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Hulkine and the final touch

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I have three name days (26. Januar, 6. Oktober, 31. Dezember) but from child on we only celebrated the 31. as my name day.


16 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

It's pretty long

No it isn't :D

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4 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


It's all relative I guess. I never write emails that are that long :) 


Me neither but I read emails/newsletter/articles that long everyday :)

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As you may remember I have spent the last weeks "just" thinking. No goals. No restrictions. No massive todo-lists.

I wanted to get my shit together again and think about how to be calmer. And what's wrong in my life and how to change it.


2019's theme will be: #moreless


More: Productivity, fun, meeting people in person, beeing outside, nature, 20 seconds of courage, listen to my body, relaxing

Less: Social media, chats, competition, comparison, procrastination, stuff, worries, work I don't like


I think about part-time self-employment for a while now so I will start something in this area. In regards to this I will not go back to my full time job but leave it part time.

I will do more sports but with another mindset. Less competition, more fun.

I will eat healthier again, get better with IE and lose some kgs again (and also thinking about a liposuction)

I will read at least 1 book per week.

I will try at least 1 new recipe per week.

I will do the #52tasksperyear you can find here


And the most important: I will have breaks when I think I'm getting stressed again!



Read 52 books*
Trip to Vienna
Fusion festival (maybe....)
"Drachenfels" hike
Complete French Level 2
Complete French Level 3
Complete French Level 4
Free handstand
Holidays in a country I haven't been to yet
Diving in France (possibly diving license)
Learn a song on the ukulele**
Write a book
Make a video and publish it** https://youtu.be/gXe5apcV96M

A tattoo (Appointment for two on 14.2.)
Programm an App
Eat in a star restaurant
Volunteer in a hospice
50 new recipes*
Eat in a "Dark restaurant"
Attend a dance course/music lessons
Go to a massage
Book a coach for at least one hour
Make icecream
Give a 100% Tip
Going out to eat with a homeless person/buying him something to eat
Learn the 200 most important words in French
Give a course
Meet a forum group
Wanderlust 2019
FIBO 2019
Work through freedom package

***5k business run on 10. March



NF Questlist:

will post the things I have done when I have done them


List of books (52)

1. Engel des Todes  (1.1.)

2. Wunder und Rätsel der menschlichen Psyche (1.1.)

3. Vom Schweden, der die Welt einfing und in seinem Rucksack nach Hause brachte (4.1.)



List of recipes (52)

1. Pizzabrötchen

2. No knead bread

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I can relate with a lot of that. You seem to be handling it in a pretty good order. Enjoy your progress, cut off the stress. :)


24 minutes ago, Arkania said:

(and also thinking about a liposuction)


You don't need it. Either that or half the Earth population does, your pick. ;) (Then again, if it is something you'd enjoy and you want to go for it then, by all means, do what makes you feel better/more relaxed.)


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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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30 minutes ago, Arkania said:

I think about part-time self-employment for a while now so I will start something in this area.


I'm really excited to follow your progress on this!


31 minutes ago, Arkania said:

Less: procrastination


I should make this one of my goals too, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for the commitment or not yet...

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14 hours ago, Tobbe said:

I should make this one of my goals too

If it's (still) a should, you shouldn't ;)

And sometimes I am ok with procrastination (because it works good enough) but not in case with no deadline. Then it doesn't work.


14 hours ago, Jean said:

You don't need it.

I know. Who really needs it? ;) I hate these f****ing "bananas" and know (since I was there) that they won't disappear with 15kg less and that's not a number I am thinking og to lose :D )

But still just thinking of it, costs from 2k to 6k so I don't think this will happen soon since I have some debts to pay off :D


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On 12/31/2018 at 11:00 AM, Arkania said:

But still just thinking of it, costs from 2k to 6k so I don't think this will happen soon since I have some debts to pay off :D

Not to mention that it's a high risk surgery. Had it been a small jab like botox then whatever, but liposuction is extremely invasive, brutal even. Plus that even if you don't get fat in the bananas anymore the fat still has to go somewhere and maybe you won't like where it goes next.


4 hours ago, Tobbe said:




Acceptance is cheaper! :) 

So much this!


Your butt's awesome, whether you agree or not. ;) 

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Sure it is and fasting is cheaper than eating ;)

I will give myself the whole year to figure this out. If the solution is liposuction, acceptance or it will work with training/eating. We'll see :)

(Thing is: I gained about 6kg in the last months and I love that my boobs are bigger again (not thaaaat big but more than with -13kg) but the rest of the gained fat (yes, it's fat) is only on my butt and thighs. So my butt is not awesome anymore :D But I don't want to lose that much weight to lose the bananas (would be 15-20kg maybe I would have to be underweight to not have them) because booooobies!)

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My wife was horseback riding all her youth (had her own horse while living at home with her parents). Because of this she got really strong, and really big, (inner) thighs. And I love how that looks :)  So big thighs are a plus in some people's eyes!


1 hour ago, Arkania said:

would be 15-20kg maybe I would have to be underweight to not have them


That's not necessarily true! Bigger glutes can possibly redistribute that fat to just make it look like a rounder/fuller ass :) 

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19 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

That's not necessarily true


Experience ;)

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1 minute ago, Tobbe said:


31? That's how many you will be doing?


The 31 specific goals from the list above yes.

+ 2x 52 tasks from our (PVP) list

+ 52 new recipes

+ 52 books to read

+ NF quests



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3 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


Didn't see that you had updated that post. That's a great list! What will you write a book about?


I already started one (50 pages already) but so far just thoughts about minimalism, happiness, organize your life and stuff like that.

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Yesterday I had a meeting with my boss and since we finished the topic earlier, i told him that i wanted to continue working part-time (otherwise from june on again full-time). He had no problem with that and when I said I wanted to become part-time self-employed, he liked it very much. And also my further education as a nutritionist. After that we talked 30min about his former self-employment (webdesign), which he didn't manage to do anymore besides his full-time job and therefore stopped. I like him :wub:

So I informed HR yesterday and am waiting for an answer.


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Yeah, he is amazing :)
He is my boss since August and he is a very "modern" leader (in contrast to all the old ones I had before).

He likes homeoffice ("you can work everywhere even on a beach, if you achieve your goals") and he's cool and funny.

We have a "get to know each other"-workshop on 5/6. Feb.. I am very excited :)


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11 hours ago, Arkania said:

i told him that i wanted to continue working part-time (otherwise from june on again full-time). He had no problem with that and when I said I wanted to become part-time self-employed, he liked it very much.



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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I've just registered my side business.  :applouse:

So exciting!

And already read 20/52 books this year.

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