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    • Is domherren this one? I LOVE IT!!! Cloudberry jam also sounds amazing. I've never tasted these rarified berries, I have only hear of their sublimity.   
    • had a a doing day. Got more of by bujo done. Trying a different colour scheme for the monthly. Came out nicely. so easy to draw the graphs and boxes now. Barely need to measure things. Dotted pages are so nice   half way through another page which is the exercise tracker and the sleep tracker. Having a bash at putting them in one page. We will see how that goes, might be too cramped. Thinking of doing lots of succulents in this months theme. See how that goes.      went for a cliff walk with my sketchbook and the kindle i treated myself to last week. Cousin bought one with her last week and i absolutely loved the thing.  I am not a fan of reading books on phones (screen is so small) and its So much lighter than carting a tablet around for reading in cafes. The zero screen glare is what does it for me though.    took the sketchbook to get some sketching in too.    might have a bash adding come colour later. But it came out nicely.  tried a new flavour of sausage roll. Apricot and sage. Wasnt sure if id like it, as i am usually nit a fan of meat + fruit, but it was better than expected.    pushed myself a but too hard with the walk. Normally that distance is fine. Today, i was worried i might have to stop and sit on the way back as i was really struggling.  so frustrating.  have my first choir session this weekend so will have to take tomorrow slow.    walk ✅ darebees ✅  
    • I hear you about wanting a levelled up life. I have never wanted kids, but I know that I would definitely not want to have experienced pregnancy when I was at my peak weight. The very idea is alarming. I would probably do okay with it now, but I still don’t want to.     I think your levelled up lift goals are good ones. Can you start with small wins building up to them? Because that is potentially a lot of change to action all at once and that way lies burnout and disappointment. The first thing I did was to work on my binge and emotional/boredom eating issues, because I could undo a great, on-plan eating week with a single binge or a bunch of distracted grazing and that was super frustrating. I am not implying you have a binge eating problem - I am just sharing this because sometimes our self-sabotage is as much a mental block about something as it is not having the healthiest habits. When I was faithfully getting my 10k steps a day, I would march in place to get whatever I hadn’t gotten in “natural” movement at the end of the day and that taught me all movement counts, even if it feels silly or pointless. My barista job has only reinforced that and I am finding that I have more success with moving for NEAT calories than actual “proper” workouts. It’s taken me two years to get here, but those two years have seen my weight decrease by 50 lbs which is more than I expected. I anticipate that I have another two to three years to get down to goal weight and looking at it as a super long term project has alleviated a lot of stress.    Sorry, I am rambling. I don’t know if any of that was helpful, but mostly I was trying to say Solidarity. You have got this and we have got you. Get after it. ❤️ 
    • Happy belated birthday!   Have a Gollum Sméagol gif:
    • Tuned in and very happy to hear this ❤️     
    • Update on Litter Robot. It seems they weights aren't necessarily "too close" between Saxo and Lilly. Lilly has apparently been peeing\pooping in hubby's office and he JUST noticed yesterday. So getting that clean has been "fun". I woke up with a migraine and I guess I need to get one of the old litter boxes out for a bit and hope she will eventually transition over the next few days (or ugh, weeks). The entire point is to not have to clean a gd manual box. Just ARGH. Hopefully she didn't just find "somewhere else" last night. I did close up what I could in hopes she wouldn't just go ANYWHERE. I've been bad about walking this week. I got in my steps yesterday though. I woke up with a migraine this morning so meds are on board. First in a couple of months and not "praying to the porcelain gods" bad so it's probably being around cleaning up cat urine and poop last night..... Anyway - happy birthday American Experiment. Hopefully it lasts past 1/20/2025.
    • Happy Independence Day! Down with the Monarchy!    I ordered an AC, it'll be here Sunday.    I've got a major work project over this Holiday Weekend. We're replacing a giant water tank that's part of our chilled water system. Need to do it when production isn't running, so about to head into work.  Today: drain old tank, disconnect and prep for moving Tomorrow (with help from warehouse guys), pull out old tank, place new tank, start connecting Saturday: finish connections and test Sunday: buffer, hopefully don't need it.
    • I like this for you.   It’s a holiday in the US, and Wednesday was full of pre-vacation weirdness, and tomorrow will be filled with post-holiday extra-day vacations which curiously both stymie the regular work rhythm and simultaneously allow Actual Work to get done.
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