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    1. The Oracle - Help, FAQ, and Suggestions

      Not sure where to begin, need some help with something, or want to make a suggestion? This is the spot!

    2. Rebel Introductions and the Respawn Point

      New to the Rebellion, or did something go wrong and you're Respawning? Welcome, soldier! Post your story here, your battle plans, and what you plan on bringing to the table.


    3. Rebel Army Base Camp

      Talk about whatever the hell you want here. Well, almost anything :)


    1. 392
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    3. Guilds, Clubs, Adventure Parties, and PVPs

      Looking for a party to adventure with, an accountibilibuddy, or want to create a PVP Challenge? This is the place! 


      Not sure where to start? Check out the how-to thread!

    4. Daily Battle Logs and Epic Quests

      Working on your own Epic Quest? Or just looking for daily accountability? 


      Start your own thread and keep track of your workouts, food logs, and/or accomplishments here. Nothing says accountability like letting the world read what you're doing.


      *NOTE: Daily Battle Logs and challenges are completely independent of each other - you can have one or both.

  • Most Recent Posts

    • Shello usually sneaks in using the side door and lurks in a corner but the news of the giant's mirrors has piqued her interest.  She boldly walks in and asks for a key to a room, scanning the room for an open table to return to.   Anxious for a view of her future self that has long been a fuzzy ideal, slowly defining over time, she gets to her room and there she is... beautiful, healthy, agile, retired from the daily grind and loving an active life, absolutely unstoppable!      
    • Starting Weight (6/14) 252.8 Does today start as week 1?   or week 0?  Whatever  today is, recorded weight 252.3    Half a pound in the half week since I logged to the spreadsheet.  I'll take it.  Had a huge Father's Day breakfast yesterday but luckily it didn't cause a big fuss on the scale.   This week will be difficult with a work potluck Wednesday, dinner poolside at family on Thursday, and then a Summer Sunday brunch again on Sunday (naturally).    I feel like I start every week thinking this week will be difficult for various reasons.  I've come to the realization that this is the normal and it's just a question of addressing each week's particular difficulty.  Also yes, I can be a slow learner.  
    • Your SET challenge titles always make me think of volleyball. Here to cheer you on while you spike your goals!  
    • You are brave to face your fears and bring them into the light.   Most of us would think that learning handstands is a difficult goal for a challenge. You already have those well in hand, so you need something harder.     Kidding aside, mental health challenges are tough and need more support than physical health challenges. If it was easy to get our brains to cooperate, we could all walk away from tempting food and be at our goal weights. Figuring out how to tell a story so that our minds are okay is a process where we can support each other here.
    • Same. We have a pink one in the garden, but sadly this year my father “pruned” it not realising what it was. So not looking good for flowers at the moment im afraid. Hoping it gets over jtit
    • Love this challenge, although it sounds very hard!   Does this work for you? I'm currently at a stage again where I feel that I might be going down the bad road again, so I'm curious to see what works for others as well .
    • Isn't it funny how having guests will get you to do cleaning that you have been putting off?   Great work on getting more exercise!   Also cute kitties. 🐱
    • Your summer sounds like so much fun . Also, your pictures are lovely as always 🥰.
    • Yay for biking to work! How's the weather?   Anyway, have fun
    • Yeah, it was a fun spread. I had the 9 of cups jump out of the deck too, which is basically the card version of a “hey, your doing really well!” That made me laugh   It has made me totally rethink what im doing with the room. Going to really remix how im using the surfaces i think and get some nice art to put up.    They are so pretty. Zero regrets about buying them. They are still a little clingy which is making the shuffling rather clumbsy so hopefully that will go away with handling. 
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