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Hulkine and the final touch

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Today's song: Could be my theme, just read the lyrics :D



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Brainstorming what I like(d in the past):

- Music, played some instruments for some time, made some music with a DJ software, sang in a metal band (Nightwish-like), also did an internship at a music label.

- Dancing, in school I did a lot of dancing at home and made up a lot of choreos for me and my friends. Also I loooove dancing flashmobs, would love to do one!

- Drawing/Painting, there were times a drwaed/painted daily and was okay-ish

- "Coach" people,  I am very emphatic and can help people to live a "better" life and motivate them to achieve their goals

- Speaking, I am a good speaker if I know what I am talking about. I am not scared or anything, I can "catch" the audience and normally they like me. The last big speech I did in front of about 200 people. In school I was told to "be a comedian when you are grown up", Iw as sort of an entertainer in school :D

- Organize,  my first job after my apprenticeship was as an event assistent. That was really cool!

- Design and crafting, I did an internship at a interior decorator and upholsterer. I love to do something with my hands.

- Research, I am really good at doing research. I can find out anything :D

- Minimalism

- Travelling

- Sports

- Cooking/Baking, there was a time when I made motif cakes

- Nutrition/Fitness

- Animals, lived on a farm and also worked on a horse ranch and an animal shelter

- Memory, I remember a lot


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You should do the quiz here: https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/ and sign up with your email. You'll get a lot of inspirational emails about building your own business doing what you love. It's a little bit "spamy", and he really tries hard to sell his super expensive courses. But even the free stuff is pretty good. And when you get tired of the spam you can just unsubscribe :) 

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1 hour ago, Arkania said:

I am not "free" with this debt. I don't feel free.



I know the feeling. I'm always thinking about what great things I could do with my salary but noooo, because I've got debt to repay and that cuts significantly into what's available as savings. Plus, given the interest rates, debt repayment is on the 'good investments' side of the balance.


It all depends of what you want to do.

  • Debt repayment is a safe investment with good return rates (depending of your rates of interest) that will improve your situation on the long run (but not right now because you'll have to pay the minimal installments anyway) ;


  • ETFs can be a better option if they offer you a better return on investment if you already have some sort of emergency fund available in case you need the money 'right now'. And there's always the option to sell them afterward to erase your debt in one move once you have enough of them. It's less safe, though so it really depends on how you feel about it (you want a plan that makes you feel good about it and maximize your chances of success) ;


  • Starting now to invest in a business of your own can be a good thing too. That's what I'm doing with my goal of buying a house: My primary focus is to get out of my student's debt but seeing I'm making progress toward my real objective on the side really keeps me afloat (I'm doing it by maxing my retirement investments - which can be used for buying your first house or start a new business - I've no idea if there's any such alternative in Germany). At the same time, you could be working on your skills and setting in the infrastructure (for example, an internet site to display your work, they're cheap.)


And don't feel crappy about your consumer debts, it's easy to think "my situation will improve and I'll be able to repay it later and I want to up my standards of living right now". I'd have gone for it once or twice too if I had a credit card during my studies...


I'd say making debt to buy a house has a different feeling, because you live in your house daily so you can see the benefits of it, you have the huge positive feeling of owning your own roof (so, there's something in your 'assets' column to make you feel that you're in the black numbers all in all) and you'd be paying rent anyway.


On the other side, student debt is also an investment and you can see it as such as long as your job is paying you enough for it. Now, that means that having a good paying job is tied with having made a good or a poor investment... that's a hard situation to live. I imagine renouncing your job could feel like getting out of the stock market when the value of your funds is low: it'd mean you'd have incurred a net loss by doing studies, both in terms of time spent and financially, since you're now carrying this debt that holds you back.


Fortunately, studies aren't only about standing and financial situations, they're like any other life experience: you get joys and scars that build yourself as a person. You make contact and learn to know other people. And you learn a lot about yourself, life and specific topics, getting an education. What you've done allowed you to become who you are now, and who you are now is the fundation of who you'll become. If you're ever going to be happy, in harmony with yourself and what you consider to be a great person then everything you've done and lived was a good investment that lead to your happiness.


And so, the question is: what will lead you to be (or stay) a great, happy person ? Staying in your job, taking a dip in the unknown or getting to plan and prepare this unknown one step at a time for when you'll be ready to take a plunge? Putting huge efforts on getting rid of your debt ASAP or using part of that money to start building a dream right now? Tanking through this situation and fight another day or getting yourself in beastmode right now to do battle even as you are already tanking?

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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Oh my.... this is SO me!


Congratulations!You Are: The Hustler

Based on your responses, your Earning Potential type is The Hustler. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean you’re destined to run the blackjack tables or be a pool shark. Keep reading to get to know more about your actual Earning Potential type.

Characteristics of The Hustler

As a lifelong learner and doer, you don’t need a quiz to tell you that you are constantly trying to improve. Whether in your personal or professional life, you are always trying to be the best and experience the best life has to offer. You are never complacent — you are firmly on the path of self-development.

You feel that life is a journey of learning

You constantly feel like there's more in life for you and you are always looking for opportunities to grow and learn something new. Even if you can settle for some periods of time, there will always be something else to chase — the next big thing for you.

As a Hustler, you…


Know there’s more to life and are always striving for the next challenge.


Are fiercely independent, but you know you can’t do it all yourself. You work best on a team of A-players.


Are a strong, caring person… But if someone breaks your trust, you are quick to move on.


Are creative, although not necessarily an artist - your creativity often shows up in more subtle and practical ways.

You find yourself often overflowed with ideas. There's no shortage of options and ideas for you and often the hard part is to pick the right one at the right moment. Frustration is not unknown to you as you often struggle to find the right resources to execute on all those great ideas.

You always end up getting there

You always find a way to go around whatever is in the way of your goals. You’re confident that even if you don’t have a direct answer to a problem, you know you’ll find the way to solve it.

As a Hustler you’re constantly looking for the smartest way to solve a problem with the minimum amount of time and energy invested. It’s common for you to have tens of tabs open in your browser. Watch out though, as often you find yourself stuck trying to find the “right” option.

All of these traits as a Hustler equipped with the right tools and systems, put you in a unique position to completely dictate your Earning Potential.



And I like him :D Totally my style!


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1 hour ago, Jean said:




I know the feeling. I'm always thinking about what great things I could do with my salary but noooo, because I've got debt to repay and that cuts significantly into what's available as savings. Plus, given the interest rates, debt repayment is on the 'good investments' side of the balance.


It all depends of what you want to do.



Thank you, have to think about this for some time :)

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Oh my freaking godness!

I just heard the calling, this is it: I want to be an Adventure Coach.


-> Q   What is an Adventure Coach?
A  An Adventure Coach helps people at various stages of life discuss and set goals and ways to achieve them. This is done while engaging in revitalizing outdoor activities. With an Adventure Coach, you’ll work on your life plan through personalized, adventurous experiences of self-discovery. These will help you redefine yourself from the inside out and shift your life in a positive way. Your Adventure Coach will help you harmonize your inner self and your daily life … all in the great outdoors!



Never have I EVER felt that good by reading a "job description".

That. Is. It.

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And now to work on it by adventure coaching yourself toward becoming an adventure coach. ^^


This sounds both great and something you can practice in the week-ends and/or with evening lessons and camps so, compatible with your current activity. So, perfect?

Also, +1 on guinea pig volunteering.


Glad you've found it, go for it. :)

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Legally bound to hug people in need.


Living life as a Druid is about walking with the beasts. It's about being scared, looking your fears in the eyes and going on anyway. Dread doesn't go away, you just learn to know it. It's still a beast, it still has fangs, but you walk among it.

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I will! If I have figured out the "how" :D

Already checked some websites of other adventure coachs.


So, what did I do yesterday? Really lazy sunday....

- Loaded the dishwasher

- Made the bed sheets

- Wrote journal

- Chatted with some friends, played some "Visage", went through the forum

- registered for Ramit Sethi and read/Watched the free stuff on his website, made some of his exercises

- watched a YT Video of Visage

- Read some study stuff

- read some chapters in a book

- cooked a great meal (will post photos later), ate

- read something on www.frugalisten.de

- checked some adventure coach websites, made a list which further education would be useful (e.g. Life Coach/Personal Coach)


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Finally caught up! 


First of all, I'm really happy for you that you found something that really resonates with you! That's a huuuuuuge first step. :) 

I'm in the same boat on so many levels (not so interesting job, don't know what I want to do next, used to enjoy creative pursuits but stopped for uni/software development so not enough skill, too many interests to focus etc etc) so I totally get you and know all too well how tricky it is to find something new. And also how much stress it causes to know that you're not in the right spot but don't know exactly how to be proactive and change it. So it's great that you found a track to head down on!


Sorry you're going through the stress and the somatic symptoms, that sounds awful. :( But do you think it's the job itself or that you're "stuck" in the current job? It sounds a little like you're stressing out more about the idea of having to work where you currently work with no way out, as opposed to the work itself. And like you're stressing more about the deadline, which is completely self imposed. 


On a side note, is it necessary for you to repay all your debts? I have huge debts as well (46000€ last time I checked :o) but it's all student loans so for me it doesn't make sense to repay it early as the interest rate is tied to the inflation rate, rather I invest the money and get much better returns for it. I hate the feeling of not being free from debt, but from a strict financial point of view I'll lose money by repaying it early. For me a better metric is net worth rather than absolute debt. Not sure if it's applicable in your situation (almost certainly not with consumer debt), but it's something to consider.


On 10/7/2018 at 1:18 AM, Jean said:

Anyway, I'd say you're holding too tight a ship. You don't seem to be letting yourself breathing room for being a human, failing and not having the world falling under because of it. Looks like you 'have' to feel good. You 'can't afford' to quit the battlefield and go for a resting shift, you just 'have' to hold on...



It's perfectly OK to not feel great all the time. It does NOT mean you're ungrateful for all the positive things in your life, it's simply your feelings. Which are valid and you should listen to them, but there's no need for them to dictate your actions.


On 10/7/2018 at 1:53 AM, Arkania said:

I would love to silence these physical problems until next year but I can't. It worked for some time now but I am no sure if it works until next year.

Your health is much more important than money! If you can find peace/acceptance in your current high paying job then that's probably a good temporary option, but it's not worth it if it in any way jeopardizes your health!


23 hours ago, Arkania said:

(I was always the kid that loved one day playing soccer the other day soccer was boring and drawing was super fun etc, I never really have sticked to something (except my business career sort of, but that is "something with future, a decent job. You are crazy to wanna be an artist! You can't earn money with that and... what will the people think??".....)

It me.


19 minutes ago, Arkania said:

I will! If I have figured out the "how" :D

Already checked some websites of other adventure coachs.


So, what did I do yesterday? Really lazy sunday....

- Loaded the dishwasher

- Made the bed sheets

- Wrote journal

- Chatted with some friends, played some "Visage", went through the forum

- registered for Ramit Sethi and read/Watched the free stuff on his website, made some of his exercises

- watched a YT Video of Visage

- Read some study stuff

- read some chapters in a book

- cooked a great meal (will post photos later), ate

- read something on www.frugalisten.de

- checked some adventure coach websites, made a list which further education would be useful (e.g. Life Coach/Personal Coach)


Hahaahaha you call that a lazy Sunday? :D 

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34 minutes ago, Tobbe said:


Not really! You accomplished a lot of stuff! You should be happy with what you did do. 


And thanks for the link to frugalisten. The article about the 300€ more expensive phone was really eye opening! You have any article to recommend?


Not yet, but if I spot one, I will forward you the link :)

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Regarding to some of my body issues, seomeone sent me a link today.


May be the hypermobile typ. I sent this to my mom (because genetics) and she said: naaaaa, maybe Fibromyalgia :S
That's not even better.....

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Journal 8/10

- got up at 4:45, 3min meditation, fed the cat

- made lunch, put clothes on, make up etc, went off to work at 6

- worked from 6-2, read somethingfrom Course 1 at lunchtime, had then to go home because boyfriend locked himself out, was there at 2.30, then had teammeeting via skype

- surfed the web

- went for a nap

- got up, did manicure/pedicure and again printed out the ad

- packed stuff and went bouldering at 7

- bouldering for 3hrs with friends, after that having dinner at a burger restaurant (got fries with guacamole, sour cream and tomatos and a small greek salad), then went home, friends came with us to stay overnight, went to bed at 12


Journal 9/10

- slept just 4hrs, really bad with a lot of crazy bad dreams

- was awake at 4.30, had a chat with bf, made me a coffee while he made some pasta. Fed the cat.

- again went to bed at ~6, "slept" for 30mins, then got up for work

- Unloaded and loaded the dishwasher again, made another coffee and some tea

- now work until... hm... maybe 3 or something? BF is asleep, one of the two friends is still here (also asleep), the other one went off to uni at 7.30


So I think I will have no time to go to the food bank today (have now 2 telcos), they are only opened from 8-10.

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Wow, your sleep schedule is really f*ed up! But I'm impressed with your bouldering. 3 hours! I know just how tired my muscles were after a single hour :D What's the deal with the ad for the shoes? Why is it a problem to just print it? (Why do you even have to print it?)


No actual burger at the restaurant? :o Nice to have friends visiting :) 

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1 hour ago, Tobbe said:

But I'm impressed with your bouldering. 3 hours! I know just how tired my muscles were after a single hour :D

When your technique improves and you know how to move your body more efficiently 3 hours is a pretty normal length session. There's a lot of resting/chatting involved in bouldering. :P 

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1 hour ago, Tobbe said:

Wow, your sleep schedule is really f*ed up! But I'm impressed with your bouldering. 3 hours! I know just how tired my muscles were after a single hour :D What's the deal with the ad for the shoes? Why is it a problem to just print it? (Why do you even have to print it?)


No actual burger at the restaurant? :o Nice to have friends visiting :) 


I was shocked too :D (Burger)

Normally, when it's just the bf and I we are bouldering for about 2hrs. But then just bouldering, the whole 2hrs. Short breaks, yes, but no chatting etc..

But since we were there with friends yesterday, there were a bit more chatting and chilling. And jumpin/flying/swinging through the parcour/NW area :D

(Oh btw, the new NW area is still not finished :S)


I want to sell some of my boulder shoes. And for that I created an ad (last week) that I can hang on the bulletin board in the bouldering hall.

I printed it (last week) but can't find it anymore, so I have to print it again. And I always forget :D

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Sleep schedule:
Because there is so much traffic here I have to get up early (and drive to work early) on days I am in the office. Otherwise it will take 60mins for ~20km instead of 30mins.

On the home office days, I can sleep in.

So I get up Mo/Th at 5 am. Also I can not sleep really good when there are a lot of noises or lights around me.

So, the friends (and bf) talked until 2am I guess and I could hear that. And we have "windows" above our room doors, so there is light coming through.


Most of the time (when no one is staying here over night) it is ok, I now can finally sleep 6-7hrs most of the time.

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30 minutes ago, Arkania said:

Because there is so much traffic here I have to get up early (and drive to work early) on days I am in the office. Otherwise it will take 60mins for ~20km instead of 30mins.

On the home office days, I can sleep in.

So I get up Mo/Th at 5 am. Also I can not sleep really good when there are a lot of noises or lights around me.


Working from home in the middle of the forest with no people, no light, no traffic does have its benefits :love_heart:

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