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  • Most Recent Posts

    • Your hair looks great, what a fun colour! I’m sorry tired!brain is causing you so much trouble.  It’s not rain, but here’s a stream from a recent hike for you!     
    • Awareness is ALWAYS the first step! Right there with you and here rooting for you!
    • I'll get back to walking next week. I feel like I'm fully recovered (after seriously sleeping in today). Had some stuff going on with the side gig and we've had to pull out of a big, international event - pretty much 7 weeks out - because of shenanigans.   We all feel like our company was being used to someone's agenda - and since no one would commit to reasonable asks in writing, we're out. There's some HR type stuff in there, but not committing (or even acknowledging our ask) to writing spoke volumes so we've removed ourselves which sucks for many reasons, but I'm done subjecting myself (much less employees\friends) to toxic bullshit when unnecessary. Things may work out - or not - and we may even shut down the company and restart something else if it comes to it. But making that decision and tossing that "fire in the hole" allowed me to sleep last night for the first good sleep in over a week (because all of this BS started Friday at the National event). The actual event went well for the attendees and was considered a roaring success - guess they get to figure out on their own that real pros are required to pull off a managed network with real isolation, wired connections and wireless in a 480,000 sq ft venue. I'm sure the vendor that brought us on can find someone else, but he's going to have to pay them twice what we were going to do it for (and it was so low because we wanted to prove we could do it and basically move up the vendor list - we already knew we weren't going to work for him again due to shenanigans that occurred before we even showed up on site - the on site shenanigans just added nails to that coffin).
    • Had a bit of a lye down after church, still really tired and just remembered that I have the early start tomorrow.     Plan from yesterday New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy❌ Una ensalada todos los dias❌ AM brush✔️ PM brush floss❌ Shower✔️   Mission Critical Wash laundry✔️ Make bed✔️ Put groceries away Funeral✔️ Make therapy appointment✔️ Post thread✔️ Change cat litter✔️   Normal Stuff Avoid YT Shorts✔️ Foot lotion❌ Praise music✔️ AM Spanish❌ Bottle of water✔️ Time outside❌       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish✔️   Bonus Points Hang clean clothes Fold clothes Dye hair✔️ Dishes✔️ Slow cook chicken     Plan for the week Do cleaning 5 times Practice violin 3 times Do yoga 3 times   Plan for today New Habits Honor they bedroom and keep it holy Una ensalada todos los dias AM brush PM brush floss Shower   Mission Critical Church prep slow cooker chicken (start before leaving for work tomorrow)   Normal Stuff Avoid YT Shorts Foot lotion Praise music AM Spanish Bottle of water Time outside       Read You are Here and/or practice mindfulness while outside PM Spanish   Bonus Points Hang clean clothes Fold clothes Dishes Put rest of groceries away Cook a meal
    • This is wisdom. ❤️ 
    • Germany in general, not so much a pilgrimage  
    • Last night was a beautiful example of why I'm doing this challenge. Over-tired with phone leads to so much dumb. Binged on food, fell down an internet rabbit hole, didn't get enough sleep, would wake up and eat more...   On the bright side, it looks like there are skirt/pants that would fit me,  and got a lead on trying to the vest I want.    At church now. Ran projection for first service, playing violin for the 2nd. Got things I need to do today, but not sure how much steam I'm going to have. Fortunately it's cooler today and the next few days.
    • Zero Week Roundup   Exercise: 🌟 Meditate: 🌟 Fun money: 🌟 Home & Hobbies: 🌟🌟🌟   Bonus   Adventure:  Forums: 🌟 Photos:  🌟   Running total: 8🌟   Holy Dinah, we worked hard yesterday.  Unloaded Sibling B’s two big storage cubes, re-loaded half the stuff into a U-Haul and out to the cheap storage lockers. We thought we were ditching one couch from our up-upstairs and putting Granny’s couch in but there was no way it would fit up our narrow, 90-degree turn staircase. Of course we determined this AFTER Mr. Radost sawed the up-upstairs couch in half. But we’ve never really managed to make that living room into a hangout spot (too many of our friends have sketchy knees) so as nostalgic as I am, love seat + arm chair + shelving is a more functional use of the space. And Granny’s couch is in worse shape than I remembered. I was thinking I could just get new cushions and it would be a pretty nice seating option, but no. I forgot that Dad started smoking his pipe again while he owned it, and in addition to the staining the upholstery is wrecked (cat damage? Just wear and tear?). I still would like to imagine getting it refurbished, but it’s gonna be pricey.   The other half of the stuff is going Away. Lots will go to second hand stores next week, and we used the truck for a dump run that’s needed to happen for a while (had a busted barbecue and we still have a bunch of shitty lumber including useless off-cuts that the previous owners helpfully left). Seeing the guy on the forklift back up and STAB the fork INTO my beloved couch (well, half of it) was both a deeply disturbing and a weirdly cathartic moment. We dumped 700lbs of stuff! Would really have liked to save more of the furniture, but we weren’t willing to keep the storage cubes in our driveway for a few weeks while people hemmed and hawed about what would fit in their living room. One friend did spot a bookshelf they really wanted, came and got it within the time frame I’d set. Dad messaged me asking about some of the pieces, but it was an hour after the deadline I’d set (two hours after things actually got dumped). He doesn’t have room for more furniture anyway, and that was painful too. Especially coming in a week where he was posting photos on FB of his tower of Amazon boxes. Dad, you don’t need another dresser, you need to make a trip to the recycling room once a week.    Then, as Mr. Radost and B were clearing the last stuff off the lawn, I was baking cookies for our monthly family sing-along today/to bring to games night. Usually we host, but B’s friend they recently reconnected with offered to host this one. V: it was nbd that we weren’t ready until 7:30 because the other attendees were chilling at A’s place, not hovering in our living room! 😧 Sibling B was at the limit of their emotional and physical cope, and everyone kept asking them if they wanted a hug (NOPE) and I thought the wrong game choice could start a full meltdown in someone else’s house where they can’t retreat to Their Space. V: we basically chatted the whole night, playing a very light, simple, and low-stakes game (Love Letter) while A showed us all his awesome nerd shit and served us ice cream and B was in a much better frame of mind by the time we left.    Just a couple photos this week and…not as aesthetic as usual, haha.      Now to tidy the living room for the sing-along and see if Dad is going to keep our coffee shop Father’s Day plan or if he stayed up all night on the computer. 
    • I'm here for the restful rain gif challenge
    • burpees ☠️  i just can't bring myself to do them this time alt arm/leg raises 🐝 knee to elbow 🐝   I will try my best to play along next week while I'm away
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