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  • Most Recent Posts

    • Congrats on your 50lb victory!!     That teacup is absolutely gorgeous! And I'm so sorry you're on water restrictions. We had drought conditions over the winter (though far less restricted thankfully) and I worry we'll be seeing far more of it with climate change. The comparison to Covid is so apt, unfortunately.   
    • Ok, I lied. One more post with Week 1's plan:   Monday: No class today! So class reading at lunch, staining after work Tuesday: Workout at lunch, dinner with my sister Wednesday: Hopefully will be picking stuff up at Lowe's on my lunch break, helping my neighbor after work Thursday: Workout at lunch, class in the evening. Friday: Might go do some shopping at lunch, on the endless quest to find cropped pants that don't hit me at the ankle. #shortproblems. Staining after work Saturday: Don't think I have any plans. Finish staining, then maybe just chill in the afternoon.  Sunday: Church, then attending a piano/violin recital, then have a church meeting to finalize details for our 200th anniversary dinner.
    • Fingers crossed for the clinic! Do you have a post-doctor visit ritual? 
    • Oh no, I totally missed that update! Glad you got out of the cursed house (even if it was so cute! 😭) and I hope you enjoy having a little break from the house search. Crossing my fingers that the market cools down a bit for y'all!     This is so cute it makes me sick. 10/10 date, adorable.
    • Giving myself an extra day to even out because Father's Day baseball game & beer wrecked my weigh in this morning... 😬   Also realized I'm not going to have access to a scale for 4 weeks during the challenge so there will be some gaps in my spreadsheet row. Still here to cheer though!
    • All righty, final post to get this challenge up and running.   This challenge is going to be focused on Fatigue Management. It's something that's been coming up a lot in the training videos I'm watching, because that's essentially what strength training is: you see how much stress you can put your muscles (plus tendons and ligaments and al) under to encourage growth without accumulating too much fatigue. Once fatigue gets too high, you take a deload week to reset everything. Most programs, especially at the intermediate level, since beginners don't have to deload very often) have deloads built in, but as you get more accustomed to lifting, you can tell just by how you feel when it's time for a deload.   And it's suddenly occurred to me that this is not just a training principle, it's a life principle. Fatigue accumulates over time, just from life. And the solution to fatigue is rest, period. That's it. It is incredibly counterproductive to attempt any type of "pushing through," expecting fatigue to just disappear. So it's very fortuitous that at level 5 I get access to Level 3 (ok, when I type it out like that, I realize how incredibly counterintuitive that is to anyone not familiar with D&D) but anyways, Level 3 spells, which includes Feign Death. This is for when I feel like need a rest, and I just play dead until I'm ready to get back up again. Preferably in a hammock, if at all possible.   Other Level 3 spells that may be making an appearance:   Create Food and Water: Cooking Life Transference: Donate Blood (I used to do this regularly, but I've gotten away from it.) Mass Healing Word: Cook for family gathering (The distinction between this and Create Food and Water mostly matters for healing purposes) Protection from Energy: No games on phone outside of work hours Revivify: Picking, probably not going to happen this challenge, but we'll see what the zucchinis do Sending: Call a sibling or friend for a chat Tongues: Language Study (probably not going to do much with this, but you never know) Water Walk: Swim! We'll see about this one. I know my neighbor would let me use her pool, but she'd also probably hover the whole time, which would defeat the whole relaxing purpose.   Those Level 3 spells really help bump this along. Zero Week I got 182 points, plus killing a Shadow, so I go into the challenge proper with 6,896 points. Would like to have 9,000 by the end of this challenge.
    • Congrats Sov! That is a HUGE success! Be proud of yourself, we're all so proud of you!
    • Thank you.    Upside found out my insurance covers a clinic that focuses on Functional Medicine! Goal is to call them after work today, probably after a meditation.    Yesterday was 3 points for mindful eating...   I realized I did feel like I was hit by a truck yesterday... and didn't realize we were having a heat advisory... *sigh* Yesterday was a partial not so restful day... but we keep at them. 
    • Reduce: Reduce high expectations. Reduce pressure and stress. Reduce clutter.   Refuse: Refuse to do things or go to events that I don't really care about just to please others. Refuse to smile and nod and stay quiet when people upset me.   Recover: Recover from burnout. Recover the sense of self that was lost decades ago. Recover from drinking too much.   These goals are rather vague, but the path of self-improvement and self-acceptance and all that bullshit is different for everyone and one thing I've learned so far is that SMART goals always end in failure when I attempt them. Having said that, the above "goals" are more of a direction than actual goals. The only thing I'll be tracking is alcohol use, just like in the last challenge. I'll also be using this thread to do thought dumps/thought records and journaling. The goals highlighted in yellow will be the main focus, and the non-highlighted ones will be getting worked on as much as possible whenever possible. I'm definitely keeping "reduce high expectations" in the back of my mind for this whole challenge.   June 17:  June 18:  June 19:  June 20:  June 21:  June 22:  June 23:    June 24:  June 25:  June 26:  June 27:  June 28:  June 29:  June 30:    July 1:  July 2:  July 3:  July 4:  July 5:  July 6:  July 7:    July 8:  July 9:  July 10:  July 11:  July 12:  July 13:  July 14:    July 15:  July 16:  July 17:  July 18:  July 19:  July 20:  July 21:    ^ So I don't have to dig through my own thread at the end of this challenge to count wins.   I'll add tags and possibly more to this post later.
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