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Hulkine and the final touch

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Sooo, now I can finally post again :D

I already brainstormed about my goals yesterday (in Word lol), there are some goals for the near future (the ones for the Lvl 1 challenge), some for this year, some for next year, some for "sometimes".

I am thinking of opening an epic quest thread (updated every month?) and link it here to have everything in the first two posts of this thread and everything is at it's place (yay, perfectionism.....).

Also have to check, if I need to do the Lvl 1 quest for a specific time period. Otherwise I would do it until the next normal challenge starts (yaaay, perfectionism again!).

And then think about smaller goals. If neccessary.

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You can join in with the challenges at any time you want. Just need to adjust your goals so that you have a reasonable chance of completing them :) 


So, if you really want to get started, please do so now! And then you can follow along with the general schedule of four (or five) weeks for your next challenge

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Yeah, done is better than perfect. I have to learn that and I am getting better every day.

Just created a challenge thread.

Quest 1 for today (create a challenge thread) done :loyal:

Quest 2: Create an epic goals thread and fill it with life

Quest 3: Fill in the smaller goals in this thread

(And hopefully don't reach the post limit today :D )

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42 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

Another thing I think you should do is link all your personal threads in your signature (click here to edit it: https://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/settings/signature/)


Thank you, just did it :)

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On 8/28/2018 at 3:41 PM, Tobbe said:


How do you measure your skeletal muscle mass?



Just overlooked this, sorry!

I have a weight scale, the Omron BFF 511 (or sth) that also measures your body fat and muscle mass.

It's only an estimate but ok to see a trend.

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Sooooo, today was sort of a good day.

And today I thought about habits. And if I have some (good or bad). Besides smoking. Trying to quit.

I am not sure about that.

I have no habits like "x happens and then I do y". Hm. Have to think about that more. 

BUT *tadaaaa* the complaint challenge get's better and better.

I think before I speak, that's a big thing for me because I tread on a lot of peoples toes without noticing (or even caring *cough* about that).

It's a milestone I think :D

I don't always have to say something, if it is not nice, not helpful or even not my cup of tea.

This was thursday's lesson :D

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1 hour ago, Arkania said:

It's only an estimate but ok to see a trend.


Yeah, I have one of those "body fat" scales too. They are notorious for being inaccurate. Drink a glass of water and your BF% changes :D 

But as you say, if you measure often, and always under the same circumstances they can be used to see a trend at least :) 

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1 hour ago, Arkania said:

Besides smoking. Trying to quit.


Do it, and do it now! Way too many people die too early because of smoking. My grandmother is in and out of hospital almost every week. A big part of the reason is life-long smoking.


1 hour ago, Arkania said:

I don't always have to say something, if it is not nice, not helpful or even not my cup of tea.


Knowing when to shut up is not always easy. Good on you for realizing that you don't always have to say something :) 

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6 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


Yeah, I have one of those "body fat" scales too. They are notorious for being inaccurate. Drink a glass of water and your BF% changes :D 

But as you say, if you measure often, and always under the same circumstances they can be used to see a trend at least :) 


It's one with a handheld part. But yes, when I am dehydrated or maybe have wetter hands than normal it shows crazy things.

To have sort of a useful trend I need to step on it everyday. I am not sure, if I am already ready for this.

Will think about this while doing the first challenge.

Maybe start this when arriving at the goal weight.

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4 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


Tell me about it! That number on the scale really affects me way more than I want it to. I need to find some way to get over that.


I started weightloss in 2013 when the scale (that I before that stepped on MAYBE once a month!) told me 79kgs.

From that on I weighed myself every. freakin. day.

And over the last months (after my lovely cousin died of cancer in March 2017 at 24) I stopped. I gained 9kgs back and I didn't weigh myself for months, only ate a lot of everything.

In August last year I was about to restart my weightloss journey, first it worked (lost 5kg) but the everday weighing stressed me a lot.

So I thought about my goals (after my breakdown in April) and the conclusion was: I have a normal BMI, I am in relatively good shape (it always could be better -> I am put a lot of pressure on me with that). There are some things that would be nice when they are in better shape but it's not neccessary. Hey, 70kgs at 1,72m is not THAT bad. (could be better.... ;) you get the picture)

So I tried to weigh myself every month and start "intuitive eating" (nope, there is a lot wrong with that). And stepped on the scale today and hm... +2kgs since the last time (some water etc, but not everything). So, doesn't work.

I don't want to weigh myself (again) every day. But I have to do something. So I now start tracking. Measure myself every month. Step on the scale maybe every month (for three days then and calculate the average because of water etc) or every week. Not sure yet.

Some people told me that I may have a body perception disorder. Yes, that may be and I think everyday weighing makes it worse. And it effected my mood for the whole day.


I think I feel better with less weight (even for bouldering it would be best to don't need to get that more kgs up the wall ;) ) but I don't want to set a fixed weight goal.


Also I want to think about my food intake and just eat when hungry, eat "good" foods, avoid "bad" foods (sugar etc) and foods that are not good for my body (maybe I have some food intolerances). But these are challenges for the future. I learned from my burn out-ish thing that I can't do everything at once, doesn't work.

I will now try to love my body more and listen to it and adjust my goal of how I want to look (sure I want to look like a fitness model but their body is there capital and they work on it the whole day. Ain't nobody got time for that :D )


Reading a lot of self-help books, companions and inspiring books lately.


It's a long way but if you never start to walk you will never arrive somewhere.


What is your problem with the scale in detail?

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8 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

Thanks for sharing all that! It's very strong of you. That is some very personal stuff. I bet writing and thinking about it brings up some emotions and feelings. Take it in your own pace, and as you said - don't try to do too much at the same time


It's ok, I am fine with it (sort of) now. :)

I like to reflect (on?) myself and I am kind of pragmatic. (Whining doesn't help ;) )

And if I can help at least one person with my story and my findings, I am happy.

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1 hour ago, Arkania said:

What is your problem with the scale in detail?


As you said - it can set the mood for the entire day. Sometimes if I haven't lost as much weight as I wanted I might even skip breakfast, or lunch, or both. And then I feel hungry and miserable. I don't want some number on a scale to dictate how I feel or what I do that day, but currently it does.


I want to weigh myself every day to get the data. I love looking at the graphs on my phone :D But I wish the number didn't affect me so much.

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29 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


As you said - it can set the mood for the entire day. Sometimes if I haven't lost as much weight as I wanted I might even skip breakfast, or lunch, or both. And then I feel hungry and miserable. I don't want some number on a scale to dictate how I feel or what I do that day, but currently it does.


I want to weigh myself every day to get the data. I love looking at the graphs on my phone :D But I wish the number didn't affect me so much.


As far as I can see from your photos you are quite normal weight right?

An approach could be to weigh yourself and then immediately (!) do something else. Or track your food more detailed to know that you can't have gained weight (=fat).

Or you buy one of these scales that synch the weight directly to an SD card or your phone and then look up to the ceiling while weighing ;)


And to think positive: Skipping breakfast and/or lunch must not be bad, IF (intermittent fasting) is a good way to stay healthy :)

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The scale syncs to my phone. So I could step on the scales, and look away while it does its thing :) 


I'm actually underweight, and want to gain muscle weight. But when I eat like crap (like when on vacation) and gain weight I know that I haven't gained any muscle, only fat (and water). So then I want to get rid of that fat - and after that start putting on some good muscle weight instead.

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1 minute ago, Tobbe said:

The scale syncs to my phone. So I could step on the scales, and look away while it does its thing :) 


I'm actually underweight, and want to gain muscle weight. But when I eat like crap (like when on vacation) and gain weight I know that I haven't gained any muscle, only fat (and water). So then I want to get rid of that fat - and after that start putting on some good muscle weight instead.


Then I can only say: Protein, protein, protein :D

Sooo, why don't you look up then while weighing? And in the afternoon (after breakfast and lunch) you can look at your graphs. Then you can skip dinner if neccessary (that's a trick for weighing less the next morning :D )


Sorry for getting this wrong, the fotos of you and your brother were a bit far away AND I didn't even know which one you were :D

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Post will be edited over the day.



Just watching Ultimate Beastmaster Season 3 on Netflix. One of my friends in the climbing hall is competing (Jessica Wielens). She has an amazing body.

I was sometimes a bit jealous but I know (now) what this body "costs".

She is doing sports the whole day (would maybe love that too).

BUT she is working in this area and making not that much money with it. That would also be ok for me but not now. I have to pay off some debts and for that I need my good salary.

So, after paying this off I can finally "live my dream" (whatever this is then, maybe nutrition and/or sports) and cancel my job. (It's okay-ish, it's in IT in a big group but I don't want to do this technical (app-)stuff not anymore. Did this for 5 years now and that's enough.

Have to think about that as a goal/goals. (Maybe I should do a "have to think about that"-list :D so that I rememer all this)


Have to do a caffeine withdrawal. Normally I drink 1-3 caffeine-drinks (mostly coffee) a day. But that increased to 3-5 a day. That's not good because I already have sleep problems and I notice that caffeine does not keep me awake anymore. I want to skip coffee and other caffeine drinks for one week from monday one. Usually one week is enough to get back to zero again. And then just drink 1-3 coffees a day as always.




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4 hours ago, Arkania said:

(Jessica Wielens). She has an amazing body.

I was sometimes a bit jealous but I know (now) what this body "costs".


Yeah, we aren't really fair to ourselves when we compare ourselves to those who do this for a living. But it's so easy to forget when browsing through instagram or whatever!


4 hours ago, Arkania said:

Maybe I should do a "have to think about that"-list :D so that I rememer all this


That is probably a good idea! I just created a list in Google Notes with ideas for future challenges. I realized I kept forgetting (and then remembering again) stuff I wanted to do :) Can't wait to take the challenges on!


4 hours ago, Arkania said:

I want to skip coffee and other caffeine drinks for one week from monday one.


Wouldn't that be perfect for your next challenge? Stay focused on what you already do this challenge and set new goals the next challenge instead! :) 

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Did reaaaally good at bouldering today.

Did something on the campusboard that was great (like this Campusboard, but only 3 bars and just one by one and not skipping one, I am so weak :D ). Thanks creatin!

Failed at the warped wall (5cm!), was more slippery than I thought. Did some championship boulders but had still some issues with my ellbow.

But finally get swinging on the rings again (because I didn't do much sport after my "career" in athletic, so, from 18 onwards until last year when I started again, I am kind of a "Körperklaus" (you call it in german, a person who has no good body feeling like what does my body do when I do this and no good coordination), so I had problems to get swinging on rings because my body didn't know what to do!), now I have to train my coordination/agility skills for my body memory).

After the campusboard success I thought about my training progress and was a bit impressed.

Normally I just think about the things I am not doing good enough yet, but today I thought about my positive progress.

Conclusion: For the fact that I did not that much sports over the past year I did great.

Some months ago I wouldn't have the ability to press myself up the wall with my legs (thanks, squats and boxjumps!) nor to pull myself up the wall with one arm.

That's great!

And the soft voice that whispers in my head (When you can do THIS with just that little amount of training, what could you do, if you would train REALLY hard...?) I will ignore!

For now ;)


@Tobbe I think the whole life is a comparison and that must not be bad. But you can overdo it like I do (did).


Will do the list tomorrow morning! Now I "must" play The Witcher :) And watch some Ultimate Beastmaster. And maybe read a book.

Yeah, that would be one (of many :D ) topics for the next challenge. Thought about 3 topics in the challenge: Body (Sport, Nutrition), Mind (Learning, Hobbies), Habits (or sth like that).

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