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The Battle Chef's Log

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Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 bw 5 4 2
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 5%spt 8 7 6
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 bw 10 5 x
B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 Ast. 5 x x
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 56" 7 7 6
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 24" 8 7 6
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw 25 x x
D2 Copenhagen 8-10 x3 Knee 6 x x
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 8 x x


I went back to holding an empty barbell for the harop curls for the sake of form, and I dragged out an old set of proper paralettes  for the unsupported dip hold.  Unfortunately, the tendonds' ligaments around my knees felt like they were gonna pop off when doing the harops and the dip supports were excruciatingly painful in the spine between the shoulder blades.  


I got pissed off again during the last circuit because it feels like I'm plateauing and it's getting really stale. Fortunately I'm almost done with this program.


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Well holy crap, made it through Costco without issue for once, stocked up on the essentials (meat, nuts, frozen veg & fruit since everything fresh in my area sucks right now).  Got home just in time to dodge the snowstorm that is steamrolling the region.  Hopefully now I don't need to leave the house for a few weeks!


After gym time I will be purging my cupboards of beans, grain, pasta and other high carbohydrate foods.  Starting Sunday I'll be sticking to a 150g carb limit which, given my appetite, will easily be met with vegetables, a little fruit and a little sweet potato.  I'll be eating more or less paleo style, without deluding myself that it's "what our ancestors ate" and other pretentious bullshit.  A fried of mine is putting himself through college right now and will appreciate the food donation (food banks don't accept open packages).



I am just dicking around in the gym at this point.  2 more training sessions until surgery.

Bench Press 4x5 135# 5 5 5 5
Barbell Row 4x5 135# 5 5 5 5
Alshrue Twist 4x8 R Blue 8 8 8 8
Sandbag to Shoulder 4x6 50# 6 6 6 6


Keeping a training journal is important, because my brain remembers benching a helluva lot more than 135#, but my journal disagrees and reminds me this was my training max since my last carpal tunnel surgery.  So that's nice.  Didn't completely waste my time this year.


Also I ate what I felt was a ridiculously large meal pre-workout as well as a good amount of salt/potassium, and I felt really really good the whole time.  Blasted through everything, really.  Huzzah!


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It is a beautiful snowy day out, especially since I don't need to drive anywhere.


Despite not counting any calories over the last week, I weighed in at 284 pounds.  I'm starting another 10 pound cut, hoping to have it done by the time I return to work.


Deadlift 4x5 165# 5 5 5 5
Copenhagen 4x6 - 6 6 6 4
Yoke 4x40' x        
EZ Bar Curl 4x8 49# 8 8 8 8



Sandbags yesterday were harder on the legs than I thought.  Still, deadlifts felt good.  Copenhagens are awesome, but it's gonna take me a while to get used to them.


I am disgusted with myself to admit my gym has gotten so cluttered/messy that I could not use the yoke today.  I will address that tomorrow.  

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Overhead Press 4x5 95 5 5 5 5
Lat Pull Down 4x5 115 5 5 5 5
Plank 4x30" - 30 30 20 15
Ast. Dips 4x5 - 5 5 5




Felt pretty good today.  Eating bigger is def. helping keep my energy steady.  I swept the gym, and moved a few implements around so everything I need for the next 6 weeks is accessible.  I really need to get some kind of battery powered backpack shop vaccume, sweeping can only do so much against the assorted "farm dust" that accumulates around here.  Ah well, something will go on sale soon enough.

Surgery is in a few hours.  Not worried about how it'll go (same doc as last time), but I can't shake the usual pre-poked/sliced jitters.  Eh well, it'll be over soon enough.  I will be taking it super easy for the rest of this week.  Last time I jumped into things too early and nearly got it infected ?  Naps for me!

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Well, 2 days post surgery now.  Everything went well as far as hospitals can go.  First night the swelling was so bad it cut off circulation to my fingers.  Now it's nearly gone and I can start stretching it more.  It seems that last time I had the procedure done I got very lucky with minimal swelling and discomfort.  This time seems to be more typical, and I may need to delay my return to the gym a little longer.  Ultimately it'll be a great recovery in about 8-10 months.


On the diet side I'm down to 283, and feeling pretty good for once.  My calories are roughly 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs.  Energy is pretty steady, I get very minor hunger cravings and I really don't miss grains and the like very much.  I guess there's something to this low carb stuff after all.

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The swelling in my hand/wrist is mostly gone and I can start very gently doing the stretching routines given to me, but I think it's best to delay the gym proper another week.  The bruising on my wrist honestly looks horrific but it's not very sore. 


On an interesting note, I've been unintentionally/unplanned doing intermittent fasting the past few days.  Just not that hungry until almost midday so might as well go for it, usually 14-15 hours.  More time to nap/read/walk the dog I guess.


Gnarly zombie hand below



Nowhere in my house or outside can I get proper lighting to take a pic of this.  It looks 3 times worse in real life.


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A few warm days melted enough snow that pooch and I could go for a walk in the fields for a change.  Huzzah.


1.1 20/01/27 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 SSB Squat 3 8 70# 8 5 6
A2 Leg Lift 3 8 - 5 5 6
B1 Single Leg Deadlift 3 8 - 7 5 5
B2 Glute Bridge 3 8 25# 8 8 8
C Farmers Walk L 3 40' 55# y y y
C Farmers Walk R 3 40' 12# y y y


Energy levels were good, wrist held up just fine on the farmers.  On the SSB squats, my form and lower back were on point, but my hamstrings felt like they got overstrained on the first set.  Fortunately I'm starting to read Becoming a Supple Leopard again so I can potentially fix this soon.

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Ohhh the DOMS is strong with this one today ?  Roll roll roll on the foam torture device...


1.2 20/01/28 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 DB Bench L 3 8 32.5# 8 8 8
A1 DB Bench R 3 8   x x x
A2 Arm Bar L 3 5 32.5# 5 5 8
A2 Arm Bar R 3 5   x x x
B1 DB Row L 3 8 20kg 8 8 8
B1 DB Row R 3 8   x x x
B2 KB Halo 3 8   x x x
C1 Neck Harness Vert 3 8 15# 10 10 10
C2 Neck Harness Horiz 3 8 15# 10 10 10
C3 Neck Plate Curl 3 8 15# 10 10




Sooooo yeah wrist is not yet capable of dealing with direct pressure at all.  Warming up with a 5# plate was very unpleasant.  Oh well, my left arm will get to catch up to my right.  I ended up doing A1, A2, and B1 as a circuit, and did the wrist rehab stretches between sets.

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13 hours ago, The Battle Chef said:

I weighed in at 280 pounds even today.  Awwwww yeahhhhhhh



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1.3 20/01/30 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 6 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift L 3 8 60# 8 8 8
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift R 3 8 20# 8 8 8
A2 Deadbug 3 8 BW 6 6 4
B1 Split Squat 3 8 BW 6 4 3
B2 Reverse Hyper 3 8 20# 8 8 8
C Farmer's Walk L 3 40' 60# y y y
C Farmer's Walk R 3 40' 20# y y y



Very very cold day to be training!  Glad have nowheres to go today.


Split squats were completely unsupported, no wall or bar to hold on for balance, and that is pretty tough for me.  Farmers walks and deadlifts were just fine on my hand.  

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1.4 20/01/31 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 DB Press L 3 8 30# 8 8 8
A1 DB Press R 3 8 10# 8 8 x
A2 Arm Bar L 3 5 32.5# 5 5 x
A2 Arm Bar R 3 5 10# 5 5 x
B1 DB Curl L 3 8 20# 8 8 8
B1 DB Curl R 3 8 10# X X X
B2 KB Halo 3 8 12kg X X X
C1 Neck Harness Vert 3 8 20# x    
C2 Neck Harness Horiz 3 8 20#      
C3 Neck Plate Curl 3 8 20#      


So far so good overall.  my hand still doesn't want to support a dumbbell, but a 10# plate with my thumb through it worked well enough.  Didn't want to push it any further than I did though.  
Arm bars are no joke, I have to drop the weight for next session or I'm just gonna fry the arms.

Cut the neck harness thing because I ran out of time.  I honestly have no idea why I even put them in there, they're boring and are just a time waster.  Neck/upper traps can be built better with farmer's carry, yokes and wide grip deadlifts.  

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2.1 20/02/03 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 SSB Squat 3 8 70 8 8 8
A2 Leg Lift 3 8 - 7 7 6
B1 Single Leg Deadlift 3 8 - 8 8 8
B2 Glute Bridge 3 8 35# 8 8 8
C Farmers Walk L 3 40' 60# y y y
C Farmers Walk R 3 40' 30# y y y


Doing some extra dynamic hip/leg warmups and getting a somewhat narrower stance helped a lot with the squats, yay!


Stitches out tomorrow.

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2.2 20/02/04 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y  
A1 DB Bench L 3 8 35# 8 8 8
A1 DB Bench R 3 8 12# 8 8 8
A2 Arm Bar L 3 5 27.5# 5 5 3
A2 Arm Bar R 3 5 12# 1 x x
B1 DB Row L 3 8 47.5# 8 8 8
B1 DB Row R 3 8 25# 8 8 8
B2 KB Halo 3 8 12# 8 8 8
C1 C2 Rower Steady State 500m, slow


Armbars still suck lol  

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2.4 20/02/07 Sets Reps Weight      
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - x x  
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - x x  
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - x x  
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - x x  
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - x x  
A1 DB Press L 3 8 32.5# 8 8 8
A1 DB Press R 3 8 12# 8 8 8
A2 Arm Bar L 3 5 12# 5 5 5
A2 Arm Bar R 3 5 12# 5 2 3
B1 DB Curl L 3 8 22.5# 8 8 8
B1 DB Curl R 3 8 12# 8 8 8
B2 KB Halo 3 8 15# 8 8 8



Feeling extremely lethargic and unmotivated, might be getting sick.  2 days of sleep and back at it Monday.

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1 hour ago, The Battle Chef said:

Feeling extremely lethargic and unmotivated, might be getting sick.  2 days of sleep and back at it Monday.


Yuck. Being sick sucks. Hopefully it's just tiredness and it'll be better after a few days of rest. 

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3.1 20/02/10 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 SSB Squat 4 8 80# 8 8 8 8
A2 Leg Lift 4 8 - 7 6 6 5
B1 Single Leg Deadlift 4 8 - 8 8 6 5
B2 Glute Bridge 4 8 20kg 8 8 8 5
C Farmers Walk L 4 40' 65# y y y y
C Farmers Walk R 4 40' 35# y y y y


I have come to the conclusion that squats and leg lifts cannot live in harmony.  My poor poor lower back ?

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3.2 20/02/11 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 DB Bench L 4 8 37.5# 8 8 8 8
A1 DB Bench R 4 8 15# x x x x
A2 Arm Bar L 4 5 15# 5 5 5 5
A2 Arm Bar R 4 5 12# x x x x
B1 DB Row L 4 8 50# 8 8 8 8
B1 DB Row R 4 8 30# x x x x
B2 KB Halo 4 8 25# x x x x



right hand is feeling extra stiff, extra achey so I decided to let it rest this week.

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Forgot to upload a few, whoops.

3.3 20/02/13 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift L 4 8 75# 8 8 8 8
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift R 4 8 45# 8 8 8 8
A2 Bicycle Kicks 4 8 BW 8 8 8 8
B1 Air Squat 4 8 BW 8 8 x x
B2 Reverse Hyper 4 8 25# 8 8 x x
C Farmer's Walk L 4 40' 75# y y x x
C Farmer's Walk R 4 40' 45# y y x x


3.4 20/02/14 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 DB Press L 4 8 35# 8 8 8 8
A1 DB Press R 4 8 x x x x x
A2 Arm Bar L 4 5 17.5# 5 5 5 5
A2 Arm Bar R 4 5 x x x x x
B1 DB Curl L 4 8 22.5# 8 8 8 8
B1 DB Curl R 4 8 x x x x x
B2 KB Halo 4 8 x x x x



4.1 20/02/17 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 SSB Squat 4 8 90# 8 8 8 8
A2 Plank 4 30" - 30 30 30 20
B1 GHR 4 5 Bottom 4 3 3 3
B2 Farmers Walk L 4 40' 75# y y y y
B2 Farmers Walk R 4 40' 45# y y y y
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4.2 20/02/18 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 DB Bench L 4 8 40# 8 8 8 8
A1 DB Bench R 4 8 17.5# 8 8 8 8
A2 Arm Bar L 4 5 12# 5 5 x x
A2 Arm Bar R 4 5 12# 5 5 x x
B1 DB Row L 4 8 55# 8 8 8 8
B1 DB Row R 4 8 35# 8 8 8 8
B2 KB Halo 4 8 25# 8 8 8 8


my old HEMA instructor finally decided that getting strong is actually a benefit to combat sports so he'll be training with me a cold times a week.  While he was taking his sweet-ass time working through things, I got some light sled work and some lat pull downs (3x8x140#) in above and beyond the programmed exercises.


In addition to that, I got my hands on a grip hub 




and I was pleasantly surprised that I could pick up 40# with just my fingertips on my left hand.  My right hand, understandably, could not pick up 10#.

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4.3 20/02/20 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift L 4 8 80# 6 6 6 6
A1 SL Farmer Deadlift R 4 6 55# 6 6 6 6
A2 Copenhagen 4 6 - 6 6 6 3
B1 Reverse Hyper 4 6 25# 6 6 6 6
B2 Farmer's Walk L 4 40' 80# y y y y
B2 Farmer's Walk R 4 40' 55# y y y y
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4.4 20/02/21 Sets Reps Weight        
Prep Dynamic Shoulder 2 - - y y    
Prep Prying Squat 2 4 - y y    
Prep T-Spine Rotation 2 1 - y y    
Prep Hip Bridge 2 5 - y y    
Prep Hip Hinge 2 6 - y y    
A1 DB Press L 4 6 40# 6 6 6 6
A1 DB Press R 4 6 27.5# 6 6 6 6
A2 Lat Pull Down 4 5 150# 5 5 5 5
B1 DB Curl L 4 6 25# 6 6 6 6
B1 DB Curl R 4 6 25# 6 6 6 6
B2 KB Halo 4 6 16kg 6 6 6 6
Good day.


All in all a good day.

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