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On 3/4/2019 at 7:56 PM, Rusk said:

Do all sets of A before doing all sets of B before doing all sets of C before doing all sets of D

I've been trying to stick with the A sets being "priming" exercises to get joints ready to go, B sets being the "main mover" exercise paired with an antagonistic mover (normally I press and row but I don't have the change plates for 4 sets of implements).  C sets are supplementary work and D sets are accessory work (which are optional).


So for Example I'd do B1 followed by B2 before taking a rest and repeating until all 3 B sets are done, then I'd do all C sets in order.

I'm looking forward to being done with the dumbbell routine and getting back to proper barbell lifting.

Ah, I see. Makes sense :) 

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I had an "interesting" training day.  Got called into work mid-session, ended up doing the last few sets in the evening (no big deal, it's just assistance work.)

I removed the priming sets (halos, prying squats, core) because I'm curious to see if they were making a difference or not.  We'll see by Thursday.


I am working up to whatever ends up being a comfortable set of 3x5 just to get reacquainted with the technique and intensity that I've been lacking for the past 2 months.


Warmup Deadbug 1x5 - y    
  T-Spine Rotation 1x5 - y    
  Rock Back 1x8 - y    
  Tactical Frog 1x5/s - y    
  Shoulder Circles 1x3 - y    
  Hip Hinge 1x8 - y    
A1 Squat 3x5 ___# 5 5 5
A2 Plank 3x3 12 sec 3 3 3
B1 Asst. GHR 3x5 - 5 5 5
B2 Farmer's Carry 3x40' 75#/ea y y y
C1 Asst. Split Squat 3x8/s - 8 8 8
C2 Glute Bridge 3x8 65# 8 8 8
C3 Hip Adductions 3x8 30# 8 8 8



In other news, I've been promoted to executive sous chef!  First time with a salaried job.  I will be aggressively saving a downpayment for a house over the next 3 years (which will include an upgraded home gym)

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I am goddamned exhausted today, though I attribute that more to the dumbness that is daylight savings time D:



Warmup Deadbug 1x5 - y    
  T-Spine Rotation 1x5 - y    
  Rock Back 1x8 - y    
  Tactical Frog 1x5/s - y    
  Shoulder Circles 1x3 - y    
  Hip Hinge 1x8 - y    
A1 Press 3x5 110# 5 5 5
A2 Inverted Row 3x6 - 6 6 6
B1 Asst. Dips 3x10 - 10 10 10
B2 DB Row 3x10/s 65# 7 7 7
C1 Bicep Curl 3x10 45# 7 6 x
C2 Band Pull Apart 3x10 Blue 8 6 x
C3 C2 Rower 3x250m #4 y y x


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On 3/10/2019 at 12:38 PM, Rusk said:

In other news, I've been promoted to executive sous chef!  First time with a salaried job.  I will be aggressively saving a downpayment for a house over the next 3 years (which will include an upgraded home gym)


That's awesome, congrats!!!

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On 3/11/2019 at 11:31 PM, Jupiter said:


That's awesome, congrats!!!



Warmup Deadbug 1x5 - y    
  T-Spine Rotation 1x5 - y    
  Rock Back 1x8 - y    
  Tactical Frog 1x5/s - y    
  Shoulder Circles 1x3 - y    
  Hip Hinge 1x8 - y    
A1 Deadlift 3x5 185# 5 5 5
A2 Plank 3x1 15 sec 1 1 1
B1 Reverse Hyper 3x5 35# 5 5 5
B2 Farmer's Carry 3x40' 77.5# ea y y y
C1 Asst. Split Squat 3x8/s - 8 5 5
C2 Glute Bridge 3x8 70# 8 8 8
C3 Hip adductions 3x8 35# 8 5



Overall decent day despite being out of groceries and having a small breakfast.  My legs could have gone heavier on the deadlifts but my left hand was starting to struggle around 190#.  Oh well.  Farmer's Carries felt much less imbalanced today.

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Glad last week is done.  Next week isn't looking any better, work-wise but at least I can get training before my shift again.  I did some token deadlifting and benching last wed & fri just to set my training maxes for doing some proper 5/3/1 again, starting today.  I also had another fall on the ice, and hurt my elbow something fierce.  


I will be doing two (6 week) "leader" blocks (basically higher volume), followed by one (6 week) "anchor" block (less volume, higher intensity), with one deload week between each block.

First leader's block is 3/5/1 pyramids.  I will incorporate jumps/throws into the warmup on the next leader block, when the weather is nicer.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6


  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Hip Hinge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Squat 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 100 x5 5 117.5 x3 3
    132.5 x3 3 150 x3+ 4 132.5 x3 3 117.5 x3+ 5
A2 Plank 8x15" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1      
B1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
B2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 85 y y y y            
C1 Reverse Hyper 4x6 40 6 6 6 6            
C2 Ast. Split Squats 4x6 - 6 6 6 6            



Today went very smoothly, even though I ended up taking 2 hours to do everything (I wasn't timing myself, or rushing myself either).  I wish my knees wouldn't crackle so much when squatting but I know it isn't really an issue.  My left hand grip on the farmers was not the best but I made it through alright.  My split squats have been great since I figured out how to fix my technique.  No more pain from them.  I hope I can keep this momentum going through the week!



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Ohhh it was slow getting out of bed this morning...  Stomach was bugging me so I skipped the caffeine.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Hip Hinge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Press 45 x5 8 57.5 x5 5 67.5 x5 5 80 x3 3
    90 x3 3 102.5 x3+ 5 90 x3 3 80 x3+ 8
A2 DB Row 8x3 50 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3    
B1 Assisted Dips 4x8 - 8 8 8 8            
B2 inverted row 4x8 - 8 8 8 8            
C Cardio Rowing 4x250m y y x x              
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Holy crap, what a week.  I've identified caffeine as the culprit of most of my gastro-intestinal distress.  This sucks, but it does force me to eat better so I keep my energy up through the week.  I'm trying to train my brain (and my dog's dumbass tiny bladder) to sleep in a little later.  Work sucks when you're up at 3 AM out of long habit regardless if you need to do anything or not.  Bleh.

Adjusting to a "stimulant free existance" or whatever hippy crap you wanna call it was rough.  My legs are wrecked from breaking in a new pair of work shoes (can't do it in increments since my old pair was literally disintegrating on my feet).  Deadlifting on Wednesday was garbage.  My hands and knees shit the bed around 180# (not even my top set) so I called it a day.

Today went better, at least.  Went a little lighter on the assistance stuff since everything aches right now.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Bench Press 55 x8 8 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 95 x3 3
    110 x3 3 122.5 x3+ 7 110 x3 3 95 x3+ 10
A2 Barbell Row 55 x8 8 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 95 x3 3
    110 x3 3 122.5 x3+ 7 110 x3 3 95 x3+ 10
B1 Assisted Dips 4x8 - 6 6 6 6            
B2 Inverted Row 4x8 - 6 6 6 6            
C Cardio Rowing 4x250m y y y x              


It's frustrating not pressing as much as I used to, but I can still rep out without much issue.

Tomorrow I am shutting off the internet and my phone, and I'm not doing a goddamned thing but luxuriating.  If the outside world wants to get ahold of me, try registered mail or a carrier pidgeon.

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Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Squat 67.5 x8 8 82.5 x5 5 100 x5 5 107.5 x5 5
    125 x5 5 142.5 x5+ 5 125 x5 5 107.5 x5+ 6
A2 Plank 8x15" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1      
B1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
B2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 87.5 y y y y            
C1 Reverse Hyper 4x6 45 6 6 6 6            
C2 Ast. Split Squats 4x6 - 6 6 6 6            
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My spud inc lat pulldown thing finally arrived in the mail, right before I was heading to the gym.  Hooray for fortuitous timing.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Press 45 x8 8 57.5 x5 5 67.5 x5 5 75 x5 5
    85 x5 5 97.5 x5+ 7 85 x5 5 75 x5+ 9
A2 DB Row 8x5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5    
B1 Assisted Dips 4x8 - 8 8 8 8            
B2 Lat Pulldown 4x8 50# 8 8 8 8            
C Cardio Rowing 4x250m y y y y              


I'll likely be increasing the weight on the lat pulldown by 15# until I get to a good working weight.  Curious how sore I'm going to be with the new exercise.

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Friday bench day was a thing.  Worked up to the top set of (something.  I don't have it recorded at the moment) for bench & row.  I had lost power overnight the night of, fell in the dark and landed right on my operated hand.  It's still super stiff but shouldn't impact squats today.

Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Squat 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 100 x5 5 125 x5 5
    142.5 x3 3 157.5 x1+ 3 142.5 x3 3 125 x5+ 7
A2 Plank 8x20" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5      
B1 Assisted GHR 4x5 - 5 5 5 5            
B2 Farmer's Carry 4x40' 85 y y y y            

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On 4/4/2019 at 1:45 PM, Rusk said:

Long crappy day.  Did deadlifts and that's it.



Deadlift 90 x8 8 112.5 x5 f 135 x5 f 147.5 x5 5
  170 x5 5 192.5 x5+ 6 170 x5 5 147.5 x5+ 6


Hey something is better than nothing. Nice job!


Image result for nice job gifs

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I accidentally ate something that I should have thrown out after I lost power a few days ago.  Stomach is not in a good place right now.  Only reason I trained at all is because it's just my garage and nobody else cares if I accidentally mess the place (close call).


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 3 3                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 4 4                  
A1 Press 45 x8 8 57.5 x5 5 67.5 x5 5 85 x5 5
    97.5 x3 3 107.5 x1+ 3 97.5 x3 3 85 x5+ 8
A2 DB Row 8x5 52.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5    
B1 Assisted Dips 4x8 - 5 5 x x            
B2 Lat Pull Down 4x8 75 5 5 x x            



I'm actually taking a sick day today.  I think the last one I took was in 2016 when I needed an xray to make sure I didn't break my foot. 



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3 hours ago, Rusk said:

I'm actually taking a sick day today.  I think the last one I took was in 2016 when I needed an xray to make sure I didn't break my foot.


Feel better!


Image result for feel better gifs

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5 hours ago, Rusk said:

I accidentally ate something that I should have thrown out

Luckily it doesn't seem to be too serious.  I have had food poisoning a few times and I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies


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I slept in today and ran out of gym time >.<  Whoopsies.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Deadlift 90 x5 5 112.5 x5 5 135 x5 5 170 x5 5
    192.5 x3 3 215 x1+ 2 192.5 x3 3 170 x5+ 5
A2 Plank 8x20" 1 1 1 1 1 x x x      
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Well, did not have a good visit with the doc this week.  A1C has crept up to 7.0.  Medication has been adjusted and starting next week I'll be re-jiggering the workouts to put more conditioning at the beginning of the session so I don't skip them.


Warmup Mobility Yes y                    
  KB Halo 2x6 6 6                  
  Prying Squat 2x5 5 5                  
  KB Armbar 2x6br 6 6                  
  Glute Bridge 2x8 8 8                  
A1 Bench Press 55 x8 8 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 102.5 x5 5
    115 x3 3 130 x1+ 5 115 x3 3 102.5 x5+ 8
A2 Barbell Row 55 x8 8 67.5 x5 5 82.5 x5 5 102.5 x5 5
    115 x3 3 130 x1+ 5 115 x3 3 102.5 x5+ 8



Feel like crap after a few brutal shifts, meds adjustment still processing.  Took the pooch for a long walk with a 25# backpack instead of battling with lightheadedness in the gym.

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I’m sorry to the read the s*** news. How frustrating. Sounds like you reacted by doing positive things which is impressive. Keep on trucking. 

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Daily Battle Log, Sweat like an Orc, Live like a Hobbit, and Look like an Elf

“As the Wheel of Time turns, places wear many names. Men wear many names, many faces. Different faces, but always the same man. Yet no one knows the Great Pattern the Wheel weaves, or even the Pattern of an Age. We can only watch, and study, and hope.”  Robert Jordan, The Eye of the World

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