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On 8/28/2019 at 5:21 AM, The Battle Chef said:

Right now if I show up and get something done I am calling it a win. 


That is definitely a win. Glad to see you back. :) 



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Well, Hurricane Dorian was a time.


I'm lucky I was at the northernmost stop on his list.  High winds, lots of rain but miraculously did not lose power, so the sump pumps kept the water out of the basement.  


Took the pooch on an extra long (3-ish km) hike to assess property damage.  Pleasantly surprised to find very little downed trees.  I guess the last hurricane took care of all them.

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Well shit, another festive catering season filled with madness has come to a close.  I barely remember anything of what went on, apart from working excessively and not being able to take care of myself in any way.


The Good:  I've lost weight.  Started the year around 312 pounds and my last (pre-holiday feasting) weigh in was 284 pounds.  

The Bad: My diabetes has gotten much worse.  A1C went from 7.0 in January to 9.1 in November. 


I had hardly any time to do any sort of physical activity, which is probably why my A1C has gotten so high.  

Fortunately I've been enjoying a 6 day off stretch, been reading and developing a plan of attack to get things back in line.  I've already been implementing most of these, but it's good to lay things out.

Step 1- Change diet.  The local provinically sponsored Diabetes resource center has been a huge disappointment to me.  They are only able to promote the Canada Food Guide, which while I appreciate their new emphasis on legumes and plant based foods as opposed to just meat and potatoes, has not bee helping me.  I've been reading the Diabetes Solution by Richard Bernsein, and while it's an older book and he does not use the term "keto" once, he basically advocates a super strict low carb, high protein diet to manage diabetes.  While I find his approach to be a bit extreme (at the moment), I've started reducing carbs and increasing protein/fat.  So far I've reduced carbs from 300g/day to 200, increased protein to 280g and fat to 130g, giving me about 3000-3100 calories a day and I've been losing weight and having more energy.  That's encouraging so far.  I use the cronometer app to keep track of things and it's going pretty well so far.  In a few weeks I'll cut another 20g carbs out and see how low I can go before I start feeling like crap.  Not interested in super low carb -just- yet.


Step 2- Get back to the gym.  Until I get my A1Cs lower, barbell based strength training is too much for me.  I am having good luck with Reddit's Recommended Calisthenic routine, along with some rowing machine tabatas.


  19/12/20               19/12/22               19/12/24          
Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y     Cardio Concept 2 Tabatas 4x10 6 6 6 6   Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y         Meters 540 560 585 600   Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y     Notes Total 2285   Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y                     Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y                     Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 bw 5 3 3                   A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 5%spt 6 6 5
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 bw 3 3 3                   A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 5%spt 5 5 4
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 ast 15 15 13                   B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 10%spt 25 25 25
B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 unspt 6 5 5                   B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 unspt 7 7 7
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 57" 5 7 5                   C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 57" 8 8 8
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 30" 8 8 8                   C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 28" 8 8 8
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw 21 20 20                   D1 Plank 30" x3   30 25 20
D2 Alshrue Twist 8-12 x3 S.Blue 8 8 8                   D2 Copenhagen 8-12 x3 Knee 4 4 3
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 5 5 5                   D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 4 4 4


I'll keep this up until after I get my right hand carpal tunnel surgery in January.  I should be able to resume 5/3/1 strength training after that.


Step 3- Modify my work schedule.   This one is going to suck donkey dong.  I need to negotiate with my boss having my work hours capped to a maximum of 8 hours per shift.  Diabetes is, after all, a chronic disease requiring consistent care.  It's become pretty clear to me the last few months that I cannot manage it effectively while working to the extent they want me to.  The hardest part is my boss is a huge advocate for not taking care of yourself, not going to the doctor and basically working yourself into the ground.  I am not opposed to finding a new job at this point.  I have my game plan/strategy worked out, just need to wait until mid-January for strategic reasons.  Wish me luck!

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12 hours ago, The Battle Chef said:

The hardest part is my boss is a huge advocate for not taking care of yourself, not going to the doctor and basically working yourself into the ground.  I am not opposed to finding a new job at this point.  I have my game plan/strategy worked out, just need to wait until mid-January for strategic reasons.  Wish me luck!


Yuck, I have a boss like that and the fight to set boundaries was not fun. Hopefully your talk goes more smoothly!


Image result for good luck gifs 

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Been a less than stellar day today.  Bad sleep, messed up eating schedule, felt really weak going into training.


Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 5%spt 5 5  
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 5%spt 4 4  
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 10%spt 15 10  
B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 bw 5 3  
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 54" 3    
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 24" 3    
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw      
D2 Alshrue Twist 8-12 x3 S.blue      
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow      


At least Sunday I'm not working so I'll be able to nail it.


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A poorly lit visual representation of a shitty 2019 training year.20191231_141448.thumb.jpg.fb1d182ed4790d5780de5347a95b41ec.jpg


I allowed myself to be in a bad mood over stupid shit today.  My tablet (that I use as my training journal) shit the bed once I got to the gym, so I said "fuck it", worked up to a measly 90# overhead press for reps along with some assorted dumbbell work, and tidied the gym a bit.


2019 leaves not with a bang, but with a wet fart.

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Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 5%spt 8 8 8
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 5%spt 8 6 6
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 10%spt 25 x x
B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 bw 6 x x
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 54" 4 4 4
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 24" 6 6 5
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw 15 15 20
D2 Alshrue Twist 8-12 x3 S.blue x x x
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 8 8 6



Holy crap, I was waaaay too ambitious with the split squats.  My knees are not happy with me right now.  Also my resistance band wore out (they don't like being stored in the freezing cold, it seems), so it was kinda an incomplete day.

At least the weather is fairly mild so far this winter.

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As a belated Christmas/everything was on sale/loot for hitting my weight loss goal, I got myself some gym upgrades.


From Iron Bull:

Their version of a prowler/sled (my poor driveway...)

Set of resistance bands (with a carrying case so I am less likely to forget them in the freezing cold)

Knee/elbow sleeves (to keep my achey joints nice and warm and snug)


From Rogue:

Assorted torture tools mobility tools
An SSB bar so I can squat after surgery (still waiting for this one to arrive)


I spent 20 minutes today stretching and doing some mobility drills to help loosen up the ol' joints.  I really need to finish reading Becoming A Supple Leopard.

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As an alternative to pre-workout caffeine, I'm going to give a scoop of MCT powder a try today to see what all the hype is about.


Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y y  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y y  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y y  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y y  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y y  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 5%spt 7 8 7
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 10%spt 6 5 5
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 10%spt 30 25 20
B2 Beginner Harop Curl 10 x3 bw 5 5 4
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 54" 6 6 6
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 24" 6 6 6
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw 25 30 x
D2 Copenhagen 8-10 x3 Knee 6 x x
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 6 x x


While I won't say I was super energetic, I didn't have any ups or downs which is something I could get used to.  I'll have to play around with MCT oil a bit.  This is nice considering I barely slept last night (thanks, coyotes!)


I called it early 'cause I started puking up my breakfast.  Did not wait long enough before training.  My grip and knees were also feeling pretty weak today.


I am liking the knee & elbow sleeves!  Very cozy, and split squats did not feel like assbutts this time.

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17 hours ago, WhiteGhost said:

I will be interested to see how it compares to caffeine in terms of energy levels for your workouts

It'll be a long term analysis, having some diet adherance difficulty at the moment, probably doing too many changes at once.  Might ease up ever so slightly for a little bit.


Prep KB Halo 5-10 x2 16kg y n  
Prep Prying Squat 5-10 x2 - y n  
Prep GMB Wrist Prep 10+ x2 - y n  
Prep Hip Bridge 5x2 - y n  
Prep Deadbugs 30" x2 - y n  
A1 Scapular Pulls 5-8 x3 bw* 5 4 3
A2 Split Squat 5-8 x3 5%spt 7 7 7
B1 Dip Support Hold 30" x3 10%spt 30 30 30
B2 KB Swing 15 x3 16 kg 15 15 12
C1 Incline BW Row 5-8 x3 54" 5 5 4
C2 Incline Push Up 5-8 x3 24" 7 7 6
D1 Plank 30" x3 bw 25 25 25
D2 Alshrue Twist 8-12 x3 S.blue x x x
D3 Reverse Hyper 8-12 x3 Slow 7 7 7



Went into this one caffeinated, as I was training late and food wise today was a write off.
I have no focus to write much else right now.

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Well, my SSB bar was delivered today.  YAAAY
But it's missing a small part.  BOOOO

At least it's still useable for the time being.  YAAAY

But tomorrow is a cardio day.  BOOOO

At least Rogue sent the missing part within an hour of me notifying them.  YAAAY

I hope it doesn't get held up at the border.  BOOOO



Anyway.  I've been feeling a bit weaker lately.  I suppose it's due to the weight loss and I suppose I've been making the calisthenics a bit more difficult but still, bleh.


One of my biggest gripes about calisthenics has always been that progression to more challenging exercises always seem more jarring to bigger/taller people than just adding a bit more weight to the barbell.  Ah well, surgery soon, rehab for 6 weeks, then back to basics.

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2 hours ago, The Battle Chef said:

Today's training session was replaced by moving 70 (18kg) bags of wood pellets from my garage to my basement in about an hour.  Not too shabby.



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