #1. A Barbarian is Strong A barbarian is strong. Whenever you see an image of a typical barbarian (i.e. Arnold), he's usually wielding a large weapon. Large enough that it almost looks impossible to be wielded by any normal human. And yet, he carries a large ax/sword/tree trunk wherever he goes, and you know it's more than just for show. Let the puny weaklings wield their rapiers, daggers, and staves. Your ax is all you need. But beyond that, a barbarian is strong in a functional sense as well. A barbarian climbs, jumps, runs, and swims just as well as any assassin. When a barbarian seeks out a target, nothing stands in his way from getting to it. Quest #1: Complete Daily Training My time has been extremely limited since I started working in my job 2 years ago. An 8 hours day, with a 3 hour commute, along with 8 hours a sleep per night, Means I only have 3 hours to myself. Now while I know that's more than enough time to get in a workout, that's if conditions were exact, and they aren't. Life is chaotic enough as it is, and I can't keep kidding myself in thinking I can get up every day at 5:00 AM to go workout. So, I'll be completing small workouts throughout my day. 3 workouts, each 10 minutes long, combined with a good amount of walking. Each workout will consist of calisthenic exercises, either focusing on the legs, chest, or back. #2. A Barbarian is Tough I've found that whenever I've played Pathfinder or D&D, it's the barbarian class that's usually left standing when the fight is over. Wizards & sorcerers cast spells, paladins and clerics provide healing, and warriors and rogues deal out plenty of damage. But the class that's left standing, the class that's always there to pull your ass out of the fire, is the barbarian. And why not? Barbarians aren't trained or forged, they're born out of harsh environments, from the hottest deserts, the darkest swamps, and the coldest mountain tops. A barbarian is tough, both mentally and physically. Their bodies are designed to take pain, take discomfort, and keep right on pushing, and if you're going toe-to-toe with one, you'd better make sure you're weapons are sharp (and that you brought a few friends). Quest #2: No Chips or Candy This will be a quest to develop my mental toughness (although there could be a physical toughness quest lurking somewhere in this post). Chips and candy are my Kryptonite, mostly chips. Although I've given up drive-thru food, as well as soda, these 2 are major hurdles I'll need to clear. Will I eat chips after this challenge is over? Probably, but for now, I will develop my mental toughness, and switch to veggies and nuts. This certainly is going to be challenging. #3. A Barbarian Controls his Fear It's pretty difficult to scare a barbarian. Their methods may be primal (i.e. smashing thing until said thing stops moving), but in a barbarians world, it's kill or be killed. With a strong body, and a vigilant constitution, a barbarian is near ready for anything that comes his way. And even if his target is stronger, faster, or scarier than he is, a barbarian controls his fear, rather than letting his fear control him. Fighting is the first option in the barbarians choices for conflict. Running, should be the last. Which is why if you ever see a barbarian, running in a random direction, you run with that barbarian. Because there is something scary coming the other way. Quest #3: Walk barefoot on broken glass "Bob you're crazy." You'd better believe it. Walking on broken glass has been one of those sideshow feats I've always wanted to do, but never had the balls to actually try. I've eaten fire, breathed fire, pounded nails into my nose, put pins through my skin, chains through my sinuses, and have even eaten broken glass. DO NOT TRY ANY OF THIS AT HOME. I'm gonna say it twice, because it probably hasn't sunk into your head yet. DO NOT TRY ANY OF THIS AT HOME. When it comes to sideshow feats, it's not a matter of if you'll get hurt. It's a matter of when. With walking barefoot on broken glass, there's no guarantee I won't be cut. All I can do is take all the necessary precautions, and give it a go. 20 seconds of courage right? #4. A Barbarian Bares his Emotions When most people think of barbarians, they probably think of terms like "Rage", or "Anger", or "F#%$ing pissed the f$#% off you f@#$ing f%&*". It's pretty standard for a lot of a barbarian's power to come from his anger. Meditation, and subtle contemplation on the meaning of life, aren't usually part of a barbarian's schedule. He's far more interested in finding the guy that accidentally bumped into him at the pub, chopping off his head, hollowing out his skull into a soup bowl, and adding it to his collection. But rather than focus on just pure anger, I dug a little deeper, and noticed that a barbarian embraces their other emotions as well. When he's happy, he smiles and laughs. When he's sad, he cries. When he's angry, he makes soup bowls. This is something that we could all strive for. I remember when I was in college, my family would occasionally call me up, and ask me how I was doing. I'd usually reply with "I'm fine", when in reality my brain would be screaming "DUDE! NO! YOU ARE NOT FINE!!! YOU ARE TIRED, YOU ARE BROKE, YOU ARE LONELY, AND ALL YOU WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS TO FALL INTO A COMA FOR 3 MONTHS!!! YOU ARE ANYTHING BUT F#%&ING FINE!!!!!" To be honest with others, you must first be honest with yourself. Be true to yourself, and true to others. Quest #4: Finish 2nd Tier of Homeless Kits, and be 50% done with 3rd Tier I've been creating kits for the homeless for the past few months. Each kit contains some basic toiletries (toothbrush, comb, razor, q-tips, etc.), some cough drops, a pair of socks, lip balm, and a paper containing contact information for all the homeless shelters where I live. Helping others has brought me a lot of joy and satisfaction; so much in fact that I'm switching careers to become more of a social worker. For this quest, I'll need to finish my 2nd tier in number of kits handed out (50 total) and at least 50% in the 3rd tier of kits handed out (80 kits, so at least 40 more kits total). #5. A Barbarian Embraces Nature Most often you'll find barbarians in a pub, mingling with the other socialites. After a spot of tea, they'll then wisp themselves down to the local clothing shop, and find a pretty pink dress to wear to her majesty's ball that night. Oh wait... No you don't! You're more likely to find a barbarian in the woods, killing something, and then probably eating it. A barbarian is at home in the woods, where he was born and raised. Like the barbarian, nature is wild, unpredictable, brutal, and yet beautiful. While I enjoy hiking and camping, I know that I should be embracing the natural side of things more. I need to be real. Be authentic. Be natural. As much as I can. Embrace the outdoors as much as I can. Quest #5: Cook 1 meal per week Since I've been eating better, convenience has been sacrificed for quality. I'm okay with that, but if I'm going to continue to improve myself, I need to eat better. Therefore, I need to cook more. So, I will be cooking one healthy dish per week. I'll post it online when I do. Side Quest 1: Donate all possessions not needed. If I'm getting rid of bad habits and influences in my life, I need to cut out material possessions that are cluttering up my apartment as well. This shouldn't be too hard, as I don't have a whole lot of things I don't necessarily need. Side Quest 2: Watch a new movie every week. One thing I realized is that I'm not taking enough time for myself. I have a Netflix account, and yet I hardly use it. Well, it's time to take some time for me, and watch some flix. Horror and Kung Fu movies, here I come. Side Quest 3: Walk at least 25,000 steps in one day. Could this be that physical toughness challenge that was spoken of before? Hmmm...... LET THE QUESTS BEGIN!!!
  8. This challenge is in part a continuation of my last challenge. I started the Sandbag Fitness Lean & Strong program, but realized after about 2 weeks that it didn't fit my criteria for a fitness program. I wanted to try it because it was built for sandbags and was sufficiently different from other programs I'd tried in the past, but the bottom line was all the increased lifting volume required the workouts to last too long. (I also don't love the 5x5 setup.) I started looking back at all the other programs I've tried over the last 3 years to see what worked and what didn't and why I quit doing each program. During that review, I re-discovered Anthony Mychal's 242 Program. He promotes it as the "anti-program-hopping, injury-reducing, strength solution". So, I've decided to tweak his advice and pick 6 "marriage" lifts that will always be part of my Mon/Fri workouts [work] and then use Wednesday to try other exercises that interest me [play]. I'm expanding the concept to also apply to my goal of losing a few inches from my midsection. Goal 1 [Work] - Increase weight on all 6 key lifts (1-2 lbs per week) Deadlift (starting at 7x210#) Overhead Press (starting at 5x86#) Weighted Dips (starting at 35# 1RM) Back Squat (starting at 5x110#) Floor Press (starting at 8x100#) Weighted Pull-ups (starting at 47# 1RM) I'll be following a Reverse Pyramid (RPT) style for my marriage lifts. I've been doing 5/3/1 with the dips and pull-ups, but will probably switch that up. My long term goal is to hit 300# deadlift, 150# OHP, 100# dips, 1xBW squat, 1.5xBW Floor Press, 100# pull-ups. I estimate that if I keep adding 1-2 pounds a week, I'll hit those by the end of next year. I've learned there's no need to rush, just keep making progress. My previous m.o. was to give up and switch to something completely different when I stalled out on a lift. Goal 2 [Play] - Try at least 3 different "test drive" workouts Last challenge, I bought the book "Push, Pull, Swing", which is about kettlebells, dumbbells, and sandbags. It has a lot of detail about the different implements and all the exercises you can do with them. It also provides "test drive" workouts that you can do to get a feel for each tool. I won't be following these exactly, but will use them as templates to throw together my weekly Wednesday play time. My current plan is to do a Kettlebell Test Drive, a Sandbag/Dumbbell Test Drive, and a Bodyweight Test Drive. Goal 3 [Work] - Lose 5 pounds Last challenge, I had a goal of losing 2 inches from my midsection, but it's hard to tell your body exactly where to lose weight. I also didn't do a good job of eating at a deficit. I currently weigh 160 lbs and my belly is about 36". I'd ultimately like to get down to about 32" (or less). Based on my historical measurements, the last time I was down to a 34" waist, I weighed about 150 lbs. So, this will be a kick-off towards losing those 4 inches. Hopefully it will result in 1 inch lost, but I'm going to base my goal on pounds since it correlates more evenly with calorie consumption. My plan is to eat 500 calories below maintenance for 5 days a week [work] and then at maintenance 2 days a week [play]. 500 cals x 5 days x 6 weeks is 15,000 calories, which is a little less than 5 lbs. I'll track and adjust as needed. I'm also planning to practice intermittent fasting at least 5 days a week to put the focus on fat burning. I don't think I'll be sticking strictly with the 16/8 LeanGains-style, but closer to the Kinobody-style. I'm also planning to try higher carbs on training days and higher fats on non-training days. Goal 4 [Play] - Finish reviewing all my previous workout data I want to finish tracking what worked and what didn't and why I stopped doing each of the programs I was trying. I'll try to post a recap here for your enjoyment/comment and also so I have a place to come back and reference. And I'm counting this as play because I love analyzing data. Who doesn't?!? Goal 5 [sleep] - Increase my deep sleep Deep sleep is key to muscle growth and I think this may be one reason I have struggled to put on muscle despite working out regularly for 3 years now. I got an UP tracker for Christmas and have been tracking my steps and sleep ever since. The app recommends 3 hours of deep sleep a night and I rarely hit that. I'm going to look into some "sleep hacks" and see what I can do to increase the amount of deep sleep I get each night. So, there you have my goals and at least a start of a plan for each. I'll most likely come back and add details by the start of the challenge.
  9. I'll be following this 10 week program this summer, starting on June 1. Since I'll be out of town during the last week of this challenge, I will go ahead and start a week early. Goal 1 - Get Leaner: Lose 2" from my midsection Did my pre-challenge-weigh-in and measurements last night (5/31) and my wife measured my midsection at 36". I'd ideally like to get down to 32" or less, but I'm just going to shoot for losing 2" during the next six weeks. I managed to accomplish this before using a combination of calorie restriction and low impact cardio. I plan to eat at maintenance calories for the first 3 weeks and then switch to a deficit for the last 3 weeks. I also plan to walk at lunch every day. Goal 2 - Get Stronger: Hit 5x5x95# for overhead press You know what complements a nice lean midsection? Broad shoulders! The SF Lean & Strong program is based around 4 big lifts (Back Squat, Deadlift, Floor Press, and Overhead Press) and I've always felt my OHP has lagged behind my other lifts, so I'm going to make that my focus this time around. I tested and hit 5x5x70# last week, which means I need to add 5 pounds each week. Goal 3 - Get Motivated: Watch American Ninja Warrior at least once a week I'm mostly just throwing this in there to have 4 goals, but you have to agree that most of those warriors are lean and strong! Goal 4 - Get Musical: Practice banjo 30 minutes a week And now for something completely different. After playing a friend's borrowed banjo for years, I finally bought myself one and I'm using that as motivation to level up my skills. I got a copy of Ross Nickerson's Banjo Encyclopedia and I'll be working through the chapters. I thought about making this goal 5 minutes a day just to build the habit, but I think the 30 minutes a week gives me a little more flexibility and accomplishes the same goal. I'd also like to have at least one song memorized by the end of the challenge so when somebody asks to hear me play, I can do more than play a scale or the opening riff to Dueling Banjos.
  10. I, the Doc o' the Poo, have broken into 400+ territory on my deadlift. I just went crazy nutso, slapped 405 on the bar, told myself I could, and did. A good feeling after a crappy week of working out. Stay frosty.
  11. Introduction: Hi - I’m BadassityInMotion. This is my first challenge officially on the board. I am a 33 years old female Amazonian who is training for Rangerhood draped in Druid robes. After an amazing, successful, whirlwind of a year, it’s time to take a breath and get my body back to peak performance so I can enjoy more things, more often, with more people and without breaking a sweat. I’ve decided to make 2015 just as badass as 2014 but even more deliciously sustainable. I am doing that by changing my work schedule around (less travel), hacking my body with supplements & high quality food (especially hormones which need some repairs) and making sure I take time to slow down and enjoy what I have. I am in pretty good shape compared to average, but I love to be strong (and get stronger) and love to hack my body & my life in order to get more joy and fun out of everything. I trained Pilates until September 2014 when my crazy travel schedule forced me to slow down and catch my breath a bit. I run my own business so, hurray, lots of flexibility and a lot more time on my hands than most of you it looks like. For at least 21 days, I’ll be eating fully Bulletproof. Once those 21 days are over, I will probably slowly add back in a few things for testing. I intend to be using (aka ‘bribing myself with’) a fair amount of technology for this challenge (I am buying myself a new Apple Watch for the constant heart rate monitoring feature and having Siri on my wrist will help me make my GTD system even more badass, lowering my own stress level even more- hurray!) I joined the rebellion because this is an awesome group of people, and having a bit of extra cheerleading to help me get this challenge completed sounds like a brilliant brain-hacking strategy. Main Quest: Best shape of my life & highest quality of life and brain focus I have ever had. For this challenge my main focuses will be getting high quality, Bulletproof or better, food and nutrients into my body at well-thought out times, making great food as a matter of habit, workouts to boost proper hormone production & reducing stress. Quest 1: Prepare for great success with high quality food. I’ve been testing my body in the last few weeks to see what it seems to thrive with most and what schedule it enjoys. I’m going with the Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting approach and Sky St. John’s recommendations for women to add on top of that. Measurement: A+ for sticking to the rules I’ve set, minus half a grade for each meal the rules are broken. Reward: A = +3 CON, +1 STR, +1 STA, +1 WIS, B = +1 STR, +2 CON, C = +1 CON Quest 2: Two HIIT sessions a week (unless told otherwise by coach or Restwise) Measurement: A = 2 sessions a week, B = 9-11 sessions out of 12 , C = 6-8 sessions out of 12 Reward: A = +3 STR, +2 STA, B = +2 STR, +1 STA, C = +1 STR Quest 3: Meditate 2xs daily. Measurement: A = 2x daily for 42 days; B = 2xs daily for 36 days, C = at least 1x daily for 30 days Reward: A = +3 WIS, +2 CON, B = +2WIS, +1 CON, C = +1WIS Life Quest: Explore bicycling options nearby. Measurement: C = Take 1 ride on a bike - either the fixed up one, a rented one or a test ride. B = Ride the route between apartment & BFs house. A = Use a bicycle for commuting at least one day. Reward: A = +2 WIS, B = +1 WIS, C = +0.5 WIS Motivation: I love my life. I just wish I could do more every day. Body hacking is helping me do that, and I’ve designed this experiment to let me see how high I can drive my performance and to see how clear & focused I could potentially feel every day. Current measurements… (According to my GoWise scale) Weight : 162.2 lbs BMI/Fat : 24.3% Bone : 7.8 lbs Muscle : 33.6% Height : 6’0†Neck : 36 cm Shoulders : 38.5cm Chest : 86.5 Right Bicep : 29.5cm Right Thigh : 55cm Waist (at the belly button for consistency): 86cm (natural waist: 75cm) Hips : 98cm Accu-measure caliper & chart says “32.1%†BMI
  12. Hi everybody. BRHemp here. Going to start my first challenge on the 13th. I am a federal law enforcement officer and a CrossFit Level 1 and Level 2 certified instructor. I also hold certs in CF Olympic Lifting, CF Gymnastics, CF Strong Man, CF Kids and am certified with Kettlebell concepts as an instructor. This is why I classify myself as a Ranger My goal for the 6 week challenge is to eat better, lose 5-8 pounds and be a better man and father. My fiance and I will be seeing a sports nutritionist this week and hopefully she can get us on a better eating lifestyle. When I started back exercising 2 1/2 years ago, I was 245 lbs and had a 40 inch waist. I'm down to 222 and a 34 inch waist, but know I can do better. I am glad to have found a community to bounce ideas off of and keep me accountable. Why do I need this? Well as often as I teach, I only get to work out by myself. Hard to stay motivated and challenge myself. Plus I love the community aspect of Nerd Fitness. I look forward to hearing from the rest of you and us motivating each other. GOOD LUCK TO US ALL!
  13. Quite a straightforward challenge for me this time round, and something of a natural follow on from my last challenge where I fell short of my goals for the Snatch and Clean & Jerk. Starting Stats: As of 10 April 2014. Bodyweight: 88.7kg Bodyfat %: ??% Snatch: 82kg Clean & Jerk: 100kg Clean: 110kg Back Squat: 182kg Front Squat: 140kg Deadlift: 200kg Bench: 95kg Also worth pointing out that I'm on a calorie deficit of about 250-300 day as I cut down to the 85kg weight class. I ran the whole of the last challenge on a ~500 calorie deficit as the muscle I have put on since the start of the year and my training volume meant my calculation of maintenance calories was too low! Goal 1 - Achieve a Bodyweight Snatch This has been a sub-goal for a long time and its time has finally come. I've got the strength, I've got the technique, I've got the courage to throw myself under that sucker. It's just a matter of putting it all together at the same time. Target here is 87.5kg or 90kg snatch depending on my precise bodyweight at the time. Goal 2 - Keep a Sleep Log for the Six Weeks My sleep isn't too bad in general, 7-8 hours a night is fairly normal for me but there's always room for improvement. I feel noticeably better when I get to bed early and get 8 hours plus. By keeping a log, I'd like to try and spot any patterns between my sleep and the quality of my training and work out ways to save time to allow me to sleep more. Goal 3 - Get Stronger At Everything Although I'm a competitive weightlifter, I do a lot of additional strength work. My programming is quite Russian in flavour so I press, bench and do a bunch of accessory work alongside the usual Snatch, C&J and Squat. Basically during this 6 weeks, I want to get stronger at all of the additional lifts I do. In particular, a 100-110kg bench press and some squat rep maxes (I don't think I'll be doing a 1RM attempt in the next 6-7 weeks) would be SWEET but I'll take what I can get. Let's hit it.
  14. Hi, I know I am late for the challenge but I would like to start anyway. I am a 32 year old woman and will be 33 on Tuesday and I thought my birthday would be a good starting point for my fist challenge. I live on planet metric, but I will try to calculate my stats for you: I am 5' 7" tall and I weigh 187 lbs (1,70m/85kg). I did the BBWW twice already and I can do it three times but I need a 20sec break before the third round. And it kills me completely. I do assisted pull ups instead of the dumbbell rows because I would really like to be able to do one real pull up. Or two. Which would make me Super Grover. Main Quest Be stronger, feel like Super Grover. Goals Do the BBWW three times a week. Drink alcohol like a sane, grown up person on weekdays. Don't eat lunch in the cafeteria. Eat good instead. Life Quest Draw something every day. Motivation I realized that I do not care very much about how I look. I get mistaken for a guy at least 5 times a week. I don't care at all. I do care about how fit and strong I feel though. I'd rather be mistaken for a 16 year old skater boy than for a beardless fat guy.
  15. What's up rebels? I'm a 20 something who had recently lost a ton of weight doing CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO and eating BLAND BORING FOOD. Okay so that wasn't really sustainable and I gained a little back. Now I'm ready to get STRONG and also improve my running endurance by eating the right foods to keep me going and actually are tasty. I love running and want to do an ultra one day. I am a bike commuter for most of the year. Okay and my high school reunion is coming up in July and even if I can't go because of work I still have a GOAL of dropping back down to the size 12 I was back in high school by then. Looking for allies in this journey!
  16. I'm starting a little late in the 6 weeks challenge, but only by a week. Wasn't planning on doing a challenge, but since I'm stuck at work, and don't have access to the chat because the network is blocking it, I figured why not?? Plus, I'm an aspiring warrior, and to get into that guild, I need to get this challenge knocked out. Will give me two places to update my progress. Here, and my daily battle log. I guess the battle log will be nice for general tracking of my over all progress, with this being much more goal oriented. Current Main Quests: I'm wanting to go to the TTTT in January. I'd like to have some respectable lifts by then. 200 lbs bench, 300 lbs squat, 400 lbs deadlift, all for reps. I don't know if this is going to happen, but I am most certainly going to give it a shot. I'm also wanting to drop my bodyweight down to 200 lbs from 221. This is unlikely, and not something I'm going to actively try for, but if it happens that would be amazing. I know that losing weight is kinda counterproductive on gaining strength, but i'm hoping to be in that perfect noob range where my high body fat percentage and lack of previous weight lifting gives me that perfect storm of what i'm wanting. Goal 1: Fight gravity. Get stronger. Go to the gym and pick up heavy things 3x/week. Plan is to go every other day, so it should end up being 3x one week, 4x the next... but as long as I get in 3x/week, i'll be happy. Goal 2: Documentation, documentation, documentation. Write it down! Track all my food on the LoseIt app on my phone. This will be the biggest challenge for me. I've tried this before, and after 2 weeks, I got a "feel" for about how much I should be eating each day, then stopped tracking. Then slowly, over time, I was added more and more calories each day without realizing it. Goal 3: Feed myself. Save money. Live healthy. Eat out less often. This is very vague, I know, but I typically eat out for 2-3 meals a day, whether i'm traveling for work or at home. This needs to stop. I'm going to start preparing my own food as much as I can, and only going out to eat when I'm taking the lady-friend out for a date night or something. I know I haven't set any grading scale for this, and I really don't plan on it. If I can manage to stick with the challenge, and see it through to the end (which is a major accomplishment for me, in itself), i'm going to consider it a pass. If I'm not updating by the end, or have completely stopped working out, or start blowing tons of money on Taco Bell... I have failed. Mini-Quest: Discover new foods. Find 28 new recipes before the end of the challenge. Record the recipes, ingredients, protein/fat/carbs, etc. Build a spreadsheet to keep track of recipes for easy sorting / searching. Hopefully I'll enjoy doing it enough that I'll continue to collect different recipes to try. A lot of them may be overly simple, but considering I know nothing about cooking, I have to start somewhere. Goal 1 / Goal 2 / Goal 3 x - completed o - not completed @ - missed / failed WEEK 1: N/A (Had not joined the challenge at this point) WEEK 2: [xxx] [xxxxxxx] [xxxxxxx@xx@@xxxxxxxxx] WEEK 3: [xxo] [xxxxxoo] [xx@xxxxxxxxxxxxoooooo] WEEK 4: [ooo] [ooooooo] [ooooooooooooooooooooo] WEEK 5: [ooo] [ooooooo] [ooooooooooooooooooooo] WEEK 6: [ooo] [ooooooo] [ooooooooooooooooooooo] Main Quest Current weight: 224 LBS remaining: 24 Mini-Quest New recipes documented: 1/28 Current Workout Weights Bench: 150 Squat: 195 Dead: 235 LBS to be added Bench: 50 Squat: 105 Dead: 165 Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8
  17. Challenge 2.0 - I started strength training about 3 months ago now and have been doing stronglifts 5x5. LOVE LIFTING HEAVY - totally addicted!!! The last 6 week challenge saw me get stronger, join a new strength & conditioning gym with a coach, and spectate at a couple of powerlifting comps. This will be my first challenge with the warriors and i want to LIFT ALL THE THINGS, and EAT ALL THE THINGS. I think I will fit in just fine There is a local "Pretty and Powerful" girls only powerlifting comp in mid-December this year. I want to train with the intention of competing in this - and will decide closer to the time whether i am ready or not! My new coach will be making me a new program sometime during this challenge and I am excited to see what it is!! Stats Height - 5'10'' Weight - 65.5kg (144lbs) BF% - 19-20% (need to update these) Stronglifts 5x5 Current stats: Squat - 50kg (110lbs) Deadlift - 65kg (143lbs) Bench - 32.5kg (71.5lbs) Row - 25kg (55lbs) OHP - 20kg (44lbs) Current tested 1rm Squat - 60kg (132lbs) DL - 85kg (187lbs) Bench - 37.5kg (82.5lbs) Main Quest - GET STRONG!!! Mission One - Strength +3 STR +2 STA +1 CHA I just completed my virtual lifting comp attempts and tested my maxes in a comp-style format for the first time. This was going to be a goal for my challenge but I managed to do it before I even started! I want to add weight to both my 5RM and 1RM during this challenge, but will be starting a new personalised program during the next 6 weeks and don’t know what to expect! With this in mind, my grading for this goal will involve the following: Grading A - Add at least 10kg to Deadlift and 5kg to squat, and re-test maxes B - Add at least 7.5kg to Deadlift and 2.5kg to squat, and re-test maxes C - Add at least 5kg to Deadlift, and re-test maxes F - Do not add any weight to squat or deadlift, Or do not re-test maxes. Mission Two - Fuel +1 STR +2 CON +2 STA This is pretty much a carry on from a very similar goal last challenge. I want to fuel my workouts to get strong, but also to lose some body fat if possible. My aim in this challenge is to get >115g of protein on at least 4 days every week while sticking close to my current calorie goals. This is the equivalent of 0.8g protein per pound of bodyweight - the minimum recommended levels from many sources. For extra credit - Take pre-packed lunch to work. Grading A - Meet protein goal at least 4 days per week B - Meet protein goal at least 3 days per week C - Meet protein goal at least 2 days per week F - Did not meet protein goal for more than one day per week Mission Three - Mobility +2 DEX In the last challenge I needed to deload weight on my squat as I started to have hip pain which I believe is a tight hip flexor. My job means I spend a lot of time sitting everyday and my coach has told me this is really evident in my lifts so I really need to work on mobility (particularly lower body). My goal this challenge is to do mobility work at least 4 times a week - this means I need to make time to do it outside normal gym sessions. To help me with this I will be referring to Joe Defranco's 'Limber 11'. Grading A - Perform mobility work at least 4 days every week B - Perform mobility work at least 3 days every week C - Perform mobility work at least 2 days every week F - Did not meet mobility goal for more than 1 day per week Life Quest - Moving +1 STA +1 STR It is quite likely that in the next 6 weeks, or shortly afterwards I am going to have to move house again. I will probably be putting a lot of my stuff in storage for the meantime, and will need to cut down the amount of STUFF I have that I have been holding on to. My goal in this challenge is to get ready for moving. This involves - going through everything and only keeping what I really need, packing everything into boxes, looking into storage units in the area, and also working out where I am actually going to live and who with when moving time comes!! Grading: I will subjectively grade this at the end of my challenge depending on what I have done, and how much longer I have left until move date. Let the Challenge Begin!
  18. Main Goal : Get Stronk. I mean like BAMF Minotaur stronk. Why? Did you ever see a scrawny minotaur? I never did. They're the most bad ass mythical hybrid creature in existance. Period. If I look back at a "real" reason as to why I want to get stronger/bigger is that I've finally reached my Ultimate goal weight this weekend at 175 lbs (I actually went down to 173.8 one morning so 68.2 pounds lost). But with all that fat shed, I'd like to actually be stronger and bigger, so this challenge and possibly the next one, is all about that. Pictures will be taken as per my usual, each two weeks. Heavy things will be lifted. Meat will be devoured. I WILL become beastly. Period. GAME ON. How will I reach this physique I am in search of acquiring? In 3 easy steps (+1 for life goal). Goal 1 : EAT ALL THE MEAT! 1 Strenght, 2 Wisdom and 1 Constitution I often eat small portions of meat with my meals, but pushing myself to eat some beef or chicken in a good portion every day (6 days a week) Goal 2 : StrongLifts 5x5! 5 Strenght No explanation needed, it's a must for this challenge. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Goal 3 : Proper fueling. 2 Wisdom and 1 Constitution Start logging my eating habbits again, get enough calories to be able to gain muscles easily. Weekdays. Goal 4 : Help someone quit smoking. 3 Charisma Goal is simple, I quit smoking and one of my friends is wanting to quit, so I will aid him to conquer this beast. Template for updates 1 - 0/6 - 0/6 - 0/6 - 0/6 - 0/6 - 0/6 - 0/42 - MEAT! 2 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/18 - LIFT! 3 - 0/5 - 0/5 - 0/5 - 0/5 - 0/5 - 0/5 - 0/30 - FUEL! 4 - 0/1 - 0/1 - A Beast to Conquer Legend Red - unbolded = not met yet, but week not done. Bolded = not acheived for the week. Green - bold = acheived Blue are totals Starting Stats Height - 5'11" Weight - 176 (usually it's 176 ±1.5 pound) Body fat % - 17.29% (kind of arbitrary, not focusing on the number itself, focusing on getting it lower, either if it's right or not) After calculation using http://www.linear-software.com/online.html, I lost 3.53% BF since the start of last challenge! Caliper measurements (Gray = not needed for calculation) 21mm Chest 27mm Abs 24.33mm Thigh 15mm Tricep (estimate until I get someone to measure for me) 12.33mm Subscapular (same as above) 12.33mm Suprailic TBMmm Midaxillary TBMmm Bicep 14.33mm Calf TBMmm Lower back
  19. Greetings, fellow challengers and others. I am Sythez (intro) and I've come to become the Spartan badass I was meant to be! Or the superhero, hunter, warrior, secret agent... I'm not that picky on the badass, more just the becoming of one. Main Quest: I will healthily lose 10 pounds over the next 6 weeks, to a weight of 210 lbs or lower. 1. I will remain within a caloric goal of 1460 net calories per day. (I do eat mostly paleo) 2. I will alternate between running and doing the beginners bodyweight workout every day, unless I have some other major physical activity (ex. Martial arts class) planned. 3. I will make a lunch for 4 of the 5 days I am on campus, with one day being allowed to eat for lunch at a campus establishment (while retaining net caloric goal) Side quest: 1. To complete all homework at least a day before it is due! Motivations: I’ve never really had the crisis moment. Till now, that is. It came to me in an almost silly format, one which I never really thought I’d face… Walking onto university campus, being surrounded by my peers, I had a good look, and realized that extraordinarily few of them were even close to overweight. Both girls and guys, in excellent shape… and I don’t know how I missed it first year, but there are running trails all around the campus, we have a gym membership included in our tuition, and an amazing recreation program open to students. It is a bit painful realizing that while you aren’t the most unattractive person at the university, you’re not even close to the benchmark of average. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not overly concerned about becoming an Abercrombie and Fitch model (yet.) but suddenly, it made me look at myself. I have lots of things I want to do still, and as I’m coming 20, this is the point in my life that I’d like to do them. I’d like to be able to run 5k, go to a bar with my friends and be confident and appealing, live to a ripe old age while being in better shape than the young whippersnappers, have a six pack, all the while saving the world and achieving a 4.0. I’d like to travel, see other cultures, live in Asia for a bit, become an awesome cook, learn to fly… And when I had these dreams originally, it was with me being a smiling, good looking son-of-a-bitch with a hot body matched by an irresistible temperament (James Bond anyone?) So I decided on some goals; Before really focusing on going hard into strength training, I’d like to first establish a somewhat healthier weight, an overall increase to strength and stamina, and the ability to do the thing I hated growing up, every single PE class. I want to run, to move, to be able to get up in the morning and travel around the city upclose and personal. While doing that, I’m focusing on the beginner bodyweight workout, building up stability and other muscles so I can enter the strength training with a more solid foundation. As incentive, I bet my roommate that I’d run 5k in 2 ½ months or give her $75. For me, that’s a lot of money, as almost all I’ve got is going into tuition and living. Also, I knew she probably wouldn’t consider taking more money than that if I failed. So far I’ve been out twice, once with her (she is a casual runner) and almost dying due to overwork, and the other time today, starting a couch to 5k program. The program difficulty does not feel like an issue. I’d like to go the route Saint did, and bet $500 for six pack abs, but truthfully, getting the sixpack is secondary to being able to being healthy, happy, and… who am I kidding. The six pack right now is far more motivating. I blame being young for that. I’m trying to think of good motivation to do that route. I’ve found reading stories about Mark Twight, the trainer for 300, Man of Steel, and other blockbuster hits to be good motivation. Perhaps I’ll start a small savings fun for finding a personal trainer who would be willing to get me through to the stage of six pack abs. Currently, university is whats in the bills. Later though, it will be work, or kids, or some other thing. I will never have the money for a trainer UNLESS I make it a priority in my life. Ok… this Challenge motivation kinda went outa control… in a good way I guess. So ya. 6 weeks to a lighter me, after that, hopefully in saving loonies, birthday money, the like… I can get into the gym scene! And then… SPARTA! I WILL DINE IN HELL AND RETURN TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY BUHAHAHA! *cough
  20. How's it going people? Im an 18 (150 pound) year old high school senior, who is ready to change his life. For the past few months, i've been going through the same routine: Get up, go to school, come home. get on the computer, go to sleep. The funny thing is, that I have been doing weghttraining since last month, but I haven't been puting max effort, in both the gym and my diet. I could push for one last rep, but I never do, or I could eat another meal, but I say it doesn't matter. Since i've been skinny all my life, I always make excuses like, "Oh I just have bad genetics" or "I'm just not made to build muscle". It's pathetic I know, but I'm ready to change that. I'm so glad that I found Nerd Fitness, because I really like the energy of the community; everyone seems to want to cheer each other on and grow together.I want to be like you guys a improve my life too( while I still have the health and time to do it). I don't wan't to be 70 years old lving a miserable life, going through the same motions I was at 18, still wishing that I could get up and do something with myself. I'm gonna make a change in all aspects of my life (socially, phyiscally, emotionally, mentally). I'll look back on my life, old as shit and say, "I love the life i've been able to live". My Main Quest I want to build overall size strength, and flexibilty. I don't desire to be ridicuosly huge, but I would like to have a nice body to compliment and represent the hard work I put in the gym.In addition to that, I'd love to increase my flexibilty, because honestly, I just think being flexible is cool haha. To Achieve these Goals: I will take part in a full body resistance training routines(Mon,Wed,Fri) that consist of mostly compound movements .I will make it my best effort to eat at least 2500 calories a day, or atleast as many calories I can eat each day.I will take part in yoga at home to increase my felxibility and range of motion. Life Side Quests For basically all of my life, i've always been that quiet shy guy. It has never been a ridicously detrimental thing to my life, but inmany situations, it's kept me from speaking to people, voicing my opinions, asking questions, and showing my true self. Sometimes I fear what people will think of me, so i'll hold certain aspects of myself back. I want to break away from that shyness, and show more of who I am to the world! I want to be able to carry on a great conversation with someone, or ask a quesiton in class and not feel stupid. I don't know how i'm going to exactly change thay, but I will take some type of step to improve.Motivation My motivation is simple. I want to be proud of something that no one can take away from me, my body. i want to be proud of myself and what i've avvomplished. I want to inspire others, and show them that if a guy like me can improve, you can too! If you actually take the time to read this, thank you. I hope that I can make you proud.
  21. Hello :3 You can call me Jen, I'm 20, and I'm working toward a healthier body and soul through yoga and cardio! I'm short (5'2) and stocky and half my battle will be trying to love and accept my body. I did gymnastics for 10 years so I have quite the foundation. I'm now a full time student at a university. I'm editing my goals now because I have a different schedule. I'm 126 and I'd like to lose 5 pounds. Goals: Run 3 times a week. This is definitely attainable. 3 = A, 2= C, 1= D. Do Yoga 2 times a week at the gym. (Also, if you don't make it to the gym, do it at home) 3=A, 1= B, 0= D. Other goals Try to get under 9 minute mile pace. (I've been doing 10 consistently) Don't eat after 9 pm Cut out refined sugar, do my best to avoid anything processed. <-- This one is going to be REALLY hard for me I'll try and post every couple of days and hopefully some nicer looking pictures after 6 weeks !!! S Support, advice and kind works are all very helpful to me. Peace and love !
  22. Hey Rebels, My name is Manar and I live in Chi-town( or as many of you possibly know as Chicago). I am now a 26 year old, 225 lbs man but here is the catch: one year ago, I weighed 325 lbs!! I set myself a big goal by wanting to lose 100lbs in the first year. I thought it was impossible at first, but I kept having faith and believing in myself, and now I did it all on my own. I always wanted to be healthier and stronger and finally I decided at 25 years old that I have reached rock bottom and I wanted to change my life to the better. I figured since everything else in my life is messed up and not going as planned, why not take control of the one thing I can actually take control of and start working out to look better? It took a while before I saw any results, but I expected that after I did a bunch of researches online. I did not let that kill my motivation. I kept setting up small goals for myself and developed the determination to achieve those goals. I never want to go back to where I was and I think being a rebel will help me stay motivated and more determined than ever to reach my next goals and stay there. I want to be about 175 lbs or so with 10% body fat by next year. That's my next big goal but I broke it down to smaller monthly goals. I realize I need to start working harder to get to my next goal, which is why i was searching the web and finally found this awesome site to help me get there. I did it the first year alone and it was very difficult, but at least I don't have to do it all alone anymore
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