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Hulkine and the final touch

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6 minutes ago, Mad Hatter said:

I think your butt is great, bananas and all. :) 


Unfortunately this was the 63kg-butt :(:D

But thank you anyway!

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33 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

Loot FTW! Make it something you can treat yourself with when completing a four week challenge or something.

16 minutes ago, Arkania said:

That is a great idea! Hasn't worked in the past but maybe now!


What do you mean? Why hasn't it worked?


I'm thinking about this myself right now. It's actually one of the quests in the NF Academy to make some goals for yourself, and to have some nice loot for when you reach them. But I don't know what to put there. I don't want to go buying crap for myself just for the sake of it...


But in your case it sounds like something that you actually need, and that you would use! So it's perfect! :) 

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2 minutes ago, Mad Hatter said:

I'm 100% sure your butt's still great. Because butts are awesome.



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5 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


Thank you for saying that! I couldn't, because that would be sexist...


Also, I have never heard it being called "bananas" before. But I see now that it's a very fitting description :) 


You can says anything here (ok, maybe not ANYthing), this is ok for me :)
If I have issues with what someone is saying, I will tell them ;)



What do you mean? Why hasn't it worked?


I'm thinking about this myself right now. It's actually one of the quests in the NF Academy to make some goals for yourself, and to have some nice loot for when you reach them. But I don't know what to put there. I don't want to go buying crap for myself just for the sake of it...


But in your case it sounds like something that you actually need, and that you would use! So it's perfect! :) 


Oh I just buy the stuff anyway and it's (was) no incentive for me to only get it after a to-do. Low self discipline and stuff :D

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Just now, Arkania said:

Oh I just buy the stuff anyway


Yeah, that's what I do too. If I really need/want something I just buy it... And if I don't really need it, I shouldn't be buying it even if I complete some random challenge. So I see what you mean. 


One idea I have right now is to find something I can do with my oldest son. And if he (or we, together) finish the quest I'll buy him a new boardgame that we can all play together. What I'm trying to say is that it might be easier to buy something for someone else, and then not give it to them until they completed a to-do, than to do it for yourself.

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Warm kitty, Soft kitty
Little ball of fur

Sleepy kitty, Happy kitty
Purr, Purr, Purrrr



It is dooooooooooone! :applause::applause::applause::triumphant:

The thesis is finally done. Tomorrow we will get to the copy shop and then to the examination office.

After that Burger :love_heart: and bouldering. And ice cream from the best ice dealer.

And in the evening barbecue and alcohol (barbecue is an excuse to get drunk :D ) and yeah.

I will take a day off tomorrow and homeoffice on thursday (maybe. If I have a hangover).

And I just ate an egg and some brazil nuts until now. But now I am hungry. Intellectual work makes hungry ;)

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1 minute ago, Tobbe said:

Well done! Nice to have that off of your shoulders I bet!


For him it's even nicer (and so for me, next to a grumpy boyfriend who hates everyone (slightly exaggerated ;)  ) is not really fun).

I "just" had to correct and format it.

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49 minutes ago, Arkania said:

And ice cream from the best ice dealer.


I love how you put that! "Ice dealer". Makes it sound like a drug dealer ;) 


50 minutes ago, Arkania said:

And in the evening barbecue and alcohol (barbecue is an excuse to get drunk :D ) and yeah.

I will take a day off tomorrow and homeoffice on thursday (maybe. If I have a hangover).


Sounds like you have a pretty epic day planned! Enjoy!

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6 hours ago, Arkania said:

Isn't ice a drug? And chocolate? ;)


Not to me it isn't :)


Ice cream is boring all on its own. It's all the toppings that makes it great! Or, a piece of warm pie served with a few scoops of nice vanilla ice cream. Now we're talking!


And chocolate I don't even eat at all. Don't like it.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all. I know I'm like the only person in the world who doesn't like chocolate. That's fine. Don't complain, just means I'll gladly share with anyone if I'm given anything with chocolate in it ;) 

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I don't chocolate either :D Ok, sometimes, a gooood belagian chocolate is ok.

But normal chocolate? No thank you!

That was the same with ice cream. My whole life ice cream was not in my scope. It was ok but nothing I had wanted by myself. Didn't even think of the idea of getting ice cream in summer.

In fruit cups, the best was the fruit :D

Then we moved here and ate (because my boyfriend loves ice cream) the first one here and wow was this amazing!
Nothing I would like everyday or even regular (caaaalories :D ) but when we go there it's sooo good!

I'd rather eat hearty than sweat.

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We had a lot of fun on the campus board today :D

And finally I didn't forget to let it be filmed.







I like everything but if I have to choose I would always choose the cheese!

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11 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

Cool of you to post those videos! Not sure I would have the courage to show something like that with me in it!


Why not? :)

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2 minutes ago, Tobbe said:

Because I'm too conscious of my body 


I have given up on this ;)

I am who I am and I think this here is the last place where you get harassed or sth like that. Just encouraged and told that you are great :love_heart:

(And now, when I see myself in the video my body is not thaaaaat bad as I see it sometimes in the mirror. Or maybe I have a good day today.)

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ANd if one doesn't like what he/she sees, nobody has to click play :D

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36 minutes ago, Arkania said:

I am who I am and I think this here is the last place where you get harassed or sth like that. Just encouraged and told that you are great :love_heart:


Fully agree. Everyone here seems super nice :) 

But you know how it - once you put something online it never goes away, and you don't know where someone might link to it or put it! And in five or ten years I'm not sure I would want anyone to look at those old photos/videos of me. But as I said. That's just me :) And that's why I'm impressed with you and everyone else who shares. Maybe I'll get there one day too :) 

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Hello, my name is Arkanie and it seems that I want to feel weak ;)




Oh and do you know Aadam? Truly amazing! http://physiqonomics.com/articles/



2. I've been under the impression for a while that to get lean you need to eat more protein, like at least 1g per lb/body weight and if not more than that. A lot of bodybuilding diets are extremely high in protein. Can you hit us with some science as to why you don't need that much protein? Sometimes I feel inclined to grab more chicken when really my macros need more carbs

How much protein you need will depend on how lean you currently are and how lean you plan on getting. Based on the current evidence, [1, 2, 3] my suggestions are the same as in my fat loss article:

• If you're wanting to lose fat: 0.7-1g/lb of total body weight is sufficient. Most of you will need no more than this.

• If you're obese: 0.6g/lb of total body weight.

• If you're planning on getting really lean (<8% bf men, <16% women): it might be worth increasing protein intake to 1.2-1.4g/lb of total body weight.

One thing worth mentioning before we move on: People are so focused on protein intake they forget strength training is inherently ANABOLIC. Meaning, strength training also plays a role in muscle maintenance.

This is why:

• Strength training + adequate protein intake = muscle preservation.

• Adequate protein – strength training = muscle loss.

I'd even go as far as to posit that if you're strength training and consuming slightly less than the recommended intake, (say 0.6g/lb versus 0.7-1g/lb)–you'd still preserve muscle. This is great for those of you who struggle to consume a large amount of protein.


So I will think and not look after my protein after my newbiw-challenge. Because 1g max I get everyday. Without tracking.


And @Tobbe




4. Should someone wanting "booty gains" be eating in a caloric surplus with heavy lifting, or is heavy lifting enough?

A few things here:

You don't need to be in a calorie surplus to build muscle. Eating at maintenance and strength training will still net you muscle gain. Though, a slight calorie surplus (100-300 cals) will be slightly more effective.

• I'd recommend utilising a spectrum of rep ranges. For muscle gain, my recommendation would be between 5-15 reps.

• Also pay attention to your weekly volume. Aim for a minimum of 10 sets per body part per week. (Written about this here.)



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3 hours ago, Arkania said:

Because 1g max I get everyday. Without tracking.


Just making sure you saw that they were talking pounds, not kg. 1g/lb is about the same as 2.2g/kg


Thanks for all those links! There's a lot there that resonates with me. A lot that I really recognize! 



This is why you eat well for a week but then have one bad day of eating and that one bad day has more of an impact on you than the entire week of eating well. Even though rationally you may know one bad day of eating won’t have that much of an impact on progress, you can’t help but ruminate on that one bad day (or one bad meal).



That is so me!



This entire article was very good!



This I didn't think was as hitting for me personally as some other articles she's written. I don't feel I compare myself too much with others. Or that I really hate my body. It's my head/mind that's my problem. Not my body. I have no problem walking in just shorts on the beach for example :) 

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